Engineering & Science

The College of Engineering & Science offers courses, conducts research, provides research training and participates in knowledge transfer.

Our courses are designed to ensure you graduate industry-ready with an understanding of economic environmental and social issues.

We offer programs in undergraduate areas as well as postgraduate coursework and research – so you can pursue a career in an area of high demand, or study in a field you're passionate about.

In 'Engineering & Science':

On this page

Message from the Dean

Professor Chris Perera, Dean of the College of Engineering & Science:

Professor Chris Perera, Dean of the College of Engineering & Science

We deliver courses in the areas of building, engineering, information technology and science from Bachelor degrees through to PhD.

Our courses, particularly in engineering, use Problem Based Learning (PBL) - a team-based teaching and learning approach that uses real life problems to help you develop important skills such as problem-solving, teamwork and communication. Students have access to state-of-the art laboratories where they use modern equipment to undertake projects.

Our research is conducted in our Institutes, Centres and Research groups. We apply and conduct research in collaboration with industry and community to improve the sustainability of the world’s resources.

Our "open door" policy ensures students have easy and regular access to their lecturers for extra assistance. Classes are small and lecturers get to know students very quickly.

We look forward to working with you. Feel free to contact our college staff if you have any questions.


The College of Engineering & Science encompasses seven disciplines:


  • architectural and building engineering
  • civil engineering
  • electrical and electronic engineering
  • mechanical engineering

Science and Information Technology

  • information technology
  • mathematics and physics
  • science.

For an overview of our courses, research strengths and facilities, download the Engineering & Science Discipline Guide.

Conferences & events

During the course of the year we host, present or talk at many seminars, conferences and events. Highlights in 2014 include the IAPRI conference we hosted, as well as the Dean's lecture series.

Medical technologies at the Auckland Bioengineering Institute

This seminar, as part of the Dean's lecture series, was held in November 2014. Professor Martyn Nash from University of Auckland spoke about bioengineering technologies and approaches in use at Auckland Bioengineering Institute which assist clinicians with disease treatment, detection and diagnosis.

19th International Association of Packaging Research Institutes (IAPRI) world conference on packaging

We recently held the IAPRI 2014 Conference from 15 to 18 June 2014. Organised by the Engineered Packaging and Distribution research group, the conference was supported by both the College of Engineering & Science and the Office for Research.

Women in engineering & science

Image of Christina Knorr with link to her success story

Christina Knorr studied a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) and now works as a project engineer in Sydney.
Read more about Christina's experience.

Female engineers excel in solving problems of social significance, making a positive impact on society and the environment.

This program provides opportunities for female students to pursue the same career paths as their male counterparts, and participate in workshops and events tailored to women. Workshops commence at secondary school level and extend to mentoring and support throughout their undergraduate and postgraduate career.

We equip our students with the technical skills and ability to promote the value of diversity. The demand for engineering and science graduates with these qualities provides female engineers and scientists the opportunity for a rewarding career in their chosen field.

For more information email Dr Juan Shi on

Contact us

Contact staff in our college.
Phone: +61 3 9919 6100 or 1300 VICUNI (1300 842 864)
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