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Laurie Silvers & Mitchell Rubenstein Distinguished Professor of Law

Bow-tie wearer

University of Miami School of Law

Rm. G-382
+1 (305) 284-4285

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Fall 2015
  • Torts (1L) (4 cr.) Mon, Tue, Wed & Thurs 11:15-12:15, Room F402

    Course Description
    Torts is a basic and required first year course. It provides an introduction to the law of civil wrongs punishable by private lawsuits ordinarily leading to money damages. More importantly, it provides an introduction to the case-reading and common-law-reasoning skills needed to flourish in law school and law practice.

  • Elements (1L) (3 cr.) Mon & Wed 3:30-5:20, Room F109

    Elements is a course in which we try to teach you a series of skills and modes of thought that will help you in your career as a law student and lawyer. I am team-teaching this section with Prof. Fran Hill and Prof. Robert Rosen.

My teaching for Spring 2016 isn’t set yet. Here is what I taught last year:

Spring 2015
  • Administrative Law (4 cr.) Times TBA, Room TBA
    Course Description
    Most laws that Congress passes require implementation. For a very wide variety of areas the instrument of that implementation is a federal agency. As a result, in the United States a multitude of governmental agencies exercise authority over the economy, and over the lives of every American. These agencies have the power to make legally binding rules (aka “regulations” or “red tape”), to issue valuable permits and licenses, to levy fines, and to adjudicate. Indeed, one agency, the Social Security Administration, decides more cases every year than all the state and federal courts combined.

    This is a course about laws and rules that bind federal agencies, and thus about the extent to which federal agencies can make rules and decisions that bind us. It surveys the means by which people (and their lawyers) can challenge or influence administrative exercises of authority in the face of often broad or ambiguous delegations of authority from Congress and in particular how and when agency decisions are subject to judicial review. Always lurking is the question of how we reconcile our dependence on an unelected, expert bureaucracy with our commitments to a government that is democratically accountable and legitimate.

    Administrative Law is vitally important for anyone contemplating a practice that might involve federal regulations in any way. It is particularly valuable for students who are considering a practice involving highly regulated areas such as: Communications, Disability, Energy, Environment, Family and Child Services, Financial Markets, Immigration, Labor, Housing, or Land Use, but it is also relevant to almost every other area of practice.

    Grading will be based on class participation and a an 8-hour take-home final exam.

  • Internet Law (3 cr.) Mon & Wed 2-3:20, Room A110A

    Course Description
    This course provides an introduction to the regulation of the Internet. No prior technical background beyond the ability to read web pages, download .pdf files, and to receive and send email is required. Topics to be covered will likely include: how the Internet works, jurisdiction over online activities, and regulation of: online speech, privacy, access to computers, libel, trademarks and domain names, and copyright. We will also discuss non-governmental (private) regulation and one or more of the latest exciting developments. Grading will be based on class participation, participation in online activities associated with the class (such as the class blog), and a final exam.

Contact me if you wish me to supervise a paper. I will gladly see you by appointment.

Past Teaching
  • Law & Games Seminar (MMPORGs, not “gaming”)
  • Intellectual Property in the Digital Era Seminar
  • Internet Governance Seminar

I have some  unofficial advice about course selection in law school and some idiosyncratic writing tips. I’ve also got a half-written FAQ for people thinking about law school.


Privacy & Cryptography E-Commerce Other
Internet Governance & Governance
Administrative Law

Privacy & Cryptography

Internet Governance & Governance Generally


Administrative Law

Blogging, Online Games, and Other Fun Stuff

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