Repression against Indymedia

This document attempts to provide as complete as possible overview on repressional measures directed against Indymedia Centers around the world.
Please contribute and update it.

Please note that there exists a similar and partially overlapping document at ImcOppression which also lists repression to people, not just technical infrastructure (which this document is currently mostly about).


2001: Seattle IMC visited by US Secret Service and FBI seeking access to user data, gag order imposed

2003: IMC Israel shut down

2003: Diebold attempts DMCA takedown of Indymedia servers hosting leaked documents revealing voting machine flaws

2004: The Ahimsa seizure : invoked reason : an article (first link) on the hosted IMC-Nantes website

2004: US Secret Service attempts to gain access to NYC-Indymedia IP logs in conjunction with RNC protests

2005: IMC Paris/Île de France requested to hand over IP address logs

2005: IMC Bristol server seizure

2008: Saravá collective server seizure

Sarava collective used to host some IMCs pages, and vservers for test and backup of IMC Brazil, which was seized in 2008

2008: IMC Istanbul banned in Turkey

2008/2009: IMC Athens and IMC Patras threatened to be to shut down

2009: IMC Israel investigated

2009: IMC UK + IMC global server seizure

2009: and EFF successfully fend off illegal FBI subpoena and gag order for visitor IP logs


Topic revision: r9 - 28 Nov 2009 - 17:52:31 - ElisaX
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