Kevin B. Anderson

Professor of Sociology, Political Science, and Feminist Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara

Kevin B. Anderson

Kevin B. Anderson is a Professor of Sociology, Political Science, and Feminist Studies at University of California, Santa Barbara. Before coming to UCSB, he was a Professor of Political Science, Sociology and Women’s Studies at Purdue University and earlier, a Professor of Sociology at Northern Illinois University. He holds an MA and a PhD in Sociology from the City University of New York Graduate Center, and a BA in History from Trinity College, Hartford.

His research and teaching interests are in social and political theory, especially Marx, Hegel, Marxist humanism, the Frankfurt School, Foucault, and the Orientalism debate. He has also written on critical criminological theory. Writing from a dialectical and humanist perspective, his work has concentrated on the Marxist, Critical Theory, post-structuralist, and post-colonial traditions and on the intersections of class, race, gender, and sexuality with social theory.

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Four Years After the Arab Revolutions: Fighting on Amid Reactionary Retrenchment

July 29th, 2015

[Originally appeared in Logos 14:2-3 (Summer 2015)] The Present Moment Over the past year, the outlook for revolutionary change for democracy and social justice in much of the Middle East and North Africa has become bleak.  Egypt has experienced authoritarian military rule at a level that exceeds the repression of Mubarak, thus rolling back the […]

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Book Just Published: French edition of Marx at the Margins

January 24th, 2015

MARX AUX ANTIPODES: NATIONS, ETHNICITE ET SOCIETES NON OCCIDENTALES DE KEVIN ANDERSON PARIS: EDITIONS SYLLEPSE QUEBEC: M.EDITEUR Janvier 2015 Ce livre s’intéresse aux écrits de Marx sur des sociétés qui, de son vivant, se situaient pour la plupart à la périphérie du capitalisme. Il s’agit d’une approche inédite des rapports raciaux et coloniaux dans l’oeuvre […]

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