San Francisco State Occupied


SAN FRANCISCO – the business building at San Francisco State University has been occupied at approximately 5 to 6am, Wednesday, December 9th. (see their site: occupySFSU)

By redefining and reclaiming these spaces, we expose the true violent nature of our society. After escalated police violence on the UC campuses in Los Angeles and Berkeley, student occupiers rightly proclaimed that “behind every fee increase, a line of riot police.” In this structure, the Business Building of San Francisco State University, usually occupied by financial advisors for war-profiteering companies, there is no business as usual. Outside, the invisible hand of the market is holding a gun, revealing itself to us with a badge emblazoned “UPD”. The act of occupation is violent because it is a threat; we are not those who wield weapons, we are not those who possess the means to subordinate people to not just physical violence, but the psychological violence that disempowers us to believe that we do not have the power to resist and fight back.

occupy SFSU, read more

livestream is down now. Text Updates below:
(Updates from sources on the ground. Latest update: 4:00am dec.10)

8:50am: occupation of the business building is still going. About 30-40 students inside the building, and another 50 outside. The response from students seem to be positive as students are just arriving for classes.

early wednesday morning. sign reads "no business as usual"

SFSU occupiers

10:20am: the building is still occupied. Approximately 80 students are on the outside in support. Apparently little contact between the people inside and the people outside.

SFSU business building locked down

10:40am: No major police presence yet. So far only 2 police officers are present.

1:50pm: No real news to report. According to the occupySFSU twitter feed, they released copies of their demands from the rooftop, but we have been unable to find a digital copy of the demands. The building is still locked down and supporters are still present outside.

9:07pm: The building is still locked down. There are about 20 students at each entrance with linked arms (4 entrances). A dance party has begun at once of the entrances.

1:00am: The building is still locked down. About 80 students are still present, many of them still dancing.

~4:00am: police break into the business building and arrest individuals inside. Some students outside linking arms were also arrested. Other supporters followed the arrested individuals onto the street, 19th avenue. 19th avenue is blocked off for an hour by the police/students. Eventually the police (in riot gear) leave the street allowing vehicles to approach the students sitting in. The police announce that the arrested individuals are only going to be cited/ticketed then released, but can only do so once supporters vacate the street. The protesters leave the street and some march over to a parking lot where the arrested individuals are being held. The last student is released around 6am.

more photos from indybay.

11 Responses to “San Francisco State Occupied”

  1. Building Takeover at San Francisco State « Student Activism Says:

    [...] at about five o’clock this morning, barricading themselves in. The student activist website Occupy California says that there are more than thirty students inside the building, with another fifty supporters [...]

  2. San Francisco State Occupied! « The New School Reoccupied Says:

    [...] 9, 2009 SAN FRANCISCO – a business building at SFSU has been occupied ~6am Wednesday [...]

  3. Justin Says:

    I was just wanted to ask who I can contact for more information on occupying colleges and the generally spark behind these occupations.

  4. a Says:

    this is how you do it:

    this is why you do it:

    this is what its for:

  5. m Says:

    The demands:

  6. a comrade Says:

    demands available here:

  7. Friends Says:

    Let us know if you guys need anything. Rock on!

  8. San Francisco State | Uncivil Procedure: Says:

    [...] State occupation. [...]

  9. Emmanuel Goldstein Says:

    Coverage of the SFSU occupaion from Socialist Worker

  10. Petition Says:

  11. Paul Chernoff Says:

    You folks don’t even have a clue about slogans.

    Not “Occupy California”. “Liberate California!”

    “Freeler Hall”. What 4 year old came up with that?
    I like “Annie Hall”.

    Repeal Proposition 13 if you really want to accomplish something.
    Prop 13 murdered California’s education system.

    By the way, the Free University has been around for years
    in Britain. You could look it up.

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