Upcoming Leeds SWP meetings

Venezuela after Chavez
Thursday 13 August, 7pm,
Swarthmore Education Centre, 2-6 Woodhouse Square, Leeds LS3 1AD

Marxism and Art: John Berger’s many ways of seeing
Thursday 20 August, 7pm, Swarthmore Centre

From Selma to Ferguson: The fight against racism in the US

Thursday 27 August, 7pm, Swarthmore Centre

Religion and Revolution: Marxism and Liberation Theology

Thursday 3 September, 7pm, Swarthmore Centre

All welcome.

Ian Birchall on Peter Sedgwick

The Ford Maguire Society presents Ian Birchall on Peter Sedgwick

Monday, September 14th. 7PM in Broadcasting Place, BPAG10 (ground floor, the meeting room with internal windows, the building is opposite the Fenton pub on Woodhouse Lane)

Peter Sedgwick (1934-83) is best remembered as translator of Victor Serge and as author of Psychopolitics, a study of mental health. But from the 1950s to his untimely death in 1983 he was an active participant in the British left. For much of this time he was a member of the International Socialists, but he always saw himself as a member, often a highly critical one, of a broader left. His observations on the various currents and projects of the left were sometime sharply polemical but always perceptive and constructive. His writings are a valuable contribution to an understanding of the British left – The Ford-Maguire Society is very glad to welcome historian Ian Birchall to talk about the contribution made by Peter Sedgwick, whom we remember as a lively presence in Leeds in the 1970s.

Peter Sedgwick Internet Archive:


Leeds No to TTIP day of action

Protest at the plans to extend corporate power –

Saturday 22 August, 11am Leeds City Square

For more details see Leeds No to TTIP


Wakefield SWP meeting on Jeremy Corbyn

As the Tories ramp up austerity…
Is Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn the way forward for the Left?

The support for Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign for the Labour leadership

is a very good sign of the growing resistance to austerity, racism and war –

but is trying to ‘reclaim Labour’ the answer?
Come and debate the issues at a meeting hosted by Wakefield

Socialist Workers Party (SWP) on
Tuesday 11 August, 7pm, Lightwaves Leisure Centre,

Lower York Street, Wakefield, WF1 3LJ (next to Wakefield Bus Station) –
All welcome

TUC demonstration at Tory Party conference in Manchester on 4 October

Rage against Austerity and Racism – Join the TUC demo at Tory Party conference in Manchester.

Day of Mass Action at Tory Party Conference on Sunday 4 October – details of transport being arranged…

Help build the demo:


Leeds Peoples Assembly Meeting – Wednesday 12 August 6.30pm ‘What is Austerity?’

Ebor Court, LS1 4ND



Pride, Politics and Protest

Solidarity forever – celebrating the anniversary of LGSM at London Pride this year

After Leeds Pride (Sunday 2 August, 12 noon, Millennium Square) come to…


LGBT People in many countries have undeniably made important strides towards equal rights at work and in society. However, this is against a backdrop of continuing institutional discrimination, hate crimes, harassment, and abuse. In some countries, driven by rising inequality and pressure on resources in a period of worldwide crisis of the capitalist system, LGBT oppression is being stoked by ruling classes fearful of mass revolts and by other reactionary, fascist and homophobic forces.

This meeting organised after Leeds Pride by Leeds Socialist Workers’ Party (SWP) will discuss the periods when LGBT people have made the greatest progress towards not just toleration but real liberation have also been high points of working class struggle. It highlights the lessons we can learn about the importance of offering solidarity to other oppressed groups on the basis of an injury to one is an injury to all.  All more important than ever as a new Tory government is elected. We cannot wait another five years – we need to build the fightback now!

Thursday 6 August, 7pm @ Swarthmore Educational Centre, 2-7 Woodhouse Square, LS3 1AD

All welcome!

Greece – radical change or capitulation?

Tuesday 28 July 2015, 18:30 – 21:30
Facebook event pagegreece

An analysis followed by an open discussion with Spyros Marchetos, member of the Truth Committee for Public Debt, Member of ANTARSYA, and Professor of History at the School of Political Sciences of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
There will be plenty of time to develop arguments and discussions, so come prepared!


Further reading: Failure of reformism led to Greek tragedy:


Can Jeremy Corbyn reclaim the Labour Party?


Jeremy Corbyn is a very principled socialist and a tireless campaigner and activist whose run for Labour leader is currently one of the most exciting things about British politics – but should socialists join the Labour Party to support him? Can Corbyn really ‘reclaim’ the Labour Party from the Blairites?  And if so, and we had a Corbyn-led Labour Party in government do the lessons of the current failure of Syriza in Greece speak to us about the limitations of a parliamentary road to socialism style strategy ala Corbyn? Would the ruling class would just sit back and let a Corbyn-led Labour Party just carry out progressive reformist measures to end austerity / redistributing wealth etc? Do we need to be building organisations that are not electoralist machines first and foremost like the Labour Party but primarily orientated around supporting working class struggles and the wider movement against austerity? Do we also need to contextualise Corbyn’s campaign historically and think about some of the lessons of the times in the history of the Labour Party over the past 100 years when the Labour Left have been much, much stronger than they are today and how, even when in the ascendency, they ultimately failed?

Anyway, those interested in discussing these questions further might be interested in – and are more than welcome to come to – a meeting on ‘Can Jeremy Corbyn reclaim the Labour Party?’ on Thursday 30 July at 7pm at the Swarthmore Educational Centre in Leeds (2-6 Woodhouse Square, Leeds LS3 1AD) organised by Leeds SWP.

Further reading: Alex Callinicos on Jeremy Corbyn

Leeds SWP meetings over the summer

Greece – the battle with the Bankers
Thursday 16 July, 7pm,
Swarthmore Education Centre, 2-6 Woodhouse Square, Leeds LS3 1AD

The European Union – yes or no – what do socialists say?
Thursday 23 July, 7pm, Swarthmore Centre

Can Jeremy Corbyn reclaim the Labour Party?
Thursday 30 July, 7pm, Swarthmore Centre

Pride, Politics and Protest – a revolutionary guide to LGBT Liberation
Thursday 6 August, 7pm, Swarthmore Centre

Venezuela after Chavez
Thursday 13 August, 7pm, Swarthmore Centre

Marxism and Art
Thursday 20 August, 7pm, Swarthmore Centre

All welcome.

#This is a Coup – solidarity with Greek workers against austerity

Solidarity with Greek workers

Assemble Wednesday 15 July 6pm Dortmund Square, Leeds

The Troika has succeeded in making the SYRIZA-government submit to their demands to implement more devastating austerity measures, by means of financial terrorism and threatening to push the country over the brink of economic collapse. Some would call this a capitulation by SYRIZA, some would call this a coup by the Troika. Whatever it is, if the Troika gets their way, it would amount to a historic defeat for everyone fighting against austerity and for democracy.

The only option left for us now is escalating the struggle to the streets and the workplaces. Forced by the Troika the Greek government will on Wednesday be effectively implementing legislation that the people voted NO against over little more than a week ago. All red lines have been crossed. It’s up to us to defend them. So we call on everyone all over the world to take to central squares that day, to loudly say:

OXI means OXI!

OXI to austerity!

OXI to capitulation!

OXI to a third memorandum!

YES to democracy and people’s power

The only dividing line right now, in Greece and in those in solidarity is this:

Do you fight or do you capitulate?

We choose to fight. We hope to see you in the streets.

Supported by Unite the Resistance, Leeds Socialist Workers Party, Leeds Left Unity, Leeds Socialist Party, Youth Fight For Jobs, Leeds People’s Assembly – more to be added

No to the fascist National Front in Wakefield

We Are Wakefield and Unite Against Fascism are mobilising against the Nazi National Front who are planning on marching in Wakefield on Saturday 25 July – more details to follow of the counter-protest but more info here:


Leeds Stop TTIP meeting

Leeds Stop TTIP group have organised a debate on The Transatlantic Trade and Investment partnership  next Monday  13th July 7-8.30pm in the Swarthmore Centre, 2-7 Woodhouse Square, LS3 1AD

This marks the 10th round of negotiations  taking place in Brussels from the 13th to the 17th of July,

They note :  We welcome you to an illuminating discussion on the link between TTIP and Greece, how previous trade treaties have been toppled by campaigners, and what we can do right now to stop TTIP.

Speakers include:

Guy Taylor – Trade Campaigner for Global Justice Now

Gavin Andrews – Campaign Coordinator for The Green Party

John Puntis – Keep Our NHS Public

alongside others from the Alliance for Green Socialism, Unite Community in Yorkshire and Humber, Students Against TTIP UK, Yorkshire and Humber against TTIP.

There is a link for tickets but not sure tickets are necessary.


Protest against Tory emergency budget Wednesday – and much more…..

Originally posted on Hands Off Our Homes - Leeds:

Demonstration against the Tory emergency budget this Wednesday, 8th July, at 5pm in City Square. On Wednesday the Tory government will be announcing their “emergency” budget – a further £13 billion off already inadequate welfare spending meaning fear and misery for many thousands of disabled, sick, unemployed and low-waged people, plus spiraling homelessness and eviction threats, enforced sell-offs of social housing and more cuts to already overstretched essential public services including health and education. The budget will be greeted with protests all over the country. In Leeds, the TUC and Youth Fight for Jobs and Education have called a demonstration

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Solidarity with Greece Rally in Leeds

Saturday 4 July, 1pm Leeds Headrow – see facebook page here:


The Greek people are once again faced with savage austerity demanded by the financial billionaires and their politicians. The government have called a referendum on July the 5th to ask the people if they want to accept the latest round of austerity demanded by the financial elite of the EU.

In response the EU institutions are blackmailing the people and trying to subvert democracy by causing economic chaos and bank closures. We should stand by Greek working people who are saying ‘Enough is enough!’. We need to show our government we will not stand by whilst they impoverish an entire people because of the crisis of capitalism.

This is not just an attack on people’s livelihoods but on democracy as well.

Cancel the debt!

Tax the rich to end the humanitarian crisis!

Solidarity with Greece!

See also this weeks Socialist Worker piece on the Greek referendum:


Alex Callinicos from the British SWP and Stathis Kouvelakis from Syriza will be debating Syriza in power and where next for Greece at Marxism 2015 in London – see here:


Victory to Bradford College strikers – rally against cuts to FE

Solidarity with the UCU FE strikers – join the rally to save further education:

Tuesday 30 June – assemble 12.30 outside Leeds City Art Gallery (The Headrow)

Supported by UNISON, UCU and GMB – more details here:


Defend Education Rally – Wednesday 1 July, 5pm, Rosebowl (Leeds Beckett Uni)

Defend Our Unions – Unite the Resistance rally, 6.30pm Thursday 2 July, Leeds Civic Hall

No to Tory Cuts – Join the Leeds TUC protest on Budget Day, Wednesday 8 July, 5pm Leeds City Square,

Sally Hunt speaks on ‘Why immigration is good for us’

Originally posted on Leeds Stand Up To UKIP:

”Britain needs … real change. We all know that insecurity breeds a climate of fear and isolation. The rise of Ukip is not just a challenge to the politicians, it is a challenge to trade unions too.  Although he masquerades as the workers’ friend, Farage’s agenda is really about taking us back not forwards. Ukip may seem like a joke but remember this: those who want to turn back the clock on immigration want to turn back the clock on women’s rights and turn back the clock on workers’ rights.  But what I want, and what my members want is real change in the way this country works. We want an end to job insecurity for the in-work. We want an end to the stigmatisation of the out of work. And we want an end to the fear and narrow nationalism that has led to the rise of UKIP and…

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No to Tory Cuts – Budget Day Protest

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Rachel Holmes on Eleanor Marx

Tuesday 14 July 2015
Carriageworks Theartre, Millennium Room
6:45pm (for 7pm start)to 8:30pm

£5 waged/£4 unwaged to pay on the door

 Cultural historian Rachel Holmes to discuss her recent book, Eleanor Marx: A Life in Leeds

Unrestrained by convention, lion-hearted and free, Eleanor Marx (1855-98) was an exceptional woman. Hers was the first English translation of Flaubert’s Mme Bovary. She pioneered the theatre of Henrik Ibsen. She was the first woman to lead the British dock workers’ and gas workers’ trades unions. For years she worked tirelessly for her father, Karl Marx, as personal secretary and researcher. Later she edited many of his key political works, and laid the foundations for his biography. But foremost among her achievements was her pioneering feminism. For her, sexual equality was a necessary precondition for a just society.

Drawing strength from her family and their wide circle, including Friedrich Engels and Wilhelm Liebknecht, Eleanor Marx set out into the world to make a difference – her favourite motto: ‘Go ahead!’ With her closest friends – among them, Olive Schreiner, Havelock Ellis, George Bernard Shaw, Will Thorne and William Morris – she was at the epicentre of British socialism. She was also the only Marx to claim her Jewishness. But her life contained a deep sadness: she loved a faithless and dishonest man, the academic, actor and would-be playwright Edward Aveling. Yet despite the unhappiness he brought her, Eleanor Marx never wavered in her political life, ceaselessly campaigning and organising until her untimely end, which – with its letters, legacies, secrets and hidden paternity – reads in part like a novel by Wilkie Collins, and in part like the modern tragedy it was.

Rachel Holmes has gone back to original sources to tell the story of the woman who did more than any other to transform British politics in the nineteenth century, who was unafraid to live her contradictions.

Copies of Eleanor Marx: A Life will be available to buy.

Rachel Holmes is a cultural historian. She is the author of The Hottentot Venus: The life and death of Saartjie Baartman (Bloomsbury), and The Secret Life of Dr James Barry (Viking & Tempus). In 2014, Rachel co-edited the much-discussed Fifty Shades of Feminism (Virago).

Defend Our Unions

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Defend Our Unions – Unite the Resistance Public Forum

Thursday 2 July, 6.30pm,

West Room, Leeds Civic Hall, LS1 1UR

Speakers invited include: Tata Steel, Bradford Bus Strike, UCU FE striker,

Phil Turner (NUJ Rotherham), National Gallery PCS striker, and Richard Burgon MP.

Come and join in the debate on how we can best defend our unions from the Tories attacks on trade union rights, build solidarity for those in struggle, and push for the nationally co-ordinated strike action we will need to halt austerity.


How we beat the Tories last time…

Leeds SWP presents:

1972, 1974 and 1991… How we beat the Tories last time

Public meeting – Thursday 25 June, 7pm, Room 3, Leeds

Swarthmore Educational Centre, 2-7 Woodhouse Square, Leeds,

LS3 1AD  – hosted by Leeds SWP – all welcome

Please note – on Thursday 2 July and Thursday 9 July there will be no SWP meetings

at Swarthmore Centre – on Thursday 2 July we will be at the Unite the Resistance

Defend our Unions rally (6.30pm, Leeds Civic Hall) and on Thursday 9 July we will

be in London at Marxism 2015 – http://marxismfestival.org.uk/