Recruitment & placements

Our Career Development and Employment department provides a range of services to business, industry and community representatives who wish to make links with VU students and graduates.

We can connect you with our students, promote your employment opportunities and raise your brand profile among the future workforce.

We have over 50,000 students and over 700 courses from our dual-sector institution, offering all levels of education, including certificates, diplomas, degrees and doctorates.

We can promote your employment opportunities through our work participation and recruitment programs, including 'learning in the workplace' opportunities for our students through industry and community projects, co-operative education and internships.

On this page

Advertise a job

Accessed by current students and recent graduates, you can use our online jobs board CareerHub to advertise your:

  • graduate programs
  • vacation programs
  • full time, part time and casual positions
  • internships, cadetships, trainee positions
  • volunteering opportunities
  • projects and placements (including cooperative placements).

Careers Week

Careers Week provides an exceptional opportunity to showcase your organisation's vacation work programs, cooperative placements, paid internships, working holidays and graduate employment programs.

You can view the 2015 Careers Week schedule of events or contact Career Development & Employment for more information by email to Victoria University hosts employers on campus during Careers Week and at other times throughout the year. Our career related events and expos are generally well attended and bring together current students and soon-to-be graduates face-to-face with employers in industry and the community.

Direct marketing

To promote and advertise your employment opportunities to a specific student audience direct marketing provides a simple and direct way. You can target domestic and international students by course, discipline, year level and residency status. This ensures that you effectively reach your target audience.

You can send information and promotional material to students via direct mail-out or targeted email.

Fees for direct mail-out

  • Handling fee per pre-packaged envelope: $2.50 (incl. GST)
  • Packaged and enveloped by VU: $3.50 (incl. GST)
  • Postage fees are dependant on size, weight and destination of articles.

Fees for targeted email

There is no fee for our targeted email service, however strict conditions apply in relation to the content of emails to be sent. You can send your request for a targeted email to the Employment Services team at including your contact details, target course and year level, email content, and any other relevant information.

Use of disclaimer

Our disclaimer must be included within the body of your targeted email text or in the case of direct mail, enclosed as a separate insert with your promotional material.

Banner advertising

Web page banner advertising is available on our CareerHub online jobs board. You can use banners to raise your organisation's profile including your company's logo. We offer two types of online banner advertising:

  • Horizontal banners (468 x 60 pixels) cost $150 (incl. GST) for 30 days
  • Vertical banners (120 x 240 pixels) cost $100 (incl. GST) for 30 days.

Employer Information sessions

Information sessions allow you to present information about employment and other opportunities within your organisation, in a relaxed and personal interaction with students. These sessions can be promoted to students from all year levels.

On-campus interviews

On-campus interviews are a great way to save time and money. They are convenient for students as they can undertake interviews and application tests on campus making scheduling simpler. Private interview or assessment rooms can be provided at any Victoria University campus (subject to availability).

Forums and seminars

Presenting at careers forums and seminars is a great opportunity to share your expertise and 'give something back' to students and the community. Careers forums or seminars are designed to provide students with information about current labour market and industry trends, graduate skills and attributes sought by employers. By delivering at a careers forum or seminar you can:

  • help to educate students about current labour market practices
  • increase your organisation's profile on campus
  • interact with engaged and motivated students
  • share your experience as an industry expert
  • inform potential candidates about your recruitment process and the skills and attributes you value most.

Raise your profile on campus

We can display your posters, brochures and other materials at each of our careers resource centres on our campuses. Post your materials to:

Career Development and Employment
Victoria University
Footscray Park campus
PO Box 14428

Career Development and Employment can also assist you to connect with staff and students in our Colleges. You can get involved by:

  • establishing a competition
  • creating a scholarship
  • sharing your expertise as a guest lecturer
  • sponsoring events or activities on campus
  • becoming a mentor.

Contact us

To access our range of services to promote the employment opportunities available at your organisation, please contact us.

Libby Ainalis
Careers Coordinator - Industry and Community Liaison
Career Development and Employment
Phone: +61 3 9919 4064