National Programs

So, what are 3CR’s National Programs and why are they different?

3CR’s national programs are currently being played on over 50 community radio stations around the nation, with this number aiming to increase over the coming year. Across the station there are nine diverse programs which are broadcast nationally on the Community Radio Network (CRN).

If you’re interested in issues by and about women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds with a commitment to progressive politics, then tune in to Accent of Women (AoW). Some examples of the issues AoW covers are: female journalists tackling the male dominated news world, working women in the Philippines, women immigrant and refugee rights and female revolutionaries playing a crucial role in the Arab Spring. Hear an AoW show: Jiselle Hanna interviews Malalai Joya, notable former Afghani parliamentarian, women’s rights activist and writer in Afghanistan about living under US-led occupation for more than 10 years. Download (29:50 min)

3CR Mural
If you’re looking for something a little louder with an anarchist analysis on local, national and international news and events then listen to Anarchist World this Week. Produced by Joseph Toscano, this talk show covers issues such as military hypocrisy, revolutionary activism, anti-corruption, capitalism crushing, Maniacal Machiavellian manoeuvres and much more. Listen to an AWTW show: The power of language, religious hierarchies, safety and stability; Libyans do it their way, the greens, living off politics and much much more! Download (56:02 min)

Unquestioningly climate change is one of the most dire predicaments of our time, and being able to reverse its effects is the most important challenge to ever confront humanity. It is a crisis that will affect the lives of every one of us more than any other single issue. Beyond Zero Emissions broadcasts weekly critical discussions and interviews on this pivotal moment in history, where, as BZE say, we have the last opportunity to make the changes required to stop the process becoming irreversible and permanent. Listen to a BZE show: BZE radio speaks with journalist and researcher Nic Maclellan and activist Emeretta Cross about climate change and life in the Pacific Island nations; Kiribati and Tuvalu.Download (29:50 min)

In true grassroots environmental fashion, and in solidarity with BZE, Earth Matters presents local, national and international environmental issues with a strong social justice bent. Bringing fresh environmental news and perspectives to listeners, Earth Matters contributes to public debate, reports on under-reported activist campaigns and informs the community on critical ecological issues. Some topics covered on Earth Matters are: mining in West Papua andPapua New Guinea, forest activism in Tasmania and Victoria, protecting the Kimberley coastline, post peak oil and coal mining in Queensland. Listen an EM show: The Hidden Valley gold and silver mine in the Morobe Province is affecting communities living along the Watut River, a long and fast-flowing river in the lush mountains of Papua New Guinea. Download (29:59 min)

For something a little different and a program widely popular across Australia, Let the Bands Play presents music of military bands, brass bands and concert bands from worldwide sources, together with biographical comments regarding composers, conductors, bands and interesting historical events relating to much of the music. Presented solo by Gordon McKenzie, this show taps in to the ears and hearts of many around the nation.

For a weekly fix of science and technology news Lost in Science has it all, a half hour science digest program presenting entertaining news and discussion about research that has a heavy impact on society. Presenters draw on a wide range of resources including the excellent Eureka Alert, the news site of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; the British Medical Journal; and Australia’s biggest science and technology research organisation, CSIRO. This fun and amusing program covers subjects such as infectious diseases and good bacteria, science education, computers designing games, ponderings on the sun’s rotations and grafting plant genes. Listen to a LiS show: This week in Lost in Science, Beth talks to Gregory Crocetti from Friends of the Earth about synthetic biology and Stuart uncovers some remedy myths for the common cold. File Download (25:19 min)

Responding to a global dilemma in the face of nuclear catastrophe, the Radioactive Show covers comprehensive nuclear, peace and sustainability issues from around the world. On air for over 35 years, the Radioactive Show was present atAustralia’s anti-nuclear struggles such as Jabiluka, Honeymoon uranium mine protests, Olympic Dam’s Roxstop protests to following the fight against the proposed national radioactive waste dump on communities first in South Australia and now in theNorthern Territory. The producers of the show are committed anti-nuclear activists with wide national and international experience, making their analysis and understanding in tune and up to date. Listen to a RS program: Remembering Maralinga and Emu Field: between 1953-1963 the British and Australian governments were testing atomic weapons in South and Western Australia. Many Aboriginal people and atomic veterans are still suffering the physical and psychological effects of these tests. We hear from Avon Hudson, Maralinga atomic veteran, Yami Lester, atomic survivor, and uncle Kevin Buzzacott, on their experience of the nuclear tests in the 50s and 60s in Australia. Download (30:10 min)

For a long time now union and workplace justice issues have been covered professionally and meticulously by the Stick Together team. It is Australia’s only radio show that provides a forum for workers (employed & unemployed), unions and community activists to give their perspective on industrial, justice and employment issues affecting our communities. Stick Together have covered topics such as: evaluation of the ‘Your Rights at Work’ campaign, reflections on the 1990 tramways dispute in Melbourne, Australian Services Union (ASU) National Day of Action for Community Sector Workers and much more.Listen to a ST show: In Spain the indignados have risen and continue to rise, in Italy they’re burning works of art, in Greece the waves of protests, general strikes and elections continue and in Ireland tens of thousands protested the first round of austerity measures there. The Irish have otherwise been fairly quiet despite suffering under some of the harshest austerity measures inEurope, but for how long…File Download (28:59 min)

And lastly, one of the oldest national programs on 3CR,  back when tapes were being packaged and posted off for national distribution, Women on the Line have been featuring women’s voices, issues and commentary each week to listeners like you. Since 1986 WOTL has provided a gender analysis of contemporary issues, as well as in-depth analysis by a range of women around Australia and internationally. Some recent topics they’ve covered are: the contraceptive pill in Australia, myths about domestic violence and the ‘Stronger Futures’ legislation in relation to the NT Intervention. Listen to a WOTL show: When times are tough having someone to turn to can make all the difference. On this weeks program we hear from three women working for organisations that offer support services. Carolyn Worth, from the South Eastern Centre against Sexual Assualt, Anna Thomson from Women’s Circus and Debbie Kilroy – CEO of Sisters Inside. File Download (27:50 min)

Each week presenters from each program produce a half hour program that gets packaged and uploaded to the CRN’s Digital Delivery Network online (DDN); from there subscriber stations all around the country are able to pull the shows and play them on their grid. This means that each national show is produced with a national perspective and rarely assumes that people are aware of things happening locally or nationally. Strictly structured to fit a 27:50min time slot programmers usually interview two to three sources and spend anywhere from five hours up to two days editing and producing the final product (or even months for longer projects). As documentary radio has progressed and changed over the years, 3CR’s national programs have been exploring interesting and challenging story-telling techniques and methods; such as the use of ambient and environmental sounds, field recordings, in-situ interviews and music to cover a topic in great depth and rigour.

Some of 3CR’s national programs are funded by grants from the Community Broadcasting Foundation (CBF). Providing a little more capacity for programmers to delve deeper into the issues they’re covering, whilst being able to put food on the table. However, most programmers are volunteers as is the tradition with community radio.

If you want to find out how to get any of 3CR's National Programs played on your local community radio station contact the Community Radio Network.