SEP & IYSSE public meetings:
The pseudo-left in power: Lessons of Syriza’s betrayal in Greece

Syriza’s abject surrender to the European Union ranks among the most miserable betrayals of the working class in history. In the July 5 referendum, Greek voters overwhelmingly rejected new austerity measures. Syriza has repudiated this mandate and agreed to impose devastating cuts on behalf of the European banks and wealthy.

The SEP public meetings will provide a unique forum to discuss the crucial political lessons to be drawn from the experiences of the working class in Greece, above all from the role of Syriza, and their relevance to the political tasks facing the working class in Australia and around the world.

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Withdraw all Australian military forces from Syria and the Middle East!
19 September 2015
The SEP condemns the government’s decision to expand its involvement in the US-led war in the Middle East by authorising air strikes in Syria.
Malcolm Turnbull: Australia’s wealthiest prime minister
19 September 2015
Representing the financial elite, Turnbull has been assigned the task of imposing sweeping cuts to working-class living standards.
Spate of killings by New Zealand police
18 September 2015
As social tensions rise, the government’s response is to expand the prison system and boost the police, including by arming them with more deadly weapons.
Foreign policy dilemmas over China confront new Australian PM
18 September 2015
The conundrum facing Australian capitalism, flowing from its economic relationship with China and its strategic integration with the US anti-China “pivot to Asia,” could be set to worsen.

Business warns new Australian PM over promises to National Party
17 September 2015
The potential ructions between the Liberal and National parties, and within the Nationals, underscore the unstable character of the newly-installed Turnbull government.
An internationalist strategy to oppose the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
17 September 2015
The SEP insists that workers can only defend their interests on the basis of an independent class stance that rejects both the pro-ChAFTA “free traders” and the reactionary nationalism of Labor an
Overturn the ban on the IYSSE!
17 September 2015
Seeking to justify its ban on the IYSSE club, the University of Melbourne’s Clubs and Societies Committee has sent a letter containing a series of unsubstantiated allegations.
Australian police fatally shoot 51-year-old postal worker
16 September 2015
The deadly shooting follows a pattern of increasing police repression and violence in Australia.