Blog Posts - Obedience

Run for Light

Hello Y'all! Okay so I am finally back after disappearing for some time.. I have been busy with work and my new girlfriend.(Be happy for me!) If you have been sitting around waiting for a post from my blog, I am really touched.. But you probably need...
by Dog in the Spore on Jan 17, 2015

3 Keys to Keep Your Life On Track

In my post, Take A Walk, I talk about the challenge to position ourselves in the place where God is already inhabiting and walk there rather than setting our own daily course and asking Him to bless that. This spiritual truth simplifies our ques...
by The Good Life on Jan 14, 2015

Quote about morality

Morality is nothing else but obedience to customs, of whatever kind these may be. The dawn of day by Friedrich Nietzsche Filed under: Friedrich Nietzsche Tagged: customs, Friedrich Nietzsche, morality quote, obedience to customs, The dawn of day...
by BookQuotesHub on Jan 10, 2015

Who Are You Following?

If you tell someone they are nothing more than a follower they are likely to get upset.  Everyone wants to think of themselves as being their own person; someone in charge of their own lives.  I hate to break it to you, but we are all followers. ...
by Living in the Reign on Jan 6, 2015

These Two Things Can Increase Compliance in Your Children!

A search on for “parenting” will return around 125,000 results. It’s pretty clear that parents everywhere want to know the “secret” to parenting. Many of those parents want to know how to increase obedience in their children. Tha...
by Notes on Parenting on Nov 26, 2014

Christians: Stop Being So Obedient

Just how obedient are Christians expected to be — and who expects them to be this way? In recent posts, I’ve been discussing Christian submission toward leadership (Must We Obey Church Authorities? and Is It So Bad to Be a Lone … C...
by Middle Aged Plague on Nov 19, 2014

Cesar Milan

Okay just haven't spent ages attempting to clean up my room after the best my friends left behind after surprising me for my birthday, I've finally found some time to blog! And here's for what I think is the most controversial issue in the dog traini...
by Dog in the Spore on Nov 15, 2014

Leashes! Aye or Nay?

Leashes!! Okay now many, in Singapore especially, might think that this is a question that requires no thought. However I beg to differ.. I think there are 2 clear groups of dog owners when it comes to this question. The group that believe that a dog...
by Dog in the Spore on Nov 11, 2014

The Girl Who Taught The Dying How to Live

Sari grew up in an orphanage in India. In spite of her loneliness she loved Christ and was a devoted Christian. Sari was very beautiful and talented in many ways, so it was no surprise that a handsome young missionary adored her. She rejoiced that sh...

To Live with God’s Eye View

The Lord is calling us up. He is calling us to live above the clouds and above the storm, with an eagle’s eye view. Father God is beckoning us to come closer, and to live and move and have our...
by Songs in the Night on Oct 5, 2014

Chelsea at Illinois Doberman Rescue Plus

I saw this all-natural girl on the Illinois Doberman Rescue Plus Facebook page and had to share! She just blew my mind.Chelsea is 2 years old, natural ears and tail, black and tan. She was picked up as an underweight stray, and she's blind. But e...
by The Elka Almanac on Oct 3, 2014

A Yes Life

“Women who say yes to God will see life like few others.  they are drawn in and embraced by a love like no other.  they don’t have to wait until the next time they’re in church to experience God because they sense God’s presence all around...
by One Passion One Devotion on Sep 27, 2014

The Two Martins, a tale of Two Confessions

Long ago in the days of the Reformation, two men both named Martin came to faith in Jesus as Savor.One was Martin of Basel.  Though he trusted Jesus for salvation he succumbed to fear and was unable to make a public confession of Jesus as Lord a...

Giving The Best for God

Many years ago an early medical missionary, Melba Atkinson, went to India to serve in a hospital mission. One day she saw a woman hurrying toward the Ganges River. The woman was carrying a sick moaning child in her arms, and Melba immediately recogni...

Love Acts

  Every time i watch this i leak… its an incredibly powerful testimony of the love of God and the power (and privelge) of saying YES to God… i dare you to watch it without crying… Every time i watch it i am reminded that even i...
by One Passion One Devotion on Aug 25, 2014

Obedience ( Evangelical Counsels Part IV)

Obedience…. The word has in recent years developed a really terrible reputation.  Children do not want to obey their parents.  Couples particularly have asked to have the word stricken from their wedding vows. Pretty much anything that create...

Convey Yodels to the Heavens; I say it again, rejoice!

sofi01 / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0) The Inversion of Soul and Divinity can lead to Inequity, Transgression, or even Death. A Natural Imbalance is quite normal, a distinct Prejudice leads to wrongdoin...
by His Truth in Living Words on Jul 18, 2014

Evangelical Counsels ( Part I)

In the life of a Priest or Nun/Sister or Brother, that belong to a particular Religious Order, take vows of the three Evangelical counsels.  These are : Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience.    Those who belong to a diocesan priesthood take vows of c...

end times church countdown: You will never defeat your enemies until you remove…

The message came after midnight. This is the third time the same message appeared this year. What is the Lord saying to churches that cannot become overcomers even at this late hour? A little demon defeated the whole church which had just tasted gre...

Daily Quote: Obedience

The post Daily Quote: Obedience was written by Grace Esedeke on GRACIOUS INSIGHT.  God will not do by miracle what you are to do in OBEDIENCE. A. W. TOZER   The post Daily Quote: Obedience appeared first on GRACIOUS INSIGHT.
by Gracious Insight on Jul 3, 2014

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