Syria conflict: BBC exclusive interview with President Bashar al-Assad (FULL)
Syria conflict: BBC exclusive interview with President Bashar al-Assad (FULL)
Syria conflict: BBC exclusive interview with President Bashar al-Assad (FULL)
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has defended his government's actions in the region since the uprising against his rule, which erupted in 2011.
In an exclusive interview with the BBC's Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen, Mr Assad denied that his forces had dropped barrel bombs indiscriminately on rebel-held areas, killing thousands of civilians, and dismissed as propaganda a statement by the UN that his government often blocks access to besieged areas for relief organisations.
The Syrian leader also denied that there was a direct dialogue with the US-led coalition fighting Islamic State but confirmed that "general messages" were sometimes pas
President Assad Full Interview With CBS News|30 Mar 2015
President Assad Full Interview With CBS News|30 Mar 2015
President Assad Full Interview With CBS News|30 Mar 2015
Charlie Rose interview with the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad | 26 Mar 2015 | Damascus
Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad responded to question about the alleged use of chlorine bombs by the Syrian army by saying it is “propaganda.”
“This is part of the malicious propaganda against Syria,” Assad said during an interview with Charlie Rose.
Assad said “chlorine gas is not military gas” because “you can buy it anywhere” and called the use of traditional arms “more important than chlorine.”
Tentara Rezim Diktator Bashar Assad (Suriah) Menghina Islam di Mesjid
Tentara Rezim Diktator Bashar Assad (Suriah) Menghina Islam di Mesjid
Tentara Rezim Diktator Bashar Assad (Suriah) Menghina Islam di Mesjid
President Bashar Al-Assad w/ SAA in New Year 2015.
President Bashar Al-Assad w/ SAA in New Year 2015.
President Bashar Al-Assad w/ SAA in New Year 2015.
Our Syrian President Dr. Bashar Al-Assad celebrating the New Year 2015 with the soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army in Jobar, Northeast of Damascus countryside, #Syria.
Tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Bashar Al Assad! JANGAN TENGOK WOI! NGERI!
Tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Bashar Al Assad! JANGAN TENGOK WOI! NGERI!
Tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Bashar Al Assad! JANGAN TENGOK WOI! NGERI!
President Bashar Al Assad (Full Speech) | Sunday 26.7.2015
President Bashar Al Assad (Full Speech) | Sunday 26.7.2015
President Bashar Al Assad (Full Speech) | Sunday 26.7.2015
President Bashar Al Assad (Full Speech) | Sunday 26.7.2015
تابعونا على الفيسبوك :
حوارات ونقاشات ومعلومات ودراسات حول الارهاب والحرب على سوريا والعراق والمقاومة ومخاض ربيع الشياطين العربي في مصر وتونس واليمن وليبيا والشرق ككل .. وتصحيحات وبرامج وندوات وبحوث تحليلية ونقدية للدين والاحاديث وكتب الصحاح والرواة والناقلين ومناظرات تلفزيونية لها...
البرزاني _ سوريا_الاسد سورية الرئيس_بشار_الاسد _ لبنان _ المقاومة _ طرابلس _ ليبيا _ الحوثيين _ السيد حسن نصرالله _ حزب لله _ الجيش العربي السوري _ حماة الديار العقيد النمر _ عصام زهر الدين _ سالم زهران _ حسين مرتضى _ ناصر قنديل _رفيق نصرالله انيس النقاش _ ربا ال
Bashar Al Assad parle du terrorisme en France, en Occident et en Syrie (26/07/2015)
Bashar Al Assad parle du terrorisme en France, en Occident et en Syrie (26/07/2015)
Bashar Al Assad parle du terrorisme en France, en Occident et en Syrie (26/07/2015)
Clips, documentaires, articles sur l'actualité du Moyen Orient :
Le 26 juillet 2015, Bashar Al-Assad a évoqué dans un discours la lutte contre le terrorisme. Il a ainsi critiqué les Etats occidentaux, désormais inquiets de la propagation d'un terrorisme qu'ils ont eux-mêmes contribué à fabriquer. Il a mentionné l'hypocrisie de leur prétendue lutte en dénonçant le deux poids deux mesures politico-médiatique en vigueur, selon que ce terrorisme frappe l'Occident ou la Syrie. Il a affirmé que les changements de position des Etats occidentaux sur ce sujet n'étaient ni stables ni permanents mais émanaient seulement d'i
Bashar al Assad about Kobane and ISIS
Bashar al Assad about Kobane and ISIS
Bashar al Assad about Kobane and ISIS
AntikriegTV 2
Antikrieg TV
ANTIKRIEG.TV Deutschsprachige Medienbeiträge sowie ins Deutsche übersetzte, ausgewählte Beiträge z.B. von Democracy Now (USA), Russia Today, Telesur (Lateinamerika)
Gleichzeitig empfehlen und verweisen wir auf deutschsprachige Nachrichtenseiten, wie Weltnetz.TV, Kontext TV, Hintergrund, Junge Welt, Nachdenkseiten und Beitrage der Occupy Bewegung
Entrevista exclusiva de RT al presidente de Siria, Bashar al Assad
Entrevista exclusiva de RT al presidente de Siria, Bashar al Assad
Entrevista exclusiva de RT al presidente de Siria, Bashar al Assad
En una entrevista exclusiva a RT, Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria, habla del papel desestabilizador que desempeña Occidente en el conflicto sirio,revela...
A Syrian Talks About The Regime And Bashar Al-Assad
A Syrian Talks About The Regime And Bashar Al-Assad
A Syrian Talks About The Regime And Bashar Al-Assad
Istanbul is full of new refugees. I asked them about their opinion and their "new" life in Istanbul. I've met an Imam, who lived in Aleppo. He shared his experiences about the Syrian Regime and #BasharAlAssad
Instagram: - mail:
Entrevista con Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria
Entrevista con Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria
Entrevista con Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria
En vísperas del diálogo sirio en Moscú, Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria, en una entrevista concedida a los medios rusos, entre ellos RT, revela por qué Occidente no acepta socios, las similitudes y diferencias entre la situación en Ucrania y en Siria, específica de qué países cumplen órdenes algunos grupos armados en su país. El mandatario explica cómo ha podido mantenerse en el poder, lo imprescindible para el éxito del diálogo sirio y opina sobre la lucha contra el Estado Islámico.
¡Suscríbete a RT en español!
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Mujahidin ISIS Dari Checnya Mempemainkan Sniper Kafir Syiah Bashar Assad
Mujahidin ISIS Dari Checnya Mempemainkan Sniper Kafir Syiah Bashar Assad
Mujahidin ISIS Dari Checnya Mempemainkan Sniper Kafir Syiah Bashar Assad
Mujahidin ISIS Dari Checnya Mempemainkan Sniper Kafir Syiah Bashar Assad.
President Bashar Assad dan pengikutnya ketika shalat 1/2
President Bashar Assad dan pengikutnya ketika shalat 1/2
President Bashar Assad dan pengikutnya ketika shalat 1/2
silahkan lihat dan perhatikan perbedaan antara video 1 dan video 2,, kita dibingungkan oleh berita dalam media, ada yang pro dan ada yang kontra,, kita doakan yang terbaik untuk suriah,, semoga Allah memberi hidayah kepada kita semua,, dibukakan pemahaman yang Haq sehingga kita bisa membedakan mana yang benar dan mana yang Salah.. wallahu 'alam bi shawab
Bashar Assad the Dog | Syria Situation - [Muhammad Abdul Jabbar]
Bashar Assad the Dog | Syria Situation - [Muhammad Abdul Jabbar]
Bashar Assad the Dog | Syria Situation - [Muhammad Abdul Jabbar]
The situation in Syria is not getting any better, it is only getting worse with more and more deaths, the bodies are piling up.. keep your brothers and siste...
Syria conflict: BBC exclusive interview with President Bashar al-Assad (FULL)
Syria conflict: BBC exclusive interview with President Bashar al-Assad (FULL)
Syria conflict: BBC exclusive interview with President Bashar al-Assad (FULL)
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has defended his government's actions in the region since the uprising against his rule, which erupted in 2011.
In an exclusive interview with the BBC's Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen, Mr Assad denied that his forces had dropped barrel bombs indiscriminately on rebel-held areas, killing thousands of civilians, and dismissed as propaganda a statement by the UN that his government often blocks access to besieged areas for relief organisations.
The Syrian leader also denied that there was a direct dialogue with the US-led coalition fighting Islamic State but confirmed that "general messages" were sometimes pas
President Assad Full Interview With CBS News|30 Mar 2015
President Assad Full Interview With CBS News|30 Mar 2015
President Assad Full Interview With CBS News|30 Mar 2015
Charlie Rose interview with the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad | 26 Mar 2015 | Damascus
Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad responded to question about the alleged use of chlorine bombs by the Syrian army by saying it is “propaganda.”
“This is part of the malicious propaganda against Syria,” Assad said during an interview with Charlie Rose.
Assad said “chlorine gas is not military gas” because “you can buy it anywhere” and called the use of traditional arms “more important than chlorine.”
Tentara Rezim Diktator Bashar Assad (Suriah) Menghina Islam di Mesjid
Tentara Rezim Diktator Bashar Assad (Suriah) Menghina Islam di Mesjid
Tentara Rezim Diktator Bashar Assad (Suriah) Menghina Islam di Mesjid
President Bashar Al-Assad w/ SAA in New Year 2015.
President Bashar Al-Assad w/ SAA in New Year 2015.
President Bashar Al-Assad w/ SAA in New Year 2015.
Our Syrian President Dr. Bashar Al-Assad celebrating the New Year 2015 with the soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army in Jobar, Northeast of Damascus countryside, #Syria.
Tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Bashar Al Assad! JANGAN TENGOK WOI! NGERI!
Tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Bashar Al Assad! JANGAN TENGOK WOI! NGERI!
Tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Bashar Al Assad! JANGAN TENGOK WOI! NGERI!
President Bashar Al Assad (Full Speech) | Sunday 26.7.2015
President Bashar Al Assad (Full Speech) | Sunday 26.7.2015
President Bashar Al Assad (Full Speech) | Sunday 26.7.2015
President Bashar Al Assad (Full Speech) | Sunday 26.7.2015
تابعونا على الفيسبوك :
حوارات ونقاشات ومعلومات ودراسات حول الارهاب والحرب على سوريا والعراق والمقاومة ومخاض ربيع الشياطين العربي في مصر وتونس واليمن وليبيا والشرق ككل .. وتصحيحات وبرامج وندوات وبحوث تحليلية ونقدية للدين والاحاديث وكتب الصحاح والرواة والناقلين ومناظرات تلفزيونية لها...
البرزاني _ سوريا_الاسد سورية الرئيس_بشار_الاسد _ لبنان _ المقاومة _ طرابلس _ ليبيا _ الحوثيين _ السيد حسن نصرالله _ حزب لله _ الجيش العربي السوري _ حماة الديار العقيد النمر _ عصام زهر الدين _ سالم زهران _ حسين مرتضى _ ناصر قنديل _رفيق نصرالله انيس النقاش _ ربا ال
Bashar Al Assad parle du terrorisme en France, en Occident et en Syrie (26/07/2015)
Bashar Al Assad parle du terrorisme en France, en Occident et en Syrie (26/07/2015)
Bashar Al Assad parle du terrorisme en France, en Occident et en Syrie (26/07/2015)
Clips, documentaires, articles sur l'actualité du Moyen Orient :
Le 26 juillet 2015, Bashar Al-Assad a évoqué dans un discours la lutte contre le terrorisme. Il a ainsi critiqué les Etats occidentaux, désormais inquiets de la propagation d'un terrorisme qu'ils ont eux-mêmes contribué à fabriquer. Il a mentionné l'hypocrisie de leur prétendue lutte en dénonçant le deux poids deux mesures politico-médiatique en vigueur, selon que ce terrorisme frappe l'Occident ou la Syrie. Il a affirmé que les changements de position des Etats occidentaux sur ce sujet n'étaient ni stables ni permanents mais émanaient seulement d'i
Bashar al Assad about Kobane and ISIS
Bashar al Assad about Kobane and ISIS
Bashar al Assad about Kobane and ISIS
AntikriegTV 2
Antikrieg TV
ANTIKRIEG.TV Deutschsprachige Medienbeiträge sowie ins Deutsche übersetzte, ausgewählte Beiträge z.B. von Democracy Now (USA), Russia Today, Telesur (Lateinamerika)
Gleichzeitig empfehlen und verweisen wir auf deutschsprachige Nachrichtenseiten, wie Weltnetz.TV, Kontext TV, Hintergrund, Junge Welt, Nachdenkseiten und Beitrage der Occupy Bewegung
Entrevista exclusiva de RT al presidente de Siria, Bashar al Assad
Entrevista exclusiva de RT al presidente de Siria, Bashar al Assad
Entrevista exclusiva de RT al presidente de Siria, Bashar al Assad
En una entrevista exclusiva a RT, Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria, habla del papel desestabilizador que desempeña Occidente en el conflicto sirio,revela...
A Syrian Talks About The Regime And Bashar Al-Assad
A Syrian Talks About The Regime And Bashar Al-Assad
A Syrian Talks About The Regime And Bashar Al-Assad
Istanbul is full of new refugees. I asked them about their opinion and their "new" life in Istanbul. I've met an Imam, who lived in Aleppo. He shared his experiences about the Syrian Regime and #BasharAlAssad
Instagram: - mail:
Entrevista con Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria
Entrevista con Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria
Entrevista con Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria
En vísperas del diálogo sirio en Moscú, Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria, en una entrevista concedida a los medios rusos, entre ellos RT, revela por qué Occidente no acepta socios, las similitudes y diferencias entre la situación en Ucrania y en Siria, específica de qué países cumplen órdenes algunos grupos armados en su país. El mandatario explica cómo ha podido mantenerse en el poder, lo imprescindible para el éxito del diálogo sirio y opina sobre la lucha contra el Estado Islámico.
¡Suscríbete a RT en español!
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Mujahidin ISIS Dari Checnya Mempemainkan Sniper Kafir Syiah Bashar Assad
Mujahidin ISIS Dari Checnya Mempemainkan Sniper Kafir Syiah Bashar Assad
Mujahidin ISIS Dari Checnya Mempemainkan Sniper Kafir Syiah Bashar Assad
Mujahidin ISIS Dari Checnya Mempemainkan Sniper Kafir Syiah Bashar Assad.
President Bashar Assad dan pengikutnya ketika shalat 1/2
President Bashar Assad dan pengikutnya ketika shalat 1/2
President Bashar Assad dan pengikutnya ketika shalat 1/2
silahkan lihat dan perhatikan perbedaan antara video 1 dan video 2,, kita dibingungkan oleh berita dalam media, ada yang pro dan ada yang kontra,, kita doakan yang terbaik untuk suriah,, semoga Allah memberi hidayah kepada kita semua,, dibukakan pemahaman yang Haq sehingga kita bisa membedakan mana yang benar dan mana yang Salah.. wallahu 'alam bi shawab
Bashar Assad the Dog | Syria Situation - [Muhammad Abdul Jabbar]
Bashar Assad the Dog | Syria Situation - [Muhammad Abdul Jabbar]
Bashar Assad the Dog | Syria Situation - [Muhammad Abdul Jabbar]
The situation in Syria is not getting any better, it is only getting worse with more and more deaths, the bodies are piling up.. keep your brothers and siste...
Full Interview President Bashar al-Assad with Barbara Walters from ABC News
Full Interview President Bashar al-Assad with Barbara Walters from ABC News
Full Interview President Bashar al-Assad with Barbara Walters from ABC News
Full Interview President Bashar al-Assad with Barbara Walters from ABC News.
President al-Assad swearing-in ceremony & full milestone speech
President al-Assad swearing-in ceremony & full milestone speech
President al-Assad swearing-in ceremony & full milestone speech
President #Bashar al-#Assad #sworn in for a new term, addresses Syrians in milestone #speech at People's Palace in the Qassioun Mountain * Damascus, SANA --...
President Assad Interview with Charlie Rose-CBSNEWS| 29 Mar 2015
President Assad Interview with Charlie Rose-CBSNEWS| 29 Mar 2015
President Assad Interview with Charlie Rose-CBSNEWS| 29 Mar 2015
Charlie Rose interview with the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad | 26 Mar 2015 | Damascus
Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad responded to question about the alleged use of chlorine bombs by the Syrian army by saying it is “propaganda.”
“This is part of the malicious propaganda against Syria,” Assad said during an interview with Charlie Rose.
Assad said “chlorine gas is not military gas” because “you can buy it anywhere” and called the use of traditional arms “more important than chlorine.”
Assad to RT: 'I'm not Western puppet - I live and die in Syria' (EXCLUSIVE)
Assad to RT: 'I'm not Western puppet - I live and die in Syria' (EXCLUSIVE)
Assad to RT: 'I'm not Western puppet - I live and die in Syria' (EXCLUSIVE)
In an exclusive interview with RT, Syrian President Bashar Assad said that Syria is not going through a civil war, but rather a different kind of war -- terrorism through proxies - FULL SCRIPT:
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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
SUBHANALLAH VIDEO Kekejaman Tentera Bashar Al Assad Cuba Robek Tubuh Shuhadah
SUBHANALLAH VIDEO Kekejaman Tentera Bashar Al Assad Cuba Robek Tubuh Shuhadah
SUBHANALLAH VIDEO Kekejaman Tentera Bashar Al Assad Cuba Robek Tubuh Shuhadah
SUBHANALLAH VIDEO Kekejaman Tentera Bashar Al Assad Cuba Robek Tubuh Shuhadah.
Syrian Alawis: "We worship Bashar al-Assad before Allah.."
Syrian Alawis: "We worship Bashar al-Assad before Allah.."
Syrian Alawis: "We worship Bashar al-Assad before Allah.."
Ibn Taymiyyah said about the Alawis also known as Al-Nusayriyyah: "All Praise is for Allah, Lord of all worlds. These people named "Al-Nusayriyyah", and othe...
How Bashar al-Assad Destroyed Syria
How Bashar al-Assad Destroyed Syria
How Bashar al-Assad Destroyed Syria
Where Are Syrian Refugees Going?
Despite the expansion of ISIS, an ongoing civil war and refugee crisis, Bashar al-Assad refuses to give up power over Syria. So, is al-Assad destroying Syria?
Learn More:
Syria: The story of the conflict
"More than 200,000 Syrians have lost their lives in four years of armed conflict, which began with anti-government protests before escalating into a full-scale civil war."
UN implicates Bashar al-Assad in Syria war crimes
"The UN's human rights
Bashar al-Assad Interview with Fox News Part 1
Bashar al-Assad Interview with Fox News Part 1
Bashar al-Assad Interview with Fox News Part 1
Assad: We want to 'fully' cooperate with weapons agreement. Part 1 of exclusive interview with Syrian leader
Bashar Al-Assad Song - 2015 Music Video
Bashar Al-Assad Song - 2015 Music Video
Bashar Al-Assad Song - 2015 Music Video
Bashar Hafez al-Assad (Arabic: بشار حافظ الأسد Baššār Ḥāfiẓ al-ʾAsad, About this sound pronunciation (help·info)Levantine pronunciation: [baʃˈʃaːr ˈħaːfezˤ elˈʔasad]; born 11 September 1965)[1] is the President of Syria, General Secretary of the Ba'ath Party and Regional Secretary of the party's branch in Syria. He has served as President since 2000, when he succeeded his father, Hafez al-Assad, who led Syria for 30 years until his death.
Assad graduated from the medical school of Damascus University in 1988, and started to work as a physician in the army. Four years later, he attended postgraduate studies at the Western Eye Hospital, in Lo
Syria conflict: BBC exclusive interview with President Bashar al-Assad (FULL)
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has defended his government's actions in the region since the uprising against his rule, which erupted in 2011.
In an exclusive interview with the BBC's Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen, Mr Assad denied that his forces had dropped barrel bombs indiscriminately on rebel-held areas, killing thousands of civilians, and dismissed as propaganda a statement by the UN that his government often blocks access to besieged areas for relief organisations.
The Syrian leader also denied that there was a direct dialogue with the US-led coalition fighting Islamic State but confirmed that "general messages" were sometimes passed via third parties.
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Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has defended his government's actions in the region since the uprising against his rule, which erupted in 2011.
In an exclusive interview with the BBC's Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen, Mr Assad denied that his forces had dropped barrel bombs indiscriminately on rebel-held areas, killing thousands of civilians, and dismissed as propaganda a statement by the UN that his government often blocks access to besieged areas for relief organisations.
The Syrian leader also denied that there was a direct dialogue with the US-led coalition fighting Islamic State but confirmed that "general messages" were sometimes passed via third parties.
Subscribe to BBC News HERE
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published:10 Feb 2015
President Assad Full Interview With CBS News|30 Mar 2015
Charlie Rose interview with the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad | 26 Mar 2015 | Damascus
Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad responded to question about the alleged use of chlorine bombs by the Syrian army by saying it is “propaganda.”
“This is part of the malicious propaganda against Syria,” Assad said during an interview with Charlie Rose.
Assad said “chlorine gas is not military gas” because “you can buy it anywhere” and called the use of traditional arms “more important than chlorine.”
Charlie Rose interview with the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad | 26 Mar 2015 | Damascus
Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad responded to question about the alleged use of chlorine bombs by the Syrian army by saying it is “propaganda.”
“This is part of the malicious propaganda against Syria,” Assad said during an interview with Charlie Rose.
Assad said “chlorine gas is not military gas” because “you can buy it anywhere” and called the use of traditional arms “more important than chlorine.”
published:31 Mar 2015
Tentara Rezim Diktator Bashar Assad (Suriah) Menghina Islam di Mesjid
Our Syrian President Dr. Bashar Al-Assad celebrating the New Year 2015 with the soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army in Jobar, Northeast of Damascus countryside, #Syria.
Our Syrian President Dr. Bashar Al-Assad celebrating the New Year 2015 with the soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army in Jobar, Northeast of Damascus countryside, #Syria.
published:01 Jan 2015
Tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Bashar Al Assad! JANGAN TENGOK WOI! NGERI!
President Bashar Al Assad (Full Speech) | Sunday 26.7.2015
تابعونا على الفيسبوك :
حوارات ونقاشات ومعلومات ودراسات حول الارهاب والحرب على سوريا والعراق والمقاومة ومخاض ربيع الشياطين العربي في مصر وتونس واليمن وليبيا والشرق ككل .. وتصحيحات وبرامج وندوات وبحوث تحليلية ونقدية للدين والاحاديث وكتب الصحاح والرواة والناقلين ومناظرات تلفزيونية لها...
البرزاني _ سوريا_الاسد سورية الرئيس_بشار_الاسد _ لبنان _ المقاومة _ طرابلس _ ليبيا _ الحوثيين _ السيد حسن نصرالله _ حزب لله _ الجيش العربي السوري _ حماة الديار العقيد النمر _ عصام زهر الدين _ سالم زهران _ حسين مرتضى _ ناصر قنديل _رفيق نصرالله انيس النقاش _ ربا الحجلي _ خالد العبود _ عماد فوزي الشعيبي _ توب نيوز _ المؤامرة _ تلاقي _قناة الدنيا _ قناة المنار _ حافظ الاسد _ فلاديمير بوتين _ لافروف _ جون كيري _ داعش _ ابوبكر البغدادي _ اردوغان _ تركيا _ حلف الناتو _ غسان جواد _ اشواق عباس _ قناة العالم _ قناة الميادين _ جورج غالاوي _ سيد القمني _ علي حجازي _ طوني خليفة _سالم الشيخ بكري ـ نبيه بري _ وسيم بزي _ القاهرة والناس _ سوريا اليوم _ طهران _ محمد جواد ظريفي _ المفاوضات النووية الايرانية _ جورج وسوف _ خطاب القسم _ الدردري _ بندر بن سلطان _ ال سعود _ سعد الحريري _ تيار المستقبل _ التيار الوطني الحر _ جان قهوجي _ العماد ميشيل قزي _ الجنرال ميشيل عون _ سليمان فرنجية _ فيرا يمين _ جوزيف ابو فاضل _ الاخوان المسلمين _ السيسي _ محمد مرسي _ الحوار الوطني _ انجيلا ميركل _ حسن روحاني _ الامام الخميني _ الامام الخامنئي _ باراك اوباما _ تشاك هيغل _ ليون بانيتا _ رامون داكوتا _ سيريانا _ عادل كرم _ محمد صادق الحسيني _ نوري المالكي _ حيدر العبادي _ العراق _ الانبار _ النجف الاشرف _ ايران _ اللواء قاسم سليماني _ ماهر الاسد _ الفرقة الرابعة _ اللواء 93 _ الفرقة 17 _ مطار دير الزور _ يحدث اليوم _ القادمون _ نبوءة الفن تفلر _ حضارة المايا _ سورية انتصرت على خنازير اسرائيل _ نصرة سوريا الاسد _ هويتنا سوريا الاسد _ فايز كرم _ فايز غصن _ طرابلستان _ عرسال _ البقاع _ بيروت اليوم _ سمير جعجع _ علي يوسف حجازي _ امين الجميل _ بوغدانوف _ شاهد _ اضحك على _ شاهده بسرعة _ رامي مخلوف _ ماهر الاسد _ سمر ابو خليل _ نانسي السبع _ اليسار معلا _ رائدة وقاف _ كلارا جحا _ كريستين حبيب _ داليا احمد _ راميا _ الغدير _ الاتجاه _فيصل القاسم _ الجزيرة _ العربية _ وليد المعلم _ فيصل المقداد _ فاروق الشرع بان كي مون _ جوليا بطرس _ اطلق نيرانك لا ترحم _ فيروز _ فيروزيات _ صباح _ الحوثيين _ السيد عبد الملك الحوثي _ عماد مغنية _ خالد مشعل _ القرضاوي _ تميم بن حمد _فيصل عبد الساتر _ امين حطيط _ الشهيد .
_ السيد عبد الملك الحوثي _ عاصفة الحزم _ العدوان السعودي على اليمن _ العسيري _ الملك سلمان _ المحفل الماسوني _ بابل _ الأنوناكي _ أشور _ صعدة _اليمن السعيد _ القنابل العنقودية
President Bashar Al Assad (Full Speech) | Sunday 26.7.2015
تابعونا على الفيسبوك :
حوارات ونقاشات ومعلومات ودراسات حول الارهاب والحرب على سوريا والعراق والمقاومة ومخاض ربيع الشياطين العربي في مصر وتونس واليمن وليبيا والشرق ككل .. وتصحيحات وبرامج وندوات وبحوث تحليلية ونقدية للدين والاحاديث وكتب الصحاح والرواة والناقلين ومناظرات تلفزيونية لها...
البرزاني _ سوريا_الاسد سورية الرئيس_بشار_الاسد _ لبنان _ المقاومة _ طرابلس _ ليبيا _ الحوثيين _ السيد حسن نصرالله _ حزب لله _ الجيش العربي السوري _ حماة الديار العقيد النمر _ عصام زهر الدين _ سالم زهران _ حسين مرتضى _ ناصر قنديل _رفيق نصرالله انيس النقاش _ ربا الحجلي _ خالد العبود _ عماد فوزي الشعيبي _ توب نيوز _ المؤامرة _ تلاقي _قناة الدنيا _ قناة المنار _ حافظ الاسد _ فلاديمير بوتين _ لافروف _ جون كيري _ داعش _ ابوبكر البغدادي _ اردوغان _ تركيا _ حلف الناتو _ غسان جواد _ اشواق عباس _ قناة العالم _ قناة الميادين _ جورج غالاوي _ سيد القمني _ علي حجازي _ طوني خليفة _سالم الشيخ بكري ـ نبيه بري _ وسيم بزي _ القاهرة والناس _ سوريا اليوم _ طهران _ محمد جواد ظريفي _ المفاوضات النووية الايرانية _ جورج وسوف _ خطاب القسم _ الدردري _ بندر بن سلطان _ ال سعود _ سعد الحريري _ تيار المستقبل _ التيار الوطني الحر _ جان قهوجي _ العماد ميشيل قزي _ الجنرال ميشيل عون _ سليمان فرنجية _ فيرا يمين _ جوزيف ابو فاضل _ الاخوان المسلمين _ السيسي _ محمد مرسي _ الحوار الوطني _ انجيلا ميركل _ حسن روحاني _ الامام الخميني _ الامام الخامنئي _ باراك اوباما _ تشاك هيغل _ ليون بانيتا _ رامون داكوتا _ سيريانا _ عادل كرم _ محمد صادق الحسيني _ نوري المالكي _ حيدر العبادي _ العراق _ الانبار _ النجف الاشرف _ ايران _ اللواء قاسم سليماني _ ماهر الاسد _ الفرقة الرابعة _ اللواء 93 _ الفرقة 17 _ مطار دير الزور _ يحدث اليوم _ القادمون _ نبوءة الفن تفلر _ حضارة المايا _ سورية انتصرت على خنازير اسرائيل _ نصرة سوريا الاسد _ هويتنا سوريا الاسد _ فايز كرم _ فايز غصن _ طرابلستان _ عرسال _ البقاع _ بيروت اليوم _ سمير جعجع _ علي يوسف حجازي _ امين الجميل _ بوغدانوف _ شاهد _ اضحك على _ شاهده بسرعة _ رامي مخلوف _ ماهر الاسد _ سمر ابو خليل _ نانسي السبع _ اليسار معلا _ رائدة وقاف _ كلارا جحا _ كريستين حبيب _ داليا احمد _ راميا _ الغدير _ الاتجاه _فيصل القاسم _ الجزيرة _ العربية _ وليد المعلم _ فيصل المقداد _ فاروق الشرع بان كي مون _ جوليا بطرس _ اطلق نيرانك لا ترحم _ فيروز _ فيروزيات _ صباح _ الحوثيين _ السيد عبد الملك الحوثي _ عماد مغنية _ خالد مشعل _ القرضاوي _ تميم بن حمد _فيصل عبد الساتر _ امين حطيط _ الشهيد .
_ السيد عبد الملك الحوثي _ عاصفة الحزم _ العدوان السعودي على اليمن _ العسيري _ الملك سلمان _ المحفل الماسوني _ بابل _ الأنوناكي _ أشور _ صعدة _اليمن السعيد _ القنابل العنقودية
published:26 Jul 2015
Bashar Al Assad parle du terrorisme en France, en Occident et en Syrie (26/07/2015)
Clips, documentaires, articles sur l'actualité du Moyen Orient :
Le 26 juillet 2015, Bashar Al-Assad a évoqué dans un discours la lutte contre le terrorisme. Il a ainsi critiqué les Etats occidentaux, désormais inquiets de la propagation d'un terrorisme qu'ils ont eux-mêmes contribué à fabriquer. Il a mentionné l'hypocrisie de leur prétendue lutte en dénonçant le deux poids deux mesures politico-médiatique en vigueur, selon que ce terrorisme frappe l'Occident ou la Syrie. Il a affirmé que les changements de position des Etats occidentaux sur ce sujet n'étaient ni stables ni permanents mais émanaient seulement d'intérêts conjoncturels. Il a ensuite affirmé que l'Etat syrien ne renoncera pas aux droits du peuple tant que les Syriens n'y renoncent pas eux-mêmes.
Clips, documentaires, articles sur l'actualité du Moyen Orient :
Le 26 juillet 2015, Bashar Al-Assad a évoqué dans un discours la lutte contre le terrorisme. Il a ainsi critiqué les Etats occidentaux, désormais inquiets de la propagation d'un terrorisme qu'ils ont eux-mêmes contribué à fabriquer. Il a mentionné l'hypocrisie de leur prétendue lutte en dénonçant le deux poids deux mesures politico-médiatique en vigueur, selon que ce terrorisme frappe l'Occident ou la Syrie. Il a affirmé que les changements de position des Etats occidentaux sur ce sujet n'étaient ni stables ni permanents mais émanaient seulement d'intérêts conjoncturels. Il a ensuite affirmé que l'Etat syrien ne renoncera pas aux droits du peuple tant que les Syriens n'y renoncent pas eux-mêmes.
AntikriegTV 2
Antikrieg TV
ANTIKRIEG.TV Deutschsprachige Medienbeiträge sowie ins Deutsche übersetzte, ausgewählte Beiträge z.B. von Democracy Now (USA), Russia Today, Telesur (Lateinamerika)
Gleichzeitig empfehlen und verweisen wir auf deutschsprachige Nachrichtenseiten, wie Weltnetz.TV, Kontext TV, Hintergrund, Junge Welt, Nachdenkseiten und Beitrage der Occupy Bewegung
AntikriegTV 2
Antikrieg TV
ANTIKRIEG.TV Deutschsprachige Medienbeiträge sowie ins Deutsche übersetzte, ausgewählte Beiträge z.B. von Democracy Now (USA), Russia Today, Telesur (Lateinamerika)
Gleichzeitig empfehlen und verweisen wir auf deutschsprachige Nachrichtenseiten, wie Weltnetz.TV, Kontext TV, Hintergrund, Junge Welt, Nachdenkseiten und Beitrage der Occupy Bewegung
published:29 Jun 2015
Entrevista exclusiva de RT al presidente de Siria, Bashar al Assad
En una entrevista exclusiva a RT, Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria, habla del papel desestabilizador que desempeña Occidente en el conflicto sirio,revela...
En una entrevista exclusiva a RT, Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria, habla del papel desestabilizador que desempeña Occidente en el conflicto sirio,revela...
Istanbul is full of new refugees. I asked them about their opinion and their "new" life in Istanbul. I've met an Imam, who lived in Aleppo. He shared his experiences about the Syrian Regime and #BasharAlAssad
Instagram: - mail:
Istanbul is full of new refugees. I asked them about their opinion and their "new" life in Istanbul. I've met an Imam, who lived in Aleppo. He shared his experiences about the Syrian Regime and #BasharAlAssad
Instagram: - mail:
published:11 Oct 2014
Entrevista con Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria
En vísperas del diálogo sirio en Moscú, Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria, en una entrevista concedida a los medios rusos, entre ellos RT, revela por qué Occidente no acepta socios, las similitudes y diferencias entre la situación en Ucrania y en Siria, específica de qué países cumplen órdenes algunos grupos armados en su país. El mandatario explica cómo ha podido mantenerse en el poder, lo imprescindible para el éxito del diálogo sirio y opina sobre la lucha contra el Estado Islámico.
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En vísperas del diálogo sirio en Moscú, Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria, en una entrevista concedida a los medios rusos, entre ellos RT, revela por qué Occidente no acepta socios, las similitudes y diferencias entre la situación en Ucrania y en Siria, específica de qué países cumplen órdenes algunos grupos armados en su país. El mandatario explica cómo ha podido mantenerse en el poder, lo imprescindible para el éxito del diálogo sirio y opina sobre la lucha contra el Estado Islámico.
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published:31 Mar 2015
Mujahidin ISIS Dari Checnya Mempemainkan Sniper Kafir Syiah Bashar Assad
silahkan lihat dan perhatikan perbedaan antara video 1 dan video 2,, kita dibingungkan oleh berita dalam media, ada yang pro dan ada yang kontra,, kita doakan yang terbaik untuk suriah,, semoga Allah memberi hidayah kepada kita semua,, dibukakan pemahaman yang Haq sehingga kita bisa membedakan mana yang benar dan mana yang Salah.. wallahu 'alam bi shawab
silahkan lihat dan perhatikan perbedaan antara video 1 dan video 2,, kita dibingungkan oleh berita dalam media, ada yang pro dan ada yang kontra,, kita doakan yang terbaik untuk suriah,, semoga Allah memberi hidayah kepada kita semua,, dibukakan pemahaman yang Haq sehingga kita bisa membedakan mana yang benar dan mana yang Salah.. wallahu 'alam bi shawab
published:25 Nov 2013
Bashar Assad the Dog | Syria Situation - [Muhammad Abdul Jabbar]
The situation in Syria is not getting any better, it is only getting worse with more and more deaths, the bodies are piling up.. keep your brothers and siste...
The situation in Syria is not getting any better, it is only getting worse with more and more deaths, the bodies are piling up.. keep your brothers and siste...
President #Bashar al-#Assad #sworn in for a new term, addresses Syrians in milestone #speech at People's Palace in the Qassioun Mountain * Damascus, SANA --...
President #Bashar al-#Assad #sworn in for a new term, addresses Syrians in milestone #speech at People's Palace in the Qassioun Mountain * Damascus, SANA --...
Charlie Rose interview with the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad | 26 Mar 2015 | Damascus
Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad responded to question about the alleged use of chlorine bombs by the Syrian army by saying it is “propaganda.”
“This is part of the malicious propaganda against Syria,” Assad said during an interview with Charlie Rose.
Assad said “chlorine gas is not military gas” because “you can buy it anywhere” and called the use of traditional arms “more important than chlorine.”
Charlie Rose interview with the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad | 26 Mar 2015 | Damascus
Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad responded to question about the alleged use of chlorine bombs by the Syrian army by saying it is “propaganda.”
“This is part of the malicious propaganda against Syria,” Assad said during an interview with Charlie Rose.
Assad said “chlorine gas is not military gas” because “you can buy it anywhere” and called the use of traditional arms “more important than chlorine.”
published:30 Mar 2015
Assad to RT: 'I'm not Western puppet - I live and die in Syria' (EXCLUSIVE)
In an exclusive interview with RT, Syrian President Bashar Assad said that Syria is not going through a civil war, but rather a different kind of war -- terrorism through proxies - FULL SCRIPT:
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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
In an exclusive interview with RT, Syrian President Bashar Assad said that Syria is not going through a civil war, but rather a different kind of war -- terrorism through proxies - FULL SCRIPT:
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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
published:09 Nov 2012
SUBHANALLAH VIDEO Kekejaman Tentera Bashar Al Assad Cuba Robek Tubuh Shuhadah
Ibn Taymiyyah said about the Alawis also known as Al-Nusayriyyah: "All Praise is for Allah, Lord of all worlds. These people named "Al-Nusayriyyah", and othe...
Ibn Taymiyyah said about the Alawis also known as Al-Nusayriyyah: "All Praise is for Allah, Lord of all worlds. These people named "Al-Nusayriyyah", and othe...
Where Are Syrian Refugees Going?
Despite the expansion of ISIS, an ongoing civil war and refugee crisis, Bashar al-Assad refuses to give up power over Syria. So, is al-Assad destroying Syria?
Learn More:
Syria: The story of the conflict
"More than 200,000 Syrians have lost their lives in four years of armed conflict, which began with anti-government protests before escalating into a full-scale civil war."
UN implicates Bashar al-Assad in Syria war crimes
"The UN's human rights chief has said an inquiry has produced evidence that war crimes were authorised in Syria at the "highest level", including by President Bashar al-Assad."
Inside Syria's Jails
"In the spring of 2011, hundreds of thousands of Syrians rose up in protest to demand democracy and freedom and an end to the dictatorship of President Bashar al-Assad."
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Where Are the Millions of Syrian Refugees Going?
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Where Are Syrian Refugees Going?
Despite the expansion of ISIS, an ongoing civil war and refugee crisis, Bashar al-Assad refuses to give up power over Syria. So, is al-Assad destroying Syria?
Learn More:
Syria: The story of the conflict
"More than 200,000 Syrians have lost their lives in four years of armed conflict, which began with anti-government protests before escalating into a full-scale civil war."
UN implicates Bashar al-Assad in Syria war crimes
"The UN's human rights chief has said an inquiry has produced evidence that war crimes were authorised in Syria at the "highest level", including by President Bashar al-Assad."
Inside Syria's Jails
"In the spring of 2011, hundreds of thousands of Syrians rose up in protest to demand democracy and freedom and an end to the dictatorship of President Bashar al-Assad."
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Where Are the Millions of Syrian Refugees Going?
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Bashar Hafez al-Assad (Arabic: بشار حافظ الأسد Baššār Ḥāfiẓ al-ʾAsad, About this sound pronunciation (help·info)Levantine pronunciation: [baʃˈʃaːr ˈħaːfezˤ elˈʔasad]; born 11 September 1965)[1] is the President of Syria, General Secretary of the Ba'ath Party and Regional Secretary of the party's branch in Syria. He has served as President since 2000, when he succeeded his father, Hafez al-Assad, who led Syria for 30 years until his death.
Assad graduated from the medical school of Damascus University in 1988, and started to work as a physician in the army. Four years later, he attended postgraduate studies at the Western Eye Hospital, in London, specializing in ophthalmology. In 1994, after his elder brother Bassel—who was being groomed to succeed his father[2]—was killed in a car crash, Bashar returned to Syria. Assad entered the military academy, taking charge of the Syrian occupation of Lebanon in 1998. In December 2000, Assad married Asma Assad, born Akhras. Assad was reconfirmed by the national electorate as President of Syria in 2000 and 2007, after the People's Council of Syria had voted to propose the incumbent uncontested each time.[3][4] The Assad regime has described itself as secular,[5] while experts have contended that the regime exploits ethnic and sectarian tensions in the country to remain in power.[6][7]
The Syrian opposition, the United States, Canada, the European Union and the majority of the Arab League have called for al-Assad's resignation from the presidency.[8][9] During the Syrian Civil War, Assad was personally implicated in war crimes and crimes against humanity by the United Nations,[10] and was the top of a list of individuals indicted for the greatest responsibility in war crimes for prosecution by the International Criminal Court.[11] In November 2014, the prosecutor of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon announced that evidence would be brought against Assad.[12] In January 2015, it was reported that 200,000 political prisoners were in jail in Syria for opposing Assad's regime.[13] In late April 2014, Assad announced he would run for a third term in Syria's first multi-candidate direct presidential election in decades, amid serious concerns by the European Union, the United States and other countries regarding the legitimacy of this vote and the effect it will have on peace talks with the Syrian Opposition.[14][15] He was sworn in for his third seven-year term, on July 16, 2014, in the presidential palace in Damascus.
Assad speaks fluent English and basic conversational French, having studied at the Franco-Arab al-Hurriyah school in Damascus.[152] In December 2000, Assad married Asma Assad, born Akhras,[153] a British citizen of Syrian origin, from Acton, London.[154] On 3 December 2001, they became the parents of their first-born child, named Hafez after the child's grandfather Hafez al-Assad. Zein was born on 5 November 2003, and Karim on 16 December 2004.[155] Assad resides in the Presidential Palace.
Bashar Hafez al-Assad (Arabic: بشار حافظ الأسد Baššār Ḥāfiẓ al-ʾAsad, About this sound pronunciation (help·info)Levantine pronunciation: [baʃˈʃaːr ˈħaːfezˤ elˈʔasad]; born 11 September 1965)[1] is the President of Syria, General Secretary of the Ba'ath Party and Regional Secretary of the party's branch in Syria. He has served as President since 2000, when he succeeded his father, Hafez al-Assad, who led Syria for 30 years until his death.
Assad graduated from the medical school of Damascus University in 1988, and started to work as a physician in the army. Four years later, he attended postgraduate studies at the Western Eye Hospital, in London, specializing in ophthalmology. In 1994, after his elder brother Bassel—who was being groomed to succeed his father[2]—was killed in a car crash, Bashar returned to Syria. Assad entered the military academy, taking charge of the Syrian occupation of Lebanon in 1998. In December 2000, Assad married Asma Assad, born Akhras. Assad was reconfirmed by the national electorate as President of Syria in 2000 and 2007, after the People's Council of Syria had voted to propose the incumbent uncontested each time.[3][4] The Assad regime has described itself as secular,[5] while experts have contended that the regime exploits ethnic and sectarian tensions in the country to remain in power.[6][7]
The Syrian opposition, the United States, Canada, the European Union and the majority of the Arab League have called for al-Assad's resignation from the presidency.[8][9] During the Syrian Civil War, Assad was personally implicated in war crimes and crimes against humanity by the United Nations,[10] and was the top of a list of individuals indicted for the greatest responsibility in war crimes for prosecution by the International Criminal Court.[11] In November 2014, the prosecutor of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon announced that evidence would be brought against Assad.[12] In January 2015, it was reported that 200,000 political prisoners were in jail in Syria for opposing Assad's regime.[13] In late April 2014, Assad announced he would run for a third term in Syria's first multi-candidate direct presidential election in decades, amid serious concerns by the European Union, the United States and other countries regarding the legitimacy of this vote and the effect it will have on peace talks with the Syrian Opposition.[14][15] He was sworn in for his third seven-year term, on July 16, 2014, in the presidential palace in Damascus.
Assad speaks fluent English and basic conversational French, having studied at the Franco-Arab al-Hurriyah school in Damascus.[152] In December 2000, Assad married Asma Assad, born Akhras,[153] a British citizen of Syrian origin, from Acton, London.[154] On 3 December 2001, they became the parents of their first-born child, named Hafez after the child's grandfather Hafez al-Assad. Zein was born on 5 November 2003, and Karim on 16 December 2004.[155] Assad resides in the Presidential Palace.
Syria conflict: BBC exclusive interview with President Bashar al-Assad (FULL)
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has defended his government's actions in the region since...
published:10 Feb 2015
Syria conflict: BBC exclusive interview with President Bashar al-Assad (FULL)
Syria conflict: BBC exclusive interview with President Bashar al-Assad (FULL)
published:10 Feb 2015
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has defended his government's actions in the region since the uprising against his rule, which erupted in 2011.
In an exclusive interview with the BBC's Middle East Editor Jeremy Bowen, Mr Assad denied that his forces had dropped barrel bombs indiscriminately on rebel-held areas, killing thousands of civilians, and dismissed as propaganda a statement by the UN that his government often blocks access to besieged areas for relief organisations.
The Syrian leader also denied that there was a direct dialogue with the US-led coalition fighting Islamic State but confirmed that "general messages" were sometimes passed via third parties.
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President Assad Full Interview With CBS News|30 Mar 2015
Charlie Rose interview with the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad | 26 Mar 2015 | Damascus
published:31 Mar 2015
President Assad Full Interview With CBS News|30 Mar 2015
President Assad Full Interview With CBS News|30 Mar 2015
published:31 Mar 2015
Charlie Rose interview with the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad | 26 Mar 2015 | Damascus
Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad responded to question about the alleged use of chlorine bombs by the Syrian army by saying it is “propaganda.”
“This is part of the malicious propaganda against Syria,” Assad said during an interview with Charlie Rose.
Assad said “chlorine gas is not military gas” because “you can buy it anywhere” and called the use of traditional arms “more important than chlorine.”
Tentara Rezim Diktator Bashar Assad (Suriah) Menghina Islam di Mesjid
President Bashar Al-Assad w/ SAA in New Year 2015.
Our Syrian President Dr. Bashar Al-Assad celebrating the New Year 2015 with the soldiers o...
published:01 Jan 2015
President Bashar Al-Assad w/ SAA in New Year 2015.
President Bashar Al-Assad w/ SAA in New Year 2015.
published:01 Jan 2015
Our Syrian President Dr. Bashar Al-Assad celebrating the New Year 2015 with the soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army in Jobar, Northeast of Damascus countryside, #Syria.
Tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Bashar Al Assad! JANGAN TENGOK WOI! NGERI!
President Bashar Al Assad (Full Speech) | Sunday 26.7.2015
President Bashar Al Assad (Full Speech) | Sunday 26.7.2015
published:26 Jul 2015
President Bashar Al Assad (Full Speech) | Sunday 26.7.2015
President Bashar Al Assad (Full Speech) | Sunday 26.7.2015
published:26 Jul 2015
President Bashar Al Assad (Full Speech) | Sunday 26.7.2015
تابعونا على الفيسبوك :
حوارات ونقاشات ومعلومات ودراسات حول الارهاب والحرب على سوريا والعراق والمقاومة ومخاض ربيع الشياطين العربي في مصر وتونس واليمن وليبيا والشرق ككل .. وتصحيحات وبرامج وندوات وبحوث تحليلية ونقدية للدين والاحاديث وكتب الصحاح والرواة والناقلين ومناظرات تلفزيونية لها...
البرزاني _ سوريا_الاسد سورية الرئيس_بشار_الاسد _ لبنان _ المقاومة _ طرابلس _ ليبيا _ الحوثيين _ السيد حسن نصرالله _ حزب لله _ الجيش العربي السوري _ حماة الديار العقيد النمر _ عصام زهر الدين _ سالم زهران _ حسين مرتضى _ ناصر قنديل _رفيق نصرالله انيس النقاش _ ربا الحجلي _ خالد العبود _ عماد فوزي الشعيبي _ توب نيوز _ المؤامرة _ تلاقي _قناة الدنيا _ قناة المنار _ حافظ الاسد _ فلاديمير بوتين _ لافروف _ جون كيري _ داعش _ ابوبكر البغدادي _ اردوغان _ تركيا _ حلف الناتو _ غسان جواد _ اشواق عباس _ قناة العالم _ قناة الميادين _ جورج غالاوي _ سيد القمني _ علي حجازي _ طوني خليفة _سالم الشيخ بكري ـ نبيه بري _ وسيم بزي _ القاهرة والناس _ سوريا اليوم _ طهران _ محمد جواد ظريفي _ المفاوضات النووية الايرانية _ جورج وسوف _ خطاب القسم _ الدردري _ بندر بن سلطان _ ال سعود _ سعد الحريري _ تيار المستقبل _ التيار الوطني الحر _ جان قهوجي _ العماد ميشيل قزي _ الجنرال ميشيل عون _ سليمان فرنجية _ فيرا يمين _ جوزيف ابو فاضل _ الاخوان المسلمين _ السيسي _ محمد مرسي _ الحوار الوطني _ انجيلا ميركل _ حسن روحاني _ الامام الخميني _ الامام الخامنئي _ باراك اوباما _ تشاك هيغل _ ليون بانيتا _ رامون داكوتا _ سيريانا _ عادل كرم _ محمد صادق الحسيني _ نوري المالكي _ حيدر العبادي _ العراق _ الانبار _ النجف الاشرف _ ايران _ اللواء قاسم سليماني _ ماهر الاسد _ الفرقة الرابعة _ اللواء 93 _ الفرقة 17 _ مطار دير الزور _ يحدث اليوم _ القادمون _ نبوءة الفن تفلر _ حضارة المايا _ سورية انتصرت على خنازير اسرائيل _ نصرة سوريا الاسد _ هويتنا سوريا الاسد _ فايز كرم _ فايز غصن _ طرابلستان _ عرسال _ البقاع _ بيروت اليوم _ سمير جعجع _ علي يوسف حجازي _ امين الجميل _ بوغدانوف _ شاهد _ اضحك على _ شاهده بسرعة _ رامي مخلوف _ ماهر الاسد _ سمر ابو خليل _ نانسي السبع _ اليسار معلا _ رائدة وقاف _ كلارا جحا _ كريستين حبيب _ داليا احمد _ راميا _ الغدير _ الاتجاه _فيصل القاسم _ الجزيرة _ العربية _ وليد المعلم _ فيصل المقداد _ فاروق الشرع بان كي مون _ جوليا بطرس _ اطلق نيرانك لا ترحم _ فيروز _ فيروزيات _ صباح _ الحوثيين _ السيد عبد الملك الحوثي _ عماد مغنية _ خالد مشعل _ القرضاوي _ تميم بن حمد _فيصل عبد الساتر _ امين حطيط _ الشهيد .
_ السيد عبد الملك الحوثي _ عاصفة الحزم _ العدوان السعودي على اليمن _ العسيري _ الملك سلمان _ المحفل الماسوني _ بابل _ الأنوناكي _ أشور _ صعدة _اليمن السعيد _ القنابل العنقودية
Bashar Al Assad parle du terrorisme en France, en Occident et en Syrie (26/07/2015)
Clips, documentaires, articles sur l'actualité du Moyen Orient :
published:28 Jul 2015
Bashar Al Assad parle du terrorisme en France, en Occident et en Syrie (26/07/2015)
Bashar Al Assad parle du terrorisme en France, en Occident et en Syrie (26/07/2015)
published:28 Jul 2015
Clips, documentaires, articles sur l'actualité du Moyen Orient :
Le 26 juillet 2015, Bashar Al-Assad a évoqué dans un discours la lutte contre le terrorisme. Il a ainsi critiqué les Etats occidentaux, désormais inquiets de la propagation d'un terrorisme qu'ils ont eux-mêmes contribué à fabriquer. Il a mentionné l'hypocrisie de leur prétendue lutte en dénonçant le deux poids deux mesures politico-médiatique en vigueur, selon que ce terrorisme frappe l'Occident ou la Syrie. Il a affirmé que les changements de position des Etats occidentaux sur ce sujet n'étaient ni stables ni permanents mais émanaient seulement d'intérêts conjoncturels. Il a ensuite affirmé que l'Etat syrien ne renoncera pas aux droits du peuple tant que les Syriens n'y renoncent pas eux-mêmes.
Bashar al Assad about Kobane and ISIS
AntikriegTV 2
Antikrieg TV
published:29 Jun 2015
Bashar al Assad about Kobane and ISIS
Bashar al Assad about Kobane and ISIS
published:29 Jun 2015
AntikriegTV 2
Antikrieg TV
ANTIKRIEG.TV Deutschsprachige Medienbeiträge sowie ins Deutsche übersetzte, ausgewählte Beiträge z.B. von Democracy Now (USA), Russia Today, Telesur (Lateinamerika)
Gleichzeitig empfehlen und verweisen wir auf deutschsprachige Nachrichtenseiten, wie Weltnetz.TV, Kontext TV, Hintergrund, Junge Welt, Nachdenkseiten und Beitrage der Occupy Bewegung
Entrevista exclusiva de RT al presidente de Siria, Bashar al Assad
En una entrevista exclusiva a RT, Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria, habla del papel de...
En una entrevista exclusiva a RT, Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria, habla del papel desestabilizador que desempeña Occidente en el conflicto sirio,revela...
A Syrian Talks About The Regime And Bashar Al-Assad
Istanbul is full of new refugees. I asked them about their opinion and their "new" life in...
published:11 Oct 2014
A Syrian Talks About The Regime And Bashar Al-Assad
A Syrian Talks About The Regime And Bashar Al-Assad
published:11 Oct 2014
Istanbul is full of new refugees. I asked them about their opinion and their "new" life in Istanbul. I've met an Imam, who lived in Aleppo. He shared his experiences about the Syrian Regime and #BasharAlAssad
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Entrevista con Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria
En vísperas del diálogo sirio en Moscú, Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria, en una entre...
published:31 Mar 2015
Entrevista con Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria
Entrevista con Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria
published:31 Mar 2015
En vísperas del diálogo sirio en Moscú, Bashar al Assad, presidente de Siria, en una entrevista concedida a los medios rusos, entre ellos RT, revela por qué Occidente no acepta socios, las similitudes y diferencias entre la situación en Ucrania y en Siria, específica de qué países cumplen órdenes algunos grupos armados en su país. El mandatario explica cómo ha podido mantenerse en el poder, lo imprescindible para el éxito del diálogo sirio y opina sobre la lucha contra el Estado Islámico.
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Mujahidin ISIS Dari Checnya Mempemainkan Sniper Kafir Syiah Bashar Assad
Mujahidin ISIS Dari Checnya Mempemainkan Sniper Kafir Syiah Bashar Assad....
Mujahidin ISIS Dari Checnya Mempemainkan Sniper Kafir Syiah Bashar Assad.
President Bashar Assad dan pengikutnya ketika shalat 1/2
silahkan lihat dan perhatikan perbedaan antara video 1 dan video 2,, kita dibingungkan ole...
published:25 Nov 2013
President Bashar Assad dan pengikutnya ketika shalat 1/2
President Bashar Assad dan pengikutnya ketika shalat 1/2
published:25 Nov 2013
silahkan lihat dan perhatikan perbedaan antara video 1 dan video 2,, kita dibingungkan oleh berita dalam media, ada yang pro dan ada yang kontra,, kita doakan yang terbaik untuk suriah,, semoga Allah memberi hidayah kepada kita semua,, dibukakan pemahaman yang Haq sehingga kita bisa membedakan mana yang benar dan mana yang Salah.. wallahu 'alam bi shawab
Bashar Assad the Dog | Syria Situation - [Muhammad Abdul Jabbar]
The situation in Syria is not getting any better, it is only getting worse with more and m...
The situation in Syria is not getting any better, it is only getting worse with more and more deaths, the bodies are piling up.. keep your brothers and siste...
CoreBot infant could grow to painful teenager. IBM threat researcher Limor Kessem has found a new modular malware credential stealer that could become a significant enterprise threat.... ....
(CNN)GilbertFlores is shirtless, running in front of a home in San Antonio as the two sheriff's deputies approach him. A minute later, he's putting his hands up. Then the shots ring out, and he falls to the ground. Cell phone video obtained by CNN affiliate KSAT appears to show sheriff's deputies in Bexar County, Texas, shooting and killing the 41-year-old Friday ... They confirmed it was Flores on Monday ... 'Threats to our deputies' lives' ... ....
NEW YORK (AP) -- Markets are turning turbulent again after investors were unnerved by more signs of weakness in China, the world's second-largest economy. U.S. stocks sank 3 percent Tuesday, their third-worst drop this year. The two bigger falls occurred in the last two weeks. The Dow Jones industrial average dropped 469 points, or 2.8 percent, to 16,058. The Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 58 points, or 3 percent, to 1,913 ...U.S ... U.S ... ....
The mystery of a Nazi gold train said to be buried in Poland has taken another strange turn, after the location where the armoured train is believed to be hidden was engulfed in flames - after the Polish government cast doubt over its existence. The train has caught the imagination of locals in the town of Walbrzych and the international media alike, after two men told the authorities they had pinpointed the location of the train ... AP)....
Rowan County clerk Kim Davis risks jail time or fines as she turned away several couples seeking marriage licenses Tuesday morning. @holpuch. A county clerk in Kentucky has again refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples on religious grounds, risking jail time or fines as she continues to ignore orders by courts and the governor ... — Hillary Thornton (@HillaryWKYT) September 1, 2015 ... “Under God’s authority,” Davis said ... ....
On August 24, the Oryx Blog, which tracks military dynamics in the Middle East and North Africa, ] discovered that at least one BTR-82A had turned up in the coastal province of Latakia, where Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad’s family hails from and which has lately been contested, impressively, by Jaysh al-Fatah, or the Army of Conquest, a ......
and his own ... 0 ... As if the nuclear component of the Iran deal was not bad enough, the removal of sanctions against leaders of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp as well as the removal of limits on the Iranians' ability to import and export weapons guarantees that Iran's current support of violent terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah and Hamas and for the brutal regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria will greatly expand ... Senate. ....
Saudi Arabia’s puritan Wahhabi doctrine is the font of IS beliefs ... His successors not only sustained but reinforced the relationship and, this year, declared Wahhabism not only the Saudi state religion but the official version of Islam ... Temple of Bel. before and after (use slider) ... Salman also seeks beefed-up US support for the Saudi war in Yemen and the drive to oust Syrian president Bashar al-Assad ... ....
“Reluctant” probably sums up British voters’ attitude to the European Union... Some EU states have not registered refugees properly, while the Schengen rules look increasingly quaint in the current circumstances, born of a world where freedom of movement across borders was decisively impeded by the Iron Curtain and a string of dictators from Gaddafi to Assad Snr, who were unwilling to let any of their citizens go anywhere ... React Now ... -->....
Russia's Foreign MinisterSergey Lavrov has called for an end to “unrealistic and illogical” demands for the resignation of Syrian PresidentBashar al-Assad... It is not logical,” Lavrov said.Syrian President Bashar al-Assad ... Bashar al-Assad as part of the solution in Syria and he is part of any political solution in the future of Syria,” he added....
What do you make then of that; on the one hand the United States says that their number one priority is fighting terrorism and especially concentrating on Daesh or ISIL, but on the other hand as you just said a force that has been very effective and that is Bashar al-Assad’s military… they have been effective but now we see the ......
A senior Iranian diplomat says Syrian PresidentBashar al-Assad should be part of any solution to ongoing crisis in his country ...Bashar al-Assad as part of the solution in Syria and he is part of any political solution in the future of Syria,” Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir-Abdollahian ......
(Infowars) - During a speech Sunday at the Citadel in South CarolinaRepublican presidential hopeful Scott Walker said ISIS would not be defeated in Syria until the government of Bashar al-Assad is brought down. Walker said so long as Syrian PresidentBasharAssad "is still in power and Iran, his patron, has a base of operations in Damascus," ISIS will not be defeated....
Note. We do not store your email address but your IP address will be logged to prevent abuse of this feature. Please read our Legal Terms & Policies While relations between the West and PresidentBashar al-Assad remain virtually non-existent, the Syrian leader has looked to Asia to forge alliances.... ....