indymedia open publishing page (new article)

STEP 1: select number of file attachments (such as images, sound files and other media)
number of media items
(maximum of 20 items)
STEP 2: enter article data
title of article: (required)
(please use a clear and meaningful title)
author of article: (required)
(can be anonymous or made up)
summary of your article: (required)
(should give the readers a short introduction on what your article is about. If you use the first paragraph of your article for this purpose, please do not include it in the main text field below. maximum 5 lines)

your article: (required) fill in the text of your article here
STEP 3: enter additional information
formatting of article:
language of article:
genre of article: (required)
select the type of article you are posting
region of article: (required)
select the region to which your article pertains
topic of article: (required) (multiple selection up to 3 topics is possible)
[topic.civilliberties.title] imperialism & war [topic.climate.title] [topic.biotech.title]
[] [topic.corporate.title] [] [topic.indymedia.title]
[topic.elections.title] [topic.migration.title] []
action: (optional)
select the action to which your article relates
STEP 4: enter your contact information (optional - allows people to contact you or your organization)
e-mail address: (optional)
web-site address: (optional)
address: (optional)
telephone number: (optional)
STEP 5: choose file attachments (optional)
media (optional) upload media-files (supported filetypes: jpg | gif | mp3 | rm | avi | qt | mpeg) max size: 20 Mb
media sub-title 1 (required):
Media 1 (Press "Browse" and select the file you want to upload)
STEP 6: publish!
Please press submit only once!
It will appear in a few minutes on the main page. It might even take longer in case of heavy site traffic.