Khost or Khowst (Pashto/Persian: خوست) is a city in eastern Afghanistan. It is the capital of Khost Province, which is a mountainous region near Afghanistan's border with neighboring Pakistan. The population of Khost City is about 160,000 people and the whole province has around a million.
During the nine-year Soviet war in Afghanistan in the 1980s, the town was besieged from July 1983 to November 1987. Khost Airfield, with its 9,000-foot (2,700 m) runway, served as a base for helicopter operations for the Soviet military.
Khost is located about 150 kilometres south of Kabul and 100 kilometres southeast of Gardēz, in Khost Province in eastern Afghanistan. The town of Khost is located on a plateau of minimally 1,000 metres (3,300 ft) altitude that extends to the East for about 40 kilometres (25 mi) until the Pakistan border. Thirty km to the North the peaks start up to 2,500 to 3,000 metres (8,200 to 9,800 ft) right next to the frontier, while 20 kilometres (12 mi) to the South, near the border, the average is around 1,800 m. The valley of Khost is closed to the west with a long mountain chain with peaks that go over 3,000 metres (9,800 ft). Through this runs for about 90 kilometres (56 mi) the road to Gardez, which is considered extremely dangerous due to the risk of ambush.
"Copper Lock Hell", Cold Spring Records, 2014
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azizkhost khost tv khapohiqam ho na pohiqam 30 4 2015 okay
azizkhost khost tv khapohiqam ho na pohiqam 30 4 2015 okay
azizkhost khost tv khapohiqam ho na pohiqam 30 4 2015 okay
عزیزګل مشهور په عزیزالله عزیز
Khost sabari drone funy
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On the Road - Khost Province Season 1 (Pashto)
On the Road - Khost Province Season 1 (Pashto)
On the Road - Khost Province Season 1 (Pashto)
"Mujeeb and his team travel to Khost province.
khost tv khapohiqam kho na pohiqam 27 11 2014 okayyyyyyyyyyy
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Naghma new song khost song
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Khost majlas
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Khost majlas
Khost Lughat ( Pashto poetry / freestyle rap ) - Zangi Khan , Haji Mat Khan
Khost Lughat ( Pashto poetry / freestyle rap ) - Zangi Khan , Haji Mat Khan
Khost Lughat ( Pashto poetry / freestyle rap ) - Zangi Khan , Haji Mat Khan
Khost (Paktia) Lughat / Loghat by: - Haji Mat Khan ( Haji Mohammad Khan ) - Sakhi Mat Khan ( Sakhi Mohammad Khan ) - Zangi Khan - 'Mohmadin' (Funny) Pashto S...
Khost 2011 خوست
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Khost Film د خوست په اړوند مستند فلم.
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khost loghat.avi
Khost developing
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Khost developing
khost pashto joke
khost pashto joke
khost pashto joke
gulzameen from babakrer khail.
Shama Ashna New Pashto Attan Song 2015 - Khost Wal
Shama Ashna New Pashto Attan Song 2015 - Khost Wal
Shama Ashna New Pashto Attan Song 2015 - Khost Wal
Shama Ashna New Pashto Attan Song 2015 - Khost Wal
mirshalam anad Jalil -khost.wmv
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mirshalam anad Jalil -khost.wmv
Pa da vedio ki Mir Shalam ao Jalil De Loghato Moqabila da , Ho jalil three gatali da.
101st Airborne Air Assault KLE Khost Afghanistan
101st Airborne Air Assault KLE Khost Afghanistan
101st Airborne Air Assault KLE Khost Afghanistan
101st Airborne Division Air Assault and key leader engagement in Yem toy Valley, Khost Province, Afghanistan. Produced by Sgt. Jeffrey Alexander. 04.25.2010.
Suicide attack at protest in Khost Afghanistan by Paki-Punjabi ISI kills 17
Suicide attack at protest in Khost Afghanistan by Paki-Punjabi ISI kills 17
Suicide attack at protest in Khost Afghanistan by Paki-Punjabi ISI kills 17
(Reuters) - A suicide bomber on Thursday blew himself up in the middle of a demonstration against corruption in Afghanistan's eastern province of Khost, killing 17 people and injuring at least 50 more, government officials said.
Violence has escalated in Afghanistan as most foreign troops withdrew in 2014 and last year was the worst on record, with more than 10,000 civilian casualties, the United Nations says.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility and it was unclear whether the attack was linked to the insurgency led by the Afghan Taliban, an Islamist militant group.
"The protest against corruption had been going on for days," sai
azizkhost khost tv khapioqam kho na po hiqam khaprawna 8 5 2015 okay
azizkhost khost tv khapioqam kho na po hiqam khaprawna 8 5 2015 okay
azizkhost khost tv khapioqam kho na po hiqam khaprawna 8 5 2015 okay
aziz khost drama2
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khost live @muthers studio digbeth birmingham 26th july
khost live @muthers studio digbeth birmingham 26th july
khost live @muthers studio digbeth birmingham 26th july
Khost Tani majlas Boy Dance
Khost Tani majlas Boy Dance
Khost Tani majlas Boy Dance
Khost Tani majlas Boy Dance
Esmat Ahmadzai new mina nice song 2015by: KHOST.ORG
Esmat Ahmadzai new mina nice song 2015by: KHOST.ORG
Esmat Ahmadzai new mina nice song 2015by: KHOST.ORG
Esmat Ahmadzai new mina nice song 2015by: KHOST.ORG
Abida Habibi new 2015 song sa naray naray baran dai by: KHOST.ORG
Naghma new song 2015 de zwanay khoba HD 2015 By KHOST AF
Bakhan Minawal Yaar Pashto niwalai BY: KHOST.ORG
Gul Rauf shawki new song BY: kHOST.ORG
usman Bangsh new song Paktia po dak ke BY: KHOST.ORG
Bakhan Minawal New Pashto Song 2015 Da Lewantob De
Naghma Loya Khudaya With English Translation New Afghan song 2012 by: KHOST.ORG farzana naz khostai. khostian khostwal
nazia iqbal tapay Brishna Amil Da Saudi Musafar Janan Pashto Pashto Sad Songs 2015 New Pashto New Sad Song 2015 Pashto Sad Poetry 2015 Pashto Best Tappy 2015 N
101st Airborne Division Air Assault and key leader engagement in Yem toy Valley, Khost Province, Afghanistan. Produced by Sgt. Jeffrey Alexander. 04.25.2010.
101st Airborne Division Air Assault and key leader engagement in Yem toy Valley, Khost Province, Afghanistan. Produced by Sgt. Jeffrey Alexander. 04.25.2010.
(Reuters) - A suicide bomber on Thursday blew himself up in the middle of a demonstration against corruption in Afghanistan's eastern province of Khost, killing 17 people and injuring at least 50 more, government officials said.
Violence has escalated in Afghanistan as most foreign troops withdrew in 2014 and last year was the worst on record, with more than 10,000 civilian casualties, the United Nations says.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility and it was unclear whether the attack was linked to the insurgency led by the Afghan Taliban, an Islamist militant group.
"The protest against corruption had been going on for days," said Khost police chief, Faizullah Ghairat. "Today a suicide bomber blew himself up among the protesters."
One of the organizers, outspoken lawmaker Humayun Humayn, was injured in the attack, Ghairat added. Although the police chief did not describe his condition, other officials said Humayun had lost both his legs.
The Afghan Taliban, ousted from power in 2001 by U.S.-led forces, is fighting to unseat the internationally backed government in Kabul.
د افغانستان سوېل ختیځ خوست ولایت کې د والي کور ته نژدې ځانمرګی برید شوی، چې د خوست د سرپرست والي د ویاند مبارز محمد ځدراڼ په وینا، لږترلږه ۱۸ کسان پکې وژل شوي او ۶۴ نور ټپیان دي.
په خوست ولایت کې زموږ همکار الیاس وحدت بي بي سي پښتو وېبپاڼې ته وویل، د ځدراڼ په وینا، په وژل شویو کې د خوست یو قومي مشر خان زمان صبری، یو ښونکی او د تېرو ولایتي شوراګانو دوه نوماندان هم دي.
د خوست سرپرست والي عبدالجبار نعیمي له خوا په یوه اعلامیه کې دا برید د هېواد د دښمنانو کار ګڼل شوی، خو په نېغه یې چا ته د پړې ګوته نه ده نیولې.
د سرپرست والي ویاند ښاغلي مبارز د خوست امنیتي سرچینې له قوله بي بي سي ته وویل، ځانوژونکی پلی روان و، چې د عامې روغتیا ودانۍ مخې او د والي کور ته څېرمه یې پر ځان پورې تړلي چاودېدونکي توکي چوولي دي.
د خوست امنیتي سرچینې وايي، برید لاریون کوونکو ته نژدې شوی دی.
چاودنه نن ګهیځ شاوخوا لس بجې داسې مهال وشوه، چې نن 'پنجشنبې' هلته د سرپرست والي پرضد د لاریون لپاره چمتووالی نیول کېده.
نوموړی وايي، په ټپیانو کې د ولسي جرګې غړی او د دفاعي کمیسیون مشر همایون همایون هم دی.
له تېرو نژدې دوو اونیو راهیسې د خوست سرپرست والي عبدالجبار نعیمي پرضد ځینې اعتراضونه دوام لري.
خوست والي دا مهال کابل کې دی.
د خوست روغتون چارواکي وايي، تر اوسه دوی ته ۳۵ ټپیان وروړل شوي دي.
د خوست امنیه قومندان ویلي، شاید ځانمرګی برید شوی وي، خو دوی یې په اړه پلټنه کوي.
(Reporting by Samiullah Paiwand; additional reporting by Hamid Shalizi, Writing by Jessica Donati and Nick Macfie; Editing by Himani Sarkar and Clarence Fernandez)
(Reuters) - A suicide bomber on Thursday blew himself up in the middle of a demonstration against corruption in Afghanistan's eastern province of Khost, killing 17 people and injuring at least 50 more, government officials said.
Violence has escalated in Afghanistan as most foreign troops withdrew in 2014 and last year was the worst on record, with more than 10,000 civilian casualties, the United Nations says.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility and it was unclear whether the attack was linked to the insurgency led by the Afghan Taliban, an Islamist militant group.
"The protest against corruption had been going on for days," said Khost police chief, Faizullah Ghairat. "Today a suicide bomber blew himself up among the protesters."
One of the organizers, outspoken lawmaker Humayun Humayn, was injured in the attack, Ghairat added. Although the police chief did not describe his condition, other officials said Humayun had lost both his legs.
The Afghan Taliban, ousted from power in 2001 by U.S.-led forces, is fighting to unseat the internationally backed government in Kabul.
د افغانستان سوېل ختیځ خوست ولایت کې د والي کور ته نژدې ځانمرګی برید شوی، چې د خوست د سرپرست والي د ویاند مبارز محمد ځدراڼ په وینا، لږترلږه ۱۸ کسان پکې وژل شوي او ۶۴ نور ټپیان دي.
په خوست ولایت کې زموږ همکار الیاس وحدت بي بي سي پښتو وېبپاڼې ته وویل، د ځدراڼ په وینا، په وژل شویو کې د خوست یو قومي مشر خان زمان صبری، یو ښونکی او د تېرو ولایتي شوراګانو دوه نوماندان هم دي.
د خوست سرپرست والي عبدالجبار نعیمي له خوا په یوه اعلامیه کې دا برید د هېواد د دښمنانو کار ګڼل شوی، خو په نېغه یې چا ته د پړې ګوته نه ده نیولې.
د سرپرست والي ویاند ښاغلي مبارز د خوست امنیتي سرچینې له قوله بي بي سي ته وویل، ځانوژونکی پلی روان و، چې د عامې روغتیا ودانۍ مخې او د والي کور ته څېرمه یې پر ځان پورې تړلي چاودېدونکي توکي چوولي دي.
د خوست امنیتي سرچینې وايي، برید لاریون کوونکو ته نژدې شوی دی.
چاودنه نن ګهیځ شاوخوا لس بجې داسې مهال وشوه، چې نن 'پنجشنبې' هلته د سرپرست والي پرضد د لاریون لپاره چمتووالی نیول کېده.
نوموړی وايي، په ټپیانو کې د ولسي جرګې غړی او د دفاعي کمیسیون مشر همایون همایون هم دی.
له تېرو نژدې دوو اونیو راهیسې د خوست سرپرست والي عبدالجبار نعیمي پرضد ځینې اعتراضونه دوام لري.
خوست والي دا مهال کابل کې دی.
د خوست روغتون چارواکي وايي، تر اوسه دوی ته ۳۵ ټپیان وروړل شوي دي.
د خوست امنیه قومندان ویلي، شاید ځانمرګی برید شوی وي، خو دوی یې په اړه پلټنه کوي.
(Reporting by Samiullah Paiwand; additional reporting by Hamid Shalizi, Writing by Jessica Donati and Nick Macfie; Editing by Himani Sarkar and Clarence Fernandez)
published:02 Apr 2015
azizkhost khost tv khapioqam kho na po hiqam khaprawna 8 5 2015 okay
Esmat Ahmadzai new mina nice song 2015by: KHOST.ORG
Abida Habibi new 2015 song sa naray naray baran dai by: KHOST.ORG
Naghma new song 2015 de zwanay khoba HD 2015 By KHOST AF
Bakhan Minawal Yaar Pashto niwalai BY: KHOST.ORG
Gul Rauf shawki new song BY: kHOST.ORG
usman Bangsh new song Paktia po dak ke BY: KHOST.ORG
Bakhan Minawal New Pashto Song 2015 Da Lewantob De
Naghma Loya Khudaya With English Translation New Afghan song 2012 by: KHOST.ORG farzana naz khostai. khostian khostwal
nazia iqbal tapay Brishna Amil Da Saudi Musafar Janan Pashto Pashto Sad Songs 2015 New Pashto New Sad Song 2015 Pashto Sad Poetry 2015 Pashto Best Tappy 2015 New Pashto Song 2015 HD New Pashto Song 2015 Afghan Songs Karan khan new song Gul panra khost/tani tanay tanai paktia paktika. brishna amel brekhna amil Rasool badshah haroon badshah haroon bacha.
bahram jan bakhan minawal rahim jan pashton afghan afghanistan zadran mangal khost.kabul kabol. Rahim khan tanai. khost. aniwal. shadat tanai shadad tani. kabaj jan new song zarsanga wagma
lakan mangal. said gul zaman noor Mohammad kochi kochay kandi kochi qandi kochay Mohammadollah katawazai hayat afghan miram shah waziristan.Yousaf Jan Utmanzai KHAPOONA
kochian. sangin afghan mashoma.Brishna Amil New Pashto Song 2015 - Sheen Laghman norak chaman wala musafer tapey 2016 hayat afghan totakhel. Raees bacha and Nadia Gul
Shama Ashna New Pashto Wedding Song 2015 - Sheen Khalai hama Ashna New Song Zema Sarbaza Yara
jawid amarkhel nazia iqbal Gul Rauf mastar cheniwal NADIA GUL astar ali haider latif nangarhari..ali katawazai. samandar. kabir stori. shama ashna.. baryalai samadi. zaryalai samadi. AFGHANISTAN, JALALABAD, KABUL,PAKIA, LAGHMAN,HILMAND,PTV NATIONAL,ARY ONE WORLD,THE MUSIC,MTV,SHAMSHAD TV,TULU,TOLO,LAMAR,KHYBER AGENCY,MIRALI,BANNU,KARAK,D.I.KHAN,LUCKY MARWAT,KOHAT,PESHAWAR,BHATKHELA,MALAKANDs,SWAT,MARRI,KOHAT,PARACHINAR,HANGU,BURAQ,DAWAR,MASOOD,SARDAR ALI TAKKER,HAROON Pashton Ustad gulzaman hayat gardezay gardez gardezai. Humayoon Angar Baryalai Samadi Tappy Baryalai Samadi New Pashto Attan Song 2015 Sora Pezwana Pashto Songs Pashto New Songs 2015 Rabab Mange Rabab Mange Tang Takor Shahid Malang New Rabab Mange Amjid Malang New Rabab Mange Nazia Iqbal New Songs 2015 Gul Panra New Songs 2015 Rahim Shah New Song 2015 attan atan attanona waziristan attan khest.Naghma and Mangal FARZANA NAZ MENA JANANA PA KABUL Shaan Khan Faheem Bangash New Song Ghwandy Monday 2015 Abdullah Muqurai Amin Ulfat Amin ulfat vs Kabal jan Ashiq Saho Ayoub Zazai Assadullah zazai Ayoub Zazai Bakhan Minawal Bakhtiar Khattak Bakhtullah Khostai bakhan Minawal Amel Dawlat qarabaghai vs Hayat Gardezai Baryalai Samadi Brekhna Amel Dawlat qarabaghai vs Hayat Gardezai De Khost Hujre Majlas Dil Raj Doud Hanif De Khost Hujre Majlas Dil Raj Doud Hanif Dr Laila khana Farzana Goodar Zazai Dr Laila khana Farzana Goodar Gardezai Homayoun Khan Hayat Afghan Hayat Gardezai Homayoun Khan Homayoun Sahebzai Humaira Iqbal Iram Ashna Humaira Iqbal Iram Ashna Irfan Khan jamil Aw Taleb Jamil vs Akhtar BazJamil Aw Taleb Jamil vs Akhtar Baz Jana Gul Aw Banir Gul Janas Khan Jawed Amarkhel Jana Gul Aw Banir Gul Janas Khan Jawed Amarkhel Kabal Jan Kamal gardezai kamal Masood Kabal Jan Kamal gardezai kamal Masood Kandi Kochai Karan Khan KEPAT Tanai Kandi Kochai Karan Khan KEPAT Tanai Khair Mohammad Khandan, Asadullah Zazai Aw Sheeno Zazai Khalid Malik Khan Bahadar Khair Mohammad Khandan, Asadullah Zazai Aw Sheeno Zazai Khalid Malik Khan Bahadar Khan Qarabaghi Khateem gul aw Jana gul Khatem gul Khan Qarabaghi Khateem gul aw Jana gul Khatem gul Khayer Mohammad Khyal Gul Naseem Kimat khan Kimat khan Latif Nangarhari Mamot Khan Marhoom Marbeek Ghanam Aw Saidamat Khan Shayer Mamot Khan Marhoom Marbeek Ghanam Aw Saidamat Khan Shayer Masood Akhtar Master Ali Haider Qamar Gula Mirshah khan Mohamad Rahman Aw Sallahodin Mohammadollah Katawazai Merman Qamar Gula Mirshah khan Mohamad Rahman Aw Sallahodin Mohammadollah Katawazai Mohammad Shafi isar Mudassar Zaman Musharaf Bangash Mohammad Shafi isar Turi Naghma Nazia iqbal vs Jawed Afghan Nazir Mohammad Nekbadshah Zadran Peer Mohammad Qadeem Osman Bangash Peer Rahim shah Raees Bacha Rahim Jan Pashton Rahman Kharoty Ranga rang Rahman Kharoty Ranga rang Sandare Rasool Bacha Rasool Bacha vs Kandi kochai Rasool Bacha vs Wagma Sadiq Khan Afridi Rasool Sadiq Khan Afridi Sadiq Muqbal Saidalam Masood Saif Jan Sadiq Muqbal Saidalam Masood Saif Jan Sardar Ali Takkar Sarfaraz Afridi Shabnam Shadad Tanai Shafiq Khostai shaheenshah Bacha Shadad Tanai Shafiq Khostai Shaheenshah Bacha Shama Ashna Sharafyaar Mangal Sheeno Zazai Naz Taleb Shereen Shayer Sumaira Naz Taleb Ullas Yar Khan Ustad Awalmeer Ustad gul zaman Ullas Yar Khan Ustad Awalmeer Ustad gul zaman Ustad khyal Mohammad Ustad Mangal wagma Ustad khyal Mohammad Ustad Mangal Wagma Waheed Achakzai Yakoob Turi Zaman Zaheer Waheed Achakzai Yakoob Turi Zaman Zaheer Zareen Aw Farzana Zarsanga
Esmat Ahmadzai new mina nice song 2015by: KHOST.ORG
Abida Habibi new 2015 song sa naray naray baran dai by: KHOST.ORG
Naghma new song 2015 de zwanay khoba HD 2015 By KHOST AF
Bakhan Minawal Yaar Pashto niwalai BY: KHOST.ORG
Gul Rauf shawki new song BY: kHOST.ORG
usman Bangsh new song Paktia po dak ke BY: KHOST.ORG
Bakhan Minawal New Pashto Song 2015 Da Lewantob De
Naghma Loya Khudaya With English Translation New Afghan song 2012 by: KHOST.ORG farzana naz khostai. khostian khostwal
nazia iqbal tapay Brishna Amil Da Saudi Musafar Janan Pashto Pashto Sad Songs 2015 New Pashto New Sad Song 2015 Pashto Sad Poetry 2015 Pashto Best Tappy 2015 New Pashto Song 2015 HD New Pashto Song 2015 Afghan Songs Karan khan new song Gul panra khost/tani tanay tanai paktia paktika. brishna amel brekhna amil Rasool badshah haroon badshah haroon bacha.
bahram jan bakhan minawal rahim jan pashton afghan afghanistan zadran mangal khost.kabul kabol. Rahim khan tanai. khost. aniwal. shadat tanai shadad tani. kabaj jan new song zarsanga wagma
lakan mangal. said gul zaman noor Mohammad kochi kochay kandi kochi qandi kochay Mohammadollah katawazai hayat afghan miram shah waziristan.Yousaf Jan Utmanzai KHAPOONA
kochian. sangin afghan mashoma.Brishna Amil New Pashto Song 2015 - Sheen Laghman norak chaman wala musafer tapey 2016 hayat afghan totakhel. Raees bacha and Nadia Gul
Shama Ashna New Pashto Wedding Song 2015 - Sheen Khalai hama Ashna New Song Zema Sarbaza Yara
jawid amarkhel nazia iqbal Gul Rauf mastar cheniwal NADIA GUL astar ali haider latif nangarhari..ali katawazai. samandar. kabir stori. shama ashna.. baryalai samadi. zaryalai samadi. AFGHANISTAN, JALALABAD, KABUL,PAKIA, LAGHMAN,HILMAND,PTV NATIONAL,ARY ONE WORLD,THE MUSIC,MTV,SHAMSHAD TV,TULU,TOLO,LAMAR,KHYBER AGENCY,MIRALI,BANNU,KARAK,D.I.KHAN,LUCKY MARWAT,KOHAT,PESHAWAR,BHATKHELA,MALAKANDs,SWAT,MARRI,KOHAT,PARACHINAR,HANGU,BURAQ,DAWAR,MASOOD,SARDAR ALI TAKKER,HAROON Pashton Ustad gulzaman hayat gardezay gardez gardezai. Humayoon Angar Baryalai Samadi Tappy Baryalai Samadi New Pashto Attan Song 2015 Sora Pezwana Pashto Songs Pashto New Songs 2015 Rabab Mange Rabab Mange Tang Takor Shahid Malang New Rabab Mange Amjid Malang New Rabab Mange Nazia Iqbal New Songs 2015 Gul Panra New Songs 2015 Rahim Shah New Song 2015 attan atan attanona waziristan attan khest.Naghma and Mangal FARZANA NAZ MENA JANANA PA KABUL Shaan Khan Faheem Bangash New Song Ghwandy Monday 2015 Abdullah Muqurai Amin Ulfat Amin ulfat vs Kabal jan Ashiq Saho Ayoub Zazai Assadullah zazai Ayoub Zazai Bakhan Minawal Bakhtiar Khattak Bakhtullah Khostai bakhan Minawal Amel Dawlat qarabaghai vs Hayat Gardezai Baryalai Samadi Brekhna Amel Dawlat qarabaghai vs Hayat Gardezai De Khost Hujre Majlas Dil Raj Doud Hanif De Khost Hujre Majlas Dil Raj Doud Hanif Dr Laila khana Farzana Goodar Zazai Dr Laila khana Farzana Goodar Gardezai Homayoun Khan Hayat Afghan Hayat Gardezai Homayoun Khan Homayoun Sahebzai Humaira Iqbal Iram Ashna Humaira Iqbal Iram Ashna Irfan Khan jamil Aw Taleb Jamil vs Akhtar BazJamil Aw Taleb Jamil vs Akhtar Baz Jana Gul Aw Banir Gul Janas Khan Jawed Amarkhel Jana Gul Aw Banir Gul Janas Khan Jawed Amarkhel Kabal Jan Kamal gardezai kamal Masood Kabal Jan Kamal gardezai kamal Masood Kandi Kochai Karan Khan KEPAT Tanai Kandi Kochai Karan Khan KEPAT Tanai Khair Mohammad Khandan, Asadullah Zazai Aw Sheeno Zazai Khalid Malik Khan Bahadar Khair Mohammad Khandan, Asadullah Zazai Aw Sheeno Zazai Khalid Malik Khan Bahadar Khan Qarabaghi Khateem gul aw Jana gul Khatem gul Khan Qarabaghi Khateem gul aw Jana gul Khatem gul Khayer Mohammad Khyal Gul Naseem Kimat khan Kimat khan Latif Nangarhari Mamot Khan Marhoom Marbeek Ghanam Aw Saidamat Khan Shayer Mamot Khan Marhoom Marbeek Ghanam Aw Saidamat Khan Shayer Masood Akhtar Master Ali Haider Qamar Gula Mirshah khan Mohamad Rahman Aw Sallahodin Mohammadollah Katawazai Merman Qamar Gula Mirshah khan Mohamad Rahman Aw Sallahodin Mohammadollah Katawazai Mohammad Shafi isar Mudassar Zaman Musharaf Bangash Mohammad Shafi isar Turi Naghma Nazia iqbal vs Jawed Afghan Nazir Mohammad Nekbadshah Zadran Peer Mohammad Qadeem Osman Bangash Peer Rahim shah Raees Bacha Rahim Jan Pashton Rahman Kharoty Ranga rang Rahman Kharoty Ranga rang Sandare Rasool Bacha Rasool Bacha vs Kandi kochai Rasool Bacha vs Wagma Sadiq Khan Afridi Rasool Sadiq Khan Afridi Sadiq Muqbal Saidalam Masood Saif Jan Sadiq Muqbal Saidalam Masood Saif Jan Sardar Ali Takkar Sarfaraz Afridi Shabnam Shadad Tanai Shafiq Khostai shaheenshah Bacha Shadad Tanai Shafiq Khostai Shaheenshah Bacha Shama Ashna Sharafyaar Mangal Sheeno Zazai Naz Taleb Shereen Shayer Sumaira Naz Taleb Ullas Yar Khan Ustad Awalmeer Ustad gul zaman Ullas Yar Khan Ustad Awalmeer Ustad gul zaman Ustad khyal Mohammad Ustad Mangal wagma Ustad khyal Mohammad Ustad Mangal Wagma Waheed Achakzai Yakoob Turi Zaman Zaheer Waheed Achakzai Yakoob Turi Zaman Zaheer Zareen Aw Farzana Zarsanga
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Afghanistan Persian, Dari and Tajiki. Pashto Pakhto Pashtun pashtoon pakhtun are the nomadic and tribal people who are synanymous with Taliban and they live in southern Khorasan (afghanistan) and they make up about one quarter of the population while the rest of the country is farsi speaker or farsi zabans. Awghanistan Pashto song, its also Pashtoon, Pakhtoon, Pakhtun, Pashtun, Pakhto khurasan khorasan khorasani ahmad shah massoud panjshir parwan kapisa mazar takhar badakhshan baghlan kunduz salang kabul logar paktia paktika kunar wardak kandahar khost helmand ghazni laghman karzai farsi dari parsi hazaragi pashto pashtun pakhtu pakhto pashto
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Afghanistan Persian, Dari and Tajiki. Pashto Pakhto Pashtun pashtoon pakhtun are the nomadic and tribal people who are synanymous with Taliban and they live in southern Khorasan (afghanistan) and they make up about one quarter of the population while the rest of the country is farsi speaker or farsi zabans. Awghanistan Pashto song, its also Pashtoon, Pakhtoon, Pakhtun, Pashtun, Pakhto khurasan khorasan khorasani ahmad shah massoud panjshir parwan kapisa mazar takhar badakhshan baghlan kunduz salang kabul logar paktia paktika kunar wardak kandahar khost helmand ghazni laghman karzai farsi dari parsi hazaragi pashto pashtun pakhtu pakhto pashtoon pakhtun peshawar zazai mangal zadran tajiki tajikistan samarqand bukhara taliban ariana aryana bayat afghanmellat malalay joya gailani mojadidi wardak bamiyan bagram samangan sayyaf rabbani rashid dostam dustom abdul ali mazari qanoni marshal abdul qasim fahim abdullah abdullah khalili latif pedram ahmad zahir nashinas farhad darya ehsan aman afghanistan afghan afghani afghanistani kabul ghazni bamiyan balkh kunduz takhar badakhshan panjshir parwan kapisa khost paktia pa afghanistan afghan afghani afghanistani kabul ghazni bamiyan balkh kunduz takhar badakhshan panjshir parwan kapisa khost paktia paktika baghlan jawozjan faryab shiberghan andkhoi akhcha ghor badghis herat helmand farah nimroz kandahar helmand peshawar mullah omar taliban karzai zahir shah abdali pashtoon pashtun pakhtun pakhtoon pukhtun zazai mangal zadran laghman shinwari uzbek hazara hazaragi uzbekistan tajik tajiki tajikistan samarqand bukahra hamid karzai ahmad shah massoud masood qanooni mohaqiq khalili marshal fahim iran persian mazar farsi parsi dari khorasan khurasan khorasani aryana arian aria ahmad zahir farhad darya ehsan aman nashinas buxara bukhara boxara bokhara Ariana Aryana Khorasan Khoorasan Afghanistan Afgan Afghan Pakhtun pakhtoon Pakhto Pakhtu Pokhto Pukhtun Pekhawar Peshawar andarab shahnameh shahnama ferdousi ferdowsi tazhik tajik tadjik Tojik Tojikiston Iron Kurd Arab Palestine Terrorist Terrorism criminal America Los angeles San francisco Pakistan Mongols Mughul Uzbek Uzbak Uzbekistan Turkmen Turkmenistan Shindand Kabul Kabol Cabul English England Britian Computer Internet Karzai Badakhshi Massoud Masood Masoud Ahmad Shah ghor ghorband Aria Heraiva Beruni Khayyam Mawlana Rumi Mevlana Persian Parsian Persien death to Afghanistan long live Khorasan Khorasan Afghani Afghan Afghanistani Awgho Awghani Owghan Owghoo Termez Uzbeg Uzbak Uzbek Boxoro Samarkand Khiva Khaharezm Mowlanazendabad, Khorasan mordabad. death to fraudulent name of khorasan and long live Afghanistan. Greater Khorasan consisted of Tajikistan, Samarqand Bukhara, Balkh, Takhar, Badakhshan, Parwan kapisa panjshir samangan faryab kunduz kabul ghazni bamiyan herat kandahar helmand farah nemroz ghor etc., and the people of greater khorasan speak Farsi which is the same as Parsi, Persian, Dari and Tajiki. Pashto Pakhto Pashtun pashtoon pakhtun are the nomadic and tribal people who are synanymous with Taliban and they live in southern Khorasan (afghanistan) and they make up about one quarter of the population while the rest of the country is farsi speaker or farsi zabans. Awghanistan Pashto song, its also Pashtoon, Pakhtoon, Pakhtun, Pashtun, Pakhto khurasan khorasan khorasani ahmad shah massoud panjshir parwan kapisa mazar takhar badakhshan baghlan kunduz salang kabul logar paktia paktika kunar wardak kandahar khost helmand ghazni laghman karzai farsi dari parsi hazaragi pashto pashtun pakhtu pakhto pashtoon pakhtun peshawar zazai mangal zadran tajiki tajikistan samarqand bukhara taliban ariana aryana bayat afghanmellat malalay joya gailani mojadidi wardak bamiyan bagram samangan sayyaf rabbani rashid dostam dustom abdul ali mazari qanoni marshal abdul qasim fahim abdullah abdullah khalili latif pedram ahmad zahir nashinas farhad darya ehsan aman afghanistan afghan afghani afghanistani kabul ghazni bamiyan balkh kunduz takhar badakhshan panjshir parwan kapisa khost paktia pa afghanistan afghan afghani afghanistani kabul ghazni bamiyan balkh kunduz takhar badakhshan panjshir parwan kapisa khost paktia paktika baghlan jawozjan faryab shiberghan andkhoi akhcha ghor badghis herat helmand farah nimroz
Afghanistan Persian, Dari and Tajiki. Pashto Pakhto Pashtun pashtoon pakhtun are the nomadic and tribal people who are synanymous with Taliban and they live in southern Khorasan (afghanistan) and they make up about one quarter of the population while the rest of the country is farsi speaker or farsi zabans. Awghanistan Pashto song, its also Pashtoon, Pakhtoon, Pakhtun, Pashtun, Pakhto khurasan khorasan khorasani ahmad shah massoud panjshir parwan kapisa mazar takhar badakhshan baghlan kunduz salang kabul logar paktia paktika kunar wardak kandahar khost helmand ghazni laghman karzai farsi dari parsi hazaragi pashto pashtun pakhtu pakhto pashtoon pakhtun peshawar zazai mangal zadran tajiki tajikistan samarqand bukhara taliban ariana aryana bayat afghanmellat malalay joya gailani mojadidi wardak bamiyan bagram samangan sayyaf rabbani rashid dostam dustom abdul ali mazari qanoni marshal abdul qasim fahim abdullah abdullah khalili latif pedram ahmad zahir nashinas farhad darya ehsan aman afghanistan afghan afghani afghanistani kabul ghazni bamiyan balkh kunduz takhar badakhshan panjshir parwan kapisa khost paktia pa afghanistan afghan afghani afghanistani kabul ghazni bamiyan balkh kunduz takhar badakhshan panjshir parwan kapisa khost paktia paktika baghlan jawozjan faryab shiberghan andkhoi akhcha ghor badghis herat helmand farah nimroz kandahar helmand peshawar mullah omar taliban karzai zahir shah abdali pashtoon pashtun pakhtun pakhtoon pukhtun zazai mangal zadran laghman shinwari uzbek hazara hazaragi uzbekistan tajik tajiki tajikistan samarqand bukahra hamid karzai ahmad shah massoud masood qanooni mohaqiq khalili marshal fahim iran persian mazar farsi parsi dari khorasan khurasan khorasani aryana arian aria ahmad zahir farhad darya ehsan aman nashinas buxara bukhara boxara bokhara Ariana Aryana Khorasan Khoorasan Afghanistan Afgan Afghan Pakhtun pakhtoon Pakhto Pakhtu Pokhto Pukhtun Pekhawar Peshawar andarab shahnameh shahnama ferdousi ferdowsi tazhik tajik tadjik Tojik Tojikiston Iron Kurd Arab Palestine Terrorist Terrorism criminal America Los angeles San francisco Pakistan Mongols Mughul Uzbek Uzbak Uzbekistan Turkmen Turkmenistan Shindand Kabul Kabol Cabul English England Britian Computer Internet Karzai Badakhshi Massoud Masood Masoud Ahmad Shah ghor ghorband Aria Heraiva Beruni Khayyam Mawlana Rumi Mevlana Persian Parsian Persien death to Afghanistan long live Khorasan Khorasan Afghani Afghan Afghanistani Awgho Awghani Owghan Owghoo Termez Uzbeg Uzbak Uzbek Boxoro Samarkand Khiva Khaharezm Mowlanazendabad, Khorasan mordabad. death to fraudulent name of khorasan and long live Afghanistan. Greater Khorasan consisted of Tajikistan, Samarqand Bukhara, Balkh, Takhar, Badakhshan, Parwan kapisa panjshir samangan faryab kunduz kabul ghazni bamiyan herat kandahar helmand farah nemroz ghor etc., and the people of greater khorasan speak Farsi which is the same as Parsi, Persian, Dari and Tajiki. Pashto Pakhto Pashtun pashtoon pakhtun are the nomadic and tribal people who are synanymous with Taliban and they live in southern Khorasan (afghanistan) and they make up about one quarter of the population while the rest of the country is farsi speaker or farsi zabans. Awghanistan Pashto song, its also Pashtoon, Pakhtoon, Pakhtun, Pashtun, Pakhto khurasan khorasan khorasani ahmad shah massoud panjshir parwan kapisa mazar takhar badakhshan baghlan kunduz salang kabul logar paktia paktika kunar wardak kandahar khost helmand ghazni laghman karzai farsi dari parsi hazaragi pashto pashtun pakhtu pakhto pashtoon pakhtun peshawar zazai mangal zadran tajiki tajikistan samarqand bukhara taliban ariana aryana bayat afghanmellat malalay joya gailani mojadidi wardak bamiyan bagram samangan sayyaf rabbani rashid dostam dustom abdul ali mazari qanoni marshal abdul qasim fahim abdullah abdullah khalili latif pedram ahmad zahir nashinas farhad darya ehsan aman afghanistan afghan afghani afghanistani kabul ghazni bamiyan balkh kunduz takhar badakhshan panjshir parwan kapisa khost paktia pa afghanistan afghan afghani afghanistani kabul ghazni bamiyan balkh kunduz takhar badakhshan panjshir parwan kapisa khost paktia paktika baghlan jawozjan faryab shiberghan andkhoi akhcha ghor badghis herat helmand farah nimroz
published:22 Jan 2008
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روزانه بیش از هزار نفر از کابل به دوبی سفر میکنند اما اکثر پرواز های که به کابل برمیگردند، تعداد مسافران آن کمتر از پنجاه نفر میباشد. پرسش درینجا به میان میاید که چرا در این فصل سال مسافرت به دوبی زیاد شده است. توجه وکیل احساس خبرنگار صدای امریکا از دوبی گزارش میدهد.
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Moscow, Russia 2015 New Years Fireworks Show HD Official
Moscow, Russia 2015 New Years Fireworks Show HD Official
Moscow, Russia 2015 New Years Fireworks Show HD Official
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Moscow, Russia 2015 New Years Fireworks Show HD Official
Moscow, Russia 2015 New Years Fireworks Show HD Official
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Moscow, Russia 2015 New Years Fireworks Show HD Official
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published:01 Jan 2015
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Spend 25hrs with fashion journalist, consultant and art director, Aynouk Tan, as she navigates the streets of Amsterdam. Aynouk knows her city—from fueling u...
Spend 25hrs with fashion journalist, consultant and art director, Aynouk Tan, as she navigates the streets of Amsterdam. Aynouk knows her city—from fueling u...
Colombia extradites drug lord called 'The Madman' to US The most notorious Colombian drug lord since Pablo Escobar is now headed to the U.S. in handcuffs, af...
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Digital landscapes project: We decided to promote the custard factory located within digbeth, birmingham. Animation and concept by Rizwan Khan, Musawir, Gali...
Digital landscapes project: We decided to promote the custard factory located within digbeth, birmingham. Animation and concept by Rizwan Khan, Musawir, Gali...
Blottie au milieu d'une oasis de verdure, Tash Gorgan abritait le plus beau bazar couvert d'Afghanistan, dernier témoin du grand commerce caravanier des sièc...
Blottie au milieu d'une oasis de verdure, Tash Gorgan abritait le plus beau bazar couvert d'Afghanistan, dernier témoin du grand commerce caravanier des sièc...
افغان ها در هر گوشه و کنار جهان به هدف تغییر و پیشرفت در امور زندگی توانسته اند با کمک استعداد شان، مشاغل مختلف را جستجو و دنبال کنند. همکاران ما سمیر رسولی ...
افغان ها در هر گوشه و کنار جهان به هدف تغییر و پیشرفت در امور زندگی توانسته اند با کمک استعداد شان، مشاغل مختلف را جستجو و دنبال کنند. همکاران ما سمیر رسولی ...
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Pashtun Beauty Strength Courage Beyond Others
Afghanistan Persian, Dari and Tajiki. Pashto Pakhto Pashtun pashtoon pakhtun are the nomad...
published:22 Jan 2008
Pashtun Beauty Strength Courage Beyond Others
Pashtun Beauty Strength Courage Beyond Others
published:22 Jan 2008
Afghanistan Persian, Dari and Tajiki. Pashto Pakhto Pashtun pashtoon pakhtun are the nomadic and tribal people who are synanymous with Taliban and they live in southern Khorasan (afghanistan) and they make up about one quarter of the population while the rest of the country is farsi speaker or farsi zabans. Awghanistan Pashto song, its also Pashtoon, Pakhtoon, Pakhtun, Pashtun, Pakhto khurasan khorasan khorasani ahmad shah massoud panjshir parwan kapisa mazar takhar badakhshan baghlan kunduz salang kabul logar paktia paktika kunar wardak kandahar khost helmand ghazni laghman karzai farsi dari parsi hazaragi pashto pashtun pakhtu pakhto pashtoon pakhtun peshawar zazai mangal zadran tajiki tajikistan samarqand bukhara taliban ariana aryana bayat afghanmellat malalay joya gailani mojadidi wardak bamiyan bagram samangan sayyaf rabbani rashid dostam dustom abdul ali mazari qanoni marshal abdul qasim fahim abdullah abdullah khalili latif pedram ahmad zahir nashinas farhad darya ehsan aman afghanistan afghan afghani afghanistani kabul ghazni bamiyan balkh kunduz takhar badakhshan panjshir parwan kapisa khost paktia pa afghanistan afghan afghani afghanistani kabul ghazni bamiyan balkh kunduz takhar badakhshan panjshir parwan kapisa khost paktia paktika baghlan jawozjan faryab shiberghan andkhoi akhcha ghor badghis herat helmand farah nimroz kandahar helmand peshawar mullah omar taliban karzai zahir shah abdali pashtoon pashtun pakhtun pakhtoon pukhtun zazai mangal zadran laghman shinwari uzbek hazara hazaragi uzbekistan tajik tajiki tajikistan samarqand bukahra hamid karzai ahmad shah massoud masood qanooni mohaqiq khalili marshal fahim iran persian mazar farsi parsi dari khorasan khurasan khorasani aryana arian aria ahmad zahir farhad darya ehsan aman nashinas buxara bukhara boxara bokhara Ariana Aryana Khorasan Khoorasan Afghanistan Afgan Afghan Pakhtun pakhtoon Pakhto Pakhtu Pokhto Pukhtun Pekhawar Peshawar andarab shahnameh shahnama ferdousi ferdowsi tazhik tajik tadjik Tojik Tojikiston Iron Kurd Arab Palestine Terrorist Terrorism criminal America Los angeles San francisco Pakistan Mongols Mughul Uzbek Uzbak Uzbekistan Turkmen Turkmenistan Shindand Kabul Kabol Cabul English England Britian Computer Internet Karzai Badakhshi Massoud Masood Masoud Ahmad Shah ghor ghorband Aria Heraiva Beruni Khayyam Mawlana Rumi Mevlana Persian Parsian Persien death to Afghanistan long live Khorasan Khorasan Afghani Afghan Afghanistani Awgho Awghani Owghan Owghoo Termez Uzbeg Uzbak Uzbek Boxoro Samarkand Khiva Khaharezm Mowlanazendabad, Khorasan mordabad. death to fraudulent name of khorasan and long live Afghanistan. Greater Khorasan consisted of Tajikistan, Samarqand Bukhara, Balkh, Takhar, Badakhshan, Parwan kapisa panjshir samangan faryab kunduz kabul ghazni bamiyan herat kandahar helmand farah nemroz ghor etc., and the people of greater khorasan speak Farsi which is the same as Parsi, Persian, Dari and Tajiki. Pashto Pakhto Pashtun pashtoon pakhtun are the nomadic and tribal people who are synanymous with Taliban and they live in southern Khorasan (afghanistan) and they make up about one quarter of the population while the rest of the country is farsi speaker or farsi zabans. Awghanistan Pashto song, its also Pashtoon, Pakhtoon, Pakhtun, Pashtun, Pakhto khurasan khorasan khorasani ahmad shah massoud panjshir parwan kapisa mazar takhar badakhshan baghlan kunduz salang kabul logar paktia paktika kunar wardak kandahar khost helmand ghazni laghman karzai farsi dari parsi hazaragi pashto pashtun pakhtu pakhto pashtoon pakhtun peshawar zazai mangal zadran tajiki tajikistan samarqand bukhara taliban ariana aryana bayat afghanmellat malalay joya gailani mojadidi wardak bamiyan bagram samangan sayyaf rabbani rashid dostam dustom abdul ali mazari qanoni marshal abdul qasim fahim abdullah abdullah khalili latif pedram ahmad zahir nashinas farhad darya ehsan aman afghanistan afghan afghani afghanistani kabul ghazni bamiyan balkh kunduz takhar badakhshan panjshir parwan kapisa khost paktia pa afghanistan afghan afghani afghanistani kabul ghazni bamiyan balkh kunduz takhar badakhshan panjshir parwan kapisa khost paktia paktika baghlan jawozjan faryab shiberghan andkhoi akhcha ghor badghis herat helmand farah nimroz
Ipanema The World Sexiest Beach Funny travel videos on youtube
published:25 Feb 2014
Ipanema The World Sexiest Beach Funny travel videos on youtube
Ipanema The World Sexiest Beach Funny travel videos on youtube
published:25 Feb 2014
Pakistan jets bomb Taliban positions in North Waziristan
For More Worldwide Breaking News:
published:22 Jan 2014
Pakistan jets bomb Taliban positions in North Waziristan
Pakistan jets bomb Taliban positions in North Waziristan
published:22 Jan 2014
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Kabul Dubai Travel for Afghans
روزانه بیش از هزار نفر از کابل به دوبی سفر میکنند اما اکثر پرواز های که به کابل برمیگردند،...
published:24 Sep 2013
Kabul Dubai Travel for Afghans
Kabul Dubai Travel for Afghans
published:24 Sep 2013
روزانه بیش از هزار نفر از کابل به دوبی سفر میکنند اما اکثر پرواز های که به کابل برمیگردند، تعداد مسافران آن کمتر از پنجاه نفر میباشد. پرسش درینجا به میان میاید که چرا در این فصل سال مسافرت به دوبی زیاد شده است. توجه وکیل احساس خبرنگار صدای امریکا از دوبی گزارش میدهد.
Moscow, Russia 2015 New Years Fireworks Show HD Official
Moscow, Russia 2015 New Years Fireworks Show HD Official
Moscow, Russia 2015 New Years...
published:01 Jan 2015
Moscow, Russia 2015 New Years Fireworks Show HD Official
Moscow, Russia 2015 New Years Fireworks Show HD Official
published:01 Jan 2015
Moscow, Russia 2015 New Years Fireworks Show HD Official
Moscow, Russia 2015 New Years Fireworks Show HD Official
Moscow, Russia 2015 New Years Fireworks Show HD Official
Moscow, Russia 2015 New Years Fireworks Show HD Official
Happy new year 2015,happy new year eve 2015,new year firework 2015, 2015 new year fireworks,midnight firework 2015,Happy New Year 2015,New Years Eve 2015,New Years Fireworks 2015,Welcome 2015,
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Spend 25hrs with fashion journalist, consultant and art director, Aynouk Tan, as she navigates the streets of Amsterdam. Aynouk knows her city—from fueling u...
Colombia extradites drug lord called 'The Madman' to US
Colombia extradites drug lord called 'The Madman' to US The most notorious Colombian drug ...
Colombia extradites drug lord called 'The Madman' to US The most notorious Colombian drug lord since Pablo Escobar is now headed to the U.S. in handcuffs, af...
Syrian troops backed by Russian airstrikes have advanced against fighters in the centre of the country as Russia's PresidentVladimir Putin defended Moscow's intervention in the conflict, saying it would aid efforts to reach a political settlement. Putin said his country's objective was to stabilise the Syrian government and create conditions for a political compromise ... Russia is a major arms supplier to Syria ... Source. Agencies. ....
This year's El Niño weather system is gaining strength in the Pacific Ocean and is expected to be the second strongest on record, scientists have said. The strengthening meteorological event is likely to cause an extremely wet winter in California with no possibility for it to weaken now ... This means that the winter storms that normally witnessed in Central America could move further north over California and the southern US ... ....
TOKYO. Japan on Saturday lashed out at Unesco’s decision to inscribe documents related to the Nanjing massacre in its Memory of the World register, describing it as “extremely regrettable” and calling for the process to be reformed ... Japan had called for the Nanjing documents not to be included and accused the world body of being politicised ... Published in Dawn, October 11th, 2015 ... ....
Washington. President Barack Obama is fairly certain of one thing when it comes to next year's election. Donald Trump won't succeed him in the White House. The billionaire businessman, the frontrunner in the race to become the Republican party's White House nominee, has raised hackles with his controversial comments on immigration, gun control and women, among other issues. "He knows how to get attention ... "I think it's healthy." ... ....
Governors of Paktia, Paktika, Khost, Logar, Ghazni, Wardak and Bamyan provinces were also connected through the video conference with Tawhid Center in ARG where President Ghani said that the Presence of local police has been useful in ensuring security in the southeastern zone, and directed the ......
A former commander of the Haqqani TerroristNetwork narrowly survived a bomb attack in Khost province on Saturday ... ‘council’ of former Mujahideen in Khost province....
By John Knefel. A recent deadly U.S. airstrike against a hospital in northern Afghanistan was only the latest attack amid the myriad dangers humanitarian workers face in the war-riven country ...The U.S ...MSF officials have demanded an independent investigation into what they've described as a war crime ... An MSF maternity ward in Khost, eastern Afghanistan, was bombed six weeks after it opened in 2012 ... The group did not return for five years ... ....
Press briefing delivered by JasonCone, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) USA executive director. Good morning, and thank you for being here. As noted, I am Jason Cone, the executive director of Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), known internationally as MSF ...Today we say. enough. Even war has rules ... photo. MSF ... MSF Fact Sheet ... In Khost, in the east of the country, MSF operates a maternity hospital ... ....
KABUL — The U.S. military aircraft that attacked an Afghan hospital over the weekend made at least five passes over it dropping explosives, even though two flags draped across the roof of the building marked it as a medical facility, hospital officials said Thursday ... At 2.08 a.m ... U.S ...Gen.Joseph F ... military chain of command ... Doctors Without Borders also operates two clinics in Kabul, one in Khost province and one in Helmand province ... ... 28 ... ....
(Source. MSF - Médecins Sans Frontières). From 2.08am until 3.15am on Saturday, 3 October, MSF's trauma hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, was hit by a series of aerial bombing raids at approximately 15-minute intervals ... The total number of people killed in the attack is 22, including 12 MSF staff members and 10 patients ... The IHFCC is set up for precisely this purpose ... In Khost, in the east of the country, MSF operates a maternity hospital....
(Source. MSF - Médecins Sans Frontières). From 2.08am until 3.15am on Saturday, 3 October, MSF's trauma hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, was hit by a series of aerial bombing raids at approximately 15-minute intervals ... The total number of people killed in the attack is 22, including 12 MSF staff members and 10 patients ... The IHFCC is set up for precisely this purpose ... In Khost, in the east of the country, MSF operates a maternity hospital....
0. 0. 0. 0. 0. Email Print Comments. Courtesy of Busan International Film Festival. The Bottom Line... Venue ... The village of Khost’s one-time stationmaster, Wahid (Hameed Shiekh), still lives in the area, along with loyal friend and former co-worker Baggoo (Abdul Qadir), the two of whom are doing their best to resist selling their station and its assets to Wahid’s brother, burgeoning businessman Lalu (Sultan Hussain) ... Cast ... Director....
The reality is light years from pledges and public statements made by high-ranking Afghan and American officials ...Bush ... Part 1. Farkhunda's Shadow ... In tiny Khost province on the border with Pakistan, over 97 percent of women reported suffering violence ... drawdown began ... If we stay like this, in limbo, we won't be able to achieve much for women," Sahira Sharif, a member of parliament for eastern Khost province, said in London in July 2015 ... ....