Monday, September 24, 2007

Free David Venegas Reyes!

(from, see prior post for more info on David's case)

"APPO council member: David Venegas Reyes is a young 24-year old Oaxacan student at the University of Chapingo. He is an APPO council member representing some of the largest barricades that carried on the resistance during the long months of the intense struggle of the Oaxacan people.

As a respected representative of the barricades, he was one of the most honest people in the APPO, who never remained silent in the face of attitudes that were contrary to the spirit of the social movement in Oaxaca; instead, he and himself to defend the independence of the APPO from the political parties that tried to lead the APPO into the electoral process.

David Venegas was an obstacle to both the state and federal governments. Dignified people like David will never sell themselves to power by accepting money or a seat in the legislature, or by keeping silent. Even though he’s now being held prisoner, he will not be silenced, nor will thousands of other people who, like David, have dignity."

We call on all people, collectives, and individuals of Oaxaca, Mexico, and the world to refuse to remain silent in the face of heavy repression against the people of Oaxaca and to mobilize in any way possible to demand the freedom of all our comrades who are imprisoned.

We cannot allow people who are prisoners of the struggle to be forgotten. People who defended the barricades are now prisoners.

We propose:

-Demonstrations at Mexican Embassies and Consulates.
-Sending letters of solidarity to David Venegas Reyes and all political prisoners:
-Press conferences and informative talks about the case of David Venegas Reyes and all political prisoners.
-Writing to Mexican authorities to ask for the immediate freedom of David Venegas Reyes and all political prisoners.
-Marches, hunger strikes, cultural events, street theatre, video showings and talks about Oaxaca…

-(VOCAL-Oaxaca Libre)

Saturday, September 22, 2007



On September 20, 2007, the Oaxaca state government authorities made yet another dirty move against our compañero David Venegas “El Alebrije”.

Just a few days before, the federal authorities had responded to the petition for a protective writ for David against the pre-trial detention order on charges of SEDITION, CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY, and ARSON, granting him a protective writ for the second time. He is due to be released,given that the federal authorities recognized that there was no legal basis for any of the three charges against him.

Yesterday, however, the day he should have been released, the authorities of the Ulises Ruíz government issued a NEW PRE-TRIAL DETENTION ORDER ON RECONFIGURED CHARGES, which are:


As a result, our compañero has not been released and is still unjustly
held prisoner at Oaxaca’s central prison, Santa Marìa Ixcotel, when he should have already been released uncoditionally.

Free David!


Les informamos a que el dìa de ayer 20 de septiembre de 2007, las autoridades del gobierno del estado de Oaxaca hicieron una sucia jugada màs, a nuestro compañero David Venegas “El Alebrije”.

Dìas antes, por segunda ocasión, las autoridades federales en respuesta a la solicitud de amparo interpuesto en contra del auto de formal prisiòn para David por los delitos de SEDICIÓN, ASOCIACIÓN DELICTUOSA Y DAÑOS POR INCENDIO, le otorgan el amparo. Por lo cual se ordena la libertad para nuestro compañero, pues reconocieron las autoridades federales que ningùno de los 3 delitos de los cuales era acusado David estaban sustentados jurídicamente.

El dìa de ayer, cuando nuestro compañero debió ser puesto en libertad inmediata, las autoridades del Gobierno de Ulises Ruìz le dictaron un NUEVO AUTO DE FORMAL PRISIÒN POR RECONFIGURACIÒN DE DELITOS, ahora los delitos de los cuales acusan a nuestro compañero son:


Por lo anterior nuestro compañero no ha sido liberado y actualmente se encuentra preso injustamente en la penitenciaría central de Oaxaca, Santa Marìa Ixcotel, cuando ya debería estar en libertad absoluta.


David Venegas Libertad!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Ataques Nazis en Ecuador/ Nazi Attacks in Ecuador

(Cora, de Radio La Luna despues de ser atacada/ Cora, from Radio La Luna after being attacked)

Ataques Nazis en Ecuador
"Ayer en la noche fue atacada por Cabezas Rapadas (Huecas) la compañera Cora Cadena de Diablouma antes de ingresar a Radio La Luna al programa dominical Jatarishum que ella conduce con otras personas del colectivo. Ella fue hospitalizada con graves lesiones en su cuerpo."

"El día viernes 7 de septiembre de este año en las fiestas de Guápulo atacaron a dos integrantes del ecolectivo Yura, sin que pase a mayores, así como a dos jóvenes punks quienes fueron fuertemente heridos en la cabeza con un bate de béisbol y tuvieron que ser atendidos de manera urgente."

lee mas y actua!
Autodefensa Antifascista ya!
Nazi Attacks in Ecuador!

"Last Night our friend Cora Cadena was attacked by Skinheads (boneheads) while entering Radio la Luna in Quito where she works on the sunday Jatarishum program. She was hospitalized with serious injuries on her body"

"Friday September 7th of this year in the Guapulo Fiestas two members of the ecologist collective Yura were attacked while two young punks where seriously injured after being attacked by Nazis with baseball bats and had to be rushed to the hospital"

indymedia ecuador

Monday, September 17, 2007

Support the Anarchist Book Fair in Monterrey, México/ Apoya la Feria de Libros Anarquista en Monterrey, Mexico


Con saludos libertarios nos presentamos compañer@s.

Radicamos en la desertica y casi fronteriza ciudad del norte de México y trabajamos en la creación de un Centro Social Libertario, donde estamos dándole vida a la primera Biblioteca Anarquista en Monterrey.

El Centro Social Libertario-Biblioteca “Viviendo la Utopía”, nació dentro de un proceso de fortalecimiento y visibilización del movimiento anarquista ante los diferentes movimientos sociales y ante la comunidad en general.

Dado que después de la brutal represión que vivimos el 28 de mayo del 2004 en Guadalajara, Jalisco, muchos grupos tuvimos que reconstruirnos y reorganizarnos para aprender a confrontar esa lógica de criminalización y aniquilación que el gobierno desató contra el movimiento anarquista en particular, pero que sin duda sirvió como laboratorio para medir la reacción de la población en general. Y que a la par, ha servido para crear un ambiente de repudio y ataque contra todos los movimientos sociales, como fue también en el 2006 contra San Salvador Atenco y actualmente contra nuest@s herman@s de Oaxaca.

La confrontación que vemos necesaria mantener es la que por medio de ella, podamos abrir brechas que ayuden a ubicarse constructivamente en la realidad a nuestra comunidad; y a partir de ahí comenzar a generar procesos de concientización, pero sobre todo de empoderamiento para lograr descubrir en conjunto la capacidad de actuar y de transformar nuestra realidad. lee mas...

Anarchist Book Fair in Monterrey, México
HELP US set a goal of raising US$ 600

The Centro Social Libertario-Biblioteca ­"Viviendo la Utopía" in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon will be hosting the 2nd Anarchist Book Fair on October 5, 6 and 7th. The Anarchist Social Center-Library "Living Utopia" came into existence as part of a process of reorganization of the anarchist movement in Monterrey and Mexico as a whole.

After the brutal repression that we experienced during protests of the meeting of heads of state of Latin America and the Caribbean and the European Union in Guadalajara in 2004, a number of groups around Mexico had to learn to confront the logic of state criminalization unleashed against organized social movements.

The Anarchist Book/Publication Fairs in Mexico have been created as part of this process of reorganization of the Mexican anarchist movement. Read more...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The other 9/11- Never Forget Never Forgive!

In Chile the date of 9/11 brings memories of a traumatic event that does not include images of a 747 crashing into the World Trade Center, the 1973 Coup d' Etat which resulted in the death of Socialist President Salvador Allende and the beginning of the fascist military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet which was responsible for the deaths and disappearance of more than 3,000 chileans with countless imprisoned and viciously tortured.

Pinochet's coup and subsequent dictatorship were supported by the CIA, American Corporations(like ITT), and Secretary of state Henry Kissinger. who was famously quoted as saying:

"I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves."

Chilean radicals have been commemorating the 11th of September with militant marches and clashes with the Carabineros (the state police who were responsible for disappearing radicals during Pinochet's regime) proclaiming "ni olvido ni perdon" Never Forget, Never Forgive!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

The time is right to FIGHT!

"The Democratic and Republican National Conventions present a tremendous opportunity for anarchists and other opponents of war and oppression. If the increasingly unpopular occupation of Iraq is still in effect by summer of 2008, it will be obvious that neither docile street marches nor electoral campaigns are effective means of opposing it; it will likewise be clear that the Democratic opposition is either not capable of or not interested in following through on their promises of ending the war, let alone solving all the additional problems capitalism poses."

As next years presidential campaign heats up with the usual quasi-fascists and power hungry scum bags vying for the presidency, momentum has also been building amongst anarchists who will likely capitalize on the media spectacle surrounding the presidential campaigns to step up resistance and fight back. A new website called Unconventional Action will no doubt lend a hand to those who wish to confront the Republican Convention in Minneapolis and the Democrats in Denver.

A call to resistance against the border / Una llamada de resistencia en contra de la frontera

Entre el 7 y el 11 de Noviembre del 2007, miles de personas se reuniran en la línea entre Calexico, California y Mexicali, Baja California. Durante la semana tomaremos acción para combatir la infraestructura de represión y de globalización neoliberal. Crearemos una zona autónoma, libre de fronteras y las mentiras que las perpetúan.
Por un mundo sin fronteras!
Between November 7th and 11th, 2007, thousands of people with gather at the line between Calexico, California and Mexicali, Baja California. Throughout this week of action we will engage in opposition to the infrastructure of repression and that of neo-liberal globalization.

Together we will create an autonomous zone free of borders and the lies they perpetuate.
For a world without borders!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Anarchists in the US getting ready for the Republican Convention.

"A year in advance of the planned Republican dog-and-pony show, the radically minded RNC resistance group is announcing a 2007 Labor Day weekend gathering in the Twin Cities. Wittily dubbed “the pReNC,” the event is to feature educational workshops and a prospective strategizing session.

Contrary to rumors, local anarchists, who do actually exist, are planning the event. Unlike local authorities and law enforcement, Twin Cities anarchists are organizing from the grassroots and will not be relying on national bodies to oversee their plans."

Anarchists in Minneapolis/St. Paul are already planning a radical response to the Republican National Convention, that well be held there a year from now. The "RNC Welcoming Comittee" is holding a Pre-RNC meeting for Radicals across the US to meet and make plans for the convention.

watch an awesome, newly released video from minneapolis.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Entrevista con el Colectivo Sacco y Vanzetti de Mexico/Interview with the Sacco and Vanzetti Collective, Mexico

“Las cárceles son un reflejo viviente del capitalismo, y junto al capitalismo deben desaparecer.”
Entrevista con el Colectivo Sacco y Vanzetti de México
por Rodolfo Montes de Oca (CNA Venezuela)

México es uno de los lugares del globo donde nuestros compañeros han sido reprimidos de la manera más brutal y despiadada conocida, desde la tortura hasta la expulsión. Esta discriminación y agresión desmedida ha generado una reacción adversa dentro de los círculos libertarios, provocando un creciente interés en las luchas anticarcelarias. El Colectivo Sacco y Vanzetti es un ejemplo de ello. Desde las insurgentes tierras de Flores Magon, nos llega esta entrevista…

"Prisons are a living reflection of capitalism, and together with capitalism must disappear"
-Interview (in Spanish) with the newly formed Sacco and Vanzetti Collective from Mexico. By Rodolfo Monted de Oca (Anarchist Black Cross Venezuela)

"Mexico is one of the places in the world where our comrades have been repressed in the most brutal manner, from torture to expulsion from the country. This discrimination and aggresion has created an adverse reaction inside of anarchist circles, provoking a growing interest in anti prison struggles. The Sacco and Vanzetti collective is an example of this. From the insurgent land of Flores Magon we bring you this interview (in spanish)"

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

PRI wins in Oaxacan elections 80% abstain from voting

PRI wins in Oaxacan elections as almost 80% abstain from voting, 3 people taken off the streets on election night still not found, among them 2 Catalans and 1 Mexican

Last night, August 5th, as the votes that confirmed the PRI sweep of the state legistlative election were counted

Last night, while the votes were being counted that confirmed a PRI sweep of the state legistlative elections, three people were taken off the streets of the Zocalo in Oaxaca City by police at approximately 10 pm. Among them were two Catalans and one Mexican woman. Their status is still unknown over twelve hours later, and they have not been found in any jail. There is no other confirmed information surrounding their arrests.

The elections, in which almost 80% of the Oaxacan population abstained from voting, came as a dissapointment for the APPO's "punishment vote" campaign against the PRI.

Police presence was extremely heavy in the streets of Oaxaca City last night and today.
By midnight last night one could see over 30 trucks of armed state and judicial police drive through the streets surrounding the Zocalo, and men in plain clothes came through the Zocalo with machetes and cut down the political banners remaining from the section 22 teachers sit-in that ended yesterday. Even later at night state workers came to paint over political graffiti and stencils covering the walls of the buildings in the Zocalo.

With 80% of the state abstaining from voting the legitimacy of the state democracy is questionable, and the low-turn out shows the collective disillution in Oaxaca with the electoral process that has left the heavily contested PRI party, to which Ulises Ruiz belongs, in power for over 70 years.


Sunday, August 05, 2007

Oaxaca is not over!

Oaxaca is bracing itself for the upcoming state legislative elections on Sunday August 5, which are surrounded by tension. The recent heavy activity of a questionable guerrilla group has only added to the mood. All the while, the APPO continues to change its profile, and the Oaxaca uprising a year later is continues to development into a political force.
read new article by Barucha Calamity Peller

Monday, July 30, 2007

Benefit for Anarchist collectives in Mexico, July 31st, Brooklyn.

The love and resistance collective and the in our hearts network are having a Benefit for Anarchist collectives in Mexico this Tuesday, July 31st.

There are a variety of anarchist groups involved in diverse struggles in Mexico, from the uprising in Oaxaca, support for political prisoners, as well as anti border actions. Come out on Tuesday to see "We Are Everywhere" a short video about the Mexican anarchist scene by the Love and Resistance collective, including a short discussion about the anarchist movement in Mexico and the participation of anarchists in the Oaxacan uprising and the APPO movement. Enjoy Vegan Mexican food and good company.

$5-$10 suggested donation, no one turned away for lack of funds.

239 Himrod Street
, Apartment 1, Bushwick, Brooklyn

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Nuevos enfrentamientos en Oaxaca, un muerto reportado/ New confrontations in Oaxaca, one death reported.


Este lunes 16 de julio, aproximadamente a las 11:30 a.m., elementos de la Policía Municipal, Policía Preventiva y Policía Bancaria e Industrial enfrentaron, con bombas de gas lacrimógeno y piedras, a manifestantes de la Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca y maestros de las Sección XXII del Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación que intentaron subir al Auditorio Guelaguetza, localizado en el Cerro del Fortín de la Ciudad de Oaxaca, como parte de los festejos de la Fiesta Popular de los oaxaqueños. Lee mas...

Today in Oaxaca City, Oaxaca, a confrontation between the APPO (Popular Assembly of The Peoples of Oaxaca) and security forces of the State of Oaxaca as well as Federal Preventive Police has left at least one movement participant dead as a result of police violence, at least 62 detained, and an unknown number of people disappeared.
According to an APPO press statement released today, the police launched “a broad offense” against the people of Oaxaca who were celebrating their alternative and popular guelaguetza (an annual Oaxacan cultural festival) in the Guelaguetza auditorium. Read more...

Monday, July 16, 2007

With Love from behind Enemy Lines: Prison Dispatch from Daniel McGowan

Political Prisoner Daniel McGowan's first public statement from Prison:

"I have a 7 year prison sentence and a lot of time to write. Being publicly silenced to comment on my case has not been easy and I assure you I have a lot to say. We have a lot of time to cover all these topics. For now, I’m ok. I’m at the Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. It is a boring, lifeless jail housing over 2000 men either awaiting trial, or like me, awaiting designation."

Read the entire statement

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Encuentros Internacionales Anarquistas en Mexico

Julio Rojo y Negro:
Desde el 6 hasta el 8 de Julio en Mexico DF hubo un encuentro international anarquista. Y en San Cristobal de las Casas el 15 hasta el 18 de Julio va a pasar el segundo encuentro del Anarkalactica antes del Encuentro Zapatista en Oventic. Viva la resistencia internacional!

A Red and Black July:
July 6th to 8th in Mexico City there was an International Anarchist Gathering, in San Cristobal De las Casas, in Chiapas from the 15th of July to the 18th there will be the 2nd meeting of the Anarkalactica (Anarchist supporters of the EZLN) before the 2nd Zapatista Encuentro in the Zapatista community of Oventic.

Friday, July 06, 2007

No Pride in AmeriKKKa

This 4th of July marked "independence" day in the USA. In Spokane Washington more than 80 people gathered to demonstrate against police brutality in what was promoted as the 2nd Annual March For Rights. The event was organized by a group called ASAP (Alternative Solutions And Possibilities), a newly formed anarchist group. Local cops used this patriotic holiday to attack the crowd which was peacefully enjoying a picnic, and arrested 18 people. Support needed!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Libertad para Daniel McGowan y todxs lxs presxs politicxs!

El 2 de Julio de 2007 Daniel McGowan va a ser trasladado a una carcel federal para empezar su sentencia de 7 anos. Daniel fue arrestado como parte de una ola de represión en contra de anarquistas y activistas ecologistas a lo largo de los EE.UU. una estrategia del estado que lxs activistas llaman "the green scare" (la amenaza verde)

Daniel estaba enfrentando una cadena perpetua por algunas acciones atribuidas a el ELF- Frente de Liberacion de la Tierra, la mayoria de lxs otrxs 'activistas' arrestadxs decidieron cooperar con el gobierno en contra Daniel y otrxs activistas para tener una sentencia menor. El 9 de Noviembre Daniel, Nathan Block, Joyanna Zacher, y Jonathan Paul decidieron declararse culpables por las acciones del ELF pero sin inculpar a nadie, ni testificar en contra de otrxs.

Todo esto ha tenido un efecto muy grave entre lxs radicales de Estados Unidos, por la represion, por lxs soplones y lxs "activistas" que podrian traicionar facilmente a un movimiento en defensa de la tierra y a sus amigxs.

En los anos que vienen tambien es importante apoyar a:
Daniel McGowan,
Nathan Block,
Joyanna Zacher,
Jonathan Paul, lxs que tuvieron el coraje de no decir nombres, ni inculpar a otrxs. Y tambien hay que apoyar Briana Waters que todavia esta enfrentando cargos por supuestas acciones del ELF.

Y lo mas importante es que hay que seguir luchando por la defensa de la tierra y todas las formas de vida.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

High School Students on the move again in Chile

Once again high school and college students in Chile are mobilizing against the LOCE law. 2006 saw huge protests that seriously threatened the government of 'socialist' president Michelle Bachelet. Now schools have been re-occupied and a national mobilization was just realized.

reportajes en espanol: hommodolars * indymedia santiago

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

G8- chaos in Rostock! / caos en Rostock

Sorry for not posting in a while.
Check out Hate the G8 for reports and pictures of the anti G8 mobilizations in Germany, More soon!!!