Augustus ( /ɔːˈɡʌstəs/;Classical Latin: [awˈɡʊstʊs]; Latin: Imperator Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus; 23 September 63 BC – 19 August AD 14) is considered the first emperor of the Roman Empire, which he ruled alone from 27 BC until his death in 14 AD. Born Gaius Octavius Thurinus, he was adopted posthumously by his great-uncle Gaius Julius Caesar in 44 BC via his last will and testament, and between then and 27 BC was officially named Gaius Julius Caesar. In 27 BC the Senate awarded him the honorific Augustus ("the revered one"), and thus consequently he was Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus.
The young Octavius came into his inheritance after Caesar's assassination in 44 BC. In 43 BC, Octavian joined forces with Mark Antony and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus in a military dictatorship known as the Second Triumvirate. As a triumvir, Octavian ruled Rome and many of its provinces. The triumvirate was eventually torn apart under the competing ambitions of its rulers: Lepidus was driven into exile, and Antony committed suicide following his defeat at the Battle of Actium by Octavian's fleet under the command of Agrippa in 31 BC.
Augustus the First Emperor of Rome
Order from Chaos
Divórcio e Novo Casamento-Augustus Nicodemus
Programa Vejam Só! - Entrevista com o Rev. AUGUSTUS NICODEMUS LOPES
Batalha Espiritual Pr Augustus Nicodemos Lopes Parte 01
Desculpas Esfarrapadas-Augustus Nicodemus
HYPE: Paradox making a Sci-Fi Grand Strategy Game?!? [Project Augustus / Stellaris]
Augustus Pablo "The Rockers Experience" mixtape
Imperium: Augustus (2003)- Part 1/12 [HD]
Augustus Pablo - Original Rockers [full album]
Arrependimento - Augustus Nicodemus
Rev. Augustus Nicodemus - Romanos 1 - PVCALDAS 2012
Augustus Caesar ~ Hero of Rome part 1
Augustus witnesses the murder of his slave master on the night he is given his freedom papers, which he loses running from the murder scene. He is shot by the killer and now finds himself on the run, wounded and with no freedom papers. He obtains forged papers he flees to Ft Dallas hoping Union troops will take him to Key West. Now he must avoid the killer after him and navigate his way to Ft Dallas with forged papers.
A slave finds himself on the run for his freedom in the deep South after witnessing a murder.
Don't know what you got 'till it's Cloned
Georgiana Spencer became Duchess of Devonshire on her marriage to the Duke in 1774, at the height of the Georgian period, a period of fashion, decadence, and political change. Spirited and adored by the public at large she quickly found her marriage to be a disappointment, defined by her duty to produce a male heir and the Duke's philandering and callous indifference to her. She befriends Lady Bess but finds she is once again betrayed by her husband who wields his power with the three eventually living uncomfortably together. Against this background, and with the pressures of an unfaithful husband, strict social pressures and constant public scrutiny, Georgiana falls passionately in love with Charles Grey, a rising young Whig politician. However, despite his ongoing liaison with Lady Bess, the Duke refuses to allow her to continue the affair and threatens to take her children from her.
Keywords: 1770s, 1780s, 18th-century, adultery, aristocracy, arranged-marriage, baby, baby-carriage, bare-butt, bare-chested-male
There were three people in her marriage
Based On The Incredible True Story
The scandal that shocked a nation. The courage that defined a woman.
[from trailer]::Georgiana, The Duchess of Devonshire: You can't ask me to battle nature in my own heart.
Duke of Devonshire: This will be the mistake of your life.::Georgiana, The Duchess of Devonshire: No, I made that many years ago. I trust you can see yourself out.
[from trailer]::Georgiana, The Duchess of Devonshire: I fail to comprehend how far we are fully committed to the concept of freedom.::Sir Peter Teazle: Freedom in moderation.::Georgiana, The Duchess of Devonshire: The concept of freedom is an absolute.
[from trailer]::Lady Spencer: All of London is talking.::Georgiana, The Duchess of Devonshire: Oh, let them talk!
[from trailer]::Duke of Devonshire: I love you in the way I understand love.
[from trailer]::Georgiana, The Duchess of Devonshire: All my life, I've been fighting my way upstream.
Duke of Devonshire: Over the years I have acted in ways that you have judged... harsh. Well, I do not wish for you to undergo any further suffering.
Duke of Devonshire: How wonderful to be that free.
Georgiana, The Duchess of Devonshire: [speaking about Charles Grey] We love each other.::Duke of Devonshire: I do not doubt it; he is a dreamer like yourself. You both dream of another world that does not exist, and never will.
Lady Spencer: I have heard a rumor.::Georgiana, The Duchess of Devonshire: Yes?::Lady Spencer: That I will soon be addressing my daughter as her Grace, the Duchess of Devonshire.::Georgiana, The Duchess of Devonshire: Is it true, Mama?::Lady Spencer: Yes.
It is the year 33 of the Vulgar Era. The Emperor Tiberius is troubled by strange phenomena, an earthquake and the sky turning black as an eclipse. His astrologers give him fair warning: their omens indicate that the world is in the throes of a great upheaval and that old gods have been annihilated. A new kingdom is about to rise in the East. The Emperor calls Tito Valerio Tauro, the most prominent investigator in Rome, back from his exile. He was ostracized years earlier because he had discovered too much regarding the death of the great Emperor Augustus, the predecessor of Tiberius. Tiberius entrusts Tauro with a mission that will require all his talent; should he conduct it successfully, his good name will be completely restored. He must discover the truth regarding the death sentence of a poor Judean rabbi. His name is Jesus of Nazareth and they say he has resurrected from the dead. Tiberius is convinced that it has something to do with the prophecies and the celestial omens that shook the world some months earlier. Tauro is a skeptic and the only thing he believes in is reason, but a series of mysteries that will put his intelligence to the test awaits him in Judea. Nothing is as it seems in Jerusalem. Governor Pilate is an ambitious man, both discredited and treacherous, who weaves his way among the opposing Pharisee and Zealot factions. During his inquiry, Tauro comes face-to-face with individuals he has never met before: Saul of Tarsus, a valiant defender of Mosaic tradition and an unshakable prosecutor of Christians; the mysterious and nearly insane Judas of Iscariot, who is presumably one of the disciples of Jesus of Nazareth; and the alleged leader of the Christians, a poor fisherman named Simon Peter. They are humble and powerful men, belonging to one faction or the other, but who share one obsession: an idea of faith that the Roman eyes of Tauro seems to be simply incomprehensible and quite dangerous. He withstands this idea with all his might. He believes that Jesus is only a quack, some kind of impostor and his presumed resurrection must be a public hoax staged in order to exploit the credulousness of the poor lot, the first to be converted to the Christian sect, the followers of Jesus, nearly all of them belonging to the lowest social levels of society: fishermen, farmers, even slaves - all of them treated as free men. And the same holds true, more surprisingly yet, for women - equal to men in the eyes of the Christian God. One of these women who believe in Jesus will finally offer Tauro the key to understanding the mystery of Jesus of Nasareth's death and conclude the mission that the Emperor has entrusted him with. Her name is Tabitha. She is not yet twenty years old and she will unveil the mystery of love to the cleverest and most disenchanted Roman investigator.
Keywords: 1st-century, adultery, ambush, ancient-rome, assassination, axe-fight, barbarian, battle, battle-axe, battlefield
One truth could destroy an empire.
The thrilling tale of one man's quest to uncover the mystery of all mysteries. Sent to disprove the resurrection, he discovers faith, love, and a revelation that could shatter the empire.
Set just after Willy Wonka's death at 87, "Citizen Candy Man" is a mockumentary - a chocumentary - that imagines the characters from the 1971 cult children's classic "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" as they might appear today. First we see sad sack Charlie Bucket, who was promised the whole chocolate factory when he was 12, but was too timid to ever take it. Then we meet spoiled rich girl Veruca Salt, who has found other, more grownup ways to get what she wants, particularly from men. The two of them are locked in a legal battle over the Wonka estate, and both have reason to believe it should go to them. Charlie because he won the infamous Golden Ticket contest 30 years ago, and Veruca because of her personal and intimate relationship with the Candy Man himself. We also catch up with abrasive Mike TeeVee, gum-chewing Violet Beauregarde and gluttonous Augustus Gloop. Like Veruca, they all seem to have thrived in spite of their horrible personalities, and possibly because of them.
Keywords: 1970s, chocolate-factory, cult-film, mockumentary
Enter A World Of Pure Litigation!
Two Irish brothers accidentally killed mafia thugs. They turned themselves in and were released as heroes. They then see it as a calling by God and started knocking off mafia gang members one by one. Willem Dafoe plays the detective trying to figure out the killings, but the closer he was to catching the Irish brothers, the more he thinks the brothers are doing the right thing.
Keywords: accidental-shooting, actor-plays-character-with-same-name, actor-shares-last-name-with-character, aerial-shot, african-american, air-duct, air-vent, alley, ambush, ammonia
Brothers. Killers. Saints.
And shepherds we shall be, for thee, my lord, for thee.
Thou shalt not kill. It's the one commandment they cannot keep.
Thy Kingdom Come. Thy Will Be Done.
Before The MacManus Brothers Get To Heaven, They're Gonna Raise A Little Hell
The MacManus Brothers aren't angels, they're just sent from heaven to make life a hell for all sinners
They're on a Mission From God
Monsignor: And I am reminded, on this holy day, of the sad story of Kitty Genovese. As you all may remember, a long time ago, almost thirty years ago, this poor soul cried out for help time and time again, but no person answered her calls. Though many saw, no one so much as called the police. They all just watched as Kitty was being stabbed to death in broad daylight. They watched as her assailant walked away. Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men.::Connor: [as the brothers exit the church] I do believe the monsignor's finally got the point.::Murphy: Aye.
[after Rocco shoots three men in a coffee shop]::Murphy: Liberating, isn't it?::Connor: Let's fuckin' go!::Rocco: You know, it is a bit.
Doc: You know what they say: People in glass houses sink sh-sh-ships.::Rocco: Doc, I gotta buy you, like, a proverb book or something. This mix'n'match shit's gotta go.::Doc: What?::Connor: A penny saved is worth two in the bush, isn't it?::Murphy: And don't cross the road if you can't get out of the kitchen.
[the two brothers are in an airshaft and getting a bit uncomfortable]::Murphy: Where the fuck are you going?::Connor: Shhh. I'm figuring some shit out here.::Murphy: Ahh, fuck you! I'm sweatin' my ass off draggin' your fuckin' rope around. Must weigh thirty pounds.::Connor: Shhh. We are doing some serious shit here, now get a fucking hold of yourself!::Murphy: Oh, *fuck you*! I'm not the rope-totin' Charlie Bronson wannabe that's getting us fucking lost!::Connor: Would you fucking shut it?::[taps him on the head with his flash light, and both brothers start fighting in the air vent until it gives way]::Connor: You mother- Jesus fucking Christ!::Murphy: Oh, shit!::[the vents give way]
Doc: He left me his c-c-c... He left me his c-c-c... Oh, he fucking gave me this. Fuck! Ass!
Rocco: [shouts] Fuck it! There's so much shit that pisses me off! You guys should recruit, 'cause I'm sick and fucking tired of walking down the street, waiting for one of these crack-piping, ass-wiping, motherless lowlifes to get me!::Murphy: Hallelujah, Jaffar.::Rocco: So, like, you're not just talking about mob guys, right? You're talking about pimps and drug dealers and all that shit, right?::Connor: Oh, yeah.::Rocco: Fuck. You guys could do this every goddamn day!::Murphy: We're sorta like 7-Eleven. We're not always doing business, but we're always open.::Connor: That is nicely put.
[after Rocco enters the bar]::Rocco: Hey fuck-ass, give me a beer.
Rocco: I'm the fuck outta here!
Connor: Now you will receive us.::Murphy: We do not ask for your poor or your hungry.::Connor: We do not want your tired and sick.::Murphy: It is your corrupt we claim.::Connor: It is your evil that will be sought by us.::Murphy: With every breath, we shall hunt them down.::Connor: Each day, we will spill their blood till it rains down from the skies.::Murphy: Do not kill. Do not rape. Do not steal. These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace.::Connor: These are not polite suggestions. These are codes of behavior, and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost.::Murphy: There are varying degrees of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth not to push the bounds and cross over into true corruption, into our domain.::Connor: For if you do, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three. And on that day, you will reap it.::Murphy: And we will send you to whatever god you wish.::[Murphy and Conner join II Duce behind Yakavetta]::Connor, Murphy, Il Duce: And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand.::Yakavetta: Vaffanculo!::["Fuck you"]::Connor, Murphy, Il Duce: That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be.::Il Duce: In nomine Patri.::Connor: Et Filii.::Murphy: Spiritus Sancti.::[they execute Yakavetta]
Ivan Checkov: I am Ivan Checkov, and you will be closing now.::Murphy: Checkov? Well, this here's McCoy. We find a Spock, we got us an away team.
Born in 1943 during German occupation of their French town, Patrick and Marie-José have been best friends; now teens, they experiment with sex, which doesn't seem to bring them closer. Patrick has also taken to American jazz, hanging out at a nearby Army base where he picks up the drums and comes to the attention of a Caberra, a brutish American sergeant who enjoys starting fights with Black soldiers. Caberra gives Patrick a drum kit, talks to him about life, and introduces him around. Patrick meets Trudy, an American teen who loves Buddy Holly. Marie-José is jealous and establishes her own liaison. What of Patrick and Marie-José's pact to be friends forever?
Keywords: barbecue, blonde, boyfriend-girlfriend-relationship, bronze-star, convertible, death, drugs, drum-kit, drummer, fistfight
One American soldier would change their lives...forever.
All star cast heads up this 1970 remake of the William Shakespeare classic tale of the betrayal of the the Roman senate against their emperor, the plotting and scheming that led up to the assassination of the title charecter, and all of Romes' fickleness towards the events.
Keywords: 1st-century-b.c., ambush, ancient-rome, assassin, assassination, based-on-play, battle, battlefield, betrayal, blood
No grander Caesar... No greater cast!
A beautiful female doctor visits her small hometown on her way back to Chicago. Her overworked uncle, who is the town's doctor, wants her to stay and help him, and he and a macho test pilot who's fallen for her come up with a plan that involves the pilot faking an illness and being treated by her, with her uncle's "help".
Keywords: female-doctor, pilot
When Beautiful Doctor Meets Handsome Hospital Case.. IT'S TOUCH AND OH!
Augustus the First Emperor of Rome
Order from Chaos
Divórcio e Novo Casamento-Augustus Nicodemus
Programa Vejam Só! - Entrevista com o Rev. AUGUSTUS NICODEMUS LOPES
Batalha Espiritual Pr Augustus Nicodemos Lopes Parte 01
Desculpas Esfarrapadas-Augustus Nicodemus
HYPE: Paradox making a Sci-Fi Grand Strategy Game?!? [Project Augustus / Stellaris]
Augustus Pablo "The Rockers Experience" mixtape
Imperium: Augustus (2003)- Part 1/12 [HD]
Augustus Pablo - Original Rockers [full album]
Arrependimento - Augustus Nicodemus
Rev. Augustus Nicodemus - Romanos 1 - PVCALDAS 2012
Augustus Caesar ~ Hero of Rome part 1
Aprendendo a Orar Com Jesus - Augustus Nicodemus
Polêmicas na Igreja - Com Augustus Nicodemus
Augustus Nicodemus - Doutrina da Depravação Total com base em Êxodo 20
OPS Livre Arbítrio - Augustus Nicodemus
Simpósio de Escatologia - Augustus Nicodemus Lopes
O Batismo com o Espírito Santo (Parte 1) - Augustus Nicodemus
Pentecostes ontem e hoje - Rev. Augustus Nicodemus
Augustus El Primer Emperador (serie TV) (Español)Parte 1 de 2
Augustus Caesar Biography
The Roman Empire. Or Republic. Or...Which Was It?: Crash Course World History #10
Augustus of Primaporta, 1st century C.E. (Vatican Museums)
The Face of Emperor Augustus (Photoshop Reconstruction)
Livia Drusilla wife of Augustus Biography Historical Information and Ancient Roman Coins to Buy
Historical Speech (Augustus Caesar)
Historical Hotties Project - Augustus Caesar
History & Legacy of Augustus Vodcast
Historical Hotties - Augustus
Historical Monologue "Octavian AKA Augustus Ceasar"
historical hotties-augustus caesar(scott Thiel)
France Under King Philip Augustus
Sigismundus Augustus Review - with Tom Vasel
Rome In The 1st Century - Episode 1: Order From Chaos (Part 2) (ANCIENT HISTORY DOCUMENTARY)
Shaka Zulu vs Julius Caesar. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 4.
Augustus the First Roman Emperor 27BC 14AD History and Old Ancient Roman Coins to Buy
Total War Rome 2 Imperator Augustus Campaign : Lepidus 1080p Part 1
Augustus Caesar SC history project 2011
The Caesars 1/6: Augustus
Augustus Films 2015 ANIMATION
Augustus Films 2013
Marsha Ambrosius LIVE Performance in Philadelphia filmed by Augustus Films
Freeway and Jakk Frost Drop Augustus Films and Asher Roth
Barrington Levy shouts out Augustus Films & Director Caesar Augustus
Augustus Films Time Square Promo in New York, NY
ASHER ROTH Shouts Caesar Augustus of Augustus Films
Augustus Films | DayGlow
Papoose Shouts out Karina Bradley, Augustus Films and of course Remy Ma LIVE on the DJ Kay Slay Show
Meek Mill, Papoose, Karina Bradley, CertiFYD, Augustus Films, Synergy Records "Never Mind Love"
Karina Bradley and Augustus Films Interviews Choreographer
1914 Augustus - Film over de Belgische vluchtelingen die de grens over komen en opgevangen worden
Early Asher Roth 2006-Homing Coming West Chester
John Ferber CEO of USO Networks Testimonial for Caesar Augustus of Augustus Films
Justin Bieber & Usher play One on One Basketball in NYC
PBS Documentary - Augustus Saint-Gaudens: Master of American Sculpture - The Shaw Memorial
Augustus Pablo - Pipers of Zion
Barrington Levy Featuring Kardinal Offishall (OFFICIAL VIDEO) NO WAR!
Pencils of Promise Gala Event 2011 honoring Scooter Braun, Justin Bieber and Agencynet
HBO - De grootste films van augustus
Augustus Pablo - East of the River Nile
Hugh Mundell & Augustus Pablo video In the hills + interview '78
Emanuel Augustus interview: Fights Nov. 8 on HBO PPV!
Augustus Pablo Interview With David Rodigan
Hugh Mundell & Augustus Pablo rare acoustic performance (1979)
Nathalie Meskens Tine Embrechts 7 augustus 2011 Villa Marcel Vanthilt interview
Minnesota Lynx - Seimone Augustus Interview: Gary George IVNews
Meet Augustus Gloop - 1971 Version
Meet Augustus Gloop - 2005 Version
Picture Personalities - Augustus John (1944)
Name Check: 'Copperhead' actor Augustus Prew - New York Post
Klondike: Augustus Pew "Byron Epstein" On Set Interview
Ansel Elgort talks Augustus Waters of 'The Fault in Our Stars'
The cast discuss Charles Augustus Magnussen - Sherlock: Series 3 Episode 3 - BBC One
Emanuel Augustus- highlight and brief interview
Charlie et la Chocolaterie : Interview Augustus Gloops
Microsoft WPC 2015: Interview Ron Augustus Directeur SMSP Microsoft NL
Dr. Alvin Augustus Jones's Radio Interview with Kasper Hauser
Interview 29 augustus 2011
Emanuel Augustus Exhibition & Interview
Backstage interview with Seimone AUGUSTUS (USA)
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory Augustus Gloop Interview
Hotch Potch augustus, interview The Flexican ft. MC Sef
B. Hammon, S. Augustus, C. Dupree, E. Belyakova - interview before the F8
die stories wat ek langs die pad optel is kort en ek
vergeet hulle maklik jokes val in by 'n oor uit by 'n
mond word doodgedruk deur 'n sigaret en dan voete as
iemand nou weer eenkeer vir my vra waarom ek karre tel
gaan ek my humeur verloor daar's baie te leer in
migrasie die wisselende klimaat die swak geriewe die
kwynende voorrade dis eintlik nie nodig om dit te noem
nie want ons het almal dieselfde hande en soortgelyke
honde eintlik is ek die laaste een om te praat ek frons
daagliks 'n glimlag van afweermiddels ek ruik na sweet
diep in die winter en ek wonder waar die eende vanjaar
broei ek skryf alles neer en hoop dit vou op en vlieg
maar ek bly net honger en afgetrokke my broer skiet 'n
ribbokooi in die winter en later 'n duiker en beide is
dragtig daar's fout met die weer die wolke dryf
verkeerd die diere lam te vroeg augustus is warmer as
vantevore en steeds wag ek dat iemand moet doodgaan
miskien is dit my beurt daar's dan nog vyftien dae oor
en my regterhand is kouer as gister iets jeuk in my rug
en buite kwetter die verwarde vinke wanneer die kwik
dertig raak hulle nou neste in die ongesonde hitte maar
sit verwonderd twee dae later wanneer dit misre 'n die
karre ry verkeerde kant toe en almal gaan op die
sperstrepe verby vanoggend l daar 'n dooie spreeu in
die pad sonder rede netjies en geslagloos op sy rug die
mense hier doen inkopies en ek spandeer weer my ouers
se geld die gras ryp dood ondanks die hitte maar
skadukolle is lowergroen van my badkamerwater daar's
ongemaklike stiltes waar wind moet wees straatligte wat
nie werk nie en snags kry ek nie my rug reguit in die
bed nie as dit so aangaan gaan die somer vroeg en nat
kom in donderstorms en vloede en lank daarna sal dit
warm wees en droog en hoog en wit vir 'n nuwe bergreeks
en vlakte die sondagsrivier meander met geleende water
tot by die see en dan stadig teen die opdraand waarteen
motors afry en ek pitte in die emmer gooi en karre tel
die seisoene swaai onbeheersd soos gekneusde vrugte aan
'n tou orals vrot biltong en dro wors agter gaas terwyl
vure met nat hout gestook word ek neem foto's van
bergpieke maar dit bly deinserig en vaal en ver die
plaaswerkers werk vinniger en ons kyk gedurig in die
lug op ons knink instemmende vir mekaar en tel die
bokke drie keer om seker te maak ons honde l om die
huis rond die een oud en gek en blind die ander 'n lae
IK labrador vir ure sit ek in die sonkamer en kyk hoe
die son vuil kolle op die venster uitwys ek's op my
gelukkigste hier maar vanjaar klop alles nie hoe langer
ek tik hoe kouer word my vingers wanneer ek die tv
aansit lag ek vir die nuus daar's geen rede om karre te
tel nie maar dit verskaf vertroosting van mense wat op
pad is dis beter om net te sit en pitte in die emmer te
gooi as die jaartye verder handuitruk begin dit dalk
groei op 'n sondag wie weet daar's nog vyftien dae oor