
Fields ripe with calamity: a critique of Incredible Edible Todmorden - Wayne Spencer

A critique of a typical 'civil society' environmental group that aims at bring about social change without changing anything fundamental about the existing society.

Capital Mafia: fascists, politicians, cooperatives and the Roman mob

Massimo Carminati.

An excellent in-depth analysis on recent revelations in Italy about the connections in Rome between the Mafia, the far-right and local politicians, both left and right-wing.

United Campaign Workers Challenge the Predatory Tactics of Grassroots Campaigns Inc. and the Nature Conservancy

The United Campaign Workers, a project of the Portland IWW, showed the depth of its campaigns as it organized at Grassroots Campaign Inc., where workers are raising money for "progressive" organizations like Planned Parenthood and The Nature Conservancy. The shocking working conditions were matched by union busting tactics against a workplace that saw 100% IWW membership.

United Campaign Workers demand promised payment from the Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp

Hemp legalization canvassers walk off the job last week and form the Campaign Workers United, affiliated with the Portland Industrial Workers of the World.

The Starvation Army: Twelve reasons to reject the Salvation Army

Twelve reasons why you should think twice about supporting the Salvation Army.

The NGO sector: The Trojan horse of capitalism

There is very little theory out there about the issue of the NGO sector and the way it affects the social struggle. This is a translated version of a pamphlet written by "Crn Blok" - an anarchist group from Macedonia, where all dissent is being suffocated by a large number of various NGOs and their army of full-time professional "freedom fighters".

The American Peace Corps: volunteers for free enterprise [extended]

Originally post on "Reflections on a Revolution"

Like many Americans, I knew very little about the workings of the American Peace Corps. It wasn’t until I met a starry eyed graduate in Bangkok, Thailand who could only wax poetics about helping the poor set up businesses and take out micro-loans, that I felt I needed to know more.

Pissing blood

An account written by Abbey Volcano about non-profit employment, lack of medical insurance and divisions in the workplace.

S01E011 - Housing, homelessness and austerity

An edition of the Novara radio show in discussion with Kit Withnail who is Irish, a Catholic, a Marxist, and an antihumanist.

The climate change revolution will not be funded

Jared Sacks on the civil society/NGO exploitation of grassroots organizations at the United Nations COP 17 meeting on global warming in Durban.