Meet the people who’ll love your business

Facebook helps you reach your business goals

How Facebook works for businesses

You know your business

Whether you sell in person, online or through an app, you know what you’d like to do next as your business grows.

We know people

More than a billion people use Facebook to connect with friends, family and things that matter to them.

Facebook connects businesses with people

Marketing on Facebook helps your business build lasting relationships with people and find new customers.

Success Stories

Banana Republic

Finding new shoppers like the best shoppers

Distinctive Gardens

Growing local sales

Savage Race

Bringing mud, fire and barbed wire to life


Drive Conversions on Every Device with Dynamic Product Ads

August 11, 2015
The way people shop has changed, and not just because they’re discovering products online. People are now spending more time on mobile than on desktop, and of the time they spend on mobile phones, they’re spending most of it in mobile apps, like Facebook and Instagram, not Internet browsers. In fact, last year during the holidays, 56% of in-store sales were influenced by mobile.1 As people change how they browse and discover products, advertisers need new ways to showcase products in the places where people are discovering them. Many advertisers are turning to Facebook to do so.
That’s why earlier this year we introduced dynamic product ads, which help retail and ecommerce marketers promote products to the people likely to be interested in them, like website and mobile app shoppers. Since then, dynamic product ads have helped marketers increase conversions and lower cost per acquisition across devices. JUNIQE, an online art retailer, increased conversion rates by 50% while reducing cost per purchase by 63%, using dynamic product ads.
Given the success this ad type is driving for advertisers, over the coming weeks we’re rolling out new features for dynamic product ads, including cross-selling functionality, conversion optimization and availability in the Audience Network. Here are the details on those new features.

Learn how to use Facebook to drive sales for your business.

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