Help Centre

Welcome to Policy Online Help

This page will contain a list of the available help pages that have been developed. We will be adding to this section as new features come on board. 

If there is something which you need help with and can't find here please email


Help Pages:

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Policy Online is an open access digital library specialising in research and information on public interest issues.

Post your publications, data, audio, video or web links on Policy Online and reach thousands of readers in education, government, NGOs, industry and the media.

Always search Policy Online first to see if we already have the item.  If we don't, this is the process to add new material.

1. Log in (top right hand side of site)

2. Once on the dashboard go to the Menu column on the right and select Submit Content. This will open the Resource upload form (which is also the edit form if you need to make changes)

Policy Online collects and catalogues a wide range of policy related resources categorised in the formats of: Research, Commentary, Audio, Video and Websites.

Within these formats we consider Articles, Surveys, Books, Book reviews, Briefing papers, Chapters, Directories, Discussion papers, Essays, Guides, Interviews, Journal Articles, Literature reviews, Lectures, Presentations, Policies, Programs, Reports, Statistics, Strategies, Submissions, Theses, Transcripts, Working papers and more, with a preference towards researched work over opinion.

We request your permission to allow Australian Policy Online ( to upload and hold a copy of openly available full text resources produced by your organisation.

Policy Online is a not‐for­‐profit research database providing access to publications and resources and functions as an institutional repository for much Australian policy information.  Since 2002, as this information has increasingly proliferated in digital formats, Policy Online has been at the forefront of efforts to comprehensively preserve and document Australian policy resources. 

If you publish open access research chances are we have, or should have*, something by your organisation. We call publishers and producers 'sources' on Policy Online and there are at least three ways you can find everything from one source.

The following collection policy covers the management and reuse of Policy Online metadata and full text content. It was developed in the standard format used by the Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR) in order to increase the visibility and impact of repositories around the world.

Data Policy

for full-text and other full data items

You can organise material on Policy Online according to your own needs.  Make lists of useful research to return to, reports you want to share with others (or on your own site) or for any other reason you would like to group items together.