Marxist Writers: Chris Harman

Marxists’ Internet Archive

Chris Harman

(1942 – 2009)

If we look at the way society is developing today in many parts of the globe we can see, all too vividly, the face of barbarism. But we can also see struggles against the system that repeatedly throw up notions of real advance, based on solidarity, on cooperation, on people caring for each other as they consciously and collectively work out their own futures. Those who preach halfhearted reform of the existing system preach a capitulation to barbarism. Those of us who look to revolution see in these struggles the possibility of going forward, not back. There is still, as Marx and Engels wrote at the end of the Communist Manifesto, ‘a world to win’. Economics of the Madhouse, 1995

Chris Harman


Born in 1942, Chris Harman joined the Socialist Review Group – predecessor to the International Socialists (IS), which became the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) – as a schoolboy in Watford. After studying at Leeds University in 1961–4, he went on to pursue doctoral research at the London School of Economics (LSE). However, he became a leading activist in the struggles at LSE in the late 1960s and abandoned his academic career.

For the rest of his life he worked full-time for IS and the SWP, initially as editor of International Socialism and a journalist on Socialist Worker. He edited Socialist Worker in 1975–7 and then again between 1982 and 2004. Finally he returned to edit International Socialism until his death. He died on the eve of his 67th birthday while attending a socialist conference in Cairo. He was one of the most important theoreticians of the International Socialist Tendency (IST).

In addition to his journalistic work he was a prolific writer. He wrote The Fire Last Time, a study of the significance of 1968 and the following years for revolutionary politics, The Lost Revolution, 1918-1923, a study of the German Revolution, The Prophet and the Proletariat, a controversial study of radical Islam, A People’s History of the World, an ambitious survey of the history of humanity, and Explaining the Crisis, Economics of the Madhouse and Zombie Capitalism, attempts to show the relevance of Marxism to understanding the recurrent economic crisis of recent decades, as well a innumerable articles in International Socialism, Socialist Review and Socialist Worker and other publications.



Autumn 1963:

Polish October (book review)

Winter 1964/65:

Osagyefo Pensant (book review)

Winter 1964/65:

Nobly Wrong (book review) (written as Colin Humphrey)

Summer 1965:

Sociological Strivings (book review)

Summer 1965:

Stalin’s Great Shadow (book review)

Summer 1965:

Tribune of the People (Part 1)

Summer 1965:

Working Classes (book review)

Autumn 1965:

Return to Utopia (book review)

Winter 1965:

Irish Problems (book review)

Spring 1966:

The Restoration (book review)

Spring 1966:

Tribune of the People (Part 2) – The Wasted Years

Autumn 1966:

Looking Glasses (book review) (written as Colin Humphries)

Autumn 1966:

Categorically Thinking (book review) (written as Colin Humphries)

Winter 1966/67:

Australian Mirrors (book review) (written as Colin Humphries)

Winter 1966/67:

Liberal Evasions (book review) (written as Colin Humphries)

Winter 1966/67:

Join and Collapse (book review)

Spring 1967:

Italian Theory (book review)

Spring 1967:

Mud Cannot Split (book review)

Autumn 1967:

Russia – How the Revolution was Lost (pamphlet)

Autumn 1967:

Marxist Morals? (book review)

Autumn 1967:

Paper Radicals (book review)

Winter 1967/68:

Success and Failure (book review)

Spring 1968:

Gramsci (book review)

Autumn 1968:

Vietnam (book review)

Winter 1968/69:

Party and Class (pamphlet)

June 1969:


June 1969:

Ruling Ideas (book review)

28 August 1969:

Czech ‘reformers’ capitulate as resistance rises

December 1969:

The Inconsistencies of Ernest Mandel (extended book review)

February 1970:

Their Election and Us (editorial)

February 1970:

Prospects for the Seventies – The Stalinist States

April 1970:

Students (editorial)

July 1970:

The Pilkingtons Strike (survey)

July 1970:

Capitalism Eastern Style (book review)

November 1970:

Tory Government Policy (editorial)

November 1970:

Cuba – The End of a Road? (survey)

30 January 1971:

Polish strikes hit shipping and transport

February 1971:

[Industrial Relations Bill] (editorial)

February 1971:

Bother on the Baltic (survey)

February 1971:

Reply to D. Yaffe

April 1971:

Two Offensives (editorial)

June 1971:

The Years of Revolt (written with Joan Smith as Christopher Smith)

June 1971:

The General Strike

Autumn 1971:

The Common Market

Autumn 1971:

Hue and Cry (book review)

Autumn 1971:

Two Marx’s or One? (book review) (written as Colin Humphries)

Autumn 1971:

Bounced Czech (book review) (written as Colin Humphries)

20 November 1971:

Allende walks the tightrope

April 1972:

Antonio Gramsci (book review) (written as Colin Humphreys)

July 1972:

Hungary – Failure of Economic Reform (survey)

July 1972:

Reply to M. Brinton on the Bolsheviks & Workers’ Control

January 1973:

Russia in Crisis?

January 1973:

US Arms for Chile’s Generals (survey)

March 1973:

Let History Judge (book review)

April 1973:

The Politics of Soviet Agriculture (book review)

May 1973:

British Steel in Crisis (with Rob Clay)

July 1973:

Councils of action

September 1973:

Chile – End of the parliamentary road (with Ian Birchall)

October 1973:

Communist Party in decline – 2. The Party today

October 1973:

Middle East (notes of the month)

November 1973:

[Phase 3 – Fire Down Below] (notes of the month)

November 1973:

In Brief (book review)

November 1973:

The Axe (book review) (written as Stuart Morgan)

November 1973:

Romania’s Ceausescu (book review)

November 1973:

The Spanish Civil War (extended book review)

December 1973:

[Capitalism in Crisis] (notes of the month)

February 1974:

Danger Tory Crisis (notes of the month)

March 1974:

[The New Labour Government] (notes of the month)

April 1974:

[Labour Government] (notes of the month)

April 1974:

Students (notes of the month)

April 1974:

Scottish Nationalism (notes of the month)

May 1974:

An Alienated Man (book review) (written as Colin Humphreys)

June 1974:

[After Phase 3] (notes of the month)

June 1974:

Fists Against Fascists (notes of the month)

June 1974:

Portugal (notes of the month)

June 1974:

Northern Ireland – Background to the Crisis

September 1974:

[A New Election] (notes of the month)

October 1974:

[The New Labour Government] (notes of the month)

October 1974:

Ireland and the British Crisis (notes of the month)

October 1974:

Portugal – The First Six Months

October 1974:

The Private Sector in Soviet Agriculture (book review) (written as Colin Humphreys)

24 November 1974:

Why Labour wields Tory axe


The Struggle in Ireland (pamphlet)

March 1975:

Marxist Economics and the World Today

March 1975:

Note of Qualification

May 1975:


November 1975:

Portugal – The Latest Phase

November 1976:

Poland – Crisis of State Capitalism (Part 1)


The workers’ government (with Tim Potter)

January 1977:

Poland – Crisis of State Capitalism (Part 2)

March 1977:

One Small Mistake (letter)

April 1977:

The Politics of Spain (book review)

May 1977:

Gramsci versus Eurocommunism (Part 1)

May 1977:

Inside German communism/Hamburg at the Barricades (book review)

June 1977:

Gramsci versus Eurocommunism (Part 2)

July 1977:

Better a Valid Insight Than a Wrong Theory

27 August 1977:

The day we stopped the Nazis ... and the police ran amok (with John Rose)

September 1977:

Eurocommunism – The State and Revolution (extended book review)

April 1978:

Merseyside – Testing ground

July 1978:

For Democratic Centralism

July 1978:

Mandel’s Late Capitalism (extended book review)

September 1978:

No more Grunwicks (with Lindsey German)

September 1978:

Protect jobs at Chrysler

Autumn 1978:

Forward from 1968 – or back to 1928? – A reply to Martin Shaw

October 1978:

What’s happening in Iran? (with Ali Ahmadi)

November 1978:

Ideas for here & now (book review)

November 1978:

TU leaders – Double life at the top

January 1979:

Is a Machine After Your Job? (pamphlet)

Spring 1979:

Crisis of the European Revolutionary Left

March 1979:

Do Wages Cause Inflation?

May 1979:

How Marxism Works (book)

May 1979:

Rebels without a cause? (book review)

November 1979:

The Sort of Leadership We Need

January 1980:

The Revolution that never was (book review)

February 1980:

Afghanistan – Only a Pawn in Their Game

February 1980:

Imperialism, East and West

February 1980:

Steel – Behind the Picket Lines

March 1980:

The General Strike that never was

March 1980:

Monetarism for Beginners

April 1980:

New Statesman – Swinging back to the left

May 1980:

When the Ruhr was Red (book review)

Summer 1980:

Theories of the crisis

June 1980:

Ever-decreasing circles (book review)

July 1980:

An exchange of views (correspondence with the International Marxist Group)

July 1980:

B. Traven – Voice of the hanged (writer reviewed)

September 1980:

State capitalism in crisis

October 1980:

Marxism and the Missiles

November 1980:

Fighting Back Against the Sack – Organising for occupation (interview)

November 1980:

Poland – Between two storms

December 1980:

Bob Wright – What went wrong in the AUEW? (interview)

Winter 1981:

Marx’s theory of crisis and its critics

January 1981:

Brezhnev’s headache

January 1981:

For Marxists only (book review)

January 1981:

Ireland After the Hunger Strike

February 1981:

Between war and revolution (book review)

February 1981:

An illusory victory

May 1981:

From riot to revolution

May 1981:

it wasn’t always thus ... (book review)

May 1981:

Can they reform the party ... and the economy?

Summer 1981:

The crisis last time

June 1981:

Interview with Ken Livingstone – Leading London leftwards? (with Pete Goodwin)

July 1981:

Drawing the class line (book review)

September 1981:

Solidarity at the cross roads

Autumn 1981:

The Summer of 1981 – a post-riot analysis

October 1981:

From the editor (letter)

November 1981:

Contours at the crisis (book review)

November 1981:

Poland – No Room to Compromise

December 1981:

Debate on the Labour Party:

December 1981:

Leyland – Down but then out

December 1981:

What produced Solidarity (book review)

Spring 1982:

State capitalism, armaments and the general form of the current crisis

March 1982:

The road to Jaruzelski (book review)

April 1982:

The law and order show

September 1982:

In defence of Marx (book review)

May 1983:

What Gramsci didn’t say (book review)

June 1983:

Increasing blindness (book review)

September 1983:

Interesting titbits (book review)

Autumn 1983:

Philosophy and Revolution

January 1984:

The balance of class forces

Spring 1984:

Women’s Liberation and Revolutionary Socialism

March 1984:

Squaddism in Nazi Germany (book review)

April 1984:

Bureaucratic strikes (letter)

May 1984:

Class struggle hots up

Summer 1984:

The revolutionary press (pamphlet)

September 1984:

Biting the hand

September 1984:

The Origins of the Family (extended review article)

September 1984:

Socialist detectives? (book review)

October 1984:

Democrats are different

December 1984:

Ireland – The Missing Key (extended book review)

December 1984:

A liberal apology (book review)

January 1985:

What do we mean by the General Strike?

April 1985:

Missed opportunities (book review)

Summer 1985:

1984 and the shape of things to come

November 1985:

How the Working Class votes (extended book review)

November 1985:

The impossible change (book review)


Imperialism – East and West

February 1986:

Stalinist heroism (book review)

March 1986:

Haiti – Pawn in their game

March 1986:

Knowing the enemy

April 1986:

Men of metal (book review) (as Colin Humphries)

April 1986:

The new opium?

Summer 1986:

Base and Superstructure

June 1986:

Charting the struggle (book review)

June 1986:

Marx – ideas and struggle (book review)

Autumn 1986:

The Working Class After the Recession

September 1986:

The German Revolution (extended book review)

September 1986:

The trials of Danton

25 October 1986:

What’s there to celebrate?

December 1986:

A moral majority? (book review)

January 1987:

Student Power?

July 1987:

Full Marx

January 1988:

Ducking the issues (reply to an Open Letter from Hilary Wainwright)

February 1988:

Old fire, new sparks

March 1988:

Market farces

April 1988:

Thoughts that count

April 1988:

To be and not to be (book review)

May 1988:

Free market mania

Summer 1988:

Glasnost – before the storm (with Andy Zebrowski)

June 1988:

The gravedigger (extended book review)

June 1988:

Rules to be broken

July 1988:

Crisis in Eastern Europe (with Simon Terry & Andy Zebrowski)

September 1988:

A novel idea?

October 1988:

Marketing fantasy

November 1988:

Market magic?

December 1988:

Tories turn green

December 1988:

USSR – Boiling point

January 1989:

When will the bubble burst? (interview)

February 1989:

Dialectically speaking – That old racist game

May 1989:

Dialectically speaking – The peaceful revolution?

Summer 1989:

The Market and the Future of Eastern Europe (notes for a speech)

June 1989:

C.L.R. James:
writer and revolutionary

June 1989:

Dialectically speaking – History at an end?

July 1989:

Birth of resistance (book review)

July 1989:

Dialectically speaking – Mystifying Marx

September 1989:

Break up of a bloc?

October 1989:

Dialectically speaking – Turning the tide

October 1989:

Valuable Volumes (extended book review)

December 1989:

The right medicine (book review)

December 1989:

The struggle goes on

January 1990:

The new challenge

January 1990:

Revolt against capital

Spring 1990:

The Storm Breaks – The Crisis in the Eastern Bloc

March 1990:

The slippery slope

April 1990:

Big Mac and Model T

May 1990:

Clash of two systems (review article)

May 1990:

A class of their own?

Summer 1990:

From Trotsky to state capitalism (extended book review)

June 1990:

Meet the new boss ...

July 1990:

Signal failure

July 1990:

Why they can’t deliver (interview)

October 1990:

History resumed

November 1990:

Things cannot go on like this

December 1990:

The private thoughts of ...

February 1991:

Gorbachev clamps down

February 1991:

War losses

March 1991:

Sad memories

April 1991:

Directors’ socialism means sacrifice

May 1991:

The falling idol

Summer 1991:

The state and capitalism today

June 1991:

Back to our roots (book review)

July 1991:

Myth and magic (book review)

July 1991:

A tale of two countries

September 1991:

On the Precipice

October 1991:

Making connections

November 1991:

A class of robots? (book review)

November 1991:

Shattering illusions

December 1991:

No logical conclusion

January 1992:

Hidden treasure (book review)

January 1992:

Trumping the race card

Spring 1992:

Blood simple (book review)

February 1992:

The evolution revolution – Interview with James Moore (with Lindsey German)

February 1992:

One of the bad guys

March 1992:

The past catches up with capitalism

April 1992:

Battle of the giants

May 1992:

Bonfire of the certainties (review article)

May 1992:

Changed utterly

June 1992:

The nation once again

July 1992:

Return of the Eastern Question

Autumn 1992:

The return of the national question

October 1992:

Returning to haunt them

November 1992:

The market falls from fashion

7 November 1992:

Dave Widgery – Carrying the spirit of revolt (obituary)

December 1992:

In from the cold?

January 1993:

Mutual destruction (book review)

January 1993:

No more miracles

March 1993:

Labour in vain

April 1993:

Old dogs learn new tricks

May 1993:

Class confrontation

June 1993:

Bull market in China shop?

June 1993:

Where we came from (review article)

July 1993:

Masters of war?

October 1993:

Red letters (book review)

October 1993:

The workers’ weekly (interview)

November 1993:

Unholy alliance

December 1993:

Christmas Crackers (book review)

December 1993:

The Frankenstein monster


Islamism – An Analysis (draft of part of The Prophet and the Proletariat)

January 1994:

Response to Christopher Hitchens

January 1994:

The very idea of it

Spring 1994:

Change at the first millennium (book review)

February 1994:

The beast is back

February 1994:

Upsetting the stall (book review)

March 1994:

Bomb warning

April 1994:

Miracle workers

April 1994:

Nato’s new frontier (book review)

May 1994:

Half a critique of political economy (book review)

June 1994:

Flexible friends?

July 1994:

The anxious class

July 1994:

Unlocking the prison house (book review)

Autumn 1994:

The Prophet and the Proletariat (pamphlet)

September 1994:

Controls and conflict

October 1994:

Only skin deep

November 1994:

Behind the veil

Winter 1994:

Engels and the Origins of Human Society

December 1994:

Third time lucky


Economics of the Madhouse (book)

January 1995:

Just a matter of time

January 1995:

Missing the point (theatre review)

January 1995:

Touching base (book review)

February 1995:

Capital gains (book review)

February 1995:

Mexican wave

March 1995:

Continental drift

March 1995:

Novel approach (book review)

April 1995:

A fair day’s work ...

May 1995:

A tale of two parties

Summer 1995:

From Bernstein to Blair – one hundred years of revisionism

June 1995:

Is there an alternative to the market? (with Meghnad Desai) (debate)

July 1995:

My Favourite Films (film review)

July 1995:

A term of abuse?

July 1995:

Town and country (book review)

September 1995:

Hitting the high notes

October 1995:

The theory of poverty

November 1995:

Mistaken identity (theatre review)

November 1995:

No ‘liberation’ in Bosnia

December 1995:

Brutal symmetry

January 1996:

Back in business

February 1996:

Beyond the boundary

February 1996:

Northern star (book review)

March 1996:

France’s hot December

March 1996:

Ghosts in the machine (theatre review)

March 1996:

A nation once again?

April 1996:

People in class houses

April 1996:

The vicious circle (book review)

May 1996:

No place like home (book review)

June 1996:

The crisis of bourgeois economics

June 1996:

Thinking it through

July 1996:

Thinking it through

October 1996:

Thinking it through

November 1996:


Winter 1996:

Globalisation – A Critique of a New Orthodoxy

December 1996:

Where’s the moral?

January 1997:

Flight from the centre

January 1997:

Workers’ blow to Moscow (book review)

February 1997:

Thinking it through

February 1997:

A tour of capitals (book review)

March 1997:

Eastern Europe

April 1997:

Euro struggle

May 1997:

New generation of struggle

May 1997:

No fear of contradiction (theatre review)

May 1997:

Writing on the wall (book review)

June 1997:

Brown and the bank

June 1997:

Swing shift

July 1997:

Second-hand model

September 1997:

Academy awards (book review)

September 1997:

Must history repeat itself?

October 1997:

Cuban missile crisis

October 1997:

When east meets west (book review)

November 1997:


December 1997:

Do the Tigers face extinction?

January 1998:

Asian pneumonia

January 1998:

Subjects and objects (book review)

February 1998:


April 1998:

Don’t make exceptions

May 1998:

Out of apathy

June 1998:

Mind euro business

July 1998:

Two-way street

August 1998:

From fire to frying pan

October 1998:

System failure

November 1998:

The limit to capitalism


A people’s history of the world (book) (extract)

February 1999:

Forever blowing bubbles

March 1999:

Don’t bank on the cure

April 1999:

Chain reaction

April 1999:

A clash of values (theatre review)

May 1999:

Divide and conquer

July 1999:

Imperialism, war and resistance (with Robin Blackburn)

Autumn 1999:

The 20th century – an age of extremes or an age of possibilities?

September 1999:

Hitler’s friends

September 1999:

Too hot to handle? (book review)

October 1999:

Less than they bargained for

Winter 1999:

Comment on Molyneux on art

December 1999:

Time, tide and class struggle

11 December 1999:

Prescott’s broken voice

January 2000:

Do you believe in miracles?

January 2000:

Redrawing the maps of the past (book review)

February 2000:

Economy – Paradigm lost

March 2000:

A break with tradition

April 2000:

Life in the fast lane

May 2000:

Movie with an open ending (obituary)

June 2000:

Fight the power

July 2000:

May the force be with you

Autumn 2000:

Anti-capitalism – Theory and Practice (pamphlet)

September 2000:

Race against the machines

October 2000:

Colombia – A dependency problem

November 2000:

When it’s right not to choose

December 2000:

Second thoughts

January 2001:

Old wine in new bottles

6 January 2001:

Boom hangover hits capitalists

February 2001:

Street fighter turned salesman

10 February 2001:

A message to our readers

24 February 2001:

Is it propaganda? Or do we want socialists elected?

Spring 2001:

Beyond the boom

March 2001:

A brave new world?

April 2001:

Learning from the past to shape the future (book review)

April 2001:

There may be troubles ahead ...

May 2001:

The overall movement

May 2001:

The prophet armed

June 2001:

Moral force or physical force?

July 2001:

Creative tension (book review)

September 2001:

Argentina – The ecstasy, followed by the agony

September 2001:

Capitalism’s morning after

13 September 2001:

System in crisis before US disaster

October 2001:

Bush fires on all fronts

1 October 2001:

Who keeps the peace?

27 October 2001:

How wars can lead to revolution

November 2001:

The state of the movement

24 November 2001:

Trollope – Similar story now and then (television review)

Winter 2001

The new world recession

December 2001:

A drama without a plot

1 December 2001:

How did we get into this mess?

January 2002:

Breadth of vision and a zest for life (book review)

January 2002:

The wrong attack

February 2002:

Argentina – Taste of our Power

Spring 2002:

Argentina – rebellion at the sharp end of the world crisis

March 2002:

No time for misplaced optimism

16 March 2002:

The US breaks its own rules

April 2002:

Hegemony and harmony?

13 April 2002:

Argentina after the revolt – what next?

20 April 2002:

Venezuela coup foiled by popular rising

May 2002:

Argentina – Swimming with the Tide of Revolt

June 2002:

To vote or not to vote?

8 June 2002:

A different kind of party altogether

22 June 2002:

Would socialism kill individuality?

29 June 2002:

Isn’t it true that we’re too selfish?

29 June 2002:

Ten million strike against Tory who’s Blair’s ‘best friend’ (with Judy Cox)

July 2002:

Down and out in Havana

13 July 2002:

Can the police be on our side?

13 July 2002:

From the horse’s mouth (book review)

20 July 2002:

Fiddling as hopes burn

3 August 2002:

Right prepares for new coup attempt

Autumn 2002:

The workers of the world

September 2002:

The recession strikes back

September 2002:

Venezuela – When is a coup not a coup?

28 September 2002:

Connecting the links in the struggle

28 September 2002:

Duncan Hallas 1925–2002 (obituary)

October 2002:

All about Eric – A cautionary tale (book review)

October 2002:

The barrel and the gun

12 October 2002:

Freedom, struggle and constraint (book review)

November 2002:

Unfree and unfair

December 2002:

Blood Sacrifice (review of exhibition)

December 2002:

Get this party started

December 2002:

In a material world (book review)

14 December 2002:

Challenge to Chavez

21 December 2002:

Workers organise to halt right wing coup

January 2003:

Striking a bargain

January 2003:

Venezuela – The rich striking oil

January 2003:

The Working Class or the Multitude (transcript of debate with Michael Hardt at World Social Forum, Porto Alegre)

4 January 2003:

Venezuela’s rich play with fire

25 January 2003:

How can we stop the war?

February 2003:

Jams today, jams tomorrow

1 February 2003:

Against a world of war and poverty (with Chris Nineham)

22 February 2003:

Venezuela – a new defeat for the rich

March 2003:

Far right – Left pole of attraction

1 March 2003:

Birth of a new movement

15 March 2003:

Protest shakes the warmongers

22 March 2003:

Mad system that drives us into economic chaos

23 March 2003:

They are killing to keep the oil flowing

29 March 2003:

Making the connections

29 March 2003:

This is a very political war

April 2003:

Leader of the pack

April 2003:

Permanent legacy (obituary)

5 April 2003:

Not what Bush’s gang expected

26 April 2003:

Free to vote – but only if US approves

May 2003:

Only the Beginning

5 May 2003:

Argentina – what does the election result mean?

Summer 2003:

Analysing Imperialism

June 2003:

Crying out for leadership

July 2003:

A blast from the past (book review)

23 August 2003:

Diana Mosley – A dedicated follower of fascism (obituary)

September 2003:

Reformism without reforms

6 September 2003:

Message to those who say ‘reclaim Labour’

October 2003:

What’s in a word?

11 October 2003:

A brief history of futility

25 October 2003:

Uprising in Bolivia – stones and clubs defeated the tanks

November 2003:

Faith of their fathers

November 2003:

Latin America – Continent of discontent

November 2003:

Weak foundations (book review)

1 November 2003:

L’Ordine Nuovo – paper of the Italian revolution

8 November 2003:

Why the US wants to run the world

22 November 2003:

Panic over Iraq hits the White House

29 November 2003:

Georgia – Can the uprising open the way to real change?

December 2003:

Autonomism for the people?


Caste and class


The Hindutva and European fascism – Some comparisons and some lessons

January 2004:

Will China beat the US?

17 January 2004:

A new chapter in the resistance

24 January 2004:

World Social Forum in Mumbai – many battles, one enemy (with Yuri Prasad)

29 January 2004:

Revolt at Hutton’s Whitewash

February 2004:

How to fight the system

14 February 2004:

There’s more to come, Blair

28 February 2004:

Explaining the tragedy in Haiti

28 February 2004:

Is Nader right to stand in the US?

March 2004:

Developing neoliberals

6 March 2004:

US exploits growing crisis in Haiti

20 March 2004:

Could a battle like the miners happen again?

20 March 2004:

The roots of ETA

Spring 2004:

The rise of capitalism

May 2004:

The clash of fundamentals

May 2004:

The great gamble (speech)

22 May 2004:

Behind India’s shock election result

June 2004:

Are you being served?

10 June 2004:

Ronald Reagan – If only the bloody thug had died 20 years earlier (obituary)

19 June 2004:

A decade the right will never forget or forgive (television review)

Summer 2004:

India after the elections - a rough guide

July 2004:

South America’s New Revolt

10 July 2004:

How crisis can lead to revolution from below

17 July 2004:

Successful revolution depends on organisation

24 July 2004:

Paul Foot 1937–2004 (obituary)

24 July 2004:

A revolutionary network at the heart of every struggle

Autumn 2004:

Digging deeper (book review)

Autumn 2004:

Spontaneity, strategy and politics

October 2004:

The thaw sets in

November 2004:

Not so awkward now

December 2004:

Neither Washington nor Moscow

Winter 2005:

Contested values (book review)

Winter 2005:

Empty method man (book review)

Winter 2005:

The history of an argument

January 2005:

From common sense to good sense

February 2005:

Bet your bottom dollar

March 2005:

A taste of things to come

12 March 2005:

Are these uprisings genuine revolts?

Spring 2005:

Britain after eight years of Blair

Spring 2005:

Forgotten subversives (book review)

Spring 2005:

Imperialism’s new facade

18 June 2005:

The myth of Mao (book review)

Summer 2005:

The Strangling of Africa

Summer 2005:

Votes of no confidence

September 2005:

Global faultlines

Autumn 2005:

Half-explaining the crisis (book review)

Autumn 2005:

Making sense of socialism today (extended book review)

Autumn 2005:

Pick of the quarter (magazine review)

October 2005:

Marching separately

November 2005:

Mirror images

November 2005:

The Works are complete (book review)

12 November 2005:

A spectre of class

December 2005:

Revolution in the air

Winter 2006:

China’s economy and Europe’s crisis

Winter 2006:

Pick of the quarter (magazine review)

Winter 2006:

Shedding new light on the Dark Ages (book review)

February 2006:

Revolution in the revolution

March 2006:

Should we all be tightening our belts?

Spring 2006:

The faultlines grow deeper

Spring 2006:

Pick of the quarter (magazine review)

April 2006:

The hidden history of the Iranian Revolution

May 2006:

A conspiracy theory that weakens the movement

June 2006:

Criticising capitalism in order to save it (obituary)

Summer 2006:

The battle over Venezuela’s union (editorial)

Summer 2006:

Cuba behind the myths (extended book review)

Summer 2006:

New Labour’s meltdown? (editorial)

Summer 2006:

The origins of capitalism (debate with Robert Brenner)

Summer 2006:

Pick of the quarter (magazine review)

Summer 2006:

Springtime in Europe (editorial)

Summer 2006:

Taking on the multinationals in Bolivia (editorial)

July 2006:

The ruling class, its police and the left

September 2006:

Students and the working class

2 September 2006:

The personality is political

Autumn 2006:

Between ritual and revolt (book review)

Autumn 2006:

Hizbollah and the war Israel lost

Autumn 2006:

1956 and the rebirth of socialism from below (editorial)

Autumn 2006:

The painful passing of Tony Blair (editorial)

October 2006:

An enemy of empire (book review)

November 2006:

Middle East – Beware the cornered tiger

25 November 2006:

Milton Friedman’s legacy of free market madness (obituary)

December 2006:

Why opposing imperialism means supporting resistance

Winter 2007:

Dialectics of morality (book review)

Winter 2007:

Pick of the quarter (magazine review)

Winter 2007:

Snapshots of capitalism today and tomorrow

Winter 2007:

When Reason was revolt (book review)

January 2007:

What lies behind the health service ‘reforms’

13 January 2007:

US troop ‘surge’ to Iraq is last, desperate gamble

27 January 2007:

Venezuela, Hugo Chavez and permanent revolution

Spring 2007:

Forgotten treasure – a new biography of Grossman (book review)

Spring 2007:

Gramsci’s revolutionary legacy – Introduction

Spring 2007:

Gramsci, the Prison Notebooks and philosophy

Spring 2007:

Latin America – the return of Popular Power (editorial)

Spring 2007:

Surging out of control (editorial)

May 2007:

Blair facts and Brown noses

June 2007:

Sarkozy – Capital’s latest helper

Summer 2007:

Britain after Blair (editorial)

Summer 2007:

The merchant and the Middle Ages (book review)

Summer 2007:

New Labour’s economic “record”

Summer 2007:

The rate of profit and the world today

Summer 2007:

Sarkozy – the French Thatcher? (editorial)

July 2007:

Building solidarity with Palestine

July 2007:

Climate change and class conflict

September 2007:

The financial panic that never was

September 2007:

The not so “weightless world”

15 September 2007:

Striking back – the return of industrial action

29 September 2007:

Pakistan on the edge of turmoil

Autumn 2007:

Market turmoil – the shape of the chaos to come? (editorial)

Autumn 2007:

The return of the working class – Introduction

Autumn 2007:

Shedding some light on Lenin (book review)

Autumn 2007:

The shifting fronts of Bush’s war (editorial)

Autumn 2007:

Where will the Brown bounce land? (editorial)

October 2007:

Artificial “human nature”

November 2007:

The Outbreak of the 2007 Crisis (speech)

November 2007:

Rate of profit warning

December 2007:

Socialists in dispute


Chris Wickham, Feudalism and Forces of Production (comments on an article)

Winter 2008:

The crisis in Respect

Winter 2008:

Lessons from Venezuela’s referendum (editorial)

Winter 2008:

The misery of New Labour (editorial)

Winter 2008:

Theorising neoliberalism

January 2008:

No saviours or substitutes

February 2008:

Economic crisis – Capitalism exposed

2 February 2008:

Economic turmoil and class struggle

March 2008:

The state of imperialism

Spring 2008:

From the credit crunch to the spectre of global crisis

Spring 2008:

Returning to the Russian question (book review)

April 2008:

Workers’ unity in the face of Enoch Powell’s racism

5 April 2008:

Our alternative to market madness

May 2008:

1968 – The year the world caught fire

10 May 2008:

Socialists and history – a battle for the past (interview)

28 June 2008:

Workers are paying the price for the rising cost of oil

Summer 2008:

Britain’s resurgent Tories (editorial)

Summer 2008:

Italian lessons (editorial)

Summer 2008:

Misreadings and misconceptions

Summer 2008:

The politics of a double crisis (editorial)

July 2008:

The emperors, and their clothes

September 2008:

Chorus of hypocrites

Autumn 2008:

Dented hegemony and Georgia’s nasty little war (editorial)

Autumn 2008:

Four unknowns and a certainty (editorial)

Autumn 2008:

New Labour pains (editorial)

Autumn 2008:

Snapshots of union strengths and weaknesses

October 2008:

Capitalism’s New Crisis (pamphlet)

October 2008:

Market madness

18 October 2008:

The Market vs. Marx (debate with Eamonn Butler)

November 2008:

Two faces of John Maynard Keynes

December 2008:

The politics of economics

Winter 2009:

Brown’s left bounce? (editorial)

Winter 2009:

From Bush to Obama (editorial)

Winter 2009:

MacIntyre’s forgotten answers (book review)

Winter 2009:

The slump of the 1930s and the crisis today

Winter 2009:

The trillion dollar crash (editorial)

January 2009:

Was the ‘New Deal’ a good deal?

17 January 2009:

Understanding a system caught in deep crisis (report of speech)

23 January 2009:

Students and revolt

February 2009:

India – Poverty behind the tiger

March 2009:

Slump, boom and climate change

Spring 2009:

Desperate debates over desperate measures (editorial)

May 2009:

Leap of faith – The ruling classes’ “solution” to the economic crisis

27 June 2009:

Zombie capitalism (interview)

Summer 2009:

Gold dust (book review)

Summer 2009:

Green shoots or wilting blossoms? (editorial)

Summer 2009:

Toxic shocks – after the Euro elections (editorial)

July 2009:

Double edged ‘democracy’

September 2009:

Solidarity and encouragement

5 September 2009:

The NPA – a new atmosphere on the French left

Autumn 2009:

Left behind? (editorial)

Autumn 2009:

Wishful thinking (editorial)

October 2009:

Economic growth – the meaning of numbers

November 2009:

State capitalism – the theory that fuels the practice

Winter 2010:

The emperor has no clothes (extended book review)

Winter 2010:

Not all Marxism is dogmatism – a reply to Michel Husson


Last updated on 25 April 2015