OECD Week 2015: Investing in the future: People, Planet, Prosperity
OECD Week 2015: Investing in the future: People, Planet, Prosperity
OECD Week 2015: Investing in the future: People, Planet, Prosperity
The OECD Forum and Ministerial Council Meeting 2015 took place on 2-4 June 2015. It explored the importance of investment in placing our economies on sustainable growth paths while addressing inequalities, fostering innovation, helping the transition towards low-carbon economies and financing the Sustainable Development Goals.
Looking to 2060: A Global Vision of Long-term Growth
Looking to 2060: A Global Vision of Long-term Growth
Looking to 2060: A Global Vision of Long-term Growth
The balance of economic power is expected to shift dramatically over the coming half century, with fast-growing emerging market economies accounting for an ever-increasing share of global output, according to new OECD research. For more information visit: www.oecd.org/economy/lookingto2060.htm
OECD - For A Better World Economy
OECD - For A Better World Economy
OECD - For A Better World Economy
An educational animation produced for the OECD via Resn.
OECD – eine der mächtigsten Organisationen der Welt
OECD – eine der mächtigsten Organisationen der Welt
OECD – eine der mächtigsten Organisationen der Welt
Die grossen Wirtschaftsnationen der Welt haben sich am G20-Gipfel getroffen. Eines ihrer zentralen Traktanden: der Kampf gegen die Steueroptimierung durch internationale Konzerne. Im Fokus stehen nicht zuletzt Länder wie Luxemburg und die Schweiz, die vom Steuerwettbewerb stark profitiert haben. «ECO» zeigt, wer in der Schweiz mit der Steueroptimierung viel Geld verdiente und wie die einst harmlose OECD in kurzer Zeit zu einer der mächtigsten Organisationen der Welt aufgestiegen ist.
Artikel zum Thema:
Ende der Steueroase: Der zweite Anlauf der Schweiz: http://www.srf.ch/news/wirtschaft/ende-der-steueroase-der-zweite-anlauf-der-schweiz
Opening of the Ministerial Council Meeting (MCM)
Opening of the Ministerial Council Meeting (MCM)
Opening of the Ministerial Council Meeting (MCM)
Asian countries top OECD's PISA survey of global education
Asian countries top OECD's PISA survey of global education
Asian countries top OECD's PISA survey of global education
Asian countries outperform the rest of the world in the OECD's latest PISA survey, which evaluates the knowledge and skills of the world's 15-year-olds. "With high levels of youth unemployment, rising inequality and a pressing need to boost growth in many countries, it's more urgent than ever that young people learn the skills they need to succeed," said OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría.
For more info please visit: http://www.oecd.org/pisa
OECD - Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education
OECD - Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education
OECD - Strong Performers and Successful Reformers in Education
OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) commissioned Pearson Foundation to film school systems in the world that have done well in the PISA study (Programme for International Student Assessment). Singapore is one of the selected school systems for the video, and Ngee Ann Secondary School is the Singapore School featured in the Singapore video
PISA - Measuring student success around the world
PISA - Measuring student success around the world
PISA - Measuring student success around the world
A test the whole world can take... It's a breathtaking concept -- but for the OECD, it's a very real way of finding out how well-prepared today's students ar...
34 Developed & 1st World Countries In The World (OECD)
34 Developed & 1st World Countries In The World (OECD)
34 Developed & 1st World Countries In The World (OECD)
What are developed countries in the world in 21st century ? they are OECD (organization For Economic Co-operation and Development) countries or the 1st world...
OECD: PH has to keep pushing reforms
OECD: PH has to keep pushing reforms
OECD: PH has to keep pushing reforms
The Organization for Economic Cooperation (OECD) secretary general Angel Gurria said the Philippines should continue implementing economic reforms if it wants to catch up with developed economies.
Die OECD: Für eine bessere Weltwirtschaft
Die OECD: Für eine bessere Weltwirtschaft
Die OECD: Für eine bessere Weltwirtschaft
Die Wiederherstellung von Stabilität, Vertrauen und nachhaltigen Wachstums sind derzeit die wichtigsten wirtschaftspolitischen Ziele. Die OECD arbeitet mit R...
Record inequality between rich and poor
Record inequality between rich and poor
Record inequality between rich and poor
The gap between rich and poor in OECD countries has reached its highest level for over 30 years, and governments must act quickly to tackle inequality, according to a new OECD report, "Divided We Stand".
For more information, visit: www.oecd.org/els/social/inequality
OECD Week 2014: Resilient economies for inclusive societies
OECD Week 2014: Resilient economies for inclusive societies
OECD Week 2014: Resilient economies for inclusive societies
Forum 2014, entitled Resilient Economies for Inclusive Societies, was organised around three cross-cutting themes: Inclusive Growth, Jobs, and Trust, exploring the multifaceted nature of resilience and how to now “bounce forward” in addressing economic, social, and environmental challenges.
For more info please visit: http://http://www.oecd.org/forum/
Greening @ OECD: Let's act together. Agissons ensemble.
Greening @ OECD: Let's act together. Agissons ensemble.
Greening @ OECD: Let's act together. Agissons ensemble.
The OECD is committed to measuring and reducing its environmental impacts.
L'OCDE s'engage à mesurer mais aussi à réduire les effets de son activité sur l'environnement.
OECD Forum 2014: The future of Trade
OECD Forum 2014: The future of Trade
OECD Forum 2014: The future of Trade
OECD at 50: How's Life?
OECD at 50: How's Life?
OECD at 50: How's Life?
For 50 years OECD has been promoting better policies for better lives. Because anniversaries are a time to take stock of the present and chart the future, we...
[프레지PT] 가입 18년…OECD 통계로 본 한국(2014.12.12)
[프레지PT] 가입 18년…OECD 통계로 본 한국(2014.12.12)
[프레지PT] 가입 18년…OECD 통계로 본 한국(2014.12.12)
18년 전 오늘,
한국은 경제협력개발기구,OECD의 정식 회원국이 됐습니다.
선진국들이 포함돼 있는 국제기구라는 점에서
당시 김영삼 정부는 선진국 문턱에 이른 것처럼 선전했습니다.
하지만 18년이 지난 지금까지도
한국은 선진국과 거리가 먼 나라로 평가되고 있습니다.
OECD의 각종 지표로 한국의 현실을 읽어보겠습니다.
강신혜 PD입니다.
OECD Forum 2014 Economic Outlook Debate
OECD Forum 2014 Economic Outlook Debate
OECD Forum 2014 Economic Outlook Debate
2018 will see end of bank secrecy in Switzerland, OECD tax chief says
2018 will see end of bank secrecy in Switzerland, OECD tax chief says
2018 will see end of bank secrecy in Switzerland, OECD tax chief says
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THE BUSINESS INTERVIEW : From HSBC to Mcdonald's, tax dodging is back in the media spotlight following a series of revelations in recent weeks. The issue is global and it requires global solutions, according to Pascal Saint-Amans, the OECD's tax head. He tells FRANCE 24 why 2018 will mark the end of bank secrecy in Switzerland.
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【OECD】 韓国へ勧告!?
【OECD】 韓国へ勧告!?
【OECD】 韓国へ勧告!?
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ジャパニズム22 ⇒ http://urx2.nu/h549 (寄稿)
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Fighting Corruption - A Decade of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention
Fighting Corruption - A Decade of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention
Fighting Corruption - A Decade of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention
US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is among the leaders and campaigners talking about the challenge of fighting bribery and corruption. For more in...
Educational mobility slows in industrialised world, says OECD
Educational mobility slows in industrialised world, says OECD
Educational mobility slows in industrialised world, says OECD
Andreas Schleicher, OECD Director of Education and Skills, explores why access to education continues to expand worldwide but the socio-economic divisions between tertiary-educated adults and the rest of society are growing. One of the key themes of this year’s just released Education at a Glance 2014.
Education Q&A; with OECD's Andreas Schleicher
Education Q&A; with OECD's Andreas Schleicher
Education Q&A; with OECD's Andreas Schleicher
OECD Acting Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills, Andreas Schleicher answers crowdsourced questions for the Global Education and Skills Forum...