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Quickies #1

I don’t always have the time / brain capacity to write full-length reviews about everything I get my mitts on, but there are definitely things I want to tell you about. I figured a handful of brief notes every now and again would be a good compromise.

Appalachian Terror Unit – Black Sands 7″ Profane […]

Bender – Jehovas Allstars CD

Artist: Bender Title: Jehovas Allstars Source: CD Bitrate: FLAC Running time (h:m:s): 00:42:30 Label: Words Of Warning (defunct) Cat. No: WOWCD48 Year: 1996

1. Jackie 2. Over Emotional 3. Going Against The Grain 4. It’s Personal 5. Fool’s Paradise 6. Breaking the Law 7. Rapturous 8. We Rule 9. Freedom Day 10. A Misunderstanding 11. […]

The Right To Shirk!

Happy May Day / Beltane comrades!

© Hugh D'Andrede – click for large version

You can view more of Hugh’s work on his Flickr page.