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Old Distro Closed, New One Open!

Some of you may have noticed that I had a small distro hidden within these pages. Many of you probably didn’t. So, in an effort to make things more visible (and make it easier to spread the word), I’ve removed the page here and given it a makeover and domain all of its own. So […]

Random Hand – Seething Is Believing CD

I was fortunate enough to catch Random Hand when they supported Propagandhi a while back, and was mightily impressed with their energy and presence. So when I was given the opportunity to review their latest offering (thanks Donagh), I jumped at the chance. And I’m very happy with what I’m hearing.

Random Hand have their […]

The Freebooters – Ordinary Level Oi! CD

The Freebooters play no-nonsense ska-tinged streetpunk with a big fucking smile on its face! This is one infectious album, full of life and energy. It’s clear to hear that these Irish girls and boys have a burning desire to stand up and shout ‘Shut the fuck up! Listen! Dance! Change the fuckin’ world!’, a task […]

Prisoner Of War Benefit CD

JJ, the guitarist from Active Slaughter, is currently doing a 3-year stretch for his part in the campaign against Huntingdon Life Sciences. His friends in Trauma Unit have put together a benefit CD to get some cash together for him when he gets out. This is a ‘Pay What You Can’ release with 23 tracks […]

Spanner In The Manor

This is a quick heads-up to let you know that my good friends Spanner are on the verge of releasing ‘Crisis’, their first full-length album, in April. It’ll be available on both CD and 12 inches of shiny vinyl and is a collaborative effort between some of my favourite DIY labels – Active Distribution, Pumpkin […]

Rebel Fest In Your Own Home

This weekend sees the inaugural Rebel Fest event in Canada, put together by my mates Randy and Phil of Rebel Time Records and a plethora of assorted noise merchants. Along the way, they hope to raise a good chunk of cash for G20 political prisoners. Seeing as getting to the land of mooses involves a […]