The CTU is committed to action on pay and employment equity on all fronts: political, industrial and campaigning. Unions are not alone in calling for pay and employment equity and the CTU and CTU unions are part of the Pay and Employment Equity Coalition.
At least 30% of New Zealand’s workers – over 635,000 people – are in insecure work. We believe it may well cover 50% of the workforce. 95,000 workers have no usual work time, 61,000 workers have no written employment agreement, 573,000 workers earn less than the Living Wage and almost a quarter of a million Kiwi workers say they have experienced discrimination, harassment or bullying at work. 
As the gap between the rich and the poor grows in New Zealand and poverty increases, more and more New Zealanders don't get paid enough to meet their needs, enjoy their lives and participate in society.

What's New...

  • The Ministry of Social Development’s “Investment Approach” is not an investment approach

    Today the Minister of Finance, Bill English gave the first in a series of lectures at Treasury on the Government’s “Social Investment” approach. A flagship part of this is the so-called “Investment Approach” used by the Ministry of Social Development (MSD). It uses techniques from the insurance industry to calculate long term costs to the government of welfare benefits.

    2 weeks 4 hours ago
  • Economy isn’t serving those who need it most

    “Economic growth is faltering with no growth per person in New Zealand over the three months to June”, says CTU economist Bill Rosenberg. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew 0.4 percent in the quarter, but population was estimated to have grown by 0.5 percent over the same period according to statistics released today by Statistics New Zealand.

    2 weeks 8 hours ago
  • Doctor threatened with disciplinary action after speaking out against TPPA

    The CTU echoes the concerns raised by the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists (ASMS) that Whanganui District Health Board is threatening to take displinary action against a senior doctor who spoke out publically against the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA).

    2 weeks 11 hours ago
  • Government admits immigration policies have kept wages down

    “At last Bill English has admitted that the immigration policies of his Government have kept wages down. Now he must act to ensure that employers pay working people a fair share of the income they are producing”, says CTU Secretary Sam Huggard

    2 weeks 2 days ago
  • Productivity Commission’s report opens door to privatisation of social services

    The CTU wants more support for publically provided social services and is concerned that today’s report from the Productivity Commission is an opportunity for the Government to open up social services to untested and new forms of private provision.  

    2 weeks 2 days ago