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Ever-growing, ever-changing: Inside the Calais camp

The Calais refugee camp is starting to develop from tents to makeshift clinics, schools, cafes and more – but no one should have to live this way, writes Amy Corcoran

1983: the biggest myth in Labour Party history

Labour's 1983 election campaign has long been used to say it is impossible for a leader like Jeremy Corbyn to win any election from the left. Alex Nunns digs out the truth

My support for Jeremy Corbyn is about much more than ‘reclaiming Labour’

Hilary Wainwright says she is backing Jeremy Corbyn for Labour leader as part of a transition to organisation beyond parliamentary politics

The Corbynomics of energy

Behind the media smokescreen, how green is Jeremy Corbyn? Alan Simpson digs deeper into Corbyn's energy policies

Before you go to Calais... How to make your help for refugees effective
Lots of people now want to help the refugees in Calais – but turning up unannounced with a van-load of stuff can do more harm than good. Kate Bradley looks at the best ways to make a difference

Bang on target: a brief union history of arms conversion
Whatever follows the Labour elections, some policies must not return to the backburner - the time has come to look at arms conversion again. Phil Asquith starts from the beginning

Housing gains in Spain
Tom Youngman reports from Madrid on the Spanish housing movement fighting evictions and campaigning for the right to housing for all

Liberated learning in Rojava
Janet Biehl reports on the new women’s science of jineolojî and the revolutionary transformation of education in Rojava, western Kurdistan

Disarming DSEI
Andrew Smith writes about the campaign against London’s biennial arms fair and ending the worldwide arms trade

Editorial: Triumph over disaster
Whatever the outcome of the Jeremy Corbyn campaign, it has shown that anti-austerity arguments have a wide resonance, writes Michael Calderbank

Book reviews ▾

Culture ▾

How Labour lost the 1992 election: an alternative to the ‘official wisdom’

Michael Calderbank revisits Defeat from the Jaws of Victory, by Mike Marqusee and Richard Heffernan, first published 1992

Retelling Alice’s story: how an anti-war feminist was framed for murder

Kitty Webster talks to author Sheila Rowbotham about a new edition of her play on the anti-war feminist Alice Wheeldon

We Want People Who Can Draw

Danielle Child writes on an exhibition of art school dissent

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