California Speaking Tour of David Sheen, Oct. 21-31, 2015

Note: There is some interest in broadening this tour more generally to the US west coast.  We will try to accommodate everyone if we can.

The ISM Support Group in Northern California announces:

 Bring journalist David Sheen to your city!
The Bullet, the Ballot, & the Boycott: Racism in Israel Today


Oct. 21-31, 2015, independent Canadian-Israeli journalist and filmmaker David Sheen will present the Bullet, the Ballot & the Boycott at venues throughout California.  The presentation will cover Israeli incitement to racist violence, the focus of David’s on-the-ground reporting for the past five years.

One broken camera (so far)

In February, 2008, our ISM chapter in Northern California received a request to buy a new camera for Emad Burnat in Bil’in, on the Palestinian West Bank.  Our donors responded, and that became the second of Emad’s Five Broken Cameras, the film that was nominated for an Academy Award in 2011.
ISM volunteer JR reported yesterday that we have a similar need for Bilal Tamimi in Nabi Saleh.  Bilal produced the footage used by Aljazeera in this report –  As JR says, Bilal is a kindhearted man who has been diligently documenting the military occupation and the conflict in Palestine from his village of Nabi Saleh. His clips have been used by the New York Times, Aljazeera, +972 Magazine, Mondoweiss, and other media.  Here is an article in the New York Times about his efforts –

Palestinian Dies from Injuries Caused by Israeli Fire

Friday September 25, 2015 00:33

A Palestinian shot and critically injured by Israeli forces, at a military checkpoint in eastern Nablus, last week, died from his wounds on Thursday, medics said.


Medical sources told Ma’an News Agency that Ahmad Izzat Khatatbeh, 26, died from his wounds after being shot three times in the shoulder, chest and abdomen at the Beit Forik checkpoint last Friday.

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Israeli forces targeting Palestinian children in al-Khalil (Hebron)

Everyday, Palestinian families get attacked by Israeli forces in their own homes. Sometimes they bang on the door in the middle of the night, scaring children and adults, ransacking the house. On some of these raids, both during the night and in daytime, Israeli forces randomly arrest family members and take them to an unknown destination without any reason.

Last night, Israeli forces entered the Palestinian market in the Old City of al-Khalil (Hebron) and entered a Palestinian family home where they kidnapped an 8-year old girl and arrested 3 more young men. All of them were walked towards the military base in Shuhada street, but then kept behind a fence and military gate for more than 15 minutes before being released. No reason was given for the random arrest.

Small boy forced to pass Israeli forces' armored trucks

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Statement from ISM: Respect is essential for solidarity

18 September 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Ramallah Team | Ramallah, occupied Palestine


ISM volunteers raising Palestinian flag in front of the Apartheid wall.

The International Solidarity Movement rejects any action taken by International individuals or groups in Palestine that is done without invitation or in coordination with the Palestinian community, and that consequently disrespects Palestinians.

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The women in Hebron cooperative

14th September 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Al-Khalil Team | Hebron, Occupied Palestine 

International Solidarity Movement human rights monitors spend the afternoon at the Women in Hebron embroidery cooperative where Palestinian women are empowering themselves and persisting with grace in a colourful and beautiful way in a community space amidst the horror of the ongoing military occupation of their home.


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UN General Assembly Votes For Raising Palestinian Flag

Friday September 11, 2015 08:33

The United Nations General Assembly voted, Thursday, in an overwhelming majority for raising the Palestinian flag at the United Nations, despite aggressive opposition led by the United States and Israel.


The UN proposal achieved 119 votes out of the 193 UN member states, while only eight countries, headed by the United States and Israel, voted against it.

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Jabari family again facing the threat of losing their land

The Jabari family in occupied al-Khalil (Hebron) is again facing threats of settlers, taking over their land.

Settlers coming from the illegal settlement of Kiryat Arba onto Palestinian land for prayers

The family owns a piece of land sandwidched between the illegal settlement of Kiryat Arba and the Israeli police station Givat Ha’vot. Settlers built a synagogue tent on the land, but the Israeli Supreme Court finally took the decision that as it is illegal and has to be demolished in the beginning of this year. This resulted in attacks by settlers on the family, Palestinians living in the neighbourhood and human rights observers.

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Settler attacking international activists in Hebron

International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil Team | Hebron, occupied Palestine

Yesterday in al-Khalil (Hebron) in occupied Palestine, a female settler harassed and attacked international activists who were monitoring a checkpoint during school-time.

In the morning volunteers were standing close to Qurtuba school, monitoring children on their way to school. This school is particularly prone to attacks by settlers, as the stairs leading to the school are located directly at the entrance to Shuhada Street, which has been entirely closed for Palestinian and occupied by settlers since 1994.

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Gaza talks back: Demonstrations and “International Solidarity Week for Anarchist Prisoners”

This Monday 24th of August, as every Monday, the families of the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails have gathered at the Red Cross headquarters in Gaza City. Tens of people joined them in order to show their support, denounce the conditions that the prisoners suffer and to demand the freedom of all the Palestinians kidnapped by the occupation.

In a new proof of its solidarity with the oppressed people of the world, the Palestinian former prisoners have shown its support to all the Anarchist prisoners jailed around the world, during the second “International Solidarity Week for Anarchist Prisoners”, 23-30 August 2015.

“International Solidarity Week for Anarchist Prisoners”

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