Seattle teachers rally support in their fight for quality public education (Seattle Education Association)

Seattle teachers are drawing the line

Educators in Seattle are providing a modern-day lesson in the power of teachers' unions with their strike for the schools that the city deserves.

Caos bursátil augura recesión

Las turbulencias en los mercados bursátiles del mundo expone la inestabilidad de la economía global, plagada de debilidades y contradicciones.

Who will defend the refugees?

Left-wing activists in Germany must lead the fight for a solution to the refugee crisis, based on working-class solidarity.

Persecuting the "undesirables"

A "quality of life" initiative for a busy corridor of East Harlem would reward developers while targeting the vulnerable.

What happens if Corbyn wins?

As Jeremy Corbyn closes in on victory in the election to lead Britain's Labour Party, what would count as success for socialists?

The Zimmerwald Left's stand

At the Zimmerwald conference 100 years ago, a group of delegates led by Russia's Bolsheviks put forward their own resolution.

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Find out about the activities of the International Socialist Organization

Marx Matters

Marx Matters: Articles on the Marxist tradition from

Socialist Worker has collected our articles about Marxism and the Marxist tradition on one page. Take a look to learn more about the ideas of revolutionary socialism.

Labor and the fight for justice

A veteran African American longshore union activist in Charleston is helping to organize a Labor Day march in response to racist violence.

Facing the pro-police backlash

The cops have killed 782 people so far this year--but to hear them and their supporters tell it, you'd think they were under fire.

Jeff Davis comes down at last

The removal of a statue of the Confederate hero at the University of Texas is a victory, but there's more work to be done.

The Oakland cops' killing spree

The recent deaths of several Black men at the hands of Oakland police is more evidence of entrenched racism and brutality.

What BLM means for labor

Unions need to mobilize for anti-racist activism because the Black freedom struggle can have a huge political impact.

Why did Ramarley have to die?

Marching for justice for Ramarley Graham in New York City

Activists gathered in New York City to demand federal prosecution of the police officer who killed Ramarley Graham.

Sanders' "political revolution"?

Bernie Sanders' campaign has already shaken up the 2016 election--but it raises questions for the left, particularly about the Democratic Party.

De Blasio's naked priorities

New York City's mayor has declared war, but the enemy isn't slumlords or brutal cops. It's Times Square's "painted ladies."

Hungry for equality in CPS

A group of parents and teachers are entering the third week of a hunger strike in their struggle to save Dyett High School on Chicago's South Side.

What our strike could achieve

A Seattle teacher explains why he supports a walkout to achieve the union's goal of a school system that Seattle students deserve.

Striking for more than pay

Jubilation resounded among Seattle teachers when it sunk in that we had voted to strike for the schools our students deserve.

A national union backs BDS

The United Electrical union became the first national union in the U.S. to endorse the global campaign for Palestinian rights.

Teachers won't be disrespected

Educators are preparing for a possible strike after a long summer of fruitless negotiations with Seattle Public Schools.

The socialist resistance to war

A small gathering held in Zimmerwald, Switzerland, 100 years ago marked a turning point in the socialist movement.

A letter to Zimmerwald

The imprisoned German revolutionary Karl Liebknecht sent a statement to the socialist antiwar gathering in Zimmerwald.

A craven new world

From an economic perspective, sports is now a true neoliberal fantasyland--and a completely social-justice-free zone.

Socialismo: Aún desde abajo

¿Qué significado tiene, en el siglo 21, el compromiso del marxismo con el "socialismo desde abajo"?

Market madness and the slump

A worried trader on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange

The turmoil on global stock markets is focusing attention on the instability of a world economy plagued by weaknesses and contradictions.

Horror and hope for refugees

The image of a 3-year-old refugee's lifeless body has shocked the world--but there are other pictures, of solidarity and generosity, fighting to be seen.

The stink comes from the top

Angry protests over garbage collection are giving expression to the growing opposition to the regime in Lebanon.

Beirut's hot summer

Political gridlock has disrupted garbage collection in Beirut and led to an outpouring of mass protest against corruption.

A Central American spring?

Mass protests against systemic corruption have shaken Guatemala, culminating in a national day of action and general strike.

El Salto's solidarity decade

The TRADOC workers' cooperative in Mexico is celebrating 10 years of running one of the country's largest tire factories.

How the tide turned in Turkey

Since the Gezi protests of 2013, everything has changed for the formerly popular Justice and Development Party government.

Begging to be let in

A refugee crisis of immense proportions is taking place in Europe, with political leaders resisting calls to open the borders.

Not the same old Labour

Jeremy Corbyn's campaign to be leader of the Labour Party has the potential to pose socialist arguments to a wider audience.

Still haunting capitalism

Despite being declared dead and buried for years, the idea of socialism is in the air--but what it means or how to achieve it is vague for many people.

Still left behind in New Orleans

Katrina survivors make their way out of flooded buildings

Ten years after they were trapped by Katrina, Larry Bradshaw and Lorrie Beth Slonsky reflect on what has and hasn't changed in New Orleans.

The original "Katrina moment"

The manmade disaster that followed after Katrina ripped the mask off U.S. society, revealing the depths of racism, poverty and inequality.

Heroes and sheroes of Katrina

SW contributors Larry Bradshaw and Lorrie Beth Slonsky were trapped in New Orleans by Katrina--their story, first told here, shocked the world.

The struggle for New Orleans

In a 2005 interview, left-wing author Mike Davis described the consequences, natural and man-made, of the Katrina catastrophe.

What we saw after Katrina

Socialist Worker reporters traveled to the Gulf Coast to talk to local residents and activists in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

Invasion of the profiteers

Journalist Jeremy Scahill exposed how Homeland Security hired mercenaries from Blackwater to patrol New Orleans.

One racist statue down...

The University of Texas finally removed the statue of Jefferson Davis, but there are plenty more tributes to white supremacy to go.

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