Featured News

  • The legacy of the ‘prime minister for Indigenous Affairs’

    The legacy of the ‘prime minister for Indigenous Affairs’

    Many people will remember Tony Abbott as the prime minister who called living in a remote Aboriginal community a ‘lifestyle choice’. It was a statement that prompted angry backlash and led tens of thousands of people to protest proposed forced closures of Aboriginal communities. More than just an incredibly demeaning […]

  • Penalty rates: The logic behind the extra pay

    Penalty rates: The logic behind the extra pay

    Employers say that the economy is evolving and that the industrial relations system needs to adapt to cater for ‘seven-day’ industries like retail and hospitality. Businesses claim that they want to open longer and employ more staff but they can’t afford the higher rates of pay on the weekends. By […]

  • The refugee crisis in our own backyard

    The refugee crisis in our own backyard

    Last month the now infamous image of a 3 year old refugee boy washed up on a Turkish beach forced the world’s attention onto the Syrian refugee crisis. All around the world there was a mass outpouring of solidarity and support for those fleeing the war in Syria. In Australia, […]

  • Where is Australia’s Jeremy Corbyn?

    Where is Australia’s Jeremy Corbyn?

    The election of Jeremy Corbyn to the leadership of the British Labour Party has been a political earthquake. The hopes of millions of British people who want to see a society based on the interests of the 99% have been raised. There is without a doubt huge enthusiasm for policies […]

  • Automation, unemployment, and the ‘End of capitalism’

    Automation, unemployment, and the ‘End of capitalism’

    “Machines will take your jobs”: In a period of global financial turmoil and worsening economic prospects for Australian capitalism, this worrying message is now appearing almost daily in the media. By Chris Dite The quickening pace of job losses due to automation has led to some very different responses on […]