Policy Online Most Viewed

Year: 2014

2014 Most Viewed - Research

The ten most popular research publications from all Policy Online topic areas during 2014, based on the number of page visits.


Image: Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH

2014 Most Viewed - Commentary

The ten most popular articles from Policy Online's Commentary section during 2014, based on the number of page visits.


Image: nito

2014 Most Viewed - Built & Natural Environments

The ten most popular research publications from Policy Online's Built & Natural Environments section during 2014, based on the number of page visits.

Housing was a particular popular topic, with reports on homelessness and housing affordability getting high ratings. Reports on climate change as well as water and energy use were also popular.


Image: Kai19

2014 Most Viewed - Business & Economics

The ten most popular research publications from Policy Online's Business & Economics section during 2014, based on the number of page visits.

A topic guide on long-term unemployment in Australia won the top-spot. Unemployment and inequality were among the most popular topics overall. A controversial industry report on internet piracy was also popular.


Image: Kts Design

2014 Most Viewed - Culture & Communications

The ten most popular research publications from Policy Online's Culture & Communications section during 2014, based on the number of page visits.

The most popular was from Policy Online's Policy History Collection. This was the 1994 report Creative Nation, a cultural policy initiative launched by the Keating government. Number two was a report on the value of grey literature and its role in public policy, which came out of the Grey Literature Strategies project.

Other reports covered libraries, e-learning, sport, mobile technology, and the digital economy.


Image: KK-Foto

2014 Most Viewed - Education & Training

The ten most popular research publications from Policy Online's Education & Training section during 2014, based on the number of page visits.

A commentary piece on the importance of social science won the top spot. Otherwise, reports on schools and early childhood education proved highly popular, with no reports specifically on universities making it into this top ten.


Image: Michaeljung

2014 Most Viewed - Health & Wellbeing

The ten most popular research publications from Policy Online's Health & Wellbeing section during 2014, based on the number of page visits.

Several older pieces featured, including a 2004 article on managing mental health medication, and a 1993 inquiry report on the human rights of people with mental illness. Indeed mental health was a highly popular topic for Police Online readers in 2014, covering five of these top ten Health & Wellbeing resources. Other topics included diabetes, sexual health and sport.


Image: Tarchyshnik Andrei

2014 Most Viewed - Indigenous

The ten most popular research publications from Policy Online's Indigenous section during 2014, based on the number of page visits.

A book on best practices to support Indigenous mental health and wellbeing was the most popular resource. Second most popular was the 1974 report of the Australian Aboriginal Land Rights Commission, housed in the Policy History Collection.

Other resources covered topics including constitutional change, service deliver, economic inequality, health outcomes, and history.


Image: Zsolt Biczo

2014 Most Viewed - Politics & Social Issues

The ten most popular research publications from Policy Online's Politics & Social Issues section during 2014, based on the number of page visits.

Most popular was a commentary piece on the value of social science, followed by a report on the experiences of asylum seekers who were released from immigration detention but with no right to work. Third most popular was a topic guide on women and work in Australia, followed by resources on national security, cultural policy, unemployment, inequality and more.



2014 Most Viewed - Science & Technology

The ten most popular research publications from Policy Online's Science & Technology section during 2014, based on the number of page visits.

Most popular was a commentary piece exploring definitions of e-learning, followed by a government report on Australia's capacity in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Overall, reports on information technology feature prominently, covering e-learning, cyber-bullying and cyber-security.


Image: Doug Stevens

Year: 2013

2013 Most Viewed - Research

These are the ten most popular research publications from all Policy Online topic areas that were published during 2013, based on the number of page visits.

Asylum seekers and disability - both key political issues in 2013 - were popular topics, as were social media, disadvantage, mental health, and public services. The list also shows Policy Online users were keen to read research from a range of sources, as five of these ten reports were published by government bodies (the Parliamentary Library, the Productivity Commission and the Australian Institute of Criminology) while others were published by NGOs, think-tanks, and academic outlets.

2013 Most Viewed - Commentary

The ten most popular articles from Policy Online's Commentary section published in 2013, based on the number of page visits.

Photo: ebayink / flickr


2013 Most Viewed - Creative & Digital

The ten most popular research publications from Policy Online's Creative & Digital section published in 2013, based on the number of page visits on Google analytics.

Young people and the use of technology (and the risks involved) was a particularly popular topic for Policy Online readers in 2013, while other reports in the top ten covered issues such as cyber-security, cultural production, libraries, and social responsibility in the fashion industry.

Image: citrixonline / flickr


2013 Most Viewed - Economics

The ten most popular research publications from Policy Online's Economics section published in 2013, based on the number of page visits on Google analytics

The most popular Economics reports added to Policy Online in 2013 tended to have a social angle. Two Productivity Commission reports addressing income distribution made the top two positions, while several other reports covered the social and environment outcomes of economic activity in various ways.

Photo: Economics



2013 Most Viewed - Education

The ten most popular research publications from Policy Online's Education section published in 2013, based on the number of page visits according to Google analytics

The most popular report from the Education section in 2013 was about the role of expertise in public debate. Other reports covered how technology is transforming education, as well as social inclusion issues such as funding arrangements and barriers for students with disabilities.

Photo: Don Fulano / flickr

2013 Most Viewed - Environment

The ten most popular research publications from Policy Online's Environment section published in 2013, based on the number of page visits on Google analytics

Most of the reports cover climate change, from a range of angles and with a particular focus on what changes Australia, and the world, will need to make over coming decades. Unexpectedly, the most popular report was not about climate change but about the need for sustainable production of palm oil.

Photo: global warming concept / Shutterstock


2013 Most Viewed - Health

The ten most popular research publications from Policy Online's Health section published in 2013, based on the number of page visits on Google analytics.

Disability was a key area of interest for Policy Online readers in 2013. This likely reflects its increased political salience, demonstrated by the passing of legislation in late 2013 to create a National Disability Insurance Scheme. Reports on mental health, alcohol, and diabetes were also popular.

Photo: jasleen_kaur / flickr


2013 Most Viewed - Indigenous

The ten most popular research publications from Policy Online's Indigenous section published in 2013, based on the number of page visits according to Google analytics.

The most popular Indigenous reports in 2013 focused on health issues, and on the limited progress so far in achieving the Closing the Gap targets.

2013 Most Viewed - International

These are the ten most popular research publications from Policy Online's International section published in 2013, based on the number of page visits on Google analytics

Reports on asylum seekers feature heavily, as do reports on global environmental problems, and government reports on foreign policy and national security. However an unexpected inclusion in the top ten is a United Nations report on world happiness, which proved to be the most popular International report for Policy Online users in 2013.

Photo: World Map / Shutterstock


2013 Most Viewed - Justice

The ten most popular research publications from Policy Online's Justice section published in 2013, based on the number of page visits recorded by Google Analytics.

Most popular were reports on cyber-safety, particularly those that gave practical advice. Other reports covered the consequences of alcohol misuse, corruption, and child abuse.

Photo: s_falkow / flickr