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Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Αναρχικό κίνημα Wednesday September 16, 2015 19:41 by Πρωτοβουλία για τη συγκρότηση Αναρχικής Πολιτι_
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Δυόμιση χρόνια μετά την κατάθεση του πανελλαδικού καλέσματος για την προοπτική δημιουργίας Αναρχικής Πολιτικής Οργάνωσης από τέσσερις αναρχικές συλλογικότητες της Αθήνας («Κύκλος της Φωτιάς», «Στέκι Αντίπνοια», «Καθοδόν», «Αναρχικοί για την Κοινωνική Απελευθέρωση»), οι διαδικασίες του προσυνεδριακού διαλόγου ολοκληρώθηκαν.
Το αρχικό κάλεσμα πλαισίωσαν μια σειρά από συλλογικότητες που ανταποκρίθηκαν και οι οποίες δεσμεύτηκαν επί ενός πολιτικού πλαισίου όπως αυτό αποτυπώθηκε σε επτά βασικά σημεία.


international / economy Sunday September 13, 2015 07:46 by Shawn Hattingh
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It was long ago stated that capitalism came into the world dripping in blood and dirt, from every pore, from head to toe. While it has demonstrated that it won’t simply collapse under its own weight, the recent goings-on around the current capitalist crisis have shown that with age it has become even more hideous. Capitalism is now rank with massive state intervention required to simply keep its rotting body moving: through states propping up the financial sector and deepening the colossal attack on the working class.

The goings-on that have once again highlighted capitalism’s depravity, are the turmoil – starting in China – that has occurred over the last few weeks on stock markets; including the underlying causes that led to it, and the actions that the ruling classes have taken since then to try and end it, or at least alleviate it.

The recent volatility in world stock markets erupted in earnest in June 2015. In June, the Chinese stock markets began a plunge that has frightened the ruling classes (capitalists, top state officials and politicians) across the globe. This plunge has not yet ended, and so far the Shanghai Stock Market has lost 40% of its value. In the wake of this, stock markets from New York to London have reeled; leading to a roller coaster ride of uncertainty.

france / belgique / luxembourg / mouvement anarchiste Wednesday September 09, 2015 15:47 by Commission internationale A.L.
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XIIe congrès d'Alternative Libertaire

Tous les deux ans, Alternative libertaire tient un congrès, qui est sa principale instance décisionnelle. Les textes adoptés, après débats dans les Collectifs AL et lors du congrès, permettent de tirer les enseignements des années passées, de définir nos orientations et nos priorités pour notre activité quotidienne à venir.

Ce congrès a notamment été l'occasion d'adopter des textes sur le féminisme, sur l'antiracisme, sur l'écologie et sur le bilan de l'activité de notre courant communiste-libertaire depuis la fin du XXème siècle.
southern africa / community struggles Thursday September 03, 2015 18:24 by Sifuna Zonke
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On 3 September 1984, the Vaal Triangle, which is located southeast of Johannesburg and was part of the industrial heartland of South Africa, exploded into unrest. A general stay-away from work was called, schools were closed, buses and taxis stood idle and militant protest spread across the country. It was the most significant and large-scale rebellion of the black working class since the Soweto Uprising of June, 1976, and signified one of the final nails in the coffin of apartheid and white minority rule.

For the black working class living in the townships across the Vaal Triangle, such as Sharpeville, Sebokeng, Evaton, Bophelong, Boiketlong, Zamdela and others the conditions were very similar to those of today. A slump in the steel industry had led to many workers being retrenched, there were evictions of rent defaulters and bribery, corruption and self-enrichment of local councillors was rife. Councillors’ election promises went unfulfilled and township residents demanded their resignation; allegedly threatening that they would set fire to their houses should they fail to do so.

Thirty-one years later, on 21 April 2015, the Sebokeng Magistrate’s Court in the Vaal sentenced four community activists from Boiketlong to sixteen years in prison each for allegedly setting fire to the local ward councillor’s house and cars during a protest action.

international / anarchist movement Tuesday September 01, 2015 18:41 by Corporate Watch
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DAF - Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet

In May this year, Corporate Watch researchers travelled to Turkey and Kurdistan to investigate the companies supplying military equipment to the Turkish police and army. We talked to a range of groups from a variety of different movements and campaigns.

Below is the transcript of our interview with three members of the anarchist group Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF, or Revolutionary Anarchist Action) in Istanbul during May 2015. DAF are involved in solidarity with the Kurdish struggle, the Rojava revolution and against ISIS' attack on Kobane, and have taken action against Turkish state repression and corporate abuse. They are attempting to establish alternatives to the current system through self-organisation, mutual aid and co-operatives.

The interview was carried out in the run-up to the Turkish elections, and touches on the election campaign by the HDP, the pro-Kurdish People's Democratic Party. Soon after the interview took place, the HDP passed the threshold of 10% of the total vote needed to enter the Turkish parliament.

The DAF members – who all preferred to remain anonymous – began the interview by talking about the history of anarchism in the region.


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