How to get the latest History Carnival news:


The History Carnival is a monthly showcase of blog writing about history, usually held on the 1st day of the month. It's hosted at a different blog each month to provide a variety of approaches and perspectives.

Latest 1 September 2015

History Carnival 149 hosted by Ana Stevenson at Ana Stevenson.

some of the best blogging amongst the history community worldwide during the month of August...

Next 1 October 2015

History Carnival 150 to be hosted by Lisa Smith at Sloane Letters Blog.

Future Editions RSS

1 October 2015: Sloane Letters Blog

1 November 2015: Early Modern Notes

1 December 2015: Hatful of History

1 February 2016: Art and Architecture, Mainly

Hosts needed! Jan 2016 • Mar 2016 • Apr 2016 • Please contact the co-ordinator if interested.

Recent Editions RSS

1 September 2015: HC 149 hosted by Ana Stevenson at Ana Stevenson

1 August 2015: HC 148 hosted by William Savage at Pen and Pension

1 July 2015: HC 147 hosted by Samantha Sandassie at Panacea

1 June 2015: HC 146 hosted by Jessica DeWitt at Network in Canadian History and Environment (NiCHE)

HC Archive

Contacting the Co-ordinator

You can contact the Carnival co-ordinator at or send a tweet @historycarnival.

Hosting a Carnival

The History Carnival is on the look out for hosts! If you've enjoyed reading the Carnivals, why not take a turn at hosting and help to keep them running?

To host, you must have your own blog, and you should have some familiarity with history blogs and with historical research. Hosts certainly do not have to be academic historians, and pseudonymous bloggers are very welcome.

NB: spamblogs and plagiarists are not welcome.

Hosting requires a few hours' work, sifting through nominations and compiling the carnival. (Imaginative themes are always welcomed but not compulsory.)

Carnival Nominations

History is a diverse field, and we welcome suitable nominations from anyone with something interesting to say about history, 'academic' or 'popular' - specialist topics, research, teaching, sources, debates and controversies, etc - so long as it is non-fiction, evidence-based and not plagiarised.

Posts consisting merely of links or quotes from other blogs may be considered but more substantive writing is preferred. Writing that engages with the past to discuss present issues should include significant historical content and analysis.

All nominations are vetted by the host of the edition, whose decision is final.

How to submit nominations

The Carnival's focus is on recent blogging - normally, since the latest edition. Slightly older posts may be considered if they were overlooked then.

The usual channel is to use the simple nomination form at this site. Individual hosts may provide additional options. Please ensure you include the full URL of the post you are nominating, and ideally the post title and blog name.

Recent Blog Posts

CFP: History Carnival 20 September 2015

The next History Carnival is on 1 Oct at Sloane Letters Blog.

Please nominate your favourite history blogging during the last month using the form here.

History Carnival - September 2015 3 September 2015

The latest History Carnival is up at Ana Stevenson

CFP: History Carnival 22 August 2015

The next History Carnival is on 1 Sep hosted by Ana Stevenson.

Please nominate your favourite history blogging during the last month using the form here.

History Carnival - August 2015 2 August 2015

The latest History Carnival is up at Pen and Pension

CFP: History Carnival 21 July 2015

The next History Carnival is on 1 Aug at Pen and Pension.

Please nominate your favourite history blogging during the last month using the form here.

History Carnival - July 2015 2 July 2015

The latest History Carnival is up at Panacea

CFP: History Carnival 20 June 2015

The next History Carnival is on 1 Jul at Panacea.

Please nominate your favourite history blogging during the last month using the form here.

History Carnival - June 2015 2 June 2015

The latest History Carnival is up at Network in Canadian History and Environment (NiCHE)