
I have created this website to make available a variety of published and unpublished materials. The site is still under construction.

I have resisted the temptation to update or revise papers, etc., unless otherwise noted.

I’d be interested to hear from any readers who have comments and criticisms on these materials.

I’m a retired lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University, currently enjoying ‘honorary’ status.

From the early 1960s until February 2014, I was a member of the Socialist Workers Party, formerly the International Socialists. I am currently affiliated with Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century ('rs21').

Since 1995, I have been one of the organizers of the (almost) annual International Conferences on "Alternative Futures and Popular Protest", held around Easter at Manchester Metropolitan University.

I’m married with two grown-up daughters.

Someone put a page about me on Wikipedia, which (on my last look) seems to be reasonably accurate.

My thanks to Nancy Barker for help in constructing this site.
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