Confirm Your Email Address or Phone Number

To complete the signup process, we need to confirm that you own the email address or phone number you used to set up the account.

There are several ways that you can confirm your email address or phone number:

  • Confirm your phone number by entering the code you receive via text message (SMS) in the Confirm box that appears when you log in
  • Confirm your email address by opening the link in the email we sent you when you signed up

Confirming your email address or phone number helps us know we're sending your account info to the right place.

Please let us know if you're having trouble confirming your phone number or email address.
Last edited about 2 months ago
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When you sign up for a Facebook account or add a new email address to your existing account, Facebook will send an you an email. This way, we can make sure that you own the email address connected to you account. To confirm this, all you need to do is click on the link in the email.

If you didn't sign up for a Facebook account and received a confirmation email in error, you can deactivate the account in question by clicking the link at the bottom of the email.

Last edited over a year ago
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You can use your account without confirming your email address or phone number for one day. After one day, you won't be able to use your account until you complete this step.

Last edited about 10 months ago
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Adding your phone number to your account will help keep your account secure, make it easier for you to connect with friends and family on Facebook and make it easier to regain access to your account if you have trouble logging in.

When we ask you to add your phone number, you may see your number automatically suggested so that it's easier for you to add. This might be based on your phone or tablet, your mobile operator, contact information provided by others on Facebook, or other sources. We also might have your number because you gave it to us in the past, but haven't confirmed it. The number will only be added to your account if you choose to confirm and verify it.

Note: You can control who can see your number on your profile.

Learn more in our Data Policy.

Last edited about 3 weeks ago
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To correct your email address:

  1. Log in and click Change Email Address at the top of your screen.
  2. Enter your correct email address and click Change Email.
  3. We'll send a confirmation email to your new email address. Click the confirmation link in that email to confirm your account.

Note: When you confirm the new email address, we'll replace the incorrect address you originally signed up with on your account.

Last edited over a year ago
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