Monday, December 08, 2008

Riots in greece continue for a third day

Alexandros Grigoropoulos

On the night of December 6th, police shot 15-year old Alexandros Grigoropoulos in cold blood in the Eksarhia district of Athens. Since that night, Athens and tens of other greek cities have been burning.more photos.
video of the rioting in Athens and Patras

Greek Embassy in London shut down

In Berlin and London, anarchists have occupied the greek embassy in solidarity with the rioters and with Alexandros.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Disturbios en Grecia por el asesinato de un anarquista de 16 años/ Riots in Greece as 16-year-old was shot dead by policeman

El sábado 6 de diciembre, alrededor de las 10pm, dos policías griegos que se encontraban en una patrulla en el barrio de Exarchia (barrio radical y anarquista) en el centro de Atenas, tuvieron un enfrentamiento verbal con algunxs jóvenes del barrio, durante el enfrentamiento, uno de los policías dispararó dos veces a un chico de 16 años. La víctima fué trasladada al Hospital Evangelismos pero ya se encontraba muerta.

En una respuesta espontánea, miles de personas se congregaron en el centro de las principales ciudades griegas. En Atenas, la gente se congregó afuera del hospital Evangelismos para evitar que la policía entrara al mismo. Poco después las policía arremetió contra los manifestantes en las calles de Exarchia arrestando a una persona. La noche en Atenas se convirtió en una asamblea espontánea en la Universidad Politécnica, dónde se tomaron tres edificios, disturbios en el centro de la ciudad, incluyendo ataques contra el departamento de policía, tiendas y bancos. Los disturbios duraron hasta el amanecer. La policía enfrentó a los manifestantes con gas lacrimógeno.

Marchas, manifestaciones, acciones directas y disturbios tomaron lugar al rededor de todo el país. En Tesalónica, una numerosa manifestación tomó lugar mientras dos estaciones de policía fueron atacadas, muchos bancos fueron quemados y Egnatia , la calle principal fué bloqueada durante horas con botes de basura en llamas.
También hay reportes de acciones en las ciudades de: Yannena, Iraklio, Chania, Komotini, Mitilini, Xanthi, Serres, Sparta, Alexandropolis y Volos.

Se han anunciado manifestaciones en todas las ciudades Griegas para mañana comenzando a la 1pm.

Los medios masivos de comunicación en Grecia reportaron que dos ministros del Interior ofrecieron dejar su cargo pero esto no fué aceptado por el Primer ministro. Los dos policías ya fueron detenidos y acusados por asesinato, aunque ellos insisten que la bala fué disparada al aire para alejar a los jóvenes.


On Saturday 6th of December at around 10pm, two Greek policemen were in patrol in a central street by Exarchia square, in the center of Athens. They had a verbal argument with some young people who were there. During the argument, one of the cops pulled his gun and shot a 16-year-old twice. The victim was moved to Evangelismos Hospital to be found dead.

In a spontaneous response, thousands of people gathered in the centers of most of Greek cities. In Athens, people gathered outside Evangelismos Hospital, in order to prevent the cops from entering the building. A little later the riot police attacked in a street in Exarchia resulting to one person being arrested. The evening in Athens evolved with a spontaneous assembly in the Polytechnic University, a lot of riots in the whole center of Athens, including attacks against police departments and banks, until the early hours of the next morning. Meanwhile, a spontaneous demonstration took place, but it was confronted by the riot police with tear gas. Three University buildings have been occupied.

Rallies, demonstrations, direct actions and riots took place all around the country. In Thessaloniki, a big spontaneous demonstration took place, while 2 Police Departments were attacked, several bank departments were burnt and Egnatia str., the main street, was blocked by burning trash bins for hours. Reports have been also posted about actions in Yannena, Iraklio, Chania, Komotini, Mitilini, Xanthi, Serres, Sparta, Alexandroupolis and Volos.

Demonstrations in all cities of Greece have been announced for tomorrow afternoon, starting at 1pm.

According to the mainstream media, two Ministers offered their resignation, but it was not accepted by the Prime Minister. The two policemen have already been detained and accused for murder, while they insist that the bullet was shot on the air to keep the young men away, but it was reverted by a metal label towards the stomach of the victim.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Argentina: Train tracks blocked for Freddy and Marcelo

Freddy Fuentevilla and Marcelo Villaroel are long time chilean 'militants'. Marcelo was a political prisoner at the age of 19. In prison Marcelo became a member of the group 'Kamina Libre' a revolutionary anti authoritarian group made up of ex-marxist leninist political prisoners. Upon his release he became involved with revolutionary projects again and started the political punk band D*Linkr.

In mid march Freddy and Marcelo were arrested in Junin, Argentina. They are being accused of participating in a bank robbery in Chile where a police officer was killed. These charges are based largely on Freddy and Marcelo's past history in armed struggle groups and little to do with the actual situation. Since 17th of November they have been on hunger strike. The following action in Argentina is the most recent action in solidarity with the prisoners.

solidarity chilean style: day of action for freddy and marcelo, santiago

Buenos Aires - In the framework of the hunger strike that has been realized by Freddy Fuentevilla and Marcelo Villaroel this passed November 26, 2008, anarchist companions in solidarity blocked the tracks that join with Villa Rosa (Belgrano line) in the proximity of the Villa de Mayo station. The companions set a fire on the tracks at the same time as hanging a banner with the words "FREEDOM TO FREDDY AND MARCELO, NO TO THE EXTRADITION (A)".

The intention of this action was not to make a demand of the State because we know that whatever name it has (chilean, argentine, etc) it's the State that's responsible for persecuting and attacking persons who are intent on changing the established order.

The intention is to spread an idea of conscious and active solidarity as the most powerful weapon we have.

We shouldn't expect anybody to call us to demonstrate or take action in some pre-determined form but we have to be coherent with our ideas and act in the moments and locations we believe appropriate .


some anarchists

Corte de vías por Freddy y Marcelo

Buenos Aires.- En el marco de la huelga de hambre que estan realizando freddy fuentevilla y marcelo villaroel, el pasado 26/11 compañeros anarquistas se solidarizaron provocando el corte de las vias que unen retiro con villa rosa (linea belgrano), en las proximidades de la estacion VILLA DE MAYO. La accion se produjo cuando los compañeros generaron un incendio sobre la via, al mismo tiempo que colgaban una bandera con la consigna “LIBERTAD A FREDDY Y MARCELO, NO A LA EXPULSION (A)”.

La intencion de esta accion no es la de hacerle un pedido al estado porque sabemos que sea cual sea el nombre que este tenga (chileno, argentino, etc) es responsable de la persecucion y del ataque a las personas q intentan cambiar el orden establecido.

La intencion es difundir la idea de que la solidaridad conciente y activa es el arma mas poderosa que tenemos.

No debemos esperar que nadie nos convoque a manifestarnos o accionar de alguna forma determinada, sino que tenemos que ser coherentes con nuestras ideas y actuar en el momento y lugar que creamos conveniente.


algunxs anarquistas

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Year Later Carlos Vive! / Un año después de su asesinato Carlos Vive!

A year after 16 year old anti fascist Carlos Palomino was stabbed and killed by a Nazi on his way to an antifa demonstration thousands (maybe up to 10,000) people filled the streets of Madrid in his memory to show their opposition to fascism and to prove that Carlos' death has invigorated the Anti-Fascist fight in Madrid.

Un año después del asesinato de joven antifascista, Carlos Palomino, un gran marcha salio a las calles de Madrid en solidaridad con esta compañero caido en la lucha antifascista.
¨La enorme manifestación de ayer (quizás 10.000 personas) nos permite constatar dos cosas: una, que el antifascismo madrileño está más fuerte que nunca, y otra, que el poder, a la vista de esto, no se va a quedar de brazos cruzados.

Desde arriba se ve a un nuevo "actor" en la escena política madrileña, que no para de crecer: el movimiento antifascista. A pesar de que los poderosos intentaron por diversos medios frenarlo, llegando incluso hasta el asesinato, eso ha provocado más unión y más crecimiento.¨

mas desde la haine

Anarchists and Autonomists Arrested in French "Anti-Terror" sweep

Early on the morning of November 11th French anti terror police raided houses in 3 french towns arresting 20 individuals for the sabotage of high speed rail lines in France. The arrested are alleged by authorities to be part of an "anarchist-autonomous gang" responsible for "violent rhetoric" and rioting. One of the towns raided was the town of Tarnac which in recent years had become a sort of "libertarian" community made up of young anarchists and autonomists from all over France. According to Le Monde one of the arrested is supposed to have been one of the authors of an influential piece called "The Insurrection to Come".

Although the press gives varying numbers it is believed that 8-10 of the individuals caught up in these raids are still being held and will face terror charges.
En la madrugada del 11 de Noviembre, la Policia Especial Contra Terrorismo allanaron casas en tres pueblos de Francia. 20 individuous fueron detenidos por sabotajes contra la red ferroiaria francesa.

Mas informacion en español

Thursday, November 06, 2008

whoever they vote for...

whoever wins the election, we lose even if it is Obama.

The realm of politics lies within the social war waged against us by those in power daily, not in the election spectacle that happens every four years. Let us build our own power and create a real change that we would all like to see.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Indigenous Groups in Mass March to Cali, Colombia

Radical Indigenous groups from the southern Colombian region of Cauca have been protesting since October 12th of this year against the Uribe Government's continued attacks upon them and against neo liberal economic programs that have put their homes in jeopardy as multi nationals move in to exploit the region. Thousands of marchers are making their way to the large Colombian city of Cali blocking the Pan American Highway as they go. Other indigenous and campesinos have been spontaneously joining the march and clashing with poice.

Two demonstrators have been shot and killed by the ESMAD (riot police), President Uribe originally denied these reports until videos of ESMAD firing M-16s at protesters surfaced and he was forced to admit he lied. Protesters have also captured infiltrators and given them 'indigenous justice'

Mas video sobre los enfrentamientos en Colombia en español.

Monday, October 20, 2008

New Antifa Network in Santiago, Chile/ Nueva Coordinadora Antifa en Santiago, Chile

After years of a growing neo-nazi menace in Chile antifascists have begun an antifa network based, a set of principles, to counter the fascist threat.
No Pasaran!

Despues de años de una creciente amenaza neo fascista en Chile, lxs antifascistas han empezado una nueva coordinadora antifa con una serie de puntos, para enfrentar la amenaza facha.
No Pasaran!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

10/10 March For Political Prisoners!

On October 10th, the Jericho Movement and the NYC Anarchist Black Cross Federation among others organized a rally at the United Nations which was followed by an illegal march through the streets of midtown Manhattan. This event brought together Black Nationalists, Puerto Rico Independistas, Anarchists, Animal Liberationists, and others with the common goal of bringing attention to the plight of political prisoners held in the U.S.
More Pictures

El 10 de Octubre el Jericho Movement y La Cruz Negra Anarquista de Nueva York junto con otras organizaciones, hicieron un mítin frente al edificio de las Naciones Unidas. Después del mítin hubo una marcha sin permiso en las calles del centro de Manhattan. Este evento conjuntó a Nacionalistas Negros, Independistas Puertorriqueños, Anarquistas, Grupos de liberación Animal, y otrxs con el fin sacar a la luz la situación actual de lxs presxs políticxs en Estados Unidos.
Mas Fotos
Entrevistas y Mas info en Español

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Sali RIP

"you can't call someone who fought for life dead"

It is with sadness we (belatedly) report the death of Marcella Sali Grace, international solidarity activist, and radical woman murdered in Oaxaca. More info in english and spanish...

Monday, September 22, 2008

Movie Night: "Radio Alice"

If you are in the NYC area come out Thursday Night:

Work Slowl​y-​Radio​ Alice​ (​2004)​ takes​ place​ in Bolog​na durin​g the wides​pread​ socia​l ruptu​re that gripp​ed Italy​ in 1977.​
The pirat​e radio​ stati​on,​ Radio​ Alice​,​ and the Auton​omia movem​ent provi​de the backd​rop for the film,​ as it explo​res
free love,​ class​ warfa​re,​ gener​ation​al confl​ict,​ and crime​ while​ chron​iclin​g the lives​ of vario​us peopl​e strug​gling​ to
trans​form the world​ aroun​d them and thems​elves​.​ Itali​an langu​age with Engli​sh subti​tles.​

Thurs​day Septe​mber 25th,​ 7pm
The Chang​e You Want to See Galle​ry
84 Havem​eyer Stree​t,​ at Metro​polit​an Avenu​e
Willi​amsbu​rg,​ Brook​lyn

Monday, September 15, 2008

Social Conflict in St. Paul

Video from the first day of the RNC in St. Paul Minnesota.
Support those arrested!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Black September in Chile: Barricades in honor of Claudia Lopez

(from our war)
10 years ago on September 11th, Claudia Lopez a woman, student and anarchist dancer was killed by the police during a protest commemorating the coup of 1973. Under the slogan of Black September the youth combatants fight in her name, and in the name of all those killed under democracy, against the bastards who killed them, making sure that the world remembers that we are living in a war.

-On September 2nd combative youth took the streets to stop traffic on Jorge Alessandri Avenue out side of the UMCE University. They fought police for hours with rocks and Molotov cocktails

-On September 9th combative youth set fire to barricades to remember Claudia Lopez in the Cordon Macul, attacking a McDonalds with Molotov Cocktails
Diez años atrás en un 11 de Septiembre, Claudia López una mujer, estudiante y bailarina anarquista fue asesinada por la policía cuando protestaba durante una conmemoración del golpe de estado de 1973. Bajo el slogan de Septiembre Negro, la juventud combatiente pelea, en su nombre y en el de todos los asesinados en democracia, contra los bastardos que la mataron, haciendo que el mundo recuerde que estamos viviendo en guerra.

El dos de septiembre la juventud combatiente salió a las calles para cerrar el tráfico en la Av Jorge Alessandri, afuera de la Universidad UMCE (ex pedagógico). Se enfrentaron a la policía durante horas con piedras y bombas mólotov.

Sept, 9. La juventud combatiente encendió barricadas para recordar a Claudia López en el Cordón Macul, atacando con molotovs un local de McDonalds.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

beaver and cat discuss upcoming RNC and DNC

beaver with cleaver and cat with bat discuss upcoming actions against the RNC and DNC!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Unrest In Chile as Education Law is passed

Student rebellion continues in Chile as the LGE (the General Education Law) is passed. Students holding an "illegal march" are attacked by the police and fight the police for hours in the city center. Colleges and high schools are occupied throughout the country, masked youth set burning barricades and fight off the police.
Info in Spanish
photo gallery

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Students Strike Again in Chile!

Once again students in Chile are rebelling against the for profit public education system in Chile, seizing schools throughout the country and battling police in the streets. Like similar protests in 2006 repression seems to make the movement grow stronger.

Monday, June 09, 2008

El Director General de los Carabineros de Chile, Jose Alejandro Bernales, murío en un accidente en Panama.Los medíos en Chile le llaman ahora, 'El General del Pueblo' ignorando sucomplicidad en la dictadura de Pinochet y el represíon de movimientos sociales en la 'democracia'. El artista SubVerso ha hecho esta canción para que la verdadera historia de esta facho salir a la luz.

The head of the Chilean National Police force (the Carabineros), Jose Alejandro Bernales, was killed when his plane crashed last week in Panama. In Chile the mainstream media and government have casted this man as a saint and named him "the General of the People". The truth is Gen. Bernales was a man whose rise to power in the Police coincided with the rise to power of Fascist Dictator General Augusto Pinochet. Bernales' reign of terror continued until his death with massive repression against social movements as his signature style. Radical Hip Hop Artist SubVerso gives an alternate history of Bernales' career in this video.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

What to Expect From the Conventions...

What to Expect From the Conventions:
If you plan to attend the demonstrations at the Democratic or Republican National Conventions, you should already know what you intend to accomplish there and how you will go about it. If, for example, you intend to blockade a street, you should already be in a committed affinity group, have picked out a location, and be hammering out the details. Things never go as planned, but preparation helps get things off on the right foot. If you haven’t done any of this yet, there’s still time, but get a move on—one thing that has been proven not to work at mass mobilizations is for everyone to show up hoping everyone else has done the work.

Doubtless, there will be some—perhaps ten, perhaps ten thousand—for whom the conventions are a life-changing experience, and others for whom they will be non-events. We get out of life what we put in. But one has to prioritize—so how important are these conventions, anyway? Read More.
Que puedes esperar de las convenciones politicas?
Esta verano los Democratas y Los Republicanos tienen sus juntas cuando deciden quien les van a apoyar como candidato por presidente. Y como años pasados sus juntas será un punto de conflicto. Hay muchas colectivos organizando para disruptar las convenciones y mostrar el poder de nuestra resistencia.
Un Articulo en ingles sobre las protestas esta año.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

NYC: Killer Cops Acquitted! Time to Fight Back!/ Nueva York: Dejan Libre Policias Asesinos! Es Hora de Pelear!

Sean Bell, was shot and killed, November 25th, 2006 by NYPD detectives who pumped 50 bullets into the car Bell was driving. On April 25th 2008 Judge Arthur J. Cooperman acquitted the three indicted Detectives on all charges, claiming that the police officers actions were ‘careless but not reckless’.

Although this ruling is shocking we were not shocked. What can you expect from a case tried by the Queens District Attorney, an ally of the NYPD? What kind of ‘justice’ can we expect from the state? What was shocking was that there was not an immediate explosion of rage. The police cockily assured the ‘public’ that although they were prepared for disturbances they didn’t expect any to break out. As of this point they more or less seem to be correct.

As the news of the acquittal spread distraught and angry Bell supporters poured out of the courthouse into the streets outside. A brief scuffle ensued as a fistfight briefly flared. After this brief confrontation tempers cooled while the Rev. Al Sharpton and others escorted the Bell family from the courthouse.

Later that day the people’s justice campaign organized a ‘speak-out’ at the Queens County courthouse. Several hundred people assembled to hear speakers ranging from right-on radical youth of color talking about their experiences with the NYPD, to bland ‘activist’ organizers talking about the need to register to vote and how the next step is to ask the federal government to get involved (!). People seemed angry but more than listening to speeches there was little offered until finally a march got together to heading to Jamaica, Queens the neighborhood where Sean Bell was murdered.

The march was very diverse and certain sections were much more militant than others. The organizers made it clear as we were leaving that it would be a ‘peaceful’ march, complete with marshals whom did little besides try and keep the march away from the police following the procession. There was much energy especially as we entered Jamaica with a huge showing of support from locals, honking horns, and joining the march. A couple of masked men stood on top of their car with their fists in the air.
As the march reached the spot where Bell was killed the speakers started again and we were told the march was over and that we should disperse. A smaller group however continued marching to the public housing projects where they spoke with local youth and then continued, growing in numbers as they made their way to the 103rd precinct. At the precinct the march was met with lines of riot cops. There were reports of bottles and bricks thrown at the police, newspaper stands were thrown in the streets, and police charged the remainder of the crowd. There are reports of a few arrests.

Hopefully the spirit of the second half of the march will continue and future demonstrations will allow people to express their rage freely without the need for marshals and speeches.
Let fury have the hour!

Monday, April 14, 2008


On Wednesday April 3rd, elements of the Federal police arrested activist Cipriana Jurado leader of the Non-Governmental Organization, Centro de Investigacion y Solidaridad Obrera and the comrade Carlos Chavez of the organization Agrodinámica Nacional. Agents of the Federal police stopped by force comrade Cipriana and forced her into a car without registration plates, alleging that there was an arrest warrant against her which was never shown during the arrest, nor when she was transferred to the county jail.

At the same time, in the town of Casas Grandes, Carlos Chavez was arrested, he is a co-founder along with Armando Villarreal Martha, the activist who was murdered four weeks ago, of the organization Agrodinámica Nacional. Comrade Cipriana was released on April 4th opening a preliminary inquiry against her for her involvement in a demonstration on October 12, 2005 at the Santa Fe international bridge when she participated in a mobilization in support of rural workers. Carlos Chavez was moved to Ciudad Juarez in the afternoon and handed over to the Attorney General and accused of the same offences. Since the time of arrest numerous organizations have mobilized to demand the release of the comrades and to denounce the intervention and their harassment by the Army and the Federal forces, making the state responsible for the integrity of the detainees and calling for an end to the criminalization of social movements and community activists, as it is rumoured that there is a list of 40 comrades who have an arrest warrant out against them and that the army came to the city with a photographic archive of social activists of the border.

Pedro Paulino Nain, a comrade from the anarchist social center "Kasa de Kultura para Todxs" was arrested in February of this year for his participation in a mobilization in 2003. He has been harassed and scared off attending the social center, and on the same day of the detentions, Sunday, April 3rd, the activists from the social center were informed by an unknown person that the the army had a photographic archive of the members of Kasa de Kultura para Todxs.

Since last April 28 more than 2,000 Mexican Army troops patrol the streets of Ciudad Juarez, they have set up dozens of roadblocks and even helicopters flying over the city as the Federal Government's alleged response to the wave of organized crime-related violence on this border. These actions are part of the so-called “Joint Operation Chihuahua”.
Military elements move through the streets of this city, aiming their long arms at pedestrians, and intimidating the community, besieging the city and violating human rights. Although the army’s advance through the country is justified by the calederonista government as part of the combating of drug trafficking, we know that this argument is only a screen to militarize the country and criminalize social struggles. The patrolling military forces have brought only misery and violence for the Juarenses. For weeks there have been a growing number of complaints against the armed forces, ranging from the torture of members of the municipal police, abuse of power opening fire on a police patrol car, and raping a policewoman of 22, inhuman kidnappings and robberies at the roadblocks, requiring citizens to remain squatted for over half an hour with their hands behind their neck. The state of terror and siege is such that the Municipal police have refused to patrol the city.


Nazis in Chile: A Growing Threat?

Recently Frontline did a slideshow report about Neo-Nazis in Chile. While the report is from a centrist/liberal point of view and seems even mildly sympathetic to nazi youth it is an interesting english language evaluation of what seems to be a growing trend in South America especially in Chile and Ecuador.

Info about the history of fascism in Chile (spanish)/ Historia del fascismo en chile

Friday, April 11, 2008

English information about recent repression in Oaxaca.

Teresa Bautista and Felicitas Martínez, 22 and 20 years old respectively, reporters and announcers for the community radio La Voz que Rompe el Silencio (The Voice that Breaks the Silence) of the popular government of San Juan Copala, were killed in an ambush yesterday at Llano Juárez on the highway from Joya del Mamey to Putla de Guerrero, as they were traveling by car to the state capital along with several other people.
Read the report in english

Repression en Oaxaca: Dos mujeres periodistas asesinadas/Repression in Oaxaca, 2 female journalists killed.

7 de abril.
- Dos indígenas triquis de la Radio Comunitaria "La Voz que rompe el silencio" del Ayuntamiento Popular de San Juan Copala, región de la Mixteca, fueron asesinadas hoy por la tarde con disparos de arma de fuego durante una emboscada en un camino local cuando se dirigían a esta ciudad a participar en el Encuentro Estatal por la Defensa de los Derechos de los Pueblos de Oaxaca. Las víctimas, fueron identificadas como Teresa Bautista Merino y Felícitas Martínez Sánchez, locutoras de la estación, de 24 y 20 años de edad, respectivamente. Mas info...
April 7th, Oaxaca
Two indigenous women from "the Voice that Breaks the Silence" community radio from Saun Juan Copala in the Mixteca region, were murdered this afternoon, shot during an ambush on a local road while they were on their way to participate in The State Meeting for the Defense of the Rights of the Oaxacan People. The victims were identified as Teresa Bautista Merino and Felicitas Martinez Sanchez aged 24 and 20 years respectively.

-We will hopefully have more info as we translate reports from Oaxaca, These women were involved with a group called CACTUS which works to set up radio throughout the Mixteca region of Oaxaca. The following is from a friend who works with CACTUS:

"Just yesterday I got that word that two young women who were radio
show hosts for the station were assassinated. FELICITAS MARTINEZ
SANCHEZ y TERESA BAUTISTA MERINO were 20 and 22 years old.

My friend has been working with CACTUS to set up stations and he
personally worked with Felicitas and Teresa to train them how to run
the station and how to produce audio pieces.

I'm shocked. I'm outraged and frankly I don't know what to do. I'm
still waiting to hear from CACTUS folks exactly what's going on.

What do we do?"

Thursday, April 10, 2008

NYC: Anarchist Bookfair Saturday 4/12

Come by Judson Church right off of Washington Square Park in NYC for the 2nd Annual NYC Anarchist Bookfair. Love and Resistance/ Amor y Resistencia, will have a table, stop by and say hi!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

the Olympics: bloodshed and destruction


Mexico 1968

Germany 1936

As Olympic time comes around again we wish to remind you that rarely do these games really lead to brotherhood[sic] and international unity. It is often used by authoritarian and repressive governments as an excuse to crack down on dissidents as in Mexico City, as we are seeing in China and Tibet, and as many are expecting in Vancouver 2010 as indigenous lands will be siezed and the games are used as an excuse for 'Development'. We also remind you how Hitler used the 1936 Olympics as propaganda for Naziism as well as the Bloody Black September massacre in Munich.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Chile: Jhonny Presente!

Mapuche Anarchist Jhonny Cariqueo Yañez died March31st, 2008 after suffering a heart attack while being beaten by the Carabineros (chilean police) during protests commemorating the Day of the Youth Combatant, in Pudahuel, Santiago. Jhonny was in the company of two comrades from the collective "Raised Fist" leaving the scene of clashes between police and protesters when a van full of special riot police intercepted them. The police beat and arrested Jhonny and his friends who were brought to the 26th Precinct in Pudahuel where they suffered constant verbal and physical assault...

Jhonny suffered from heart problems and as a consequence of the brutal beating he recieved from the Carabineros he began to have intense chest pains as well as pain in his arm. The police refused his pleas for medical attention claiming (falsely) to not have vehicles available to take him to the hospital. Finally after much insistence by his friends Jhonny was later taken to the emergency room where he was given injections to better him. He was then returned to the jail where he was beaten again, and released the next day. Monday the 31st around 2pm Jhonny laid down in his bed and had a heart attack, minutes later he was dead. The death of our compañero Jhonny Cariqueo Yañez was the consequence of his treatment by the Carabineros, and their subsequent negligence. The death of Jhonny is one more on the long list of radicals who have fallen in their fight against those who profit from our oppression. Are response will be to continue on the path that Jhonny made an effort to construct, the path of revolution, until we achieve our true liberation.

En Español Aqui.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

D-Q University Raided in California

On March 31st at 9:45 am, the Yolo County Sheriff's Department raided D-Q University, California's only Tribal college. 18 elders, students and community supporters were arrested after police stormed onto campus with guns drawn. In a similar in0cident on February 20th, Sheriff's deputies came onto the sovereign campus and arrested three Native students. Their court date will be on Wednesday, April 2nd at 7:30 am at the Woodland Courthouse. Supporters are asked to contact the CA Office of the Attorney General Jerry Brown in defense of the students and to denounce the abuse of power by the Board of Trustees and police.

D-Q U was born of struggle in the 70's when people occupied an abandoned Army facility and retained it for the purpose of providing traditional and formal education for Indigenous people. The Board of Trustees who legally preside over D-Q U have become corrupt, betraying the true purpose of the university and abusing their power. In 2005, D-Q U lost its accreditation and the board demanded the school be shut down. Students who condemn the board's negligence have been holding classes themselves and have taken up residence on campus. They are dedicated to protecting D-Q U for the benefit of future generations and the education of all Native people.
Read more

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Key Police Officer involved in Oaxaca Repression Assassinated in Oaxaca City

This morning Alejandro Barrita Ortiz, director of the Auxiliary, Industrial, Banking and Comercial Police, was assassinated in Oaxaca City at “El Tequio” sports park near the international airport. Two versions of the assassination have surfaced, one which claims the assassins used a 380 and 9mm handguns, and another which claims AK-47s were the weapons of choice. The second version further states that the assassins fled the scene in a red pickup and a black Dodge Stratus. Unofficial reports have surfaced indicating that a phone call was made to the local emergency services hotline by someone claiming to represent the Popular Revolutionary Army (EPR), and that the caller clarified there were “two more left to go”.
Read More

En Español

Monday, January 28, 2008


El pasado 2 de enero David Venegas ganaba un nuevo amparo contra el auto de formal prisión que se dictó contra él tras la reclasificación de los delitos a que fue sometido en septiembre pasado. Desde ese momento, el proceso judicial se ha visto nuevamente lleno de irregularidades que no han hecho más retrasar el procedimiento y por tanto la puesta en libertad de Venegas.

La primera irregularidad se cometió al retrasarse alrededor de una semana la notificación a Venegas del amparo que había ganado en contra de los delitos de rebelión, ataques contra las vías generales de comunicación, ataques peligrosos, delitos contra funcionarios públicos y resistencia de particulares, por los que actualmente permanece en prisión, consecuencia de la reclasificación de los delitos producto de la también irregular revisión anterior.

El plazo legal para la presentación por parte del Ministerio Público para presentar una revisión tras ser otorgado un amparo, es de diez días tras serle éste notificado, por lo que la dilación cometida con Venegas supuso dar, de manera irregular, más tiempo al Ministerio Público para presentar esa revisión, cuyo plazo finalmente acababa el pasado viernes 25 de enero.

Ese día, los familiares de Venegas pudieron comprobar que a las seis de la tarde todavía no se había presentado ninguna revisión, aunque el Ministerio Público Federal sí acabó haciéndolo a última hora, tal y como sucedió en la anterior revisión a la que fue sometido tras ganar su primer amparo federal. Sin embargo, el MP lo hizo de manera incompleta por lo que el juez encargado del caso, en lugar de considerar que el plazo había acabado, decidió conceder tres días más para que la revisión del amparo fuera presentada según marca la legalidad.

Cómo acabe este cúmulo de irregularidades, si con la libertad definitiva de David Venegas o con otra maniobra “legal” que lo mantenga privado de su libertad, es algo que sabremos en los próximos días.

Hay que recordar que desde su detención el 13 de abril de 2007, Venegas ha sido constantemente objeto de irregularidades judiciales que en algún momento han llegado a ir acompañadas de amenazas contra él y su familia.
Nueva entrevista con Davíd.

Protest the Chilean Consulate! Free the Mapuche Political Prisoners

Free The Mapuche Political Prisoners!

1/29/08 NYC......
Protest the Chilean Consulate!!!
Tues. Jan. 29th, 2008 10am!
For 500 years, The Mapuche have resisted the colonial oppressors. Whether, Spain or Argentina or Chile the history of this proud nation has been one of resistance and struggle. Under Pinochet, the Chilean government enacted terrorism laws against some forms of dissent and protest.

Much like our incarcerated freedom fighters here in the United States,
the Mapuche have fallen victim to these laws, laws similar to the current "Anti -Terror" initiatives being practiced and implemented here. Political Prisoner Patricia Troncoso has been on a hunger strike for 105 days in protest of her incarceration and of these "anti-terror" laws.


Tuesday, January 29th, 2007...10am

Primera Avenida (1° Avenue) esquina East 48th. Street
(Hay una sucursal del Citibank en el primer piso del edificio).
We will assemble and have a press conference addressing the Chilean
government and the treatment of the Mapuche Nation.
We will deliver letters in support of the Mapuche Nation and in
critique of the Bachelet government.


Subway to:
Lexington/53rd Street: E, 6, V
Grand Central Station: 4,5,6,7 and S

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Carabineros Asesina Joven Mapuche/ Chilean Police Kill Mapuche Youth

Un joven Mapuche, Matías Catrileo fue asesinado por los Carabineros en Chile:

"Un nuevo asesinato por parte del estado chileno se produjo esta mañana cuando alrededor de 20 comuneros mapuche iniciaron una toma en el fundo Santa Margarita, propiedad del agricultor Jorge Luchsinger. Matías Catrileo Quezada, de alrededor de 20 años, recibió un impacto provocado por una ráfaga de metralleta que le perforó el pulmón y su cuerpo, muriendo a los pocos minutos de haber recibido el disparo.

"Nosotros intentamos hacer una recupeación pacífica, ingresamos al fundo, inmediatamente Carabineros comenzó a disparar con subametralladoras, en eso nosotros empezamos la retirada y una de las balas alcanzó al hermano Matías". Indicó un manifestante a un periódico.

Este sería el caso más grave desde el asesinato del comunero mapuche Alex Lemún el año 2003, también a manos de carabineros de chile."
Video de la marcha en memoria de Matías.
mas info

Chile - Police shot and killed Matias Catrileo Quezada, a 22-year-old university student, and Mapuche supporter during a land re-occupation near the southern city of Vilcun.
¨Another murder on the part of the Chilean state happened this morning when around 20 mapuches initiated a land occupation. Matias Catrileo Quezada was hit with a burst of machine gun fire which perforated his lung, he died minutes after being shot"

"We tried to do a peaceful occupation when the Caribeneros (Chilean Police) began to shoot, at this point we retreated which is when Matias was hit" A demostrator told journalists. This event is reminscent of the police killing of Alex Lemun in 2002
video of the memorial march and clashes with police
More info from Bombs and Shields

Saturday, December 15, 2007

No One Is Illegal! Blockade stops Deportion in Vancouver!

1500+ Halt Deportation of Laibar Singh at Vancouver International Airport!
Laibar Singh, a 48-year old Punjabi refugee living in Vancouver, was due to be deported on December 10, ironically Human Rights Day. However, upwards to 1500 of Singh’s supporters rallied at the airport prior to his deportation, and peacefully blocked the Canadian Border Service Agency (CBSA) officials from getting to the taxi where Singh was waiting. The flight that was due to deport Singh took off at 2:30pm, and he wasn’t on it. His deportation has now been temporarily postponed, and Mr. Singh is back with his community and friends. No one is illegal!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Sobre el ecoactivista Daniel McGowan y la campaña ''Green Scare''

Según la última carta del compañero Daniel McGowan se encuentra bien, el talego en el que está es de baja seguridad, por lo que comenta que las condiciones no son muy duras. Nos sugirió traducir algún texto sobre su caso y el "Green Scare", una campaña amedrantadora con la que el gobierno pretende asustar a los activistas por al tierra y los animales, haciendo que cumplan condenas desmesuradas. Podéis visitar la página , con mucísima información sobre Daniel y cómo ayudarle. Iremos traduciendo poco a poco textos sobre él y su caso.


Daniel McGowan es un activista social y por el medio ambiente de Nueva York. Fué acusado de incendio, destrucción de la propiedad y conspiración, todo ello debido a dos acciones llevadas a cabo en Oregon en 2001. Hasta hace poco el gobierno le ofrecía a Daniel dos opciones : cooperar informando sobre otra gente involucrada en esos movimientos, o ir a juicio y básicamente pasar el resto de su vida en prisión. Su única opción real era no declararse culpable hasta que pudiese llegar a una resolución del caso que le permitiese hacer honor a sus principios. Ahora, como resultado de meses de litigios y negociaciones, Daniel pudo admitir su participación en estos dos incidentes sin implicar o identificar a ninguna otra persona sospechosa de haber participado con él.

Daniel creció en Rockaway Beach, Queens, Nueva York, y es un apreciado miembro de la comunidad. Ha trabajado en proyectos como las manifestaciones contra la Convención Nacional Republicana, contra el reclutamiento militar, organizando mercados gratis en su vecindario, y apoyando a presxs políticxs como Jeff “Free” Luers. Daniel, además, estaba haciendo un Master en acupuntura y trabajaba en, una organización no basada en el beneficio que ayuda a mujeres que han sufrido abusos a conocer el sistema legal, cuando fué arrestado por los federales el 7 de Diciembre del 2005.

El arresto de Daniel McGowan fue parte de una auténtica caza y captura multi estatal bien coordinada de 15 activistas por el gobierno federal, que ha acusado a esxs individuxs por prácticamente todas las acciones por la liberación animal y de la tierra que se han ido sucediendo en el noroeste Pacífico y que aún estaban sin resolver. Muchos han considerado estas detenciones como un signo de la campaña de terror que el gobierno quiere implantar entre los eco-activistas (lo que se ha venido a llamar Green Scare), y con la que se amenaza a los detenidos con la permanencia de por vida en prisión cuando crímenes mucho mas serios continúan siendo ignorados. Muchos de los cargos, incluyendo los de Daniel, fueron por delitos cuyo estatuto de limitaciones estaba apunto de expirar.

Continúamos apoyando a Daniel completamente. Él y su familia están pasando por momentos muy duros con todo esto y desean pasar por ello con los mejores resultados.

La familia y amigos de Daniel McGowan recaudarán fondos para pagar su defensa legal, organizando eventos públicos para dar a conocer la campaña “Green Scare” del gobierno y proveyendo de apoyo legal, emocional, logístico y financiero a Daniel. Él dedicará su tiempo a estudiar un Master y a completar un libro sobre su experiencia durante su estancia en la cárcel.

Daniel McGowan
#63794-053, Unit I
FCI Sandstone
P.O. Box 1000
Sandstone, MN 55072