Help us defend liberty, equality & justice

What We Do

Defending our rights in the courts

Defending our rights in the courts

We are the nation’s leading civil liberties advocate in the Supreme Court. With over 200 staff attorneys and an extensive network of cooperating attorneys, we handle thousands of cases each year on behalf of clients whose rights have been violated.

Current Court Battles
Empowering communities across the U.S.

Empowering communities across the U.S.

We protect your freedom through a nationwide network of staffed offices in every state, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.

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Influencing public policy with a powerful voice

Influencing public policy with a powerful voice

Our legislative advocates are a constant presence in federal and state governments, working with policy makers to ensure the necessary laws exist to protect our civil rights.

Current Advocacy Battles

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Take Action

Our Border Communities are not Constitution-Free Zones

The border region is not a military zone - CBP agents need better accountability for any abuses.

Thank ACLU clients who fought for marriage equality

Sign to thank all ACLU clients who have taken a stand for marriage equality.

Stop voter discrimination

Urge Congress to pass the Voting Rights Amendment Act (VRAA) of 2015 and stop unchecked discrimination at the polls. 

Protect Women's Decisions

In 2015 Congress has already begun to attack our reproductive freedoms. Don't turn back the clock: protect women's decisions.

See all actions

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