I’ve just realeased version 1.0.0 of Tabulate, a WordPress plugin for working with data in a site’s MySQL database. I’ve been using it for a few months in production, and the shift from 0.* to 1.0 was fairly arbitrary — it just seemed stable enough now. The new feature that got included in this release is the ability to export to OpenStreetMap XML (not a great leap ahead of the KML export that was already done).

Any problems with Tabulate can be lodged on the issue tracker at Github, or on the normal WordPress support forum.

Here’s a suburb’s worth of power pole locations, exported from Tabulate and opened in JOSM:

Poles in Hamilton Hill


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Just a note for my future reference: importing an Excel CSV into MySQL. The WKT column has been constructed by hand to be POINT(lng lat) and the CSV contains headers.

LOAD DATA INFILE '/full_path/to/file-on-server.csv'
INTO TABLE the_table
SET geographic_location = GeomFromText(@geographic_location)

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I’ve updated the Wikisource validated works’ category browser tool to include other languages. So far it’s just Italian, and to some perhaps-incorrect extent French (there’s only four? that’s not right).

I just need more Wikisources to tell me the names of their validated works and root categories, and it’ll just be a matter of adding these to the config to get them running.

The category list is updated weekly.

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A new Wikisource survey is being conducted!

During the survey, you will be asked questions regarding your personal involvement with the Wikisource project, your preferences regarding governance and technology, and your opinion on how a Wikisource Conference should be shaped. With the support of Wikimedia Österreich and Wikimedia Italia, a Project and Event Grant proposal is to be presented for such a conference. We would like to involve Wikisourcers in a joint venture both to spread knowledge about the project and to strengthen community bonds. This,

Read more: Wikisource needs your input « Wikimedia blog

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My main woodworking toolbox has two runners inside, near the top edge, on which to slide a drawer. I put them in when I built the thing (I made them too long, or the lid props too long, or something too long, and had to chop a bit out of them so the lid would close; see at right. That’s irrelevant to the task at hand though.)

But I have no drawer — so, I’m making one. I’ve got a few odd bits of pine sitting around, mostly destined to be paint stirrers; I’ll bodge them together in a squarish shape, and my chisels and small things will have somewhere to be put.

The piece of 19×42 was a bit fat, or at least I thought it might look a bit odd next to the skinny walls made from the other pieces, so I ripped it in half.

Docked to length (with a few millimeters to spare for cutting off later), I then cleaned up the sawn surfaces (a bit; I’m not fussy, and sometimes like to see some saw marks). I usually work with Tas. Oak, and am always surprised at the soft squishiness of pine, and the speed with which it can be worked (or butchered, as one might say in this case).

The drawer bottom pieces were actually already within a gnat’s crotchet of where they needed to be, so I just planned their ends to get them squared up and the right length. The sides I then marked to length off the bottoms, because I really don’t care how big this thing is (it just has to fit itself).

I really should get around to making myself a bench hook or two; they’re far better than hanging things off the end of the bench. But I’m lazy; whenever I’ve got energy for woodwork, I want to get on with the thing at hand, and not get caught up in jigs and set-up and prep. A ridiculous, inaccurate attitude, I’m sure. It’s not like I get shit done anyway.

The time had come for beer, so that was procured (from a shockingly plastic homebrew bottle), and the glue-up commenced. It didn’t go right, at first, but I went and found a proper glass for it (and found my battery drill with a 1 mm bit), and after that the nails went straight and true and didn’t blow out the sides.

Probably, one should try to avoid blogging about gluing things together while actually doing it. But then, the computer was right there in the cupboard playing odd things from Radio Paradise, so it seemed easy enough. Got a bit of glue on the camera grip though.

The two short sides were next, being cut to length each to their own. They fitted with no dramas. By this time it was dark, and I was wondering what it would cost to get something more than a single fluro tube lighting my shed. Or even a new extension cord so I could run the computer, amp, and a desk lamp on my bench (radio takes precedence at the moment).

So, all done.

The album for all these photos is at photos.samwilson.id.au/index/category/222.

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A good post about how, perhaps, the ‘wiki’ (and other open collaboration systems) are being left behind by proprietary systems. That it’s the vast databases of the big corporations that mean they can provide better services.

That’s going to be difficult (impossible?) for pure peer production models to match.

Read more: What tools are changing our world next? – Luis Villa

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