Monday, February 15, 2010

Antifa Stop Nazi March in Dresden

Thousands of people gathered in Dresden to block for the first time an annual neo-Nazi march commemorating the Allied bombing of the German city during World War II.

Some 6,400 neo-Nazis gathered outside the Neustadt railway station to mark the anniversary of the devastating bombing raids, and were to have staged a "funeral march" after listening to a series of speeches, but around 12,000 counter-protestors blocked the rally.

"We have for the first time succeeded in preventing the biggest neo-Nazi march in Europe," said Lena Roth of the "Dresden without Nazis" alliance of politicians, artists and unionists.

Police, who deployed nearly 5,700 men, said late Saturday that clashes broke out on several occasions resulting in "at least 27 injured, including 15 policemen" as stones and bottles were thrown.

Entre 10.000 y 12.000 antifascistas bloquearon el sábado varias calles y avenidas y evitaron que se realice el tradicional desfile neonazi en la ciudad de Dresde, Alemania del Este. Mas info con fotos y video

Tamara's Current Situation (spain)/ Alfredo and Christos Denied Bail (greece)

February 15 will mark two months since our friend and comrade Tamara was abducted by the state.

Currently, Brians I prison administration has ordered the limitation of her visitation rights and phone calls.Her mail is being monitored, and they only give it to her when they feel like it.

An appeal for her provisional liberty has been denied.Right now, we are awaiting new motions by her defense, which could lead to changes in the judicial process.

We know that information about her case has been hard to come by, but prison and the law know nothing of life, of time.

Letters from Tamara (via This is our Job)

From the other side of the wall: Letter #1 from Tamara

From the other side of the wall: Letter #2 from Tamara
The two anarchist comrades, Alfredo Maria Bonanno and Christos Stratigopoulos, accused of being involved in a bank robbery in Trikala, Greece have had their bail refused.
Read More

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Riot 2010! A Heart Attack in Vancouver!/Disturbio 2010! Un infarto para Vancouver!

February 13th saw an escalation in anti olympic activity in Vancouver. An action called Heart Attack wound through the streets of Vancouver attacking symbols of capitalism and businesses that support the Olympic games. Fights broke out as police attacked the crowd, violently arresting seven. The march intending to block the highway leading to Whistler, where the games are being held, was stopped but not before releasing its rage on the city center.
No Olympics on Stolen Land!

Read a first hand reportback from SF's Friendly Fire Collective (beware of moments of pretty weak analysis)

En el 13 de Febrero, las acciones anti olímpicas se escalaron dramáticamente en Vancouver, Canadá. La acción denominada como Ataque al Corazón (heart attack) se abria paso por las calles de Vancouver atacando símbolos capitalistas como bancos y negocios que patrocinan los juegos olímpicos. Surgieron algunas grescas cuando la policía atacó a lxs que participaban en las acciones, arrestando violentamente a siete personas. La marcha intentaba bloquear la vía que lleva a Whistler, donde los juegos olímpicos estan tomando lugar, la marcha fué detenida antes de llegar a su destino pero no sin antes haber desahogado su furia en el centro de la ciudad.
No a las Olimpiadas en las tierras robadas a los indios americanos!

Para leer un reporte en inglés first hand reportback del colectivo de San Francisco Friendly Fire

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sabotage 2010, No Olympics on Stolen Land...

Over a thousand people took to the streets on Friday the 12th blocking the olympic torch run as it made its way to the opening ceremonies in Vancouver. Clashes with police broke out briefly, a police spokesperson said that one cop was hospitalized. More action is expected tomorrow.
A brief look at the horror that the Olympics have brought in the past.

Video from today:

No 2010 Website

Monday, February 08, 2010

Free the Belgrade 6!

On Saturday, Sept. 4, five* political activists were arrested in Belgrade on trumped up charges. The five, Tadej Kurepa, Ivan Vulović, Sanja Dojkić, Ratibor Trivunac and Nikola Mitrovic, are activists in or associates of the Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative, the Serbian section of the International Workers’ Association (IWA). (* The sixth person sought by police, Ivan Savic, was also arrested some days later.)

The arrests are allegedly related to a direct action which took place at the Greek Embassy on Aug. 25. Negligible damage was done; a crack in one window, a tiny burn mark on the facade and a circled A graffiti on the embassy as a act of symbolic solidarity with Thodoros Iliopoulos. are to be tried for international terrorism. They 6 have now been charged with "International Terrorism" and face 15 years in prison. In the near future, this means they will remain incommunicado in jail for at least several months.

They are accused of being the authors of graffiti painted on the Greek embassy last 25th August, and of having thrown a petrol bomb which only damaged a window. The fact that the comrades deny that they had anything to do with these events clearly does not worry the Serbian State in its obsession to find someone guilty. Indeed, from Paris to Belgrade, the international police are all very much alike… They must have had the same instructors…

Read More and Support the Belgrade 6!

Solidarity is a Weapon, use it!


El 4 de septiembre de 2009 el Tribunal local de Belgrado decidía que los miembros de la ASI detenidos serían retenidos durante 30 días. Entre los encarcelados se encuentran Ratibor Trivunac (Secretario General de la AIT)), Tadej Kurepa, Ivan Vulović, Sanja Đokić, Ivan Savić y Nikola Mitrović. Nuestros compañeros están acusados de un acto de terrorismo internacional.

La Confederación de Sindicatos "Iniciativa Anarco-sindicalista" se enteró a través de los medios de comunicación del ataque a la embajada griega y de la organización que lo asumió.

Lee Todo y Apoya lxs 6 de Belgrado!

mas por la Haine

Friday, February 05, 2010

Barricades on Insurgentes, Mexico City

Barricades and confrontations in Solidarity with prisoners, in Mexico City:

(from Liberacion Total)

" 'The great are great only because we are on our knees. Let us rise!'

-Max Stirner

In the early morning of Tuesday, February 2nd, a cell in solidarity with the call for Anti Prison Agitation, moved into the streets to set fire to dumpsters along Insurgenetes Avenue of the Federal District [a major thoroughfare of Mexico City], to show our anger and rage against the centers of annihilation called prisons, and to call for their destruction. The action caused minor chaos with the traffic stopped for a few minutes until the Police came, and because of our great anger we responded to them causing injuries to our enemies, which caused one of them to open fire to disperse us. After this we left to not end up in jail or put ourselves at further risk. Regardless it is clear that this will not be the first nor the last time that this shall pass and each day we will try to overthrow every one of our enemies until we succeed in achieving our long sought freedom.

We understand that the problem is not delincuency, rebelliousness, or disobedience, but rather the entire system which involves the hypocrisy of power and the contemptible existence of a tangible inequality. We understand who are our enemies and we act in solidarity with all of those whom from the trenches try to overthrow them with whatever means they find necessary.

We have declared war, we won't stop until we have destroyed all that attempts to kill humanity.

We extend a greeting to all whom have decided to begin the battle and who have begun to light up the night in different ways. We act in solidarity with all political prisoners and also with those who have been victims of this miserable system.

For the total destruction of the prisons, for the total destruction of the system.

-Nameless Individuals"


Barricadas y enfrentamientos en solidaridad con lxs presxs, México

(por liberacion total)

“Los grandes son grandes porque estamos de rodillas, levantémonos!”
Max Stirner

"En la madrugada del martes 2 de febrero, una célula en solidaridad con la Jornada de Agitación Anticarcelaria, salimos a incendiar unos contenedores sobre la Avenida Insurgentes del Distrito Federal, como muestra de nuestro enojo y rabia contra los centros de aniquilación llamados cárceles y por la destrucción de las mismas. Se causó un pequeño caos vial y la circulación se detuvo por algunos minutos hasta que miembros de la Policía llegaron, y al ser grande nuestro enojo, respondimos ante ello causando heridas a nuestros enemigos, lo que hizo que uno de ellos disparara para disolvernos. Al suceder esto, nos retiramos para no ser encarceladxs o expuestxs. Sin embargo, nos es claro que no será la primera ni la última vez que suceda y que cada día intentaremos derrocar a cada uno de nuestros enemigos hasta lograr nuestra anhelada libertad.

Entendemos que el problema no es la delincuencia, la rebeldía o la desobediencia, sino todo el sistema que entraña la hipocresía del poder y la existencia ruin de una desigualdad palpable. Tenemos claro quiénes son nuestros enemigos y nos solidarizamos con todxs aquellxs que desde sus trincheras intentan derrocarlos por los medios que les sean pertinentes. Hemos declarado una guerra y ésta no cesará hasta destruir todo lo que atenta contra la humanidad.

Extendemos saludos a todxs los que han decidido comenzar la batalla y han comenzado a iluminar la noche de diversas maneras. Nos solidarizamos con lxs presxs políticxs y también con los que han sido víctimas de este sistema miserable.

Por la destrucción total de las prisiones, por la destrucción total del sistema.

Individuos sin nombre"

Friday, January 15, 2010

Mexico: "the insurrectionist counter attack"

After years of repression in Mexico, 2010 seems like it is set to become the year of the counter offensive. Bombings and arson have taken place across central Mexico by anarchist groups.

A new year's day communique from an anarchist group in Tijuana claimed responsibility for the machine gunning of police cars, the stick ups of various OXXO stores (a 7/11 type chain) as well as the killing of a police officer who attempted to intervene in a stickup. There has also apparently been a reemergence of the Marxist-Leninist and indigenous armed struggle groups mainly in the poorer states of Mexico. What more will 2010 bring?

Read a good article by John Ross on recent events in Mexico.

A translation of the New Years Communique from Tijuana:

Black Christmas: We unleashed all of our rage in these dates of consumerism and Christianity in Direct Solidarity with all of our comrades kidnapped by the Mexican State in the entire world.

Comrades: During the first hours of this new year, we machine gunned three police vehicles of the Tijuana Municipal Police as well as one private police car, in different parts of the city. During the attack there were no "victims reported", our intention was not to kill the cops but to demonstrate that we are still active and in solidarity with our comrades.

We did this as a gesture of solidarity with the international hunger strike of anarchist prisoners called for by Gabriel Pombo Da Silva... from the 20th of December until January 1st, as well our attack is in solidarity with our comrades Abrahán López, Fermín Gómez, Emmanuel Hernández Hernández y Víctor Herrera Govea [currently in jail in Mexico for alleged bombings and attacks attributed to anarchist, earth and animal liberation cells].

We will also continue our expropriations from OXXO stores. This capitalist business took part in accusations against our comrade Víctor Herrera. Including yesterday we have carried out seven successful expropriations. We have ended the year well, which permits us to have the necessary means to continue attacking the State and capital. Unfortunately during one expropriation a cop who attempted to defend the interests of the State and capital died. It was him or us. Sadly, two robbers, without ideological motives, were captured during a hold up at one of the branches of the same business, the police are trying to blame them for our actions. We write this to clarify that the only "crime" these individuals were involved in was the robbery where they were arrested.

Comrades: The best way to show solidarity with our imprisoned comrades is to constantly attack the State and capital, therefore we call on all affinity groups, collectives and anarchist individuals to join the insurrectionist counter attack, we invite you to give an answer to the death that the State and capitalism force upon us, from Tijuana to Tierra del Fuego.

All capitalist businesses are our objective: banks, stock exchange, currency exchanges, insurance companies, department stores, OXXO, Super 7, Seven Eleven, Supermarkets.
All government installations are our objective as well: cop cars, cops, police vans, soldiers, marines, etc. All of the headquarters of all of the political parties, and Unions. All churches of all denominations. All authority and its representatives are our enemy. Insurrectionist and anti authoritarian fire to all authority!

-Multiply the Affinity Groups!

-Lets Blow Up the Present!

-We shall continue the Direct Actions in solidarity with anarchist prisoners, supporting the international hunger strike.

-We will not permit them to put out the insurrectionist fire!

-Free all Prisoners!

-For the Destruction of the State and capital!

PS: Brother Gabriel thank you for you words! You are not alone! Another Anonymous Anarchist Action Tijuana, Baja California.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Do the riot thing! - support the Fittja 10 (sweden)

(from ABC-Orkan)

Do the riot thing! - support the Fittja 10 (sweden)

During the last year, riots and arsons have spread through urban areas in Sweden. Youth in poorer communities have started fires and attacked firefighters and cops on arrival. The unrest is clearly linked to a discontent with the situation they face; the segregated cities, the poor living conditions in their areas, the discrimination they face in mainstream society. Wherever they go they carry their areas? reputation with them.
But the answer politicians come up with is always the same ? heavy policing and maybe, maybe some social programs to keep youth busy and off the streets.
In Fittja, an underprivileged community in the outskirts of Stockholm, unrest and riots broke out and went on for some nights after a police intervention at a youth center on Sunday 25th October.

The Tuesday after, one person was arrested and the following day riot police raided the apartment the person shares with others in Fittja, arresting another nine people. The following weekend they were all detained, charged with preparing an arson and one also for rioting.
Police and media from the beginning claimed that the arrested were ?known members of Antifascist Action? who had traveled to Fittja after the unrest begun. The ten are described as ?criminal adults? and ?troublemakers from the outside? and depicted as the ones responsible for the riots and the damages in the area.
Repeatedly parallels are drawn to the riots in Rosengård in Malmö last winter, following the eviction of a center run by various neighborhood initiatives. Some people came there to get help with their homework, others came there to pray. Now, the company owning the building said the center was to be replaced with a school to teach the residents how to live in an apartment(!). For a while, the center was squated by youth from the area. When they got evicted, anger and frustration mounted. Activists living close by, joined them to show their solidarity with the evicted youth, like they had before with autonomous social centers like the Ungdomshuset in Copenhagen.
And indeed the picture drawn up by the media then shows many similarities to the one that is displayed today, the one of autonomous activists from outside the area causing unrest and destruction in an already vulnerable area.
It?s simple media logic ? a scenario with easily identifiable scape goats makes for a good story. Reality doesn?t have much to do with it, it?s more of a backdrop to the story. However, the people behind the headlines are real and they need our support.
The 22. december the remaining two of Fittja10 were sentenced, one to five months and
a fine of 1000 sek, the other one to four months in prison. One of them
has been incarcerated since her arrest in October and will most likely
have to stay in jail until the beginning of her prison sentence.
(The incarcerated individual appealed the sentence and has already been released as of this posting!)

Solidaridad con lxs detenidxs de Fittja

Una intervención policial en un centro de jóvenes en Fittja, a las afueras de Estocolmo acabó en tres noches de conflictos. Ahora diez personas se encuentran detenidas, acusadas de preparar un incendio y uno de ellas también de disturbios.

Durante el año pasado, disturbios e incendios se han extendido por las zonas urbanas de Suecia. Jóvenes de barrios pobres han prendido fuego y atacado a bomberos y policías cuando estos llegan. Los conflictos tienen claramente algo que ver con una desilusión con la situación que les toca; las ciudades segregadas, las condiciones de pobreza en sus barrios, la discriminación que muestra la sociedad hacía ellos. En todas partes llevan su mala reputación encima.

Lee Todo

Tamara Libertad! Free Tamara!

On Thursday 17 of December Tamara, an anarchist comrade from Madrid, has been imprisoned in the woman's prison of Wad-Ras. She is accused of having sent an explosive package to Albert Batlle, secretary of penitentiary services of the Catalan regional government.

The action was in October, during a campaign in struggle against the penitentiary system and in solidarity with the prisoner Amadeu Casellas, who was at that time on hunger strike.
Read more in English


"El pasado 15 de diciembre la compañera anarquista Tamara fue asaltada por esbirros dependientes del Ministerio del Interior. A partir de ese momento, la maquinaria mediática a sueldo del Estado ha desencadenado una campaña de desprestigio y criminalización hacia su persona y hacia las organizaciones solidarias que actúan con consecuencia frente a la mayor de las pocilgas del Sistema: Su sistema carcelario. "
Lee Mas

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Solidarity with Swedish anarchist Jonatan

From Break the Chains:

ELP encourages everyone to support Jonatan. He reads and writes English and as the
below e-mail shows, he welcomes all letters of support.

Letters of support should be sent to:

Jonatan Strandberg
BOX 248
593 23 Vastervik


Dear comrades,
please spread this call for swedidish ELF/anarchist prisoner Jonatan
and publish it on lists, blogs and websites. Jonatan is in a closed
prison far away from his comrades, friends and supporters now. He
really needs support. His mood is changing a lot and he feels kind of
depressed. We also would like you all to maybe think of sending him
something theese days. He won't get a lot visitations tin this time.
Jonatan will propably join the collective hungerstrike of prisoners in
struggle starting the 20th december.

If you send him books, make shure that there is nothing written by

hand in it. Also if you send him CDs they have to be original
otherwise he won't get them.
Jonatan is interested in (green)anarchism, anti-civ theory,indigenous
struggles...the wild. He like music of all kind (from HC to HipHop,
Drum and Bass,Folk...). He'll be also really happy about posters and
flyer from the resistance on the outside...
Nothing forgiven-no one forgotten!
For anarchy,social war and total liberation!
with love and rage

ABC-Orkan (anarchist black cross group from northern germany)

Read a Communique from supporters here

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

This is what Green Capitalism looks like

From Copenhagen, where the 'non violent' march on the Bella Center (site of the Climate Conference) was, not surprisingly, attacked violently by the police. This the green future we have to look forward to, thank god for Democracy!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

'riots outside, chaos inside': 1500 arrested in Copenhagen during Climate Summit

Protests against the COP 15 climate summit in Copenhagen have been met with major police repression. Danish police militarized much of the city arresting 1,500 people over the weeks demonstrations. Last night saw clashes outside the autonomous Christiana district, with rioters throwing firebombs at police.

analysis of the events:
"what if they threw a black bloc and the police arrested everyone"

Sunday, December 13, 2009

"there will be no 'return to normal', this is civil war..."

In response to the 2nd eviction of Wheeler Hall on the UC Berkeley campus an angry mob of torch-wielding students and non students made its way to School Chancellor Birgeneau's palatial mansion after a concert held in support of those arrested:

"As the protesters marched from the concert, they made makeshift barricades and obstacles (mostly from trash cans) for vehicles attempting to drive through the crowd. The march quickly turned into a small riot, taking the streets and blocking traffic. At one point a car irritated with the marchers, sped through the crowd carelessly, hitting an individual (although, no one suffered any apparent harm). As the crowd approached the entrance to campus, some lit torches. They approached the Chancellor’s residence on campus and began smashing lights, damaging windows, and breaking pots."

8 people were arrested in the aftermath of this action, all are being charged with serious crimes including attempted arson.

California's governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger stated "California will not tolerate any type of terrorism against any leaders including educators...The attack on Chancellor Birgeneau's home is a criminal act and those who participated will be prosecuted under the fullest extent of the law,"

A communique entitled "Torchlit Evening with Birgeneau" was released shortly after the action.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Breaking News! Raids in Santiago, Chile Target Anarchists

At 6am today, Friday the 11th of December, an intense police operation began headed by the 'Bombing Investigation' Division with squatted social centers and private homes raided throughout the metropolitan region... Until now six spaces have been raided: 3 squatted buildings and 3 private residences, in the areas of Central Santiago, Macul, Renca, El Bosque and Recoleta. Corporate media reports that there are 12 people who are being detained, 8 of whom have been interrogated.

The raids were carried out by armed contingents of the PDI (Investigative Police Bureau) and the Carabineros (The National Police force). At the Sacco and Vanzetti Squatted Social Center and Library, located in central Santiago, 4 comrades have been detained and are being held incommunicado by the BIPE (special department of the investigative police). It appears that the Social Center was defended due to reports of the remains of many broken bottles scattering the streets in front of the building. Well known squats La Crota and La Idea and El Hogar were also raided by strong contingents of armed police. It is reported that the police took computer equipment, bikes, propaganda, and cell phones from all of the squats.

From Liberacion Total
"We issue a call out for international solidarity! Stay alert, informed, and ready to fight! To our comrades from the social centers and squats: you are not alone, we understand and assume the consequences of declaring ourselves and acting as daily enemies of authority.
The comrades who have had their houses raided and who are detained have faced this difficult moment with their heads held high, standing up as enemies of authority, as a consequence our solidarity ought to be brandished like the threatening weapon it is!

We will smash, liberate, paint, stone, burn, detonate, and communicate... Our offensive and our vengeance will spread like the black plague and echo in their ears, because if you touch one of us, you touch us all!"

URGENTE! Allanamientos y detenciones en Santiago, $hile
A partir de las 6:00 de la mañana paralelamente carabineros y policía de investigaciones realizaron allanamientos a 4 Okupaciones y 2 viviendas particulares en Santiago. Los allanamientos se enmarcan dentro de la investigación del “Caso Bombazos”. Los allanmientos que comenzaron a las 6:00 de la mañana terminaron a eso del medio dia.

El Centro Social Okupado y Biblioteca Sacco y Vanzetti, ubicada en el centro de la capital, fue allanado por el equipo militarizado de la Policía de Investigaciones (armados con ametralladoras, escopetas y armas cortas), ante lo que lxs compañerxs de el CSO Sacco y Vanzetti dieron la pelea y se enfrentaron a los verdugos, lxs cuatro compañerxs fueron finalmente detenidxs y trasladadxs a la BIPE (Brigada de Investigaciones Policiales Especiales) por agredir a funcionarios. Desde esta casa fue incautado desde material de lectura, propaganda, bicicletas, telefonos moviles, pendrives, discos duros, etc…

Al mismo tiempo también fue allanada La Okupa La Idea, en el centro de la capital, siendo esta la 3º vez, a manos de carabineros con el GOPE (Grupo de Operaciones Policiales Especiales), Fuerzas Especiales y Labocar (Departamento de Criminalística), fuertemente armados. De La Idea se llevaron variedad de material como pendrives, discos duros, bicicletas, propaganda, etc… No se sabe de ningun detenidx en esta casa…

También en el centro de Santiago fue allanada La Okupa La Crota que también consta de una biblioteca llamada Centro de Documentación Anarkista Itinerante. Al lugar ingresaron funcionarios de carabineros (GOPE, Labocar, Fuerzas Especiales y agentes de civil) fuertemente armados con ametralladoras y armas cortas, lxs compañerxs que se encontraban defendieron el espacio y a ellxs mismxs, resultando 5 compañerxs detenidxs por maltrato a carabineros y trasladadxs a la 33 comisaria de Ñuñoa. Del lugar carabineros se llevo una gran cantidad de bicicletas, CD`s, pendrives, documentos de investigación, propaganda, discos duros, telefonos moviles, ect…

El cuarto allanamiento fue en La Okupa El Hogar, ubicada en la comuna del Bosque, el cual fue realizado por efectivos del carabineros (GOPE, Labocar, Fuerzas Especiales y agentes de civil) y de donde se llevaron diverso material, al igual como en las otras casas.
Lee Todo

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Repression in Greece met with a New Wave of Occupations/ SF State Occupied in California!

The streets will win, or the terror will win...
In Greece the protests held for the anniversary of the murder of Alexis have been met by heavy repression and brutality. The police have made incursions into the supposedly protected spaces of the public universities three times and are holding hundreds on fabricated charges. Bail for arrested comrades is thousands of euros.

Despite the repression action continues and a new wave of occupations has begun at universities and of radio stations throughout Greece.

Informacion sobre Grecia
con video y fotos por Liberacion Total

(student occupiers barricade themselves inside SFSU)

In San Francisco breaking news is that students at San Francisco State University have just occupied the business building. About 30-40 students are inside the building, with another 50 outside. The occupations continue!

SFSU Occupiers Blog

Sunday, December 06, 2009


A year ago 15 year old Alexis Grigoroupolus was murdered by police in Athens setting off weeks of rioting that spread throughout Greece. This year mass marches and rioting have broken out in Athens and Thessaloniki the newly elected Socialist government is taking a heavy handed approach to demonstrations staging preemptive raids , charging people under anti terror legislation and turning city centers into a police state. Breaking news from Athens.

Riot Police have run people over with motorbikes (critically injuring one) and can be seen here attacking goups in Athens:

The Bricks We Throw at Police Today Will Build the Liberation Schools of Tomorrow

“If you’re scared today you’ll be scared tomorrow as well and always and so you’ve got to make a start now right away we must show that in this school we aren’t slaves we have to do it so we can do what they’re doing in all other schools to show that we’re the ones to decide because the school is ours.”

The Unseen, Nanni Balestrini

Days later, voices in unison still ring in our ears. “Who’s university?” At night in bed, we mumble the reply to ourselves in our dreams. “Our university!” And in the midst of building occupations and the festive and fierce skirmishes with the police, concepts like belonging and ownership take the opportunity to assume a wholly new character. Only the village idiot or, the modern equivalent, a bureaucrat in the university administration would think we were screaming about something as suffocating as property rights when last week we announced, “The School is Ours!” When the day erupted, when the escape plan from the drudgery of college life was hatched, it was clear to everyone that the university not only belonged to the students who were forcefully reasserting their claim but also to the faculty, to every professor and TA who wishes they could enliven the mandatory curriculum in their repetitive 101 class, to the service workers who can’t wait for their shift to end, and to every other wage-earner on campus ensuring the daily functioning of the school.

Read it all!

Meanwhile in Greece over 400 high schools and 30 universities are occupied in remembrance of Alexandros Grigoropoulos, who was murdered by police December 6th, 2008 setting off an insurrection lasting weeks. Follow news from Greece on Occupied London.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

We Are the Crisis: Occupations spread like wildfire throughout California

The past week saw occupations at at least 5 University of California campuses. The occupations occurred in reaction to the states decision to increase the cost of a UC education 32%. In New York City students and assorted locals held a solidarity action that resulted in two arrests.

High points of last weeks actions:

UCLA saw large confrontations between riot police and students who tried to storm the building where the state regents were meeting to confirm the 32% hike.

Students at UC Berkeley
finally pulled off an occupation of Kerr Hall (aftter having been stopped twice by Student Organizers)

UC Santa Cruz Occupied again, this time taking two buildings and holding them for days. The Chancellors conference room was trashed.

Low points:

Self appointed student leaders repeatedly showed their role as recuperators of struggle, in Berkeley they stopped people from rushing an administration building and an anarchist was arrested after purportedly being pointed out by a student organizer. In UCLA an occupation was opposed by the manipulations of student organizers. Also in UCLA student organizers were seen reinforcing police lines in futile attempts to stop furious students from surrounding the California Regents meeting.

Occupy Everything! Fuck the Recuperators!

Monday, October 19, 2009

When They Kick Out Your Front Door (Portugese)

Quando eles chutam a tua porta da frente, como você vai ficar?

No dia 1º de outubro, às 6 da manhã, o Joint Terrorism Task Force (um sindicato de departamentos policias locais e o FBI), chutou as portas de nossa casa – uma casa coletiva anarquista no Queens, Nova Iorque, afetuosamente conhecida como Tortuga. Os primeiros desastres da batida foram rapidamente seguidos por mais brutalidade, na medida em que a polícia sujeitava três pessoas que estavam dormindo, destruindo as portas do quartos que estavam destrancados.

Outras três pessoas (que acordaram com desagradáveis barulhos de passos, madeiras quebrando, e vozes gritantes) aguardaram no porão – mas as armas apontadas e as luzes ofuscantes chegaram rápido.

Nós colocamos nossas mãos aonde eles pudessem vê-las. Eles mandaram a gente sair da cama. Eles não deixaram a gente se vestir, mas colocaram roupas ao acaso em algumas pessoas. Nós fomos algemados, e embora no início os grupos do andar de cima e do andar debaixo terem sido propositalmente separados, logo estávamos todos juntos, sentados na sala de estar, posicionados como bonecas sobre os sofás e as cadeiras. Ficamos algemados por muitas horas, e estávamos desamparados como nosso pequeno pássaro, um fringilidae que resgatamos e estávamos reabilitando, e que voou pela porta aberta para uma morte certa, após sua gaiola ter sido golpeada pelos policiais no seu zelo em abrir as portas do quartos do andar de cima pela força. Nós gritamos para eles, mas eles continuaram com a brutalidade.

Eles nos mantiveram e nos vigiaram por horas e horas e horas. 16 horas para ser preciso, 16 horas com o NYPD e o FBI perambulando pela nossa casa, confiscando nossas vidas em uma “expedição de pescaria” relacionada aos protestos do G20 de 24 e 25 de setembro, em Pittsburgh. O mandato de busca, que finalmente permitiram que a gente pudesse lê-lo, mencionou a violação de leis de tumulto e foi vaga o suficiente para permitir que a casa inteira fosse vasculhada. Eles continuamente repetiam que nós não estávamos sob prisão, que éramos livres para ir. Mas ser livre significa ser vigiado pelo FBI, monitorado enquanto usa o banheiro, não ter permissão para fazer telefonema por horas ou observá-los saqueando nossos quartos. Ser livre significa levar dois de nós embora sob estúpidas intimidações, e mesmo embora esta fosse a nossa casa, onde vivíamos, se a deixarmos, não poderemos entrar nela novamente.

Três de nós ficou até o final. Três de nós permaneceu para assistir a equipe de substâncias perigosas entrar na casa para investigar um jogo de química de criança, vê-la vasculhar a garagem sob uma autorização adicional, assinalar todas as coisas que confiscavam como “evidência” – curiosos brinquedos de pelúcia do George, trabalhos artísticos, correspondência com o prisioneiro político Daniel McGowan, certificados de nascimento, passaportes, o arquivo de vídeo inteiro de um coletivo de mídia local, registros de taxas, livros, computadores, aparelhos de armazenamento, telefones celulares, DVDs da Buffy a Caça Vampiros, bandeiras, faixas, cartazes, fotografias e mais coisas do que foram relatadas aqui.

O ímpeto aparente desta batida apareceu cerca de uma semana atrás, quando dois membros de nosso lar foram presos, uma vez mais sob a mira de uma arma, nos subúrbios de Pittsburgh. Eles são acusados de serem os cabeças que, “dirigindo” as alegres manifestações contra o G-20, usaram tecnologias tais como o Twitter para “impedir a apreensão” do/as manifestantes. Os dois foram presos sob fiança, um tendo que pagar uma soma absurda de 30.000 dólares, e soltos 36 horas depois, após a fiança ter sido paga. A partir daí, nenhuma acusação adicional foi imposta contra os dois, nem contra qualquer outro morador após a batida.

Como anarquistas, não temos nenhuma ilusão do que o Estado é capaz de fazer. Nós não somos os primeiros anarquistas a ter a casa atacada, e infelizmente enquanto o Estado existir, nós não seremos os últimos. Nós somos, juntamente a outros indivíduos tarjados como David Japenga, as saídas para a raiva impotente que as autoridades sentem quando perdem o controle, assim como eles fizeram durante o G-20 em Pittsburgh. Nós, aquele maravilhoso nós, que inclui o Tortuga House e todos que mantêm afinidades conosco, recusamos as formas rígidas que as autoridades aprisionam um mundo explodindo com possibilidades infinitas – ele não é um líder, ela não agiu sozinha, eles não estão sendo dirigidos. A repressão é uma estratégia que o Estado usa para nos colocar na defensiva, para desviar nossas energias de ser uma força pro-ativa e ao invés disso lidar com as coisas que isto provocou. Nós não iremos mentir e dizer que isso não nos deixou enrolados, mas na medida em que nosso tempo e vertigem passam, tomamos conhecimento que amigos nos cercam. Nossa determinação é fortalecida por esta solidariedade, e nós não iremos ser detidos por esta agressão do Estado.

Desejamos agradecer todos o/as nosso/as amigo/as e companheiro/as que nos apoiaram nestes dias difíceis. Na manhã seguinte (2 de outubro) nosso advogado arquivou uma injunção sobre a batida que foi inesperadamente concedida – ela proíbe as autoridades de pesquisar nossos pertences até a gente voltar ao Tribunal no dia 16. Nas semanas e meses a vir nós faremos o melhor para compartilhar os desenvolvimentos processuais na medida em que eles forem ocorrendo. Se você quer manter contato ou descobrir uma maneira para nos ajudar, por favor, envie um e-mail para:

Tradução > Marcelo Yokoi

agência de notícias anarquistas-ana

Sunday, October 18, 2009

When They Kick Out Your Front Door (en espanol)

When they kick out your front door how you're gonna come?
-The Clash
(Cuando pateen la puerta de tu casa que vas a hacer?)

El 10 de Octubre de 2009, a las 6 de la manana, el Joint Terrorism Task
Force (Fuerza Conjunta Contra el Terrorismo) la union del departamento de
policia y el FBI, patearon la puerta de nuestra casa colectiva en Queens a
la que afectivamente se le conoce como casa Tortuga. Los primeros embates
contra la puerta fueron seguidos por mas en la planta alta de la casa,
mientras la policia irrumpia en las habitaciones de 3 personas que se
encontraban dormidas, rompiendo puertas que estaban sin cerraduras.

Tres personas mas fueron despertadas por el estruendo de las puertas
destruidas, los pasos que se acercaban amenazantes y los gritos de la
policia mientras aguardaban en el sotano por su turno. Les apuntaron con
armas y luces brillantes segaban sus ojos.

Pusimos nuetras manos en donde pudieran verlas, nos ordenaron que
salieramos de la cama, de nuestras habitaciones, no nos dejaban vestirnos,
a algunos nos pusieron un surtido arbitrario de ropas que no eran

Nos esposaron, los grupos de la planta alta y del sotano permanecieron
separados por un rato pero al final nos concentraron a todxs en la sala,
posicionandonos como munecxs en las sillas y sofas de nuestra casa.
Permanecimos esposadxs por algunas horas, sin poder hacer nada, mientras
nuestro pequeno pajaro, un finch que estabamos rehabilitando salia volando
por la puerta de la casa, despues de que su jaula habia sido danada por la
policia cuando destruian una de las puertas de las habitaciones. Les
gritamos pero solo sde quedaron parados y mirando sin hacer nada.

Estuvieron vigilandonos por horas y horas, 16 para ser exactxs, 16 horas
en las que el FBI y la policia del Estado de Nueva York se paseaban por
nuestra casa confiscando nuestras vidas y pescado "evidencia" relevante a
las protestas contra el G20 que sucedieron el 24 y 25 de Septiembre.
Cuando finalmente pudimos leer la orden de allanamiento, se mencionaba en
ella la violacion de leyes federales contra disturbios, la cual era lo
suficientemente vaga para permitir el allanamiento de la casa entera. Los
agentes nos repetian constantemenete que no estabamos bajo arresto y que
teniamos libertad para salir de la casa. Pero esa libertad significaba
estar vigiladxs por el FBI cada vez que usabamos el bano, no podiamos
hacer llamadas telefonicas u observarles mientras saqueaban nuestras
habitaciones. Estar en libertad significaba que se llevaron a dos de
nosotrxs con pretextos de multas caducas. Y aunque esta es nuestra casa,
si saliamos no podiamos volver hasta que el allanamiento hubiera sido

Tres de nosotrxs nos quedamos hasta el amargo final, tres de nosotrxs
vimos como el equipo de materiales peligrosos entraba para investigar un
juego de quimica para ninos y para seguir viendo como allanaban la cochera
con una orden de cateo adicional que obtuvieron el mismo dia, nos quedamos
para firmar boletas que enumeraban nuestras pertenenecias que confiscaron
como "evidencia" —munecos de peluche, arte, correspondencia con presos
politicos, actas de nacimiento, pasaportes, el archivo entero de un
colectivo de videoastas local, declaraciones de impuestros, libros,
computadoras, discos duros externos, telefonos celulares, DVD's,
pancartas, banderas, posters, fotografias y muchas cosas mas.

El impetu aparente para este allanamiento aparecio la semana anterior a
este, cuando dos personas de nuestra casa fueron arrestadas, una vez mas a
punta de pistola, en los suburbios de Pittsburgh. Estan siendo acusados de
ser los autores intelectuales y de "dirigir" a los manifestantes contra el
G20, utilizando tecnologia como Twitter los manifestantes. Ambos
estuvieron bajo arresto y con derecho a fianza, la de uno de ellos asiende
a la ridicula cantidad de $30, 000 dolares en efectivo y fue liberado 36
horas despues de que su fianza fue pagada. Hasta este momento no hay mas
cargos que se les imputen a ambos, ni a ninguna de las personas de la

Como anarquistas que somos no tenemos ninguna ilusion acerca de lo que el
estado es capaz de hacer. No somos lxs primeros anarquistas en tener un
allanamiento de esta naturaleza y desafortunadamente mientras el estado
siga existiendo no seremos lxs ultimxs. Nosotrxs somos, junto con otros
individuos como David Japenga los chivos expiatorios de la rabia que
siente el Estado cuando sienten que pierden el control, como lo que
sintieron durante las protestas del G20. Nosotrxs, ese hermoso nosotrxs
que incluye la casa Tortuga y todxs los que encuentren afinidad con
nosotrxs rechazamos las formas rigidas que las autoridades intentan
imponer a un mundo que esta sediento de posibilidades. El no es un lider,
ella no actuo sola, a ellxs nadie los dirige.

La represion es una tactica que usa el estado para ponernos a la
defensiva, para redireccionar nuestras energias de ser una fuerza
proactiva y en vez de eso actuar dentro de los limites que nos imponen, no
vamos a mentir diciendo que esta experiencia no nos ha dejando confundidos
pero como pasa el tiempo nuetra confusion tambien pasa, sabemos que
estamos rodeados de amigxs.

Nuestras convicciones se hacen mas fuertes con la solidaridad y las
agresiones del estados no pueden detenernos.

Queremos agradecer a todxs nuestrxs amigxs y camaradxs que han estado a
nuestro lado en estos dian dificiles. Nuestros abogados estan trabajando
para recabar la mayor cantidad de informacion acerca del caso. En la
semanas y meses que vienen continuaremos haciendo lo posible por
comunicarnos con ustedes y compartir la mayor cantidad de informacion que
nos sea posible. Si quieres estar en contacto y saber mas informacion de
como puedes ayudar, por favor mandanos un correo:
friends of tortuga pagina web


Tortuga necesita de tu ayuda!

Como resultado al allanamiento de nuestra casa el 1o de Octubre, hemos
recibido muchos mensajes de solidaridad y simpatia de todas partes del
mundo. Mucha gente nos ha preguntado como pueden ayudar.


Necesitamos dinero para sostener los costos legales que surgieron como
resultado de los arrestos del 24 de septiembre asi como los gastos en los
que incurriremos para tratar de recuperar las cosas que fueron confiscadas
en el allanamiento. Nos despojaron de todas nuestras computadoras,
telefonos celulares y equipo electronico, no tenemos idea de cuando ni de
si algun dia nos devolveran nuestras pertenencias, pero estamos tratando
de recabar dinero para remplazar algunas de ellas. Puedes hacer donaciones
en el sitio web de los amigos de tortuga:


Informa a otras personas de lo que ha pasado, enlazate con el sitio web,
habla con tus amigxs, manda tweets acreca de como el gobiernos federal
quiere coartar nuestra libertad de expresion e intimidarnos para
silenciarnos. Organiza un beneficio o un evento educativo en tu barrio o
en tu ciudad.


Unete a la "Twitter Revolution" (Revolucion Twitter):

Libertad para Elliott Madison! Twitter puede ser usado en protestas en los
EUA no solo en Iran!

Haz un avatar rojinegro: