The Fosters: Idyllwild


Callie’s in trouble. It must be an episode of The Fosters. This week opened with a group discussion at Girls United. Callie asks Carmen why she’s covering for Brooke. She’s sure that Brooke hit Carmen and not Rita.

Back the Fosters house, Mariana talks about feeling like she’s the only child with everyone off doing things. Stef says, “Woe is you.” Mariana repeats, “Woe is me. And no one ever cares how I feel.” That’s a pretty good summary of this whole season. Lena tells Stef that Callie’s social worker has called and she wants to discuss inconsistencies between Callie’s story and Brandon’s.

At Girls United, Brooke tells Callie that she wants her gone. Callie asks why she’s so worried about her being there. Brooke says, “I’m not worried about you. I just don’t like you.”

My love Jenna is back this week, thank goodness. She tells Lena that things are good between her and Monte and the sex is great. Thank goodness. Mariana says, “I can hear you and I really don’t want to picture the principal of my school having sex with one of my mom’s friends.” Jenna says that Monte “isn’t your typical lesbian.” Uuuuugh. She’s not suddenly a lesbian because she’s dating a woman. C’mon. Jenna mentions Monte’s great chest and Mariana says, “Okay, I’m gonna go upstairs.” Jenna calls after her, “It’s great to see you, sweetheart.” I love this woman. Jenna tells Lena that she feels like she’s falling in love with Monte, but she doesn’t know if she feels the same way about her. I’ll love you, Jenna!

Brandon says that he feels like he’s wasting time driving back and forth between camp and his house. Jenna says she has a friend who has a cabin by Idyllwild who would probably let them use it. She suggests that Brandon stays there one night and the rest of them drive up on Friday night, like a couple’s getaway. Lena isn’t too happy about this but she can’t exactly tell Jenna that Monte kissed her.

Callie is taking out the trash at Girls United when a car almost runs her over. When she runs inside, Brooke is waiting for her. She says, “You still think I’m a joke? Next time, you’ll bleed.”

Callie talks to Kiara and Daphne. Daphne thinks that Callie should get out of there because of Brooke. Callie asks, “What about Rita?” Callie asks Daphne if she thinks it’s weird that Carmen has decided not to join the army.

Callie finds out that Carmen used some of Brooke’s drugs, that’s why she’s decided not to join the army and it’s also why she won’t tell anyone that Brooke is the one who hit her. She knows that if she doesn’t lie to cover for Brooke, then Brooke will report her for using drugs. Callie asks her, “You’re so close to getting what you want in life. Why did you use?” Carmen sadly says that she was having a bad day and just wanted to get high. She said that if anyone finds out, that’s it. She’ll never be able to join the army. And she has to get into the army because if you’re in a gang, they don’t just let you leave. Callie asks if she cares about Rita and then says that she could have Stef drug test her. Carmen says that if Callie tells on her, she’ll tell her social worker that she kissed Brandon while they had the restraining order against him and then Callie won’t get adopted. Callie says, “I thought we were friends.” Carmen says, “I don’t have any friends. And don’t think for a second I won’t take you down with me.”

Brandon works with his pianist on their piece. He tells him to just play from the heart. He explains that the song is about being in love with someone you can never be with. The pianist says that he can’t play this the way Brandon wants him to and Brandon tells him to get the hell out.

AJ and Ty visit AJ’s grandma in the hospital. AJ asks Ty to stay, but Ty says that he’s made his choice. Mike followers Ty out and said that he’s not trying to get between them, he just wants to give AJ a home. AJ gets into a car with a guy who Mike recognizes as the accomplice in the hit and run from last season’s finale. Mike takes the pen that Ty used to sign in, careful not to smudge the fingerprints.

When Jenna arrives at the cabin, Monte and Lena are wine tipsy and giggling together. She can tell there’s a vibe.

When everyone attends Brandon’s performance, Jenna arrives late. Lena asks where Monte is and Jenna says that they broke up.

Brandon walks out and declares that he’s going to be playing his own piece. Jenna is the one person who tells it like it is and asks if he’s even capable of that.

After the performance, Jenna pulls Stef aside. Jenna is trying to hold back tears. Stef asked what happened and Jenna says that she’s not sure if she should tell her. When Stef presses her, Jenna says, “Monte and I broke up because she has feelings for somebody else.” Stef asks who. Jenna doesn’t want to answer, but can’t help glancing over at Lena.

The leader of the program announces that the composer and pianist who will be performing at Disney Hall will be Brandon Foster. Everyone celebrates and hugs Brandon.

There’s a scene of Mariana and Callie actually having a conversation. Such rare stuff. So precious. They’re at an Idyllwild party after the competition. I’ll still always be confused about how these kids get away with such obvious partying at camp. Is there one cabin that the adults just straight up don’t even glance into? Mariana points out it’s weird that their moms went home early. They’re interrupted by Mat wanting to talk to Mariana.

He tells her that he knows why she broke up with him, which worries her. He says, “When I extended the tour, you thought that was more important to me than you. But nothing’s more important. I want to spend the rest of the summer with you.” She hugs him tightly and kisses him.

Stef asks Lena if there’s something going on between her and Monte. Lena admits that Monte kissed her. Lena says it was nothing. Stef says, “If it was nothing, I think you would’ve told me.”

Brandon and Callie are alone in the cabin. Callie tells Brandon that he recorded Carmen admitting that the lied and sent it to Rita to clear her of all charges. Brandon asks, “That’s good, right?” Callie says that Carmen knows Callie kissed him while she was at Girls United and she’s going to tell her social worker and that it’s on the recording so now Rita knows. She says, “The judge will never let Lena and Stef adopt me.” She says that she couldn’t let Rita go to jail and lose everything when she didn’t do anything wrong and that the truth is Callie did do something wrong. Just when I think they can’t make my heart break for Callie any more than it already has. She says that she’ll probably end up living with her dad. She says, “It just wasn’t meant to be. None of it, I guess, was meant to be.”

They both go up to their own room. After a while, Brandon walks into Callie’s room. She’s still awake and sits up. They start kissing and then they have sex. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed with this plot point.

Photo Courtesy of ABC Family

About Lenny

Lenny Burnham is a TV blogger and co-host of the podcasts Secret Lover and Rerunning Wild, available on iTunes. Follow Lenny on Twitter @lennyburnham.