Access your academic record

One of the questions we often get asked is how you can access your academic records.

These can be official records of your academic history at VU, copies of old handbooks outlining your course structure or videos from your graduation.

On this page

Academic records

Some of the academic records you will have received while studying at VU include the:

  • Academic Transcript
  • Letter of Completion
  • Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)
  • Testamur.

An Academic Transcript is a true account of your results achieved at Victoria University.

A Letter of Completion is an official statement from the University that is sent to students once their eligibility to graduate is confirmed.

An AHEGS describes a higher education qualification in an easily understandable way, relating it to the system in which it was issued.

A Testamur (known also as 'award' or 'degree') is the certificate you receive at your graduation ceremony.

Get a copy of your Academic Transcript or any other academic records related to your studies at VU.

Course handbooks

If you are looking for your old course handbook, we keep an archive of these too.

Graduation videos

You might also be interested in seeing some of the graduation videos which include the speeches from graduation ceremonies. Watch keynote addresses from past ceremonies on our YouTube channel, VU Graduations.

Further questions about academic records

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