PC & room booking

Find out how to book a library PC or study room in advance or on the spot.

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Book a PC

To use a Library PC you can either book a PC in advance, or you can book any available PC on the spot. Library PCs can be booked for up to 2 hours.

We also have walk-up 30 Minute Express PCs and 10 Minute Printing PCs.

Check PC locations & availability: City Flinders | City King | City Queen (Law) | Footscray Nicholson | Footscray Park | St Albans | Sunshine | Werribee

Learn how to use the PC booking system.

Book a study room

Study Rooms are bookable using MyPC for up to 2 hours and up to 7 days in advance. Room bookings cannot be extended and usually one booking is allowed by a user. Students can book a room for themselves or for a group.

If you book a study room you won't be able to book a pc at the same time.

Booking guidelines

We strongly advise that you book in advance.

  • Turn up within 10 minutes to your PC or your booking will be automatically cancelled.
  • You can book up to 7 days in advance, with a limit of 3 active bookings at one time.

Remember to save your work regularly. Work will be lost when the computer reboots.

  • You will receive a warning message at 10, 5 and 3 minutes before your session ends. The PC will automatically log you off and reboot at the end of your session.
  • If you leave your computer unattended for 15 minutes during a session, the PC will automatically log you off and reboot.

During semester, quiet study applies in dedicated quiet areas of campus libraries. During SWOTVAC and the exams period, quiet study applies across all campus libraries. Students are expected not to use the mobile phone within quiet study areas.