
There has been a lot of talk about dysfunction in our government and politics.  We have seen our government decline into chaos and can’t seem to get anything done.  Compromise has become a dirty word.  “Principle” has become a yelling point for conservatives.  All of the pundits talk about this dysfunction and blame it on intransigent politicians.

That is partly correct.  But, there is another word that needs to be brought up and it doesn’t just affect our politics.  It affects our businesses, our sports leagues, and our daily lives.  It is something lacking that is far more troubling to me than all of the other issues, simply because it is the root cause of all of the other issues.

That word is INTEGRITY!

Almost everyone I know already complains that politicians are liars.  They simply don’t believe anything a politician says.  If that is really the case, why would you cast a vote for them?  Why wouldn’t you at least cast a vote for someone in a smaller party as a protest to the liars you claim to be listening to?  No, people say that they believe politicians are lying to them, but they always seem to buy into what the lies are.

We have the Republican Candidates for President telling America it is in the worst shape it has been in since its founding.  They talk about a lousy economy, and blame the President for it all.  They fail to tell you that they are the party behind the 2008 economic collapse, and that the policies they are championing are the same ones that collapsed the economy in the first place.

Since that dreadful year, the economy has grown.  It has grown slowly, but it has grown.  More people are working.  Today’s unemployment is at 5.1% which is lower than it has been for over eight years!  Inflation has been mostly been kept under control.  And, more importantly, manufacturing jobs have seen its largest growth in almost 30 years.

Energy costs are down partly because of the “green energy” policies that are beginning to slowly wean us off fossil fuels.  As fossil fuel demand decreases because of increased use of “green energy” the cost of fossil fuels will continue to decrease.  It has gone down so much, Republicans in Congress want to break the law and allow American Oil Companies to sell American Produced Oil on the open market for higher profits.  We still import about 60% of our oil needs, yet the Republicans want to let American Oil Companies sell their products to other countries.

What ever happened to “American Energy Independence?”  I guess we will never see American Energy Independence as long as oil companies can make more money on the open market than they can keeping our oil in our country.  Hey, Sarah Palin, wouldn’t you call that “treasonous?”

Then we have the whole Planned Parenthood problem.  The group that released those videos that they claim to prove that Planned Parenthood is simply a “body part factory” said the videos were never edited.  Oops!  When you compare the raw video with what was put out, it becomes obvious that they lied!  They not only edited the tapes, they heavily edited the tapes.

Several states and Congress has launched an investigation into Planned Parenthood practices.  Nothing illegal or even wrong has been found.  Yet, people like Ted Cruz wants to defund Planned Parenthood to stop the government from funding “abortion factories.”

Problem is that no federal money can be used to perform an abortion.  Planned Parenthood does not use any of the money it gets from the government to provide abortion services.  It is used to provide breast cancer screening, pelvic cancer screening, STD prevention and treatment, birth control services, and a host of other medical practices for the poor women in our country.  They are usually the only place these women have to go for these treatments.

If these politicians were truly honest, they would also launch an investigation into the group that put out the videos.  They would be asking how they came to the determination of when to edit the videos.  Why they lied about editing the videos.   Where did they get their false credentials to even gain access to the Planned Parenthood facilities.

The other day, the gun nuts put out an advertisement that says America should be more like…. Switzerland when it comes to gun control.  I hope we do.  According to the add, Switzerland has the highest gun ownership in the world and the lowest crime rate.  That means, according to them, more guns means less crime.

Well, they leave out a whole lot of stuff.  Like the fact that since Switzerland does not have a standing army, they use a militia system.  In that system, every male in the country is conscripted.  They are taught proper use and safety of handling a firearm.  Then, the government gives them their weapon to maintain.

Only, the government doesn’t give them any ammunition for their weapons.  They have to go to an armory to get ammunition and only when it is absolutely necessary.  Additionally, every one of these weapons are registered with the government along with who is responsible for it.

They also ensure that no convicted felon or anyone with a history of mental illness is provided one of these weapons.  In other words, they have far more stringent gun control laws than we do.  So, maybe we should be more like Switzerland.  But, I don’t think the gun nuts really want that.

We are seeing bigots being hailed as “martyrs” because they break the law and won’t allow groups of people they don’t like the same civil rights as they get.  The Pope tells us it is our “moral obligation” to stop climate change.  Republicans tell the Pope to leave science to the scientists.  Yet, they are continuously claiming the scientists are wrong or part of some huge conspiracy to bring down capitalism.

We have politicians saying labor unions are evil, mostly because they demand a fair share of the company’s profits for the workers.  We are told that women shouldn’t get paid as much as men doing the same job.  We are told that a minimum wage will “kill jobs” when the evidence proves just the opposite.

What this all boils down to is integrity.  There are always two sides to every issue.  I believe that it is the responsibility of politicians to voice their opinions about these issues.  However, it is also their responsibility to give both sides of the issue and explain why their opinion is the correct one.

But that isn’t happening today.  Politicians are more interested in gaining headlines.  They want to use those infamous 20 second sound bites to define their beliefs.  That isn’t enough.  Ted Cruz want to shut down the government over the Planned Parenthood fiasco.  He won’t admit to the American People that the tapes were heavily edited and thus, suspect.

No, he hates anything to do with women’s rights and therefore he will target anything that helps women.  Planned Parenthood is a prime target for conservatives and has been for years.  So don’t hold your breath waiting for conservatives to be honest about the videos.

But, you also must take some responsibility on this issue as well.  You must stop listening to one side of the issue and agree or disagree with what is being said.  You have to start asking questions of your politicians.  You have to engage in the political process, or we will continue to see this dysfunction in our government.

Integrity is the one thing that can open our eyes to both sides of an issue.  It is the one thing that can help us determine who is the best choice at the voting place.  It is the one thing that a lot of politicians, especially conservatives don’t want you to demand.

Don’t just listen to your politicians.  Look at their actions and compare their words to their actions.  Look at what they said before running for this election.  Compare the differences and ask why they changed their minds.  I hate to say this, but conservatives want a dysfunctional government.  They want you to believe that all politicians are liars.

When people become frustrated with government and decide not to go to the polls, conservatives do better in the elections.  Conservatives know they are the minority party and they don’t want you to go to the polls.  They want you to stay home.

The last thing they want is an informed voting public.  They don’t want you to see both sides of the issue.  If you do, you may decide they are wrong.  It has been said many times in the past, but I really believe that the 2016 elections will have a very profound effect on our country’s ability to move forward.

If you don’t start demanding integrity from your politicians, this mess will continue.  If you don’t start demanding integrity from your politicians those “freedoms” you cherish will be in jeopardy.  We can have a better government.  We can have a better society.  We can have a better life.  But, we must demand integrity from those seeking to run our country before we get them.

It is really up to you!


Rick Perry dropped out of the race for President.  We will surely miss his debating skills as the campaign moves forward.  When he announced his withdrawal, he made a reference to Trump without actually naming him.  He basically said that conservatism in America is based on principles and not personalities.

He also went so far as to say the party needs to make things better for the American people and show us just how good it would be under a conservative president.  Of course, he doesn’t consider Trump a conservative at all.

So, let’s look and see what that utopia of conservatism in America would look like.  First, discrimination in the name of religion would be legal.  Abortion would be banned in all circumstances.  Your employer would be able to tell you what birth control, if any, you can have in your health plan.  Millions of undocumented immigrants, including their children born in the U.S. would be deported.  We would build a wall around the country so other immigrants would have trouble getting in.  To name a few wonderful items.

But, the Wisconsin Governor, Scott Walker, wants to go one step further in the name of “helping the American People.”  He wants to outlaw unions.  Today, he will announce his plan to basically eliminate those pesky, troublesome, unions who just absolutely hate companies and their profits.

At a town hall meeting in Las Vegas, Walker will propose eliminating unions for employees of the federal government, making all workplaces right-to-work unless individual states vote otherwise, scrapping the federal agency that oversees unfair labor practices and making it more difficult for unions to organize.

“This will not be easy,” Walker said in a statement to The Associated Press. “Many — including the union bosses and the politicians they puppet — have long benefited from Washington rules that put the needs of special interests before needs of middle-class families.”

I bet all of you working people in America didn’t know you weren’t “working people” you are a “special interest group.”  That said, what is the purpose behind Walker’s anti-union stance.  Or, should I say behind his union hating stance?

The purpose of unions is to help organize labor at factories, government offices, and lots of other workplaces.  They help negotiate wages, worker conditions, benefits, pensions, and generally help protect workers from exploitation by their employers.

Yes, there have been corruption in certain unions.  But here has been corruption in corporations, and even, gasp, government.  So any attempt to link past corruption by some union bosses to making unions illegal is stupid.  No, Walker isn’t talking about that.

In addition, Walker’s plan also calls for prohibiting automatic withdrawal of union dues to be used for political purposes and forbidding union organizers to access employees’ personal information, such as their phone numbers.

What about corporations using their money for political purposes without the full approval of their shareholders.  All of the money that corporations donate to political campaigns do not need the approval of the shareholders.  As a matter of fact, unions are forced to have an “opt out” option for their members to say they don’t want their dues to be used politically.  There is no such law for shareholders to “opt out.”

This union hating thing is all about making sure that corporations will “own your soul” like they did before 1935 when the National Labor Act was passed.  Before then, corporations did own your soul.  They owned the “company store” in their “towns” and set the prices.  They decided how much to pay you.  If you were a miner for example, they even charged you for the use of your pick axe or explosives that you needed to do your job.  They didn’t provide the material, you had to pay for it.

That is the life Walker wants you to return to.  He doesn’t believe we need a minimum wage.  He said so.  He believes that only the corporations know what to pay you for your work.  He doesn’t believe in the social safety nets.  He doesn’t believe in safe work places.

What he really doesn’t believe in is you, the poor working class people, having a voice in politics.  He doesn’t believe that you are smart enough to pick who should run the country.  And, don’t think his anti-union, anti-working class position isn’t being fueled by people like the Koch Brothers, who are his biggest contributors.

Under his plan, you will hot be allowed to unionize at work.  If you are injured, it will take months if not years, if ever, before you are properly compensated.  Workplace safety will become something of the past.

As he unveils his “plan” today, remember that Rick Perry says they need to show us what life under a “conservative” would be like.  This is what  life under a conservative would look like.  We will all be singing the refrain from the old folk song:  “St. Peter don’t you call me because I can’t go.  I owe my soul to the company store.”  Some life to look forward to having.

I hate to say this, but the Republican Party today is very similar to the Democrat Party in 1972.  Many people today don’t remember the turmoil inside the Democratic Party in 1972.  But, it was really a mess.  There was a fight waging between the very liberal wing of the party and the more established wing of the party.  It really began in 1968, but when Bobby Kennedy was assassinated, the established wing won and Hubert Humphrey won the nomination.

The battle had just started, and it boiled over in 1972.  That year, there were huge fights at the convention as to which delegates would be allowed in.  The establishment didn’t want the liberal wing to have the majority.  But, even with the mess, George McGovern, a liberal won the nomination.

As it turned out, McGovern lost in a record landslide in favor of Richard Nixon’s reelection.  The party had to regroup and reconsider where it stood on major issues.  As usual, the center of the party won out and in 1976, Jimmy Carter became President.  Now, Carter wasn’t the best President we ever had, but he was also far from the worst.

The Republican Party bounced back in 1980 with Ronald Reagan.  But, the Democratic Party had regained its composure and began to fight back.  They won in 1992 with Bill Clinton.  Things have kind of see-sawed since 1980.  But, the landslide win in 2008 by Barak Obama, and his huge reelection win in 2012 made the Republican Party hunker down and figure out what they were doing wrong.  In other words, they were in the same mess the Democrats were in back in 1972.

The difference is that the Democrats figured out a way to reunite.  They found a way to become more popular with the American People than they had been.  The Republicans still haven’t figured that out yet.  In 2012 they decided to publish their “autopsy” of the failed election.  One key item that arose was “we need to be more inclusive of women and minorities,”

That sounded very good.  Except, in the meantime, the fringe element from the right-wing came to power.  They believe that compromise is the equivalent of a four-letter word.  As a result, we have seen dysfunction in government we have never seen before.

On top of that, the main candidates for the Republican nomination to run in 2016 can be called anything but “inclusive” of women and minorities.  I haven’t heard so much talk about a “wall” since the East Germans built their wall around their country.  If you think that a “wall” is the answer to our southern border immigration issues, remember, thousands of people were able to “escape” from East Berlin into West Berlin after the wall was built.

But, the biggest problem facing the Republican Party today is that they cannot even agree among themselves.  Just look at the mess faced over the budget.  The Federal Government runs out of money on October 1, 2015, as it always does, without a new budget in place.  Since Republicans control both houses of Congress, you would think that a budget would be easy-peezy.  Nope.  Not going to happen.

The ultra-conservative wing doesn’t want to have any federal money go to Planned Parenthood because some wacko group heavily edited, in other words lied, videos that they say prove Planned Parenthood “sells fetus parts for profit.”  That is all nonsense.  There have been no less than 12 state investigations into the matter.  Guess what, none of these investigations have revealed anything wrong or illegal in Planned Parenthood’s actions.

But, that doesn’t mean anything to these ultra-conservatives.  They see Planned Parenthood as a threat to their way of life.  You know, the way of life where they get to tell women how they should live, how they should have sex, and how many children they should have.  Planned Parenthood has helped millions of women with either breast cancer screening, pelvic cancer screening, treatment of STDs, providing birth control to women who couldn’t afford it otherwise, and a host of other medical treatments.

Only 3% of Planned Parenthood activities involve performing legal abortions.  And, none of the federal money it receives is used in providing those abortions.  That would be breaking the law.  See, the law says that no federal money can be used to provide abortions.  Planned Parenthood, who is audited regularly does not use any federal money for abortions.

Yet, Planned Parenthood is a woman’s advocacy group in the eyes of these ultra-conservatives.  Therefore, they must be shut down.  So, in order to ensure that Planned Parenthood doesn’t get any more money from the government, Ted Cruz and his cronies are fully prepared to shut down the government.  That will really show those women!

They tried this same fiasco over the Affordable Care Act just a year ago.  It failed then, and this one will fail again.  The more mainstream Republicans in Congress see this as a very bad idea and do not want the government to shut down over this ridiculous fight.  Yet, I am betting that the wackos will win again, even if for just a short time, and the government will be shut down, again.

Since 2010 when the Tea Party candidates won a substantial number of House seats, we have seen this childish game played over-and-over.  Anytime there is a disagreement over policy, the wackos head to some sleazy restaurant in Washington and cry in their beers over the policies they don’t like.  Then, after getting their “pep talk” from creatures like Cruz, they head back to the House and throw a hissy fit.

John Boehner, probably the worst Speaker of the House in our history, usually gives in and does something stupid himself just to appease the crybabies.  He calls that responsible leadership.  This has led to our wonderful group of candidates on the Republican side.

I cannot believe I would ever say anything like this.  But, it is important for it to be said.  How is it possible that the only candidate on the Republican side who can articulate one clear thought is Donald Trump?  I haven’t heard one thought from him that is even remotely good, but he at least can put out that thought properly.

The Republican Party, at least to me, is in an even worse situation than the Democratic Party was after the 1972 defeat.  At least, the Democrats were able to unite and get their act together again.  The Republicans are still fighting amongst themselves.  That is not just bad for the party, it is also bad for the nation.  Because as they continuously fight inside their caucus, nothing is being done.  We simply lurch from one man-made crisis to another.

The ultra-right wing of the party, who in my opinion is calling the shots, don’t believe in “inclusion.”  They don’t believe in “compromise” for the betterment of the nation.  They believe that they lost the last two elections, big time, because the party wasn’t “conservative enough.”

They go home and attend their “town hall meetings” filled with tens of people who think just like them, and think they have the answers.  Yet, the general population is far more centric than they want to believe.  This is not a conservative nor a liberal country.  The vast majority of people are in the middle.  The right and left both think that is crazy, but all you have to do is look at election results to see that is true.

Yes, ultra-conservatives have been able to gerrymander voting districts to ensure their “survivability,”  but their candidates always seem to lose in “general” elections that include more than their gerrymandered districts.  That is because the country is centric.

Like everyone else, I do not want the government to tell me how to live my life.  I do not want the government to tell me what is best for me.  But, in reality, it is the Republican Party, not the Democrats, that are the most outspoken about how I live my life.  It is the Republican Party that wants to invade our bedrooms, our lives, our children’s lives, and our social structure.

They are the ones who want to tell people what is good and what is bad.  They want to “dictate” proper behavior.  They want to be the ones who can say who is and who isn’t a “good American.”  The Party of Small Government sure has a lot of things stuffed in their platform that tells the American people what they should do in their personal lives.

I don’t know what is going to happen in the upcoming primaries or the general election.  But, I can tell you that I am not comfortable with any of the candidates that the Republicans are putting forth.  I am not comfortable with the government shutting down over a “political” target.

In fact, I am not comfortable with anything the Republicans have put forth either domestically or internationally yet.  They seem to be against anything that will help the American people, and yet willing to go to war with anyone at anytime just because they “don’t like” those bastards.

That is not how a party should govern.  That is not how a party should get elected.  Unless you like the idea of a dictatorship rather than a democracy.  I will take all of the faults inherit in a democracy any time.  I prefer a government that is not perfect to one that is all-controlling.

Take a close look at the Republican Platform and you will see that they are the Party that wants to control your lives.  Then look at their dysfunction in trying to govern, and I think you will find they don’t deserve your vote.  Take a look at one of their heroes saying “bombing Iran is an act of peace not an act of war.”  Then you may realize what is in store if they actually gain the White House.

Most people think the Republican Party is in trouble.  I think that we as a nation are in trouble because of the Republican Party.  You have to make up your own mind.

We have been living under the anchor of Reaganomics since 1981.  When Reagan ran for President in 1980, he promised to lower taxes, deregulate businesses, and make all homes flow with cash.  He coined his economic plan as the “trickle-down effect.”

In his plan, if you cut the taxes for the wealthy enough, they would reinvest that money and create all kinds of new jobs.  He theorized that if government regulations were stripped away from the financial market, stocks would soar and everyone would be lapping up the profits.

Some people also called this “supply-side economics.”  That theory went that if companies made products, people would be more than willing to purchase them.  Thus, they would spend more money and create thousands of new jobs.  But, a funny thing happened on the way to prosperity.  It didn’t work!

Under Reagan’s administration, we suffered through the worst recession since the great depression.  At least at the time.  Since Reagan cut taxes, government revenue declined.  Since he cut regulations, financial institutions began entering markets they were not equipped to properly enter.

This resulted in many complaints about “predator lending” which later led to the 2008 economic collapse.  Plus, since revenues to the government declined, the budget deficit exploded.  The government was still on the hook for everything that had already passed congress.  But, since revenues were not coming in as much, more borrowing was needed just to pay the bills.

Reagan also promised to “shrink big government.”  Again, that failed.  Under Reagan, the government payroll grew at record levels.  Rather than shrinking big government, under Reagan, it got even bigger.  The experiment of “trickle-down economics” and “supply-side economics” failed miserably.

Yet, the Republicans haven’t come up with any thing different.  They still want you to believe that you are better off today than before Reagan took office.  But, the numbers do not add up.

In 1973, if you made $4.03 per hour, you had as much spending power as you do if you make $22.41 today.  Look at those numbers.  You have to make $18 per hour more than you had to in 1973 just to have the same spending power.  How is that making your life easier?

As it turns out, everything you want to purchase today costs tremendously more than it did in 1973.  Yet if you worked since 1973, your pay increase over that time has been about 5.7 percent.  That means your pay increased only 5.7 percent since 1973!

On the other hand, since 1978, CEO pay has risen 937 percent.  You know, I would settle for just half of that.  Yet, when the average worker complains about income inequality, he is told it is all his fault.  He should just stop complaining and put in more hours.

When unions and other workers want to raise the minimum wage, who is at the forefront to stop it?  The Republican Party.  They claim that raising the minimum wage will “kill jobs.”  That lie has been used for over 40 years by the Republicans.  Yet, if you look back in time, you will discover that when the minimum wage is raised, the economy grows.

It isn’t solely because the minimum wage was raised.  It is because once the minimum wage is increased, everyone’s wage increases.  When those making more than the minimum wage complain about not getting a raise, companies raise their salaries as well just to keep them working for them.  If they don’t some other company will offer more just to raid their competitors best employees.

As a result, more people have more money to spend.  Demand goes up and more jobs are created to keep up with the demand.  That is what capitalism is supposed to be about.  Yet, the Republicans have set up a “share-holder” economy.  The only goal is to make more money for the share-holders.  That means worker pay must be restricted.

The second plot is taxes.  You are constantly hearing about how the tax code needs to be reformed.  That is something I agree with.  However, every single plan put forth by Republicans actually cuts taxes for the wealthy and increased taxes for the rest of us.

Even Jeb Bush’s tax plan that he unveiled the other day rewards the rich, and sticks it to the poor and working class.  The one tax exemption or “loophole” that the average person can take advantage of is the Mortgage Interest Deduction.  Yet, every Republican plan wants to eliminate that deduction.  In Bush’s plan your deduction would be limited to 2 percent.  I know my interest rate is higher than that, so I will have to pay more money.

The other great part of his plan is the elimination of the Estate Tax.  Republicans call that the “death tax.”  The Estate Tax already has a limit of $1 million that is tax exempt.  The only people who will benefit from the elimination of the Estate Tax are the wealthy.

One of the major reasons the Estate Tax was instituted was because we did not want to create an “old family” system like in England and other parts of the world.  The Republicans are always telling us to “pull ourselves up by our bootstraps” and make more money.  Yet, they want their children to inherit everything they already own, even though they didn’t earn it.

See, we common folks must earn everything we have.  The wealthy can just pass it on.  According to the “old family” system, children don’t have to earn their wealth.  They get it by a simple act of accidental birth.  We already live in a society where 1 percent of the population owns as much wealth as 90 percent of the rest of us.  The Republicans want that disparity to grow.

There are a whole lot of other “social” issues that the Republicans hate as well.  But, we will hold off on that for another time.  The simple fact is that the Republican Party was always the party of business.  Today, that has morphed into it being the party of the 1 percent.

You ask how can they keep getting away with it?  The simple answer is fear.  The Republican stranglehold is in areas where people long for a better life.  They want to be able to purchase the same items their fathers did.  They even would like to go back to a time when a single earner could actually support a family.

They know that is not possible today.  So, they listen to their Republican Leaders tell them that is isn’t “your fault” it is the fault of liberals, blacks, lazy people who don’t want to work, immigrants, and women.  They tell them that they, and their wealthy patrons will “take care of you” just so long as you vote for us.

But, I am hopeful that the tide is turning against them.  The rise of Donald Trump is all about fear and anger.  Trump keeps rising in the polls because the people supporting him are angry.  As a line in a movie once said:  “I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore!”

Trump hit the scene with his bombastic, insulting language and these poor people have fallen for it “hook-line-and-sinker.”  At some point, I think the luster of Trump will rub off.  The thing is it may not rub off until the General Election.  Trump might actually win the Republican Nomination.

If that happens, we will have a simple choice.  We can choose continued democracy, or we can choose fascism.  In any case the campaign would be something to watch.  And, if the establishment wing of the Republican Party fears such an outcome, they no one to blame but themselves.

They started the “fear card” over 40 years ago.  They have not run a single election since Richard Nixon where they didn’t blame at least some of those “others” for all of the problems we face.  It has been the most favorite theme of the party, except the failed Reaganomics model.

In the last 75 years or so, the economy has grown more under a Democratic President than under a Republican President.  That is not my opinion, that is simple fact.  The worst economic collapses have occurred under Republican Presidents.  The Great Depression happened under Hoover.  The second worst recession since then happened under Reagan.  The worst recession since the Great Depression happened under Bush.

Yet, the Republicans have nothing new to offer the American People.  They are following the very definition of insanity.  Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over-and-over and expecting different results.  That is exactly what the Republican Party is telling us to do, again!

The emergency or Ronald Reagan in 1980 helped to solidify the Conservative Christian Cult.  He was very quick to invoke God in his speeches.  He was just as eager to inform the cult that his plans of cutting taxes, especially to the wealthy, would allow them to reap the benefits of a tremendous economy.

The unfortunate side was that his plan reduced revenue, resulted in what was then the worst recession since the Great Depression, and a tax increase on everyone except the wealthy.  Yet the Cult stuck with Reagan because of his religious overtones in everything he did.

They especially liked his anti-abortion stance, and his refusal to provide the proper research money to help fight AIDS.  The Cult considered AIDS a “gay disease.”  They weren’t interested in finding a cure.  As a matter of fact, they were almost thrilled that gays were dying from this horrendous disease.

That is until the disease spread beyond the gay community.  Once it hit mainstream people, the Cult was screaming for more research money to find a cure.  Even still, Reagan was hesitant and did not provide the money needed to properly fund research.  He finally gave some money, but not nearly enough.

But his stance against abortion and against gays kept him endeared to the religious right.  He was their savior.  He was the one person who was going to allow them to discriminate against those “others.”  Those “others” included immigrants, blacks, Muslims, homosexuals, and women.

Things remained somewhat constant through the Presidency of George H. W. Bush.  The social issues were a side-bar to the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq.  This Bush showed his political savvy and put together a huge coalition against Iraq.  Countries from all around the world joined up.  The war when it started didn’t last very long.

However, this Bush is still criticized because he didn’t march all the way to Bagdad.  He is still criticized because his goal was to throw Iraq out of Kuwait and restore its government.  Once that was accomplished, the war was over.  He had no intention of a regime change in Iraq.

Bill Clinton defeated Bush in 1992 mainly because we were going through another recession.  And, Bush broke his campaign promise not to raise taxes.  That made him a pariah in his own party.  This is when the Conservative Christian Cult began to flex its muscles.

In the mid-term elections, Republicans swept to power in Congress on the “Contract with America.”  And, of course, the Republicans found someone they could possibly kick around in Clinton.  That whole Monica Lewinski fiasco was just what the Cult was looking to get.

Once that scandal broke, the House immediately started impeachment process against Clinton.  As it turned out it was a total waste of tax payer money, but they had something they could fight Clinton with.  The problem was that under the Clinton Administration, the economy got better.  And, we actually had a balanced budget.  So it was hard to convince the American people to throw the bum out.

Then, in 2000 George W. Bush ran for President.  He claimed to be a “compassionate conservative.”  He didn’t talk as much about the “welfare queen” as Reagan did.  He didn’t talk about those “illegals” like Reagan did.  He wanted to be seen as compassionate towards all people.

The unfortunate side to this race was that there were voting problems in Florida, imagine that.  For the first time we heard the term “hanging chad.”  It all came down to whomever won Florida that year would be President.  This race even went to the Supreme Court.

Eventually, Al Gore, Bush’s opponent suddenly stopped the challenges.  Bush was elected President.  I often wonder just how different the country would have been if Gore had stood his ground and won that election.  But, that is water under the bridge.

Nine months after Bush took office, we saw the worst terrorist attack on American soil.  The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, and the Pentagon were struck by passenger airplanes in a terrorist attack.  Another plane intended to hit the White House was stopped by passengers onboard.  Unfortunately, that plane crashed in a field and everyone on board was killed.

In all over 3,000 people lost their lives in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.  It was quickly determined that Al Qaeda was responsible for the attacks.  Bin Laden sitting in Afghanistan was the mastermind behind the attack.  Everyone agreed something had to be done.

The first target was getting into Afghanistan and getting Bin Laden.  And, while we were there, we might as well get rid of the Taliban who ruled the country at the time, and allowed Bin Laden safe refuge.  It wasn’t long before we had special forces in Afghanistan looking for Bin Laden and helping anti-Taliban overthrow the government.  Things seemed to be going pretty well.

But then, Bush decided that he would finish off Iraq because his father didn’t.  As it turned out, the information he fed the American people was false.  He swore he had proof that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.  He and his warmongering Vice President, Dick Cheney, claimed that we would be welcomed as “liberators” by the Iraqi people and there would be nothing to do after the war.

Both his proof, which didn’t exist, and his “liberator” theme were wrong.  We wound up in a conflict in both countries that lasted over 10 years, and cost the lives of thousands of people on both sides of the conflict.  This also opened the door for radical Muslims to claim that the west was waging war on Islam.  Something they are still claiming today to help recruitment.

However, here at home we started seeing things take place that should have warned us that our liberties were being stripped one-by-one.  The first was the Patriot Act.  The hideous side to this bill was it allowed the NSA to basically spy in American Citizens.

It created “no fly” lists that you didn’t know if you were on or not.  Thousands of innocent people found their names on this list.  The government said it was a mistake in identity, but that didn’t make it easier for those who shouldn’t be on the list in the first place.

We started seeing NSA spy on our emails.  Spy on our cellular calls.  The list goes on.  All of this was done in the name of catching those filthy Radical Muslim Terrorists.  Even Mosques in our own country were under surveillance.  Since they were Muslim, they must be doing something un-American inside.  Though is seemed to be okay to “bug a Mosque” it was definitely not okay to “bug a church.”

Attacks against Muslims increased.  According to the Cult, Muslims wanted to eradicate Christians, so we must eradicate them first.  People complained about how they dressed.  People complained about how they looked.  People just complained against them in every way possible.

This went on through the entire Bush Presidency.  And of course, anyone who spoke out about these injustices were labeled by conservatives and especially Fox News as anti-American.  The phrase “support our troops” sprung up.  Only that phrase didn’t mean what everyone said it did.

Instead of “supporting our troops” by joining up and/or making sure the wounded returning home were properly treated for their suffering and sacrifice, it was just words you uttered to prove you supported the wars.  We are still hearing hallow platitudes from conservatives who still want to cut the Veteran Administration’s budget.  Hallow platitudes like “support our troops” and “thank you for your service.”

But, the Cult really went nuts when Barak Obama was elected President.  Barak Obama had the audacity to be black, and still win the Presidency.  Not only did he win, he won in a landslide.  Talk about upsetting the status quo.  The first attacks came over his citizenship.  Many wackos like Donald Trump questioned his birth certificate that said he was born in Hawaii.

They claimed he was really born in Kenya, and that made him ineligible to be President.  If you first think about that, that is a wonderful trick.  Back in 1961, his family was so certain that he would be something so special that he might actually be President one day, that they conspired to have his birth certificate faked.  Now, that is pre-planning.

The second attack, especially loved by the Conservative Christian Cult was that he really wasn’t a Christian.  He was “a closet Muslim.”  Since in their minds all Muslims were terrorists, he must be a terrorist bent on destroying America the Beautiful.  This followed with a stream of vile accusations about the “Muslim Brotherhood” holding key positions in his administration.

Along with how he will appease the Muslims because he hated Christians.  How he was going to implement “Sharia Law” and usurp the Constitution.  In reality, this had nothing to do with his religion.  It had to do with the idea that a black man was actually the President of what was supposed to be a White America.

In 2010 the Tea Party became known.  The Tea Party, which supposedly stands for “Taxed Enough Already” doesn’t have a whole lot to do with taxes.  It is more about getting rid of Obama.  It is more about the Conservative Christian Cult agenda.

That is why today you keep hearing about “religious liberty.”  According to these so-called ardent Christians, it is within their religious beliefs to discriminate against anyone they so choose, as long as they utter the words it “goes against my Religious Beliefs.”

Of course, those “religious beliefs” include deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants.  Outlawing abortion.  Outlawing contraception practices.  Outlawing same-sex marriage.  Cutting social safety nets like food stamps, WIC, welfare and Medicaid.  If people go hungry or die because they don’t have enough to eat or health insurance, it is their fault.  Besides, God must be punishing them for being lazy.

Furthermore, even in places where same-sex marriage is legal, which is everywhere now, they can refuse to serve same-sex couples at bakeries, florists, reception halls, or any other business because it is their “religious belief” that same-sex marriage is a sin.

Now, they are claiming that if you break your oath of office and fail to do your job, you are a martyr for the cause.  We have seen that play out in Kentucky with Kim Davis.  She refuses to do her job of issuing marriage licenses because she has a “religious belief” against same-sex marriage.

Forget about the fact that she took an oath of office that says she must obey the law.  She claims “God’s law takes precedence.”  Of course people like Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee are on her side.  They all seem to forget that civil law, according to the constitution they claim to love, does not necessarily include God’s law.

On top of that, there are Christian Churches willing to perform religious ceremonies for same-sex couples.  Which means that all sects of Christianity do not agree with the concept that homosexuality is a sin.  It means that many Christians believe in equality.  It means that these wackos are making it up as they go along.

In their hate for Planned Parenthood, they were willing to doctor videos only to show what they wanted you to see.  They edited them so badly, you can’t tell which part of the interview the answer is supposed to belong.  What is the outcome of all of this deception?  People like Cruz wants to shut down the government if Planned Parenthood isn’t defunded.

None of the conservatives are calling for an investigation into the group that created these fake videos.  There have been plenty of investigations into Planned Parenthood by several states to no avail.  None of these investigations has uncovered one case of Planned Parenthood doing anything illegal or wrong.

But to the Cult, they are a viable target because they perform abortions.  That goes against what the Cult wants.  As a result, this issue won’t fade very fast.

I have always felt that the Conservative Christian Cult is anything but Christian.  I also believe that they really don’t believe in god or any law that the ancient texts say are his.  I believe the cult members are the antithesis of what Christianity is supposed to be all about.

Some people I know say these folks in the Cult are really Satanists.  I won’t go there.  As a matter of fact, I find that to be offensive to the Church of Satan, whose members seem far more inclusive of others than these cult members.  No, I would compare them more to the Nazis and their made up religion.

The Cult is only interested in dictating their rantings on the rest of society.  If they were truly interested in “religious liberty” they would stop interfering with other people’s religious beliefs.  All Christians don’t hold to the theory that “life begins at conception.”  They believe life begins when the fetus is viable.

Therefore, if a woman wants an abortion before the fetus reaches the viable stage, it is her right to have an abortion.  Furthermore, denying her the right to an abortion is also denying her her “religious liberty” because she is not allowed to practice her faith as she believes.  If Christians who are homosexual decide to get married, and you deny them that right, you are also denying them their “religious liberty” because their religious beliefs do not include homosexuality as a sin.

No, in reality the “religious liberty” claim that these cult members are all crying about is really code for discrimination.  Their howling is all about controlling other people’s lives.  It is in a word fascism.  That is why I consider their belief system more in line with the Nazis.  They are willing to create a new form of Christianity in order to justify their fascist state.

A lot of people believe they are trying to establish a theocracy.  I don’t.  A theocracy needs a credible theocratic philosophy to follow.  Their theocratic philosophy doesn’t exist.  It is simply fascism in another dress.  That is what makes them so dangerous.  They are trying to make their fascist state seem like a religious state.  They are no more religious than are the members of ISIS.

That is why they don’t complain about abortion clinic arson.  Or about abortion clinic bombings.  Or about abortion doctors being murdered.  They only complain when one of their own, a law-breaker, gets jailed for breaking the law.  They call her a martyr.

Beware of people who “pick and choose” which phrases of the bible they quote.  If you look a little closer, you will find that they are either misquoting the bible, or they are deliberately taking it out of context.  No, they don’t give a shit about the quote they are giving.  They only care about tricking you into believing they are genuine.

If you fall for it, you will wake up one day and they will be in charge.  The fascist state they really want will become a reality.  And, everyone not part of their Cult will be the losers.

Now that I have talked about religion in general, let’s look at what happened in our own country.  You will notice that it is mostly about Christianity.  The only reason for this is because the vast majority of Americans who are religious claim that they are Christians.

As you may recall from grade school history, the first settlers came to America in order to escape what they called religious persecution.  These “pilgrims” as they became to be known were also called Puritans.  Puritans were a sect of the Church of England.  They fought against what they claimed was the over Catholic influence in the Church of England.  They wanted to exclude all vestiges of Catholicism from the Church of England.  They were fought against by the Church of England leaders and thus considered themselves to be persecuted.

They wanted to set up their version of utopia in America.  They wanted to ensure that their version of religion was what was practiced here.  That led to very strict rules in everyday life.  Also, according to the times, it also led to things like the Salem Witch Trials.

As most religious people of the time, they believed that the devil was very real and trying to convert people to Satan’s ways.  Therefore, when things happened wrong, it must be that the devil caused the problem.  Since the devil needed people to help him, it was common to believe in witches and other satanic followers.

The witch trials were not unique to America.  They were very rampant all across Western Europe as well.  It is this ‘evil in the world” that led to the belief in witches, werewolves, vampires, and zombies.  These creatures were all pawns of the devil intending to destroy normal people in the devil’s name.

The Puritans were so emphatic in their beliefs, that Christmas wasn’t even celebrated in the parts of America where they controlled everyday life.  They considered the celebration of Christmas as too pagan, and besides only Easter was the real religious celebration.  It wasn’t until other cultures came to America that Christmas began being celebrated here.

As time went by, America became more secular.  Different sects of Christianity came to America and the Puritans began to lose their control over government, except in New England.  To the Puritans, the worst part came with Catholics coming to Maryland, which began its existence as a Catholic Colony.  The Quakers took over Pennsylvania, and other sects began controlling other colonies.

Slavery was also a “religiously defended” institution.  Blacks were considered inferior to whites, and the bible seems to say it is okay to own slaves.  Therefore, what became known as the “peculiar institution” spread across the southern colonies.  Cheap labor made the cotton plantations profitable for its owners.

At the time our country was founded, in the 1700s, every country on the planet had an “official religion.”  When we won our independence from England, it was obvious to our Founding Fathers, who belonged to a variety of religions that an “official religion” was out of the question.

When the Bill of Rights was introduced, the First Amendment ensured a separation of church and state.  They didn’t want to fall into the same trap that Europe had fallen into.  The trap where “religious leaders” had more power than the civil leaders.  In order to ensure “freedom” it was important to ensure that “freedom” included your religious beliefs.

On top of that, many of our Founding Fathers like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Ben Franklin were not really part of any church.  This was the time of enlightenment.  Many of our Founding Fathers considered themselves as Deists.  This was a belief in God, but not necessarily to any one particular “religion.”  The last thing these Deists wanted was an “official religion” for their country.

That is the major reason we enjoy freedom of religion today.  When people today want to name “Christianity” as the “official religion” of America, you must ask which sect of Christianity do they mean?  There are so many different versions of Christianity that simply saying Christianity isn’t good enough.  We have Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, Calvin, Apostolic, Mormon, Evangelical and a host of other “Christian” religions.

Each sect of Christianity has different beliefs and different rules.  That is why it is important to understand which sect of Christianity these fanatics are talking about as being our “official religion.”  Of course before that can happen, we need a Constitutional Amendment allowing the state to name an official religion since the First Amendment does not allow for that.

Throughout our history, religion has led to some good things, and some bad things.  Many of the anti-slavery people quoted religion as grounds to end slavery.  They considered it an abomination in the face of God.  Of course slave holders quoted the same religious texts to justify its continuation.  Religious fever led to Prohibition.  All Prohibition gave us was bootleggers and organized crime.

Without prohibition, the Mafia would not have been able to monopolize liquor sales and importation, and thus would not have gained such a stranglehold in our society.  It was religious fervor that let to prohibition and thus our organized crime problem.

You will hear many people today stating that the words “under God” in our pledge of allegiance is sacred.  They have been part of our pledge of allegiance forever.  Yet, those words were not included in our pledge of allegiance until the 1950s during the “big red scare.”  We added those words to help differentiate us from our enemies the Communists.

The Communists were atheists, so we wanted to prove that “God was on our side” by adding those words.  A joke of the time said that the Communists were planning on our destruction seven days a week.  While we spend the seventh day in church praying that they didn’t come up with something.

They will also tell you that “In God We Trust” has been a motto on our money forever.  Unfortunately, those words weren’t added to the money until the 1920s.  So, these two “sacred” phrases that religious people want you to believe have been around since the country was founded, are actually 20th century additions.

Religion has played a part in discrimination for generations.  Even in the 20th century, religion paved the way to discriminate against minorities.  It was even used to discriminate against Catholics.  When I was growing up, there was a phrase that was widely accepted.  It was WASP.  It stood for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.

The gist of this phrase was if you weren’t a WASP, you were allowed to be discriminated against.  The first candidate to run for President who was Catholic was Al Smith.  There wasn’t a whole lot of hoopla over his candidacy because he was running against FDR and had no chance of winning.

The religious right was always against women in the workplace.  During World War II, it was necessary for women to join the workforce.  There simply weren’t enough men to man the assembly lines for our war material.  Women took those places on the line.  When the war ended, there was a horrible fear that women would rather stay at work than go back home “where they belonged.”

The religious right has always believed that women are inferior to men.  They based their assumption on the story of Adam and Eve.  It was all Eve’s fault that mankind lost the right to be in the Garden of Eden.  If Eve hadn’t “forced” Adam to eat that damn apple, we would never have gotten thrown out in the first place.  So, women were not as good a men.  In fact, women were basically evil intent on bringing mankind down.

As a result of this stupidity, those women who stayed in the workplace received less pay than their male counterparts.  We began to see some jobs migrate to women only positions.  There was a time, for example, when men were bank tellers.  However, banks learned that they could pay women less and started hiring more women into the position.

It was perfectly okay to pay women less money because they were supposed to get married to a real “bread-winner” so they didn’t need to earn as much.  It was at this time we started seeing more and more women enter the workplace, all at lower wages.  But, unions were gaining strength at the time, so income inequality was kept down.

It was during this time that the economics clearly stated that workers deserved a share of the profits as well as management.  As profits grew, wages grew as well.  That helped fuel the economy and it grew tremendously through the 1950s.  All of this time, religion kept a “back seat” in politics.

Then in 1960, John Kennedy ran for President.  He was Catholic.  That put the WASPS on edge, to say the least.  The hoopla over his candidacy was so outrageous that he actually had to go on TV to give a speech about how his religion would not affect his political decisions.  Protestants didn’t want the Pope to have any say in how things went in this country.  One of the major battle cries against Kennedy was “a vote for Kennedy was a vote for the Pope.”

Kennedy won the election, and things started to heat up.  He started talking like the Jim Crow laws were un-American.  He started talking like all Americans deserved the same Civil Rights as everyone else, including blacks.  The attacks on blacks in the south began to escalate.  Not only of blacks, but of the “Freedom Riders” who went to the south to help blacks gain their right to vote and other civil rights.

The southern states became a battle ground.  The KKK with the blessings of their “Christian Ministers” waged this war with vigor.  The number of black churches burned increased.  Killings increased.  The violence against blacks was really out-of-control.  We even saw George Wallace give his infamous “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever” speech.  The right-wing churches were all in agreement and were willing to preach the same thing from their pulpits.

With everything that happened during the 1960s, sometime in the 1970s, the Evangelical movement began.  Many so-called Christians felt that the current crop of churches did not follow the scriptures strictly enough.  We started hearing phrases like non-denominational churches.  Even at the time, I felt that the Evangelical movement was simply a return to Puritanism.  It was also a continuation of some Christian backlash against integration.  The 1960s upset the status quo, and that was terrifying to these right-wing conservative whites.

This status quo upset came out of not only the Civil Rights Bill, but the Roe v. Wade decision from the Supreme Court that made abortion legal.  There was also a huge backlash over the birth control pill.  These new Puritans felt that both opened the door to free sex.  The cultural revolution of the Hippies in the 1960s was used to prove their point.  A favorite saying of the Hippies was “turn on and drop out.”

The biggest backlash didn’t just come from southern states.  It also came from right-wing religious figures.  There were thousands of “Christian Ministers” who were also members of the KKK.  They were against Civil Rights for anyone who wasn’t white.  They still believed in “white supremacy.”  Additionally, the televangelist began springing up all around.  They all preached the “pure” teachings of the bible.  They preached status quo.  They preached puritanical principles.  Of course they also preached to “send in your checks so we can continue the good work.”

It was after the Civil Rights bill that the KKK began to lose some of its strength.  But, others were more than willing to fill the gap.  The American Nazi Party stepped into the void.  The Aryan Nation began to sprout up.  And the Militia movement began in earnest.  All of these groups wrapped themselves in religion to justify their hate and bigotry.  Unfortunately, too many of the same Christian Ministers joined their ranks as well.

In 1968, Richard Nixon ran for President.  He came up with his “southern strategy.”  The “southern strategy” was to get southern bigots and evangelicals to support the Republican Party.  After Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights bill, Southern Democrats, known as “Dixiecrats” started to change parties because the last thing they wanted was integration.

Nixon realized that the south was prime territory where he could make up ground on the democrats.  And, since the south is also known traditionally as the “Bible Belt” it was convenient for him to appease the religious fanatics as well.  Especially since religious fanatics at the time did not want integration either.  That is why he came up with his “silent majority” to define these bigots.

Nixon beat Hubert Humphrey that year.  Although Nixon turned out to be a pretty good President when it came to foreign policy, he was terrible in all other aspects of the job.  He gave us “détente” and was the first President to visit China.  Yet, he was also responsible for getting the IRS involved in “revenge” audits of his political enemies.  Finally, he gave us Watergate.  It was Watergate that forced him to resign.  The only President forced out of office for his crimes.

The country went through a kind of malaise after Watergate.  In 1976, Jimmy Carter was elected President.  The oddity of the Carter years was that his drunken brother got more ink than the President did.  Until he got the Camp David Peace Accord between Egypt and Israel.

Unfortunately for Carter, another fanatical group of a different religion deposed the Shah of Iran.  Their radical leader took over the country.  Later, radicals attacked the U.S. Embassy in Iran, and took our employees there hostage.  That was the first real salvo in the war between U.S. Christianity and Middle East Islam.

In 1980, Ronald Reagan took advantage of this salvo.  He openly courted the Evangelical votes.  He was able to sway them with his “religious belief” talk.  His “traditional marriage” talk.  And his demonization of the poor and of Islam.  When you combined all of these things together, he was able to persuade the religious right that he was their savior.  He would make sure that their pockets would flow with cash and life would be magical.

It was during his Presidency that greed crept more-and-more into the American Lexicon.  Greed became synonymous with having “god’s blessings.”  When I was young, religious people told you to count your blessings.  Beginning with Reagan, religious people started saying they were rich because God was rewarding them for their faithfulness.

Evangelical Christianity became the pathway to wealth.  If you did not obtain that wealth, you simply weren’t religious enough.  Another down side was that since God was rewarding these people, it was perfectly okay to trample down unions.  It was perfectly okay to keep worker’s pay down.  It was okay to discard the poor and tell them it was their fault they were poor.

It suddenly became religiously fashionable to discriminate against everyone who wasn’t just as religious and/or wealthy as you.  Suddenly, the rich became God’s Chosen People.  Christianity which once was a religion of charity and inclusiveness, suddenly became a religion of greed and discrimination.  It suddenly became a religion of open hate and bigotry.

As a line in a movie of the times once said, “he who has the most when he dies, wins!”  Somehow, the words of Jesus, which Christianity is supposed to be based on were forgotten.  Remember, Jesus said “it is harder for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle”  Those words were reversed.  It was now much easier for rich to enter paradise.  After all, their cheating of customers, their wage theft from workers, their rewarding themselves with massive “golden parachutes” creating their wealth, was all perfectly fine because it was all a gift from God.

It was during these days that the current crop of Republicans and Tea Party members got their beginning.  They learned from a very early age that wealth was all that mattered.  They learned from a very early age that you can blame those “others” for all of the problems.  They learned from a very early age that wealth was a sign from God that you can do no wrong.

That is why there is so much divisiveness today.  That is why there is so much polarization today.  The religious right has finally gotten their saviors.  The Republican Party of today has fallen for the old Puritanical vision of the 1600s.  If you are not a member of their sect, you have no rights.

They even try to make you believe that was the purpose of the Founding Fathers.  That is why they try to claim that the Constitution was based on “Christian laws.”  It is all bullshit.  It is all made-up to justify their desire to rule.  It has led us to candidates like Donald Trump, Scott Walker, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, and of course Ted Cruz.

It has been a long journey before religion could get its hold on American Politics.  Now that they have it, they are not about to let go easily.  Tomorrow we will look at how this all morphed into today’s politics.

We have seen a real divide between the people of the earth more-and-more today.  That divide, in my opinion, is based more on religion, or at least people’s definition of religion, than anything else.  I don’t believe you will find any of my writings putting down people’s beliefs in religion or a god.  You will find writings that criticize the lies that people will use when they wish to use their “religion” as justification for discrimination.

I really don’t care what you believe about religion.  It really doesn’t matter if you believe in god or not.  It doesn’t matter if you are a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Pagan, Satanist, or Atheist.  What you believe is your business.  It becomes my business when you try to force your beliefs on me and the rest of society.

When politicians use religion to justify discrimination against any group of people, that is simply wrong.  They must be called out for it.  When corporations try to use “religious beliefs” to justify not providing a livable wage or proper health insurance, that is wrong.

With politicians today screaming about “religion” and “religious beliefs” I am going to take a stab at explaining my views of religion and how it has created so much divide among us.  I am going to try to show how religion hurts society.  How some people who claim to be “true believers” are really anti-religion.  Instead of following the religion they claim to be part of, they simply make things up to justify their prejudiced view of the world.

Since this effort will take some lengthy writing, I decided to write it in parts.  I know that may of you will totally disagree with what I say.  I also know that many will try to point out “historical facts” that I may get wrong.  But, please remember, this is simply my view of how religion hurts us more than it helps us.  I am fallible, and I am sure I will make what you consider mistakes.  But here goes:

From the very first time humans crawled down from the trees, we have searched for the so-called “meaning of life.”  At some point we became the very first creatures on the planet that fully understands that we have a beginning and an end.  We realized that death was inevitable.

This led our ancestors to ponder just why we were alive in the first place.  It made them ponder if there was anything else besides our simple existence.  Was life simply an accident, or was there some supreme being that had a “master plan” for us?  Because everyone wants to believe that there is something else to life, immortality was the dream of our ancestors.

But, since immortality was not possible in life, there must be an after-life where our existence continued.  Thus, giving us the belief of immortality even if it was in a different existence.  As a result, our ancestors invented religion to add meaning to our lives.

If we followed certain rules probably put down by some great being who created the whole life thing, then we could overcome death and continue living in some kind of paradise.  It all made perfect sense.  Life on earth was not the only place where life existed.  Life was continuous.  We would keep our identities and our existence would go on forever.

Over the millennia, that religious belief morphed and grew into what we have today.  Each civilization fashioned their belief system to best fit their lives and culture.  Over time, each new civilization took parts of religion from past civilizations and re-created it to fit their lives and culture.

Our ancestors went from one “origin” story to another.  Yet, most of them have similar themes behind them.  At first there were many gods that needed to be worshiped.  That eventually led to fewer deities until we wound up with just one.  The first historical case of a mono-god was in Egypt.  The father of King Tut tried to eliminate all of the gods except his favorite.  That experiment didn’t go well, and even King Tut restored the rest of the gods when he came to power.

The other aspect of these religions was that each civilization considered themselves the “true believers” and/or the “chosen people” of the god/gods.  Even the Romans believed that they were able to carve out their empire because the gods favored them over everyone else.

The Jews consider themselves the “chosen” people of their god.  Christians and Muslims are an outgrowth of that religion, so naturally, they consider themselves the “chosen” people of the one god.  That makes for an interesting discussion if we cared to take part in it.

We have three religions, all with the same background and basically the same belief system that all claim to be the “true believers” and the “chosen” people.  That only proves just how much religion can divide us rather than be inclusive.  All believe we are children of the same god, yet all believe the others are going to hell because they don’t believe exactly the same.

Every person who lives has asked the same question.  What is the meaning of life?  I know I did, and I don’t know anyone who hasn’t.  That is why I don’t criticize people for believing or not believing in religion.

But, I feel it only fair that we do criticize people who use their religion as a basis for hate, bigotry, prejudice, and worse, politics.  Yes, I said politics.  That is what is going on in this country right now.  But, we also need to look at what “religion” really is.  Yes, religion is considered by most people of a belief system in a supreme being.  That some all-powerful being created this mess we call the universe, and guides it.

But, if we look at history, we will soon realize that is only one definition of religion.  Religion can also be used as a tool to exploit other people.  It can be used as a tool to justify our “superiority” over other races.  It can be used as a tool to make sure we gain power and are able to dictate the behavior of others.  It can be used as a tool to decide who has the right to live or die.

Even the so-called sacred books of the three Abrahamic Religions talks openly about genocide.  Just look at the story of the fall of Jericho.  In that fable, God told the Israelites to put to the sword all living creatures including women and children.  That is the perfect definition of genocide.  Yet, that story has been shown as a “righteous” story and the genocide practiced in it is okay since “god” told the Israelites to commit the act.

One also has to ask, what is the true “sacred book?”  The Jews have the Torah.  Christians have the Bible, which is a combination of parts of the Torah and the New Testament.  The Muslims have the Koran.  All three books contain parts from the others.  Yet, all three religions claim their book is the true “sacred book.”

Rather than these texts bringing these religions together, they have created a huge divide over the centuries.  Christians have had a long history of hating the Jews because they won’t declare Jesus as their savior.  Christians hate Muslims because they consider them as fanatical warmongers hell-bent on eliminating Christianity.  Muslims hate both Christians and Jews because they claim Mohammad was the true prophet and the others won’t follow his stringent words.  Jews simply believe they are the only ones who are right since they are the “chosen” people of god.  Therefore they can hate everyone else who disagrees.

I realize that “hate” is a harsh word to describe the relationship between these three groups.  But, there really isn’t any other word to describe that relationship.  If it wasn’t for that hate, would we really have so much antagonism between the three groups?  Would we be so willing to kill each other as often as we seem to want to?  No, we might have some serious discussions, but we wouldn’t be killing each other.

These three religions are not alone.  All of the religions that exist today suffer from the same “chosen” people syndrome that these three do.  It has always been a constant amazement to me, how we can have religious beliefs and claim to all be the children of the same god, yet hate each other so much.  Shouldn’t that simple belief of being the children of the same god bring us closer together, rather than divide us?

When you add politics to the mix, you get even worse conditions.  Many people look at the Nazis as being a radical Christian Cult that absolutely hated the Jews.  They are incorrect in that belief.  The Nazis were not a radical Christian Cult, they simply used Christian hatred towards the Jews to help get them to power.

Rather, the Nazis made up their own religion.  Their religion was based more on paganism than it was on any Christian beliefs.  Their made-up religion contained all of the same terrible hate that other religions contained.  They were the “supreme race” on the planet.  They alone had the power to determine who had the right to live, and who should die.

They considered the Jews as the “natural enemy” of mankind.  They considered the Slavs as an “inferior” race that should be eliminated so the rest of the “Supreme Race” had room to expand, and to ensure the Supreme Race’s blood wasn’t contaminated.

Religion has been used to declare our “superiority” over other races as well.  Blacks have been considered inferior to whites.  American Natives were considered “inferior” to white settlers.  We have seen racism in all forms in all parts of the world.  And, that racism has been based on religious beliefs that say we are the “chosen” people.  All based on selective religious beliefs.

If you look at history rationally, you will discover that even Leninism, Stalinism, and Maoism were “made-up” religions as well.  Mao said “religion was the opium of the masses.”  But, he also understood that religion was a key factor in people’s beliefs.  So, he like the other “communists” created their own religion.

In their religion, the state was the Supreme Being.  Everything came from the state.  That gave the state absolute control over everyone’s lives.  The state was the only entity that held life and death decisions.  The state decided who was “worthy” of comforts and who wasn’t.  Everyone was to bow down to the state and thank it for their existence.

These “leaders” are not alone.  Religion has been used to help determine who should lead a country.  The real definition of monarchy is “entitled” birth.  A person becomes a king simply because he was “born” into a royal family.  Religion tells us that this person must be king because “god anointed him” by his birth.  That concept is true regardless of what religion you believe in.

That is what makes democracy so dangerous to religion.  The leaders in a democracy are not “anointed” by god, they are chosen by people.  That scares religious people, because they fear that god’s influence is not as great as it should be in normal life of the state.  They fear inclusion.  They fear tolerance of other people’s religious beliefs.  They fear their god will be unhappy and unleash “ruin” upon the nation.  Additionally, since the leader was not “anointed” by god, how can you claim “moral righteousness” in all of your actions?

It has been said that the real purpose of religion is to give comfort to the people.  It has become a “crutch” that people lean on in bad times.  It comforts us when we lose a relation or friend.  We often hear comments like “they are with Jesus now.”  It is supposed to give us hope of that immortality we all seek.

However, religion has also morphed into something a lot more terrible than that.  Every time something like an earthquake or tornado or other natural disaster strikes, you will hear those who claim that they happened because “god is punishing us.”

It is these natural disasters that helped to foster religion into the belief system it has become.  It was an easy reason for why bad things happen in the world.  Our ancestors didn’t understand natural disasters, so they had to be caused by the gods as punishment for something we did wrong.  That belief system helped religion grow, and help ensure the power of high priests and monarchs.

As I have written before, the phrase “it’s God’s will” is a convenient excuse for anything bad that happens to us.  It means that nothing is really anyone’s fault.  After all, if it is God’s will, we really didn’t have any control over the situation.  Therefore, we are blameless.

Part II tomorrow.



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