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Mike Haynes

University of Wolverhampton Business School
            University of Wolverhampton,

Wolverhampton,  WV1 1SB 
  United Kingdom


Recent Media

Discussion on BBC Radio or More or Less on Russian War Deaths

Interview on BBC Radio Shropshire on Anniversary of Fall of Berlin Wall

We are on You Tube too. Click here for Rotten Apple? Stories of the World Economy



How many have died in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians? A rough calculation with sources is here of some of the recent elements Israel - Palestinian and Related Conflict Deaths

Click here for a general discussion of ‘The comparative accountancy of death in war’, History Teaching Review Yearbook, vol. 22, 2008, pp.76-84. This explores the sorry story of how we can estimate deaths in war up to and including the current conflict in Iraq

        My research is eclectic. It has covered the broad area of comparative economic and social change with a strong  focus on its historical determinants and Russia and Eastern Europe. Over time I have become more concerned with the human costs of development and the dark side of the global economy.  The underside of how people live, whether at the top or the bottom, is fascinating which is why my research sometimes goes in apparently strange directions. 

Some time ago I inadvertently set off a huge discussion about toilet paper amongst western scholars of the former USSR and Eastern Europe.  A little strange? Today Armatya Sen has used the issue of the lack of toilets in India to unravel the claims about the speed with which that country is modernising. If you are interested in the worthy stuff it is here but there is also other material that people have found fascinating.


Click here for my less obvious research


International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy

Follow these links for the more ‘academic side’


University of Wolverhampton Business School, University of  Wolverhampton

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