Conservatives and Homophobia

May 2, 2011 • Leave a Comment

Here’s a quick thing by a friend over at Paper Tigers on the Tories and homophobia. Enjoy.
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Sunny Hundal’s Liberal Conspiracy

April 24, 2011 • Leave a Comment

Just gonna link this great thing a friend made, a Sunny Hundal opinion generator.

I think my favourite so far is “Blogged: Why Lefties must support the important work of Unit 731″.

SP Lead In: What is Neoliberalism?

April 21, 2011 • Leave a Comment

Neoliberalism is the dominant socio-political force of our time. It came into full view around the 78-80 years, and has been an element of popular political and economic discourse ever since. During these years, very momentous things occurred for neoliberalism: in 78 Den Xiaoping took the first steps towards liberalising the Chinese communist economy, in 79 Paul Volker took charge of the US Fed Reserve (and dramatically changed monetary policy) and, the most well felt effect of neoliberalism for us, Thatcher was elected. Finally, in 1980, Ronald Reagan was elected President of the US. These events, mainly the uniting of political philosophy between Reagan and Thatcher, embarked us on a new and curious socio-political thread.
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Student Debate: Marxist Economics

March 31, 2011 • Leave a Comment

This was supposed to be a jumping off point in a student debate about the current economic condition of the UK, felt I may as well through it up:

I believe that our society today is one of conflict, not between people and dictators as we’ve seen across North Africa but between classes; between those who own and control businesses and those who do not. These peoples interests are opposed, no matter how much the business owners claim to want to help the national economy or community.
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26th March: Why I’m Marching

March 24, 2011 • Leave a Comment

This saturday, a lot of people are going on a trip to London to shout things and wave signs and sell trot papers. I will be one of those people, hopefully not doing the latter. This march is the March For The Alternative, organised by the TUC. The march is about defending public services and jobs, and showing the current government that there is vocal opposition to their plans that exist outside the tedious and dull halls of parliament. This is only part of why i’m marching.
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The Madness Of King Gove

March 22, 2011 • Leave a Comment

Michael Gove is a little bit mad. Just a tad bit mad.

Earlier today, Mr. Gove declared that students as young as 11 should be reading 50 books a year (Source), admiring the notion that “children also competed to be quickest to read all seven Harry Potter books”. Gove, once again exposes his mental instability and suggests to his once again that he may be a danger to himself and others.
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A Message From Merthyr

March 4, 2011 • Leave a Comment

Here’s a great video about the benefit situation in Merthyr Tydfil, illustrating the benefits situation and how the benefits reform will hit the town.

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No To AV Auto Ad Generator

February 24, 2011 • Leave a Comment

Inspired by the David Cameron Conservative ads generator that was made before the election and the disgusting and shitty No To AV ads that have been flying around like wet farts, I made this: A pretty simple No To AV Ad Generator. Pick the picture on the left, and your text, and hey presto! Your own bit of subversive political satire!
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Alternative Vote: Yes or No?

February 19, 2011 • Leave a Comment

The subject of voting reform has come into view again, with the referendum on switching the voting system from First Past The Post (FPTP) to Alternative Vote (AV) being confirmed to take place on May 5th, alongside the defeat of the Peers’ proposal to only make the referendum binding if 40% of the population voted on it. This issue will create a lot of heated debate, especially since it looks to be one of the few pledges the Liberal Democrats are willing to fulfil within the coalition, albeit an extraordinarily watered down pledge. There will be, in the coming months, campaigns from both the Yes and No camps on this issue. To understand what this reform would mean, where it would take us and why we should vote we must look at the concept of electoral reform and democracy as a whole, outside the narrow debate of FPTP vs AV.
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SP Lead In: Struggles In Africa

February 3, 2011 • Leave a Comment

Heres a lead in I gave for the SP Debate, focused on socialism, anticapitalism and struggles in Africa. I was tasked this before Christmas, and obviously recent developments forced me to switch it up a bit, which is probably why its a disjointed mess.

Class struggle and general struggle has always been an underlying theme within Africa. Since the time of colonisation, Africa has been in constant conflict. The conditions that heighten dissatisfaction and anger within Africa are on the rise. Poverty is rising in sub-Saharan Africa, with 288 million people living on less than $1 a day in 1980, rising to 516 million by 2001. However, it is always good to have a historical understanding of leftism within Africa when tackling how anger is shaped there. One interesting example of Marxism flaring within Africa is the case of Thomas Sankara and Burkina Faso in the mid-80s.
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