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    • WATCH: Protesting budget discrimination for church schools in Israel

      Church-run schools serving over 30,000 Arab children in Israel have been on strike for weeks due to crippling budget cuts. Private Jewish schools receive far more funding. The church-run schools are considered among the best schools in the country and parents fear they could be forced to shut down. Read more on the church school crisis: Arab school strike highlights Israel's discriminatory education policies

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    • Regrets but never an apology: When the IDF makes 'mistakes'

      For Jews, Yom Kippur is a time to ask forgiveness from those one has harmed during the course of the year. The Israeli army has a hard time with the concept of saying it is sorry or asking forgiveness. Regretful? Sure. Sorry? Not when the victim is Palestinian. By Noam Rotem Ma’amoun al-Dam was 12 years old when he left his house to play in a nearby field and an inexplicable chain of events led to an Israeli Air Force jet shooting a missile at him, killing him on the spot. “We found no fault in this attack, despite the…

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    • East Jerusalem streets given Hebrew names amid tensions

      The city council pours oil on the fire by approving Hebrew street names in Palestinian neighborhoods as tensions run high. The move is part and parcel of efforts to 'Judaize' the eastern half of the city, which Palestine claims as its future capital. With all eyes on Jerusalem as tensions in the city continue to rise, the city council approved 30 Hebrew street names for roads in East Jerusalem's Palestinian neighborhoods Sunday evening. The decision, which was reported by Israeli news site Walla!, was criticized by Palestinian members of Knesset Ayman Odeh and Ahmad Tibi and goes against the recommendation…

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    • Prime minister's wife accused in court of abusing staff

      Former employees of the prime minister's residence are suing the Netanyahus for wife Sara's allegedly abusive and inhumane treatment. On Sunday a former cook recounted some shocking incidents when she testified under subpoena. Sara Netanyahu, the wife of the prime minister, is an alcoholic who drinks champagne from morning to night, terrorizes her employees with verbal and physical abuse and has her husband, the prime minister, so terrified of her rages that he does not dare utter a word that might appear to contradict her. This is according to testimony heard on Sunday in a Jerusalem court  from former employees at…

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    • A place of dignity for refugees in Berlin

      An outpouring of hospitality is on full display at a shelter in the German capital, where volunteers insist on treating refugees as people, not just victims. But as the gifts pour in, how deep is the well of kindness — and what is brewing under the surface? BERLIN — A few young teenage Arab boys line up loosely, side by side, in a concrete courtyard. They are concentrating hard on four big guys dressed in black, who are busting hip-hop moves to music blaring from an amplifier. The boys bounce a little with the beat, then follow after the big…

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    • How to neutralize stone throwers — without killing them

      End the occupation, and extend full civil rights to Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem. It's that simple. Reports of violent clashes in Jerusalem are leading the Israeli news cycle these days, and receiving quite a bit of international coverage as well. Mako, a popular Israeli news site, refers to the actions of Palestinian teens confronting armed security forces wearing protective riot gear  as "rock and molotov cocktail terrorism." The narrative set by Netanyahu's government, whereby any type of Palestinian protest or violence is labeled terrorism, has seeped into the mainstream media. [tmwinpost] Last week a 64-year-old Israeli man named Alexander…

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    • Why does Netanyahu think he can stop rock throwing?

      If live ammunition hasn't stopped stone throwing in the West Bank, what makes the prime minister think it will work in Jerusalem? The one thing we can be sure the change in policy will do is kill more Palestinians.  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants security forces to start shooting Palestinian stone throwers. During the First Intifada, which included a lot of rock throwing, then defense minister Yitzhak Rabin also tried to stop the phenomenon. The future Nobel laureate’s answer was an order to “break their bones.” [tmwinpost] There were a few problems with that tactic. Firstly, it didn’t work.…

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    • Using Palestinians as a human shield against BDS

      In response to the Reykjavik City Council's — since reversed — decision to boycott Israeli goods until the occupation is ended, Israeli politician Yair Lapid wrote an open letter to the Icelandic people titled 'The Hypocrisy of Boycott.' In his oped, Lapid argued that Israel should not be boycotted because doing so would harm its Arab citizens. One of those citizens responds. By Rami Younis (translated by Ofer Neiman) Dear Yair, What is Israeli to you?[1] Actually, no need to answer. The time has come for you to hear what Israeli is to me. So what is Israeli to me? You…

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