20 July 2015
By Afro-Middle East Centre Since its declaration of a ‘caliphate’ on 29 June 2014, the Islamic State group (IS), the brutal successor to al-Qa'ida, has gone from stren...
Read more16 October 2014
By Afro-Middle East Centre The striking advances of Houthis in Yemen, having already taken de facto control of the capital Sana'a last month, has implications for Yemen as well as...
Read more08 September 2014
By Omar Shaukat With the release of another video showing the beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff, held hostage by the Islamic State (IS, also variously known as Isil...
Read more21 August 2014
By Basheer Nafi’ A truism that is valid for almost all revolutions – including the English, French, and the European revolutions of the mid-nineteenth century, the Ir...
Read more10 August 2014
By Zeenat Adam ‘When women are violated like men who but for sex are like them – when women’s arms and legs bleed when severed, when women are shot in pits and g...
Read more28 October 2013
By Afro-Middle East Centre The severing of Hamas’s relationship with Syrian President Bashar al-Asad’s government, which saw its politburo relocate from Damascus to Do...
Read moreBy Elham Fakhro Two years after the launch of Bahrain’s national dialogue, government and opposition representatives have f…
Opening Remarks by International Relations and Cooperation Deputy Minister Ebrahim Ebrahim at the International Conference of the …
By ‘Izzat Shahrour The use of China's veto over the Syrian crisis demonstrates that it no longer needs to sit on the fence …
By Fred H. Lawson United States strategic planners are carrying out a fundamental reconfiguration of America's military presence …
07 December 2014
By Afro-Middle East Centre The dismissal of two cabinet ministers, Yair Lapid and Tzipi Libni, by Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, and the subsequent dissolution of parl...
Read more23 November 2014
By Afro-Middle East Centre Tuesday’s attack on a synagogue in West Jerusalem has not only elicited a strong wave of condemnation from western political leaders, but also har...
Read more07 August 2014
By Jane Duncan In the past few weeks, the South African media have been dominated by the unfolding catastrophe in Gaza and South Africans have had to rely largely on foreign cover...
Read more24 July 2014
By Saleh Naami Israel’s current onslaught against Gaza is the third largest military confrontation between the Israel and Palestinian resistance movements in the enclave sin...
Read more19 July 2014
By Larbi Sadiki The gilt-edged skills on display for nearly a month in Brazil are no ‘match’ for the blood-curdling war ‘games’ surgically executed by US-m...
Read more19 July 2014
By Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies The latest escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict came in the form of an all-out Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip. Exploit...
Read moreA few days ago, many people around the world believed there was some hope for a halt to the loss of Palestinian lives in Gaza when…
By Tariq Dana In his recent speech at the conference of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Jeddah, the Palestinian presid…
By Afro-Middle East Centre On 12 June 2014, three teenage boys were reported missing from Gush Etzion, an Israeli settlement in t…
By Afro-Middle East Centre Indicating a shift in Israel’s foreign policy, foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman, accompanied b…
17 July 2015
on Iran
By Afro-Middle East Centre The agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme concluded this week seems to be an example of the benefits of concerted diplomacy. Once it is ratified b...
Read more31 March 2015
on Iran
By Afro-Middle East Centre With the 31 March deadline for the conclusion of a framework agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme with the P5+1 looming, stakeholders have increa...
Read more12 March 2014
on Iran
By Farah Al Zaman Abu Shuair Summary This paper highlights the views of various roleplayers on the Iranian scene regarding Iranian-American convergence, the reasons for its rejec...
Read more31 October 2013
on Iran
By Al Jazeera Center for Studies From the end of September to the middle of October 2013, it seemed that Iran’s relations with the western world were witnessing monumental c...
Read more06 October 2013
on Iran
By Fatimah Alsmadi Introduction Iran’s foreign policy rhetoric exemplifies the idea that international politics is no longer a zero-sum game, but a multidimensional arena i...
Read more08 September 2013
on Iran
By Fatima Alsmadi Has Iran’s position on Syria begun to change? This is a crucial question, as Iran’s tone toward military action against Syria has altered from being ...
Read moreBy Afro-Middle East Centre While delivering a speech to the Majlis (Iranian parliament) on 3 February 2013, outgoing president Ma…
The impending Iranian presidential election scheduled for 14 June 2013 is widely acknowledged to be one of the most critical in th…
By AlJazeera Centre for Studies Tensions surrounding the Iranian nuclear programme have risen again, but the main determina…
By Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett Last week, the Obama Administration formally charged the Islamic Republic of working …
13 September 2014
on Iraq
By Afro-Middle East Centre In a much-anticipated speech on Wednesday, US president Barack Obama unveiled his strategy for confronting the Islamic State group (IS). He emphasised t...
Read more26 June 2014
on Iraq
By Omar Shaukat ISIS the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (Levant), has burst dramatically onto the Iraqi scene in recent weeks, as it has captured one town after another. It has...
Read more19 June 2014
on Iraq
By Afro-Middle East Centre Almost three years after the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, the country is suffering the dramatic rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIS...
Read more25 April 2014
on Iraq
By Maryim Benraad Election challenges, political fragmentation During the past decade, three national elections in Iraq have aimed at building a democracy out of the ruins of the...
Read more05 May 2013
on Iraq
By Afro-Middle East Centre The clashes currently occurring in various areas in Iraq, which left over 180 people dead in the past week, threaten the stability and territorial integ...
Read more08 April 2010
on Iraq
By Basheer Moosa Nafi In the recent Iraqi elections, the Al-Iraqiya alliance secured a victory over the list of the State of Law coalition by only two seats. This is not a signifi...
Read moreBy International Crisis Group As a rule, Iraq's post-Saddam elections have tended to magnify pre-existing negative trends. The pa…
07 August 2015
on Syria
By Na'eem Jeenah Last week, Brics leaders formalised the establishment of the New Development Bank (NDB), which will use its $100 billion (R1.24 trillion) in initial capital to fu...
Read more18 May 2015
on Syria
By Afro-Middle East Centre Following recent rebel advances and regime defeats in Syria, speculation has been rife among commentators and some among the opposition about whether th...
Read more10 April 2015
on Syria
By Afro-Middle East Centre In early April 2015, sudden fighting broke out in the Yarmouk refugee camp between groups affiliated to the Islamic State group (IS) and Aknaf Bayt al-M...
Read more01 November 2014
on Syria
By Afro-Middle East Centre The battle for the Kurdish Syrian town of Kobane, resulting from a siege of the city by the Islamic State group (IS) since 2 July, has become the iconic...
Read more15 August 2014
on Syria
Afro-Middle East Centre invites you to a symposium with the theme: Unravelling Syria's civil war; exploring future scenarios. Speakers: Radwan Ziadeh David Lesch...
Read more06 June 2014
on Syria
By Afro-Middle East Centre Syria concluded its first multi-candidate presidential election in about fifty years on 3 June, with its result a foregone conclusion – the incumb...
Read moreBy Afro-Middle East Centre The ongoing Syrian crisis has given rise to many questions about the stability and strength of the cur…
By Afro Middle-East Centre Monday marked the beginning of the second round of the Geneva 2 discussions, sponsored by the USA and …
By Afro-Middle East Centre By agreeing to a Russian proposal to surrender its chemical weapons to the international community for…
BcZZkoPVygk While turmoil in Egypt and Syria persists we speak about the United States plan to intervene in Syria and discuss how …
09 July 2014
Israel says it's hit more than one-hundred-and-twenty targets overnight, as the violent confrontation with Palestinian militants intensifies. Several Palastinian rockets landed in Jerusalem and two ta...
Read more24 June 2014
US Secretary of State John Kerry has pledged intense support to Baghdad in the fight against militants. Kerry made a surprise visit to Iraq as Sunni Insurgents led by the jihadist Islamic State in Ira...
Read more