
Policy Online Collections feature curated content related to either a geographic region or a more focussed look at a particular issue. The collections arise from partnerships with interested organisations (academic institutions, NGO's and projects) and these partnerships are acknowledged on each collection page. Each collection also includes related material from a range of other sources besides the sponsoring partner and benefits from the Policy Online database of material collected since 2002.

Some of these collections are dynamic and ongoing and others are archival: bringing the accumulated material from a project together in one place. To find out more or to suggest a new Policy Online Collection, email:

This collection features work by the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) as well as other sources and includes research, commentary, audio and video. NCCARF completed its first phase of operation on 30 June 2013, leading a national interdisciplinary effort to provide information for decision-makers in government and communities to manage climate change impacts. This collection features NCCARF's work during that period. New research on this topic is now added intermittently.

The Communication & Media area of Policy Online is curated by the News & Media Research Centre (link is external) at the University of Canberra.

The News & Media Research Centre investigates the evolution of media, content and communication and the impact of online and mobile systems. The Centre collaborates with partners and institutions in Australia and internationally.

Featuring reports, commentary, audio, video and other grey literature related to forced migration in Australia and its region, this collection is an initiative the Forced Migration Research Hub - an international network of research scholars working on issues of forced migration in the Asia-Pacific and hosted by the Swinburne Institute for Social Research in collaboration with Monash and La Trobe Universities.

This collection brings together research and information on scholarly communication, grey literature, open access, digital collecting, libraries, electronic publishing, information economics, access to knowledge and other related issues. It is being developed as part of the Grey Literature Strategies research project which will run from 2012 - 2014.

The International Centre for Muslim and non-Muslim Understanding (MnM) (link is external) seeks to understand the root causes of the differences between the Muslim and non-Muslim communities and to pioneer ways of bridging the divide that these differences seem to produce.

This collection is supported by the Australia and New Zealand School of Government and includes policy research, commentary, audio, video, websites and other content related to New Zealand and/or published by New Zealand authors and organisations on all topics.

Sources: The organisations and publishers monitored regularly for content are listed here. If you know of other sources producing regular policy related research from or about New Zealand please email:


Containing reports that were released before the age of digitisation, this collection will help provide background information on major issues which have often been reviewed and reported on in the past but for which the key documents have been either unavailable or hard to locate. A Policy Online and National Library of Australia Partnership.

The Social Impact Collection is curated in partnership with the Centre for Social Impact (link is external) at the University of New South Wales, the University of Western Australia and Swinburne University of Technology. This collection will bring together the latest research on social issues, the social purpose sector, collaboration and measuring outcomes.  

The Student Wellbeing Project is a research initiative of the Swinburne Institute of Social Research around the delivery of student support services in Government and Catholic schools in Australia. This collection collates the historic and current policies, strategic initiatives, guidelines and relevant reports that relate to student wellbeing and how models of student support services in schools have developed over time.