Medical treatment in jeopardy for thousands

COGAT’s list of exceptions to the ban on travel from Gaza no longer includes a quota that allowed access to medical treatment for thousands of people in need of “non-urgent” care Continue reading

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Gaza Fact Check: 10 myths for 10 years of disengagement

A decade ago, Israel removed its settlements and dismantled its last remaining military base inside the Gaza Strip. Since then, the myth-making about Israel’s policy in Gaza has thrived. How close are the myths to reality? Continue reading

Posted in economic development, Infrastructure, Movement of goods into Gaza, Movement of goods out of Gaza, Movement of people into Gaza, Movement of people out of Gaza, Seperation Policy | Leave a comment

Protective Edge: One year later – too little has changed

A year after Operation Protective Edge was launched, data collected by Gisha shows an alarming gap between the rhetoric about mobilizing for Gaza’s reconstruction and the harsh reality on the ground Continue reading

Posted in economic development, General, Infrastructure, Movement of goods into Gaza, Movement of goods out of Gaza, Movement of people into Gaza, Movement of people out of Gaza | Leave a comment

Restricting movement, dividing a people

A lot has changed since the Israeli navy intercepted the Mavi Marmara in 2010, but one basic tenet has remained in the policy on Gaza – separation between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. A new position paper analyzes the policy, the damage it has done, and its legality. Continue reading

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Let them study

Hundreds of students from Gaza are enrolled in universities abroad for the coming academic year. Since Rafah Crossing remains closed most of the time, the only practical route goes through Israel. In theory, the Israeli authorities have no objection, so what’s the problem? Continue reading

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The man who cooks with the sun

A story of ingenuity and creativity: Khaled Bashir lives in the Gaza Strip, and like everyone in Gaza, he too suffers from a never-ending shortage of electricity and gas. Unlike everyone else, Bashir invented a solar oven. Necessity yields slow, healthy and environmentally friendly cooking Continue reading

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The Ministry of Economic Defense

We asked the security establishment for information about the procedures for transit of goods from Gaza in the West Bank. Instead of procedures, we received a complex list of considerations. Surprisingly, none of them are related to security Continue reading

Posted in economic development, Movement of goods out of Gaza | 2 Comments

It’s Freedom of Information Week in Israel – What about at the Defense Ministry?

Seventeen years ago, the Knesset passed the Freedom of Information Act, obligating public authorities to be transparent in their operations. What seems self-evident is far from being a reality, especially when those who need the information are Palestinian Continue reading

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Pressing play on a paused economy

In November 2014, Israel canceled the sweeping ban on sale of Gaza-made and grown goods in the West Bank. Against this backdrop, we gathered leading figures in five manufacturing sectors in Gaza in order to hear from them about the obstacles they face on the way to realizing their potential and about their hope for a better future. Continue reading

Posted in economic development, General, Looking Forward, Movement of goods out of Gaza, Movement of people into Gaza, Movement of people out of Gaza, Seperation Policy | Leave a comment

Is getting a timely response too much to ask?

Once in a while decisions are made that manage to surprise even us. This time, the authorities decided that they can respond to requests to travel from Gaza whenever they feel like it, even long after the requests are no longer relevant Continue reading

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