Ian Stuart : Zero of the White Race, Skrewdriver, and “The Battle of Waterloo”

Update : September 25, 2008: A good (if typically flawed) biography of Ian and Skrewdriver, ‘The Legacy of Ian Stuart’, Fat Richard Warwick, Swindle, No.3. Note that while German label Rock-O-Rama — on which Skrewdriver released an album (Hail The New Dawn) and single (Invasion/On The Streets) in 1984 — has since evolved into Belgian label Pure Impact, a fascist-sympathising businessman, Herbert Egoldt, remains at the helm (if in the shadows). Note too that ex-Skrewydriver bassist Murray Holmes is back playing gigs Down Under with The Quick & The Dead, and with the support of local (Perth) punk band The Homicides.

Neo-Nazi skinhead Ian Stuart Donaldson (b.1957) was killed in a car accident in 1993, and ever since he’s a been a subject of veneration — well, for a handful of other boneheads anyway — as well as derision (everyone else). Before he died a long-overdue death, however, Stuart managed — as the founder of Blood & Honour and vocalist for Skrewdriver — to earn himself a reputation as being one of England’s most notorious boneheads… as well as being among the top one hundred of the finest musicians to ever come out of Blackpool with-a-Grammar-school-education and to then die-in-a-car-accident-in-1993.

In an interview in some zine or other, Stuart is alleged to have remarked (before his death… presumably) that:

I am not the type of person to creep and crawl to a bunch of weak-kneed, pacifist lefties and two-faced Zionists. One must be honest to people about one’s beliefs and especially when the survival of our very race is at stake. I have no doubt that anyone who expounds patriotic beliefs has a little black mark put against his name, and by now I must have a massive black mark near my name. C’est la guerre.

Mad as a cut snake, obviously.

But that wasn’t all there was to Stuart. For, as well being quite a daft bugger and a god-awful musician,* he was also a coward and a bully:

Following the events of May 27 [1989: B&H stupidly tried to hold a gig in London — ‘The Main Event’ — and got their arses kicked by Anti-Fascist Action], Ian Stuart left his house in King’s Cross and moved to Derbyshire. [AFA] heard rumours that the Chelsea Headhunters were trying to muscle in on on the [B&H] cash cow and were making threatening noises in his direction. There was, however, another reason for his swift departure from London, and that was the activities of a certain ex-Manc by the name of Hefty who harassed and attacked the [B&H] leader at every given opportunity.

The area around King’s Cross and Euston was bandit country. Lone fascists, small groups of [neo-Nazis] and even whole firms came to grief in the streets around the two stations. Hefty and a few other lads, namely AJ, Carl, Pete G, and Gavin, used to operate around that area and chanced upon Stuart on a number of occasions. They gave him and his followers a few serious hidings at various times, but the event that seemed to give Stuart the real horrors was when he went out early one morning to buy a newspaper and a pint of milk, and was hit across the head by a large Mancunian wielding a Lucozade bottle. Ian Stuart was a coward and a bully. He liked to throw his weight around when the odds were in his favour, but when confronted on any number of occasions by AFA lads he legged it and left his comrades to face the music…

[NB: “The Headhunter heyday was back in the mid-1980s when Steven Hickmott led the group… Hickmott was eventually picked up by police in the country’s first undercover football operation. Sentenced to ten years for organising violence (later overturned after police evidence was questioned), Hickmott was replaced with Chris “Chubby” Henderson, a long-time [neo-Nazi] activist and singer with the Oi band Combat 84.” Locally, Combat 84 — alongside of Condemned 84 and a number of other racist/fascist Oi! bands — is available through Deadset Music.]

Stuart also had the privilege in his too-long life of being a failed businessman: between 1987 and 1989, AFA managed to close down the few shops in Carnaby Street scabby enough to actually stoop to selling his music and merchandise, leaving his few fans unhappy shoppers… and B&H humiliated.

Below is an account of ‘The Battle of Waterloo’ by a former member of Manchester AFA, Dave Hann; the battle between boneheads and antifa taking place the very last time Skrewdriver tried to play London, and a little over twelve months before Stuart made his final descent into Hell.

Curiously, it’s a little known fact that, at the time of his death, Derby Coroner Peter Ashworth concluded:

We are still no nearer finding out what caused this tragic accident. All we can say is that, whatever his parent’s defects, Stuart became less easy to control. But there must have been some other factor which contributed to the crash, even if Ian had not grabbed the wheel in a way many others in the same situation would never have done.

So, as we remember Ian the Bonehead, we should also remember all the other Boneheads.

And send them our very best wishes.

STAGE BOTTLESDead But Not Forgiven

    Ian couldn’t drive a car
    As we all know
    He trusted too much in all his gods
    And though he was a human being
    We don’t feel any sorrow for him

    Now we got rid of one of those cunts
    He’s been one of our most important enemies
    So we forget our respect for life
    Cause all he did was senseless shit


    Now we’re here and having our fun
    Having our fun and thinking about him
    He’s been the one who misused the word Skinhead
    He himself was never one – he was a fucking Bonehead

[*Some conspiracy theorists maintain that ‘the Jews’ are ‘the ones what are responsible’ for not only Stuart’s ‘accidental’ death but his ‘deliberate’ birth too; seemingly on the basis that his music — being so unbearably mediocre — was devised solely in order to discredit the bonehead image, and to ruin the cottage White Power? Give ‘Em A Golden Shower! muzak industry that was borne in his flatulent wake.]

The Battle of Waterloo, September 12th, 1992

In August 1992, posters proclaiming “Skrewdriver Back in London” were spotted in various parts of the country. They were advertising a Blood and Honour [B&H] concert due to take place in London on September 12. At first we assumed it was a hoax, as Skrewdriver hadn’t even attempted to play in London since The Main Event, but as time went by it became obvious that it was anything but a hoax.

The concert was once more touted to be a massive affair, with up to 2,000 [neo-Nazis] expected to attend and several bands playing, including Skrewdriver, Skullhead, No Remorse and a Swedish band called Dirlewanger. There was a rumour flying about that a mainstream music promoter was willing to seriously back [B&H] if the gig proved a success and any opposition was muted or destroyed. Once again the gig was at a secret location with a re-direction point, which this time was at Waterloo Station at 5.30pm. We heard on the grapevine that both the BNP and the British Movement (BM) had been approached to help with security for the event.

By coincidence, a week before the concert the AFA’s Unity Carnival was due to take place on Hackney Downs in London. A request was made for stewards to attend from around the country in case the fash tried a pre-emptive strike, but nothing untoward happened and the carnival passed off peacefully. Maybe the fash were hoping that if they left us alone, we would leave them alone. Fat chance.

The carnival was cold and rain-swept, but at least it gave us a chance to alert an already interested audience to the following weekend’s events. In the meantime, London AFA contacted all the various anti-racist and anti-fascist groups with details of what was to happen at Waterloo, but no-one seemed interested. The ANL suddenly decided that they were holding a march in Thornton Heath, more than fifteen miles away. So it looked like we were on our own, but then we never seriously expected anything else.

Neil Parrish, who had become one of [B&H]’s main organisers, boasted to the media that he would be available at 4.30pm on the station concourse to give interviews. A Sky News reporter was worried that he wouldn’t be able to find the bones and was told that as they were expecting between 1,000 and 2,000 at the station, “you’ll have no trouble finding us”. By a strange coincidence, 4.30pm was when London AFA announced that they were also calling a counter-demonstration at the station.

We took about twenty stewards down from Manchester. All the usual suspects were present, including Gerry, Steve, Wigan Mike, Gary the Axe, Solo, Big Dave and the rest. We eventually arrived in the Smoke at 1pm and met up with the London AFA lads in a pub on the Holloway Road. AFA groups from around the country were arriving all the time, swelling numbers to about 200. The atmosphere was tense because everyone knew that this was the big one. It really was a case of do or die. We had a fair-sized mob out that day, with good numbers from Liverpool, Doncaster and London itself, but it looked tiny in comparison to what I knew we could expect to find at Waterloo.

I tried to push all thoughts of what lay ahead to the back of my mind. I was nervous and tense but did my best to appear laid back and unconcerned. Sometimes it just hits you like that. Sometimes you’re really buzzing and up for it, while at others you get a queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. Either way you have to force yourself to stay cool, especially when you are in a position where other people are relying on you to keep a clear head.

At 3.20pm, AFA’s Stewards’ Group appeared on the station concourse at Waterloo, causing a number of bones to flee for their lives. Three boneheads drinking in the station were set upon. The police tried to push their way through the AFA mob crowding at the entrance to the bar in an attempt to arrest those inside, and in doing so missed the guilty parties making good their escape through another exit not ten feet away. We heard rumours afterwards that these first casualties were in fact plainclothes police sent to Waterloo to infiltrate [B&H].

Both Steve and Gerry were involved in early exchanges with the [neo-Nazis], but Gerry hurt his hand punching someone on the side of the head. He spent the rest of the afternoon complaining about it. “I think I’ve broken ma fuckin’ knuckle”, he moaned.

More boneheads were attacked as they entered the station, and the police were forced to cordon off the [neo-Nazis] in the middle of the station concourse. Along with several other AFA stewards I infiltrated the cordon. Once inside I sidled up behind the biggest bonehead I could find and started kicking him surreptitiously in the back of the ankles.

“You’re going to die when we get out of here”, I whispered into his ear.

He tried to ignore me, but he was shaking like a leaf.

“Did you hear me, you baldy wanker?” I goaded. “When we get out of here I’m going to kill you.”

All the colour had drained out of him and for a moment I thought he was going to faint. His misery was brought to an end when the police decided to escort the [neo-Nazis] out of the station to safety, but once outside, and out of view of the CCTV cameras, they were astonished when their escort suddenly imploded from within as the anti-fascists turned on the boneheads. The bonehead I was goading earlier had shot off like a rabbit, and I only managed to land a couple of glancing blows on the back of his head.

This scenario was re-enacted several times over the next hour and a half as we continued to resist police attempts to force us off the station concourse. While this game of cat and mouse was going on, other groups of anti-fascists were ambushing boneheads coming up the escalators from the tube station.

I was arrested by the Transport Police at Waterloo Station during one of these scuffles, but for some reason I was never charged with anything, and to my surprise they released me an hour or so later with a warning to leave the immediate area or risk being arrested again. I ignored the warning of course. There was no way I was going to miss this.

The Transport Police at Waterloo Station have a little office at the side of the concourse, and I basically took two steps out of the front door and I was smack bang in the middle of a full-scale riot again. Boneheads were still being chased and battered everywhere you looked, and the police had completely lost control of the situation.

By 5pm, there were nearly 1,000 anti-fascists on the concourse and fights were still breaking out all over the place. Shortly afterwards, the station was shut down at the request of the manager, freeing AFA from the responsibility of holding the concourse any longer and allowing us to surge out into the streets to confront the groups of boneheads mobbing up outside. Neil Parrish was nowhere to be seen.

Everywhere you looked boneheads were being battered and chased. A group of fifty right-wing casuals got themselves trapped under a footbridge, and despite being surrounded by riot police they came under attack from all sides, including an aerial bombardment of broken quarry tiles from the footbridge above…

Elsewhere, individuals and small groups arriving on foot or by car were picked off as they approached the station. One carload of bones was trapped when the driver made the unfortunate mistake of leaving his window wound down, providing an opportunistic anti-fascist with the chance to reach in and turn his engine off and remove the keys before the vehicle was attacked. The immobile car was nearly turned over.

I saw one panic-stricken bonehead run the entire length of the street with his arms covering his head to protect himself. A sensible enough precaution except for the fact that he couldn’t see where he was going and kept running into groups of anti-fascists who gave him the occasional dig as he ran past them. Eventually someone put him out of his misery and tripped him up. I caught him a beauty as he fell, my boot going upwards as he was falling forwards. Within seconds he was unconscious.

Four stations had now been shut down in the area due to “rioting”, including Charing Cross, making it difficult for anyone to reach Waterloo, although a large mob of bones arrived on foot via the footbridge across the Thames. They soon wished they hadn’t as they immediately came under attack. A number of football supporters from various clubs, including Arsenal, QPR, Millwall and Chelsea also found their way to the area and joined one side or the other according to their political beliefs.

The football supporters mostly arrived at Waterloo in ones or twos, or in small groups. Some were attempting to make their way home after the match, while others were attracted to the area by radio reports of the rioting. Millwall and Chelsea arrived mob-handed. Chelsea, as expected, were pretty much on the side of [B&H]. The situation with Millwall was less clear-cut. Everyone expected them to be 100 per cent behind the fash but when one of Millwall’s main men was approached by Nicky Cooper of the NF pleading for help on [B&H]’s behalf, he got more than he bargained for. He was apparently sent sprawling by a vicious punch and told, “We’ve come to kick their heads in, not go to their fucking stupid gig”. However, another well-known face at Millwall, “Tags” or “Taggart”, collapsed with a heart attack in the middle of the fascist ranks after coming under an anti-fascist bombardment of bricks and paving slabs.

Skirmishes continued all around Waterloo as the [neo-Nazis] and their police escorts came under concerted attack by large numbers of anti-fascists. The police did not know what to do with their escorts and the fascists themselves did not know where the venue was because Neil Parrish and the rest of the organisers were sat in a pub at Victoria Station. When phone calls were made by the trapped fascists to the organisers demanding that they either be given the venue details or be rescued, they were told that they should try to make their way to Victoria where they would be told the location of the gig…

Eventually the police managed to get things under control and escorted the remaining fash to Temple tube station where they were put on a commandeered train out of the area. In the end, less than 400 got into the gig at the Yorkshire Grey pub in Eltham, south-east London. The anti-fascists, meanwhile, were broken up into small groups by the police, cordoned off and escorted on foot across the Thames towards central and north London…

The papers the next morning all carried reports of the “Battle of Waterloo” and on the whole the reports were fairly accurate, except for the Sunday Times, which attributed the whole thing to the Anti-Nazi League [an SWP front oganisation]. This might have been because the ANL actually sent out a press release claiming responsibility. On a similar note, I cannot let the occasion pass without mentioning a small lefty sect by the name of Workers’ Power, who amid all the carnage and rioting at Waterloo, actually tried to do a paper sale!

On a foggy night in [September] 1993, Ian Stuart died in a car-crash in Derbyshire. His death opened the door for Combat 18 to muscle in on the Blood and Honour cash cow.

Source : No Retreat, pp.193-199

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2016 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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278 Responses to Ian Stuart : Zero of the White Race, Skrewdriver, and “The Battle of Waterloo”

  1. Anders Lagerstrom says:

    Dear Mr Bastard, Slackbastard, Andy, or whatever…

    You really are a funny fellow! Seriously, you are!
    Your responses are witty – I have a laugh out loud!
    Some people should learn how to spell…

    Unfortunately, I am in complete disagreement with your political line – I think ‘multiculturalism’ is stupid and destructive and I find it strange that you would brand someone that merely disagrees with you and yours as some sort of a%$hole who deserves to be beaten up by your idiotic ‘anti-fascist-thug-idiot mates.’ People of varied ‘groups’ don’t get along, don’t want to get along and never will get along.

    Saying that, I’m not lying awake in bed all night thinking ‘bloody slackbastard and his brick-throwing mates…arrggg’, but why the hell are you and your mates bent out of shape about people whose opinions are different from yours?
    Anyway, it’s a Sunday afternoon and it’s time for an Aussie BBQ – a real anti-anarchist BBQ. Slabs of steak and a tiny little bit of onion. And the ultimate BBQ bands, Butthole Surfers and Killdozer on loud volume!

  2. @ndy says:

    Anders Lagerstrom,


    You think ‘multiculturalism’ is stoopid and destructive. I don’t, but then I don’t know what you mean by the term, and you present no evidence in support of your argument.

    Your assertion that I brand anyone who disagrees with me as being some sort of a%$hole who deserves to be beaten up by my idiotic ‘anti-fascist-thug-idiot mates’ is plainly false. I disagree with other people all the time, about all sortsa things, for all sortsa reasons. I also understand that people don’t always get along with one another, that this is for all sortsa reasons, and that these tensions express themselves in all sortsa ways, in all sortsa contexts.

    Enjoy your organic tofu steak, onions and vegan beer, and feel free to respond seriously if you wish.



  3. Anders Lagerstrom says:

    Care to give us some reasons to why you think multiculturalism isn’t stupid and destructive[?]

  4. @ndy says:


    Define multiculturalism.

    Explain why you believe it to be both stupid and destructive.

  5. Anders Lagerstrom says:

    The reason why it’s destructive, is it allows the Asians to reap employment from our locals. BTW. Multiculturalism extends the rights towards minorities to bash white Aussies. When my mates were bashed by Lebs, where were you ‘anti-fascists’ then…ayyy?

  6. @ndy says:


    You’ve failed to define multiculturalism.

    Apparently, though, it’s some thing which:

    1. “allows the Asians to reap employment from our locals” and;
    2. “extends the rights towards minorities to bash white Aussies”.

    Neither of these claims makes much sense.

    Assault is a crime, whoever commits it, and ‘multiculturalism’ — whatever it is — has obviously not resulted in any changes to Australian law so as to allow the indiscriminate use of violence by ‘minorities’ against ‘white Aussies’.

    Regarding employment, if by ‘reaping’ you mean that some Asian-Australians have jobs — yes, this is correct. If you believe this to be in some way remarkable, I guess you could always try contacting the Newsdesk at the Herald Sun with a tip-off…ayyy?

    Switchboard phone: (03) 9292 2000

    Reader Helpline
    Phone: (03) 9292 1928
    Email: [email protected]
    Herald Sun newsdesk

    Phone: (03) 9292 1226
    Fax: (03) 9292 2112
    Email: [email protected]
    Sunday Herald Sun newsdesk

    Phone: (03) 9292 2963
    Fax: (03) 9292 2080
    Email: [email protected]
    Postal address

    PO Box 14999,
    Melbourne City MC, 8001

    HWT Tower,
    40 City Rd,
    Southbank 3006,
    Online department

    E-mail: [email protected]

  7. Anders Lagerstrom says:

    I understand, it[‘]s sad to see you as the mega anti-fash cake but lick your lips at watching old whitey getting his head kicked. Certainly not an anti-racist in my books. Ayyy.

  8. @ndy says:

    Which books would those be Anders? Mein Kampf? Pat The Bunny? And what did the Newsdesk say when you told them that some people of Asian descent have jobs? Were they as stunned at the news as you and I were? I didn’t notice anything on the front page but then again, we all know Who Controls The Media amirite?

  9. dj says:

    Andy, I hear that there are Scots who have jobs in Australia. Speaking as an Englishman conveniently ignoring the polyglotinous genetic heritage, this simply will not do! Don’t even get me started on those Continental types.

  10. @ndy says:

    I Am A Mega Anti-Fash Cake And I Lick My Lips!

    Read The Protocols Of The Elders Of Glasgow!

    Teh Asians Are Coming!
    Teh Asians Are Coming!

    Watch Out For That Tree Ian!

    You’re not a dj, dj, certainly not in my book.


  11. Anders Lagerstrom says:

    Who the fuck do you think you are? Andy Rick Robertson? I came on this website to have a respectful argument, but for some odd reason end up copping insults.

  12. Anders Lagerstrom says:

    Why even bother, I won’t waste my time on this site, when there are better sites out there:


  13. @ndy says:

    Thanks for playing Anders.

    Your prize is in the mail.

    As for wasting time, I too sometimes wonder why fascist trolls such as yourself bother mashing your keyboard in this fashion. I’ve come to the conclusion that you/they are starved of attention.

    That, and a little nutty.


  14. Anders Lagerstrom says:

    This is the real Anders that obviously left this open on the net when he fell asleep after too much beer and Killdozer (the last post I did here was on the 23rd).

    Mr S.Bastard:
    “You think ‘multiculturalism’ is stoopid and destructive. I don’t, but then I don’t know what you mean by the term, and you present no evidence in support of your argument.”

    Well Andy, or Mr Bastard, if you will; to put it simply, I think it’s not a great idea to congregate (pardon the religious term) different groups of people in big cities that hate each other. I’m sure you’re familiar with the term ‘multiculturalism’, it’s a popular left-wing term used by every mainstream politician in the country.

    Mr S.Bastard:
    “Your assertion that I brand anyone who disagrees with me as being some sort of a%$hole who deserves to be beaten up by my idiotic ‘anti-fascist-thug-idiot mates’ is plainly false.”

    Well, the ‘anti-fascist hero’ that recalled his past glories that you interviewed sounds like the sort of person that would find out where you lived, sneak around to your place when you’re not there and kill your dog or cat. Prob’ly set your house on fire hoping your elderly Granny lived there. Seriously, he does sound like that sort.

    Mr S.Bastard:
    “I disagree with other people all the time, about all sortsa things, for all sortsa reasons. I also understand that people don’t always get along with one another, that this is for all sortsa reasons, and that these tensions express themselves in all sortsa ways, in all sortsa contexts.”

    Yes, that’s right. Always will be.
    People should not be forced (by politicians) to get along and hold hands under a yummy pink rainbow just because it makes politicians feel like they are doing something nice.

    Mr S.Bastard:
    “Enjoy your organic tofu steak, onions and vegan beer, and feel free to respond seriously if you wish.”

    Right…asked for that one.

    Have a pleasant Friday evening with many a beverage!

  15. @ndy says:

    This is the real @ndy that obviously left his fly open on the net when he fell asleep after too much beer and pills and Killdozer and you call this cup of shit coffee?

    Mr A. Lagerstrom:

      Well Andy, or Mr Bastard, if you will; to put it simply, I think it’s not a great idea to congregate (pardon the religious term) different groups of people in big cities that hate each other. I’m sure you’re familiar with the term ‘multiculturalism’, it’s a popular left-wing term used by every mainstream politician in the country.

    Your religiosity is only excused if and when you kneel before Irwin Allen. I agree with you about the presence of Carlton fans in Melbourne. They are dangerous. But I’m sure you’re familiar with the term ‘reality’, it’s a popular left-wing term used by every mainstream politician in the country.

    Mr A. Lagerstrom:

      Well, the ‘anti-fascist hero’ that recalled his past glories that you interviewed sounds like the sort of person that would find out where you lived, sneak around to your place when you’re not there and kill your dog or cat. Prob’ly set your house on fire hoping your elderly Granny lived there. Seriously, he does sound like that sort.

    The ‘anti-fascist’ hero in question that I didn’t interview (cf. ‘reality’) is Dave Hann (Who Helps People). Grandma Smith Said A Curious Thing about Dave: He lives in the UK; he only smacked Nazis.

    Dave: The boneheads in the UK have largely been eradicated, due to the efforts of Anti-Fascist Action in the 90’s. They were basically a bunch of bullies who didn’t like it when they were confronted by people who were prepared to stand up to them. I think as far as boneheads and their friends are concerned that’s pretty much the picture the whole world over. They can look quite intimidating when there’s a whole mob of them together, but whenever they were faced with equal numbers, or when they were on their own, they acted pretty much like bullies have always done. Mickey Finn, a docker and anti-fascist from the East End of London summed it up pretty succinctly when he said “the fascists looked pretty tough customers, some of them even wore para-military uniforms… but when it came down to it they weren’t very good on the pavement.”

    Well none of us were full-time professional anti-racists, we were just ordinary people who either worked for a living or were unemployed, meaning we had neither the time nor the resources to partake in expensive, and often futile, propaganda campaigns. I think we always tried to be realistic about what we could achieve, and concentrated our energies where we felt we could make a difference. The fascists at the time had a policy of “controlling the streets,” and that’s where we took them on. We challenged them on the streets, and destroyed the myth of invincibility that they had built up. We also targeted our propaganda at the potential recruits of the fascist groups, the white, working class. I think there was a real point of separation between AFA and the more traditional anti-racist/anti-nazi groups on these two points. We were the only group willing to tackle the fascists physically, and the only group trying to undercut their support in places they regarded as their traditional strongholds.

    In places where these policies were properly implemented in the 80’s and 90’s, it’s a fact that the fascists have never really recovered, even when they are doing well elsewhere in the country. We took out a whole generation, and in places like Manchester there is no organisation or infrastructure for potential new recruits to join.

    I think that’s the most important point I’d like to get across. Set yourselves an achievable target, work out the best way of achieving it, and then keep on going for it until the job’s done.

    Mr A. Lagerstrom:

      Yes, that’s right. Always will be.
      People should not be forced (by politicians) to get along and hold hands under a yummy pink rainbow just because it makes politicians feel like they are doing something nice.

    Funnily enough, some people believe that opposing neo-Nazism does not require faith in the existence of pink rainbows, unicorns, or happy politicians. Also, the song ‘Final Market’ tells the story of a youth, exploited by his employer (Weil, Simone. Oppression and Liberty. Amherst: University of Massachusetts, 1973) a ruthless newspaper distributor and pub manager. Finally, the Peoples’ Revolution arrives (Lunn, Arnold Henry Moore. The Science of World Revolution. London: Sheed and Ward, 1938), and the lad justifiably kills his (Nazi sympathiser) boss.

  16. Anders Lagerstrom says:

    Hello again Mr Bastard,

    “Your religiosity is only excused if and when you kneel before Irwin Allen.”

    Yes, the master of realllism!
    I know nothing of Carlton fans or silly games involving adult men that chase after a leather misshaped ball, whilst not wearing much…However, I’m familiar with reality.

    “The ‘anti-fascist’hero in question that I didn’t interview (cf. ‘reality’)…”

    Yeah all right you nitpicker you.

    “…is Dave Hann (Who Helps People). Grandma Smith Said A Curious Thing about Dave: He lives in the UK; he only smacked Nazis.”

    He still sounds like a violent nut-job that should not be allowed to live anywhere near the vicinity of a school, kindergarten, or nursing home. If an old lady fell over whilst walking down the road, our hero Dave would probably want to know whether she was a ‘fascist’ before helping her up.

    “Funnily enough, some people believe that opposing neo-Nazism does not require faith in the existence of pink rainbows, unicorns, or happy politicians.”

    I didn’t mention unicorns ya dill! I merely called ‘multiculturalism’ into question…which has nothing to do with neo-nazism.

    “The boneheads in the UK have largely been eradicated, due to the efforts of Anti-Fascist Action in the 90’s.”

    There ya go. None of ’em left, at least hardly enough to half fill a pub and see a bunch of 50 year old veterans with tattoos that look awful these days at a glorification event. Tell Dave to drop the apostrophe on 90s eh? My turn to nitpick.

    “Well none of us were full-time professional anti-racists…”

    What or whom is a “full-time professional anti-racist?”
    Is that Anna Bligh, K Rudd or Julia Gillard? Seriously, can you get a job as a “full-time professional anti-racist?”

    Killdozer on their ‘Uncompromising…’ album were having a laugh. Michael Gerald stated that whilst he was in ‘college’ he was exposed to quite a lot of communist / left-wing rhetoric (as I was in my younger days at university) that it basically began to parody itself. The title of ‘Uncompromising…’ is two communist Chinese ‘art works’ strung together.

    Anders, the best of all short-order fry cooks is signing off for the afternoon.
    Have a good one son and give your trusty dog ‘Knuckles’ a pat for me.

  17. @ndy says:

    Anders Lagerstrom,

    If you are familiar with reality, then you will also be familiar with the fact that it’s not only possible, but actual — a realised possibility — for different groups of people, whether in big cities or small, to not only not simply ‘hate’ each other, but to display a wide range of emotions and behaviours; further, for such emotions, displays, interactions and understandings to be complex, multiple, sometimes contradictory, and to change over time. That you believe it’s not a great idea for different kinds of people to occupy the same space is your problem, and has very little, if anything, to do with Ian Stuart Donaldson, Skrewdriver, Blood & Honour, the Batttle of Waterloo, or anti-fascist activism, whether in Australia, the UK, or anywhere else. Further, the icky feeling you get when you encounter others who you believe to be radically and fundamentally different to yourself has very little, if anything, to do with the doctrine of ‘multiculturalism’ or its history in Australia — whether in terms of government policy or as some kinda social phenomenon.

    The same applies in the case of what you think Dave Hann is like.


    You think ‘multiculturalism’ is stoopid and destructive. I don’t, but then I don’t know what you mean by the term, and you present no evidence in support of your argument.

    ‘Multiculturalism’ does have little to do with neo-Nazism (a contemporary manifestation of which is Blood & Honour), outside of the fact that the fascist bozos who belong to B&H and attend its rare performances in Melbourne also regard ‘multiculturalism’ as being stoopid and destructive. (Mind you, they also think The Jew controls The World, so…)

    AFA did manage to suppress the activities of boneheads in the ’90s in the UK. But there are still boneheads prancing about: see : Blood & Honour 2008 ISD gig : Redhill, Somerset. Mind you, the gig referred to in this post was held in Somerset, not London, and the bones came from all over Europe, even Australia. The Australian delegate, Nicole “Andy from slackbastard is just a loudmouth leftie keyboard warrior and nothing to worry about” Hanley, sadly lost her job at arms manufacturer Thales following her exposure as a neo-Nazi activist, but you can still meet and greet her at the Sydney Forum in a few weeks time if you feel that way inclined.

    As for B&H…

    Founded in 1987, as a vehicle for White-Power music and a cash cow for other fascist groups, by Ian Stuart Donaldson (of Skrewdriver & car crash fame), in response to the activities of Anti-Fascist Action. Rather like football hooliganism, Blood & Honour originated in England, but has gone on to bigger and better things elsewhere. An important player in the development of far-right ideas internationally, Blood & Honour has struggled to retain much of a profile in its homeland. Unable to advertise gigs openly in Britain they’ve recently become even more of a laughing stock after Antifa hacked their forum and posted the entire thing online. Plus, their music is shit.

    Do say : “Ian Stuart’s name will certainly live on with you guys about.”
    Don’t say : “Of course all the original skinheads only listened to Jamaican music.”
    Definitely don’t say : “Everyone knows that most skinheads these days are gay.”

    But really, I think you’re skirting around the issue, which isn’t to do with ‘multiculturalism’ or AFA or Dave Hann so much as your upset with the end of Gary’s tenure at The Birmingham Hotel, and the impact this and attendant issues has had on various local odds and sods. And yeah, many boneheads are pushing 50 (cf. Chumley and Simon of T.H.U.G. or Murray of Q.A.T.D.) but not all — Fiona ‘Deadset’ must be only 30 or so yeah?

      What or whom is a “full-time professional anti-racist?” Is that Anna Bligh, K Rudd or Julia Gillard? Seriously, can you get a job as a “full-time professional anti-racist?”

    Yes, there are ‘full time professional anti-racists’, but they’re not MPs like Anna or KRudd or Julia. See : Liberal Foundations And Anti-Racism Activism, Michael Barker, Swans, August 24, 2009.

    And no, I had no idea Killdozer were not committed Communists.

    Time for some punk.

    i estimated your worth today
    and i’m not gonna listen to what you say
    and i’m never gonna go back to work
    you’re not my boss, you’re just a fucking jerk

    you’re pathetic, you’re disgusting
    you’re pathetic, you make me sick

    i estimated your worth today, you’re shit

    you can go out of business for all i care
    your way of life isn’t going anywhere
    i’m not stupid and i won’t be led
    by pricks like you who’d be better off dead

    you’re pathetic, you’re disgusting
    you’re pathetic, you make me sick

    i estimated your worth today, you’re shit

  18. @ndy says:

    On ‘Violent London’:

  19. dj says:

    Fords vs. Holdens, I call for separate roads now!

  20. Anders Lagerstrom says:

    Mr Bastard:
    “…so much as your upset with the end of Gary’s tenure at The Birmingham Hotel…”

    I really couldn’t give a rat’s. Don’t even know where it is. And Gary (whoever he is) can go and get a job sweeping roads for all I care. Gary can recommend hiring the local scout hall.

    Mr Bastard:
    “And yeah, many boneheads are pushing 50 (cf. Chumley and Simon of T.H.U.G. or Murray of Q.A.T.D.) but not all — Fiona ‘Deadset’ must be only 30 or so yeah?”

    I suppose so. None of the above mentioned have a hope in changing the world to suit themselves or their agenda. They are probably better off throwing a ten cent coin against an office building and seeing whether they can knock it down. A bit like you and your lot I suppose.

    I know someone in Perth who knows quite a lot about the punk etc music scene over there and poor old Murray sounds like a tired old bloke. Q.A.T.D (who I have heard and not only do I think they are pretty average, they don’t seem to say much on the ‘seig-heilin’ side of politics either. Rush are a far more interesting band…) apparently do the odd ‘secret’ afternoon gig.

    Anyway, I’m signing off from here and if any bugger uses my name as previously done to post here, it’s not me.
    Miss you already!

    “i estimated your worth today
    and i’m not gonna listen to what you say
    and i’m never gonna go back to work
    you’re not my boss, you’re just a fucking jerk

    you’re pathetic, you’re disgusting
    you’re pathetic, you make me sick.”

    Great! Top-notch stuff there. Great lyrics too. Is this band made up of pissed-off twelve-year olds that don’t want to do there homework? These people cannot be adults.

  21. daithi1888 says:

    Hi Andy,

    Great blog, i just found it, funny as feck. It’s good to see somebody taking the pish out of these halfwits. Keep up the good work. I haven’t laughed so much in ages at some of the boneheads’ responses. It’s something that i always found odd, how can someone from the master race be so fecking dim, it’s an oxymoron. By the way the 1888 thing after my name is when my team Celtic FC were founded, not some daft Nazi play on numbers. Speaking of football (sorry Andy) soccer I’ve a wee question for Garioch. Is it the same Garioch from the ST Pauli web site in the UK? If it is your input and writings have been 1st class on this blog and the St Pauli site. Keep up the good work and for all you boneheads, FOLLOW YOUR LEADER.

  22. @ndy says:

    Cheers daithi1888.

    Love and solidarity,


  23. red machine says:

    ian stuart wormfood
    burn in hell fascist pig

  24. OLD FART says:

    It shows the stunning lack of historical education or knowledge of this country when Neo-Nazis call people “traitors” for attacking Nazis.
    The Nazis were our enemy for six bloody, death soaked years. 3/4 of a million British died fighting Nazis, yet when they are fought now they are “traitors”?
    The traitors are the ones who shame the memory of the British dead who fought against Fascism and tried to stop it happening here, not the Hitler waving defects.
    It’s the boneheads who are traitors, and they should be treated like traitors. Shot against the wall at Wormwood Scrubs and Wandsworth prisons.
    I still have the AFA “unscrew skrewdriver” flyer for Waterloo on my pin board, I can see it now, with its photo of Stuart trying to look hard while surrounded by more security within touching distance of him as he ‘heils’ on stage than there is band members, what bravery.
    CRASS were anti violence pacifists, and yet they never had such ‘defence’ when playing live, despite knowing they were a permanent target.
    HA! Skrewdriver were more cowardly than CRASS, ha ha ha.
    P.S. For a funny/satirical history of Ian Stuart and Skrewdriver, from his being a long haired Stones cover band member, to loyal Odin-son piss take go to
    P.P.S. Jewdriver are great, top 100% piss-takers.
    I ain’t even gay but liked their “I suck Jew cock” t-shirt, I thought it was inspired.
    Nazis-once and always enemies to all the people in the islands and the countries of the British isles.

  25. garioch says:

    “I’ve a wee question for Garioch. Is it the same Garioch from the ST Pauli web site in the UK?”

    I’m on a couple of Celtic sites but don’t think that I’ve posted on any StPauli sites. There are a couple of others about using the same name that I’ve seen though; it’s a geographical area so it’s been used a few times.

    Nice point about Crass by the way Old Fart, true enough and the same for a good few of the other bands who were regularly attacked by the boneheads.

  26. flea says:

    What a bunch of lies! hahahaha fuck off back to Russia, oh you can’t they rejected Communism as a failed ideology too

  27. arkham says:

    The part about Waterloo was an interesting read but very sensationalised and biased. Which of course is to be expected as it is written from an AFA point of view. If you believe books such as No Retreat, AFA/Red Action never lost a fight. Which is of course unrealistic rubbish. I know I was there on many occasions and yes it was on the right wing side. Not a skin though, I was casual.

    Can’t say the skinhead look ever appealed. I always found it odd that people who claimed be anti-gay dressed in a homoerotic manner and liked to get their shirts off, get sweaty and wrestle with each other. Very odd.

    Anyway back to my point. At Waterloo and other times it wasn’t as one sided as this describes. I am not saying we won them all, that would be a major porky, but there were certainly as many reds got badly done over as right wing over the years.

    The claim that Blood and Honour was finished off is laughable, they are still going, still getting decent crowds though nothing like back then. Anyway it is all kind of pointless — nothing will ever come of it. It is very much a toothless tiger now both on the streets and politically. Most of the right in the UK now are stuck in the past, back in the ’80s and early ’90s. They have failed to modernise their views and the way they work which can only lead to failure. They have also failed to broaden their support base. There is also in my opinion a fair number of people that go to these events that if Hitler had won would be boarding a train to destinations east not long after he saw them.

    Don’t get me wrong I am still what would be termed right wing by many people but my views have definitely changed a lot since then. The whole thing about fetishing Germanic Nazi symbols by groups in the UK I don’t get anymore. At one time yeah I was as guilty as everyone else but I was young then. Why groups that claim to be British nationalistic want to copy the symbols of a political organisation from a foreign country escapes me now. Swazis, sieg heil, deathsheads — what does that have do with the UK? It’s not as if the UK does not have enough nationalist and even Fascist (though not NS) symbols and history of its own.

    White supremacy is an outdated concept from the colonial era, it’s fairly obvious that no one race has a edge in intelligence and creativity. What differences do exist i guess are probably more down to social and educational factors.

    Immigration I think is bad but inevitable I guess.Talk of repatriation and totally ending it are unrealistic dreams. Controlling it is the only way forward I guess. Open door policies are madness, that would lead to anarchy, being an anarchist guess that would suit you. Immigration on large scales mainly benefits large corporations while disadvantaging the lower working or in UK just now not working classes. Immigration is also harmful, when groups within the immigrant community seek political and media power to try to change their adopted country to suit their agendas ie the more fundamentalist side of Islam. The adoption of sharia law for example, even just within the Muslim community, is harmful to every one in my opinion.

    The right is full lot sad dreamers these days but then I think the left wing side is as well.

    Oh and I never liked Skrewdriver or for that matter Skullhead or Brutal Attack. Like most casuals I ended up raving in the ’90s.

  28. @ndy says:

    The part about Waterloo was an interesting read but very sensationalised and biased. Which of course is to be expected as it is written from an AFA point of view. If you believe books such as No Retreat, AFA/Red Action never lost a fight. Which is of course unrealistic rubbish. I know I was there on many occasions and yes it was on the right wing side. Not a skin though, I was casual.

    Sensational and biased? Maybe. But ‘The Battle of Waterloo’ was rather sensational, on a number of levels. As for bias, clearly, the authors (that is, in this case, Dave Hann, not Steve Tilzey), take sides. As for never losing a fight — not true. The book also recounts defeats, both physical and political. What distinguishes it from other accounts of the period, I think, is its unapologetic nature: AFA was committed to confronting fascists both physically and politically, and the book — like AFA — makes no apologies for that, considering both as having been necessary to defeat the neo-Nazi/far right.

    Can’t say the skinhead look ever appealed. I always found it odd that people who claimed be anti-gay dressed in a homoerotic manner and liked to get their shirts off, get sweaty and wrestle with each other. Very odd.

    Sure — the skinhead look has limited appeal. As for teh gheys — there have been a number of (homo-)sexual ‘scandals’ within bonehead communities. Violent homophobia is often the product of repressed desire: it’s typically only when such attitudes are present that young men getting their shirts off, getting sweaty and wrestling with one another, is considered acceptable. In other contexts, such a degree of physical intimacy is considered grounds for a beating.

    Anyway back to my point. At Waterloo and other times it wasn’t as one sided as this describes. I am not saying we won them all, that would be a major porky, but there were certainly as many reds got badly done over as right wing over the years.

    Possibly. It’s very difficult to say. I’m sure that a number of ‘reds’ were beaten at Waterloo. But I think a distinction can be made between AFA and ‘reds’ as a whole. That is, AFA seemed to be reasonably effective in conducting violent assaults upon its opponents while minimising injuries to its own. I think this had a good deal to do with having good intelligence and good tactics. Further, the book examines the experiences of two men — it does not provide a full account of the activities of AFA (or the ‘squaddist’ element in ANL before it), but then it doesn’t claim to. It has flaws and limitations. Some of these are due to the authors’ own biases; some are due to the nature of the activity described, and the need to protect the guilty. Other, short accounts of the activities of AFA and anti-fascist activity during this period generally are available in a small number of other accounts:

    The claim that Blood and Honour was finished off is laughable, they are still going, still getting decent crowds though nothing like back then. Anyway it is all kind of pointless — nothing will ever come of it. It is very much a toothless tiger now both on the streets and politically. Most of the right in the UK now are stuck in the past, back in the ’80s and early ’90s. They have failed to modernise their views and the way they work which can only lead to failure. They have also failed to broaden their support base. There is also in my opinion a fair number of people that go to these events that if Hitler had won would be boarding a train to destinations east not long after he saw them.

    I think the claim is that B&H were finished off as a force in London — B&H became, and remains, a global phenomenon. The dreams of re-creating the Third Reich are just that: dreams. But that doesn’t mean that B&H and allied networks cannot continue to (and do in fact) play a role in the re-development of a broader fascist movement, or that its members and supporters do not often play the role of willing foot-soldiers (frequently saps) in street wars with anarchists and the left. They may play a less significant role in this regard in the UK, but elsewhere in the world — especially Eastern Europe — they are more significant and effective.

    As for the right in the UK generally: I disagree. For one thing, I think B&H do not and never represented the ‘right’ as such. Rather, they were, and remain, a neo-Nazi grouping, part of a broader fascist milieu. Many on the political right denounce neo-Nazism, as well as fascism. As for modernisation — what about the BNP? It has evolved from being a straightforwardly neo-Nazi grouping to one that is merely fascist — and even here its politics is deliberately disguised to be a form of (far) right-wing populism.

    As for Hitler: he was a ruthless politician, happy — even eager — to violently crush his opposition, including within the ranks of his own Party.

    Moar l8r…

  29. Coupe' says:

    Excuse me, what is with the great opposition against White Nationalism by White Anarchists? Nationalism has done more to protect the working rights and well-being of White people th[a]n all other movements combined. They put [the] needs of White people foremost in such things as: wealth fare, medical treatment, employment, etc. I do not know why the White Anarchist would oppose this?

  30. Coupe' says:

    What is so bad about the far-right re-emerging – when you must consider – Whites are increasingly becoming victims of Race-Hate; deprivations of civil rights that we should be entitled too [sic].

  31. arkham says:

    You make some good points there. I will have a read of those other articles. Oh i agree AFA were very good at organising, much better then than they are now. In a violent street confrontation context i mean. Sure in Europe, especially Eastern Europe they are still effective in that way. Though most times the main part of the fighting usually seems to end up against the ob rather than actual so called FASH. In the UK they are not very effective in that way anymore. Of course it can be argued that the time for street fighting is over for various reasons. CCTV, improved police tactics, intelligence gathering and attitudes of people both sides and general public have changed a lot since then.

    Course you are correct about blood and honour being a small part of the right in general. But as the article was about waterloo i thought it was relevant to discuss them. To say waterloo finished off BH in london area is wrong, sure it hurt them and made them more careful. But meetings and gigs still carried on and still do. C18 had many gigs in london after that and to this day still own their own venue in the east end. BH carried on in the london area, initially as said under C18 then independently. Fair enough most gigs were not in central london but outside the centre. In fact they had one in london a few weeks ago which went off unopposed.

    Yes it could be said that the BNP has modernised the way it works but i wonder at a senior level exactly how much its beliefs have changed. They still stick to things like repatriation of immigrants but just package it differently. I was really referring to the groups that could be called traditional right wing, not populist as BNP has become. The NF, the BPP, the British Movement (yes still limping along but pointless now) etc etc they have never changed, never will and as such are doomed to stay on the fringes forever with no real chance of doing anything political. I also wonder how much of the change in the BNP is down to Nick’s rampant ego and motivated by money rather than politics.

    Of course the right has always had a secret homosexual element: Nicky Crane (though that was more open than people admit), Martin Webster, Michael Kuhnen and even going back to Ernst Rohm. I just don’t understand the whole anti homosexual obsession of the right. Surely there is enough to be getting on with immigration and opposition to other political ideologies etc than who someone prefers to cuddle up with at night. Fair enough when i was young i would prob have been horrified by the whole gay thing but age and thought change your views i guess.

  32. garioch says:

    I assume the name Coupe comes from the room in his head for all of two brain cells?

    I’m not even touching the Flea comment with people going back to somewhere they haven’t come from? Poor confused wee boy.

  33. Don says:

    Skrewdriver more like Skrewedupdriving

  34. lest we forget says:

    g’day fellow australians. andy, i’m not overly familiar with current anarchist doctrine, so i leave myself open to ridicule, but isn’t the underlying theme one of shared responsibility and communalism, without the need for a centralised authority dictating forms of law and commerce? if so, isn’t this a form of tribalism which merely encourages xenophobia? also, just like communism, it seems to forget that humans will be humans, meaning, some will take advantage of others. others will refuse to cooperate, and others will want to exploit the inherent weaknesses in the system to advance themselves and their allies. what occurred in soviet russia is a perfect example of this. i know anarchism isn’t communism but the point remains the same. it is an unavoidable paradox, therefore, that to create a utopian society you must create a police state to ensure it’s survival. finally, as a nonconformist, andy, where would your place be in an anarchist society? mate, i’m not trying to be a smart-arse, i just would like to hear your views.

  35. @ndy says:

    lest we forget,

    Why raise these questions in a thread concerning Ian Stuart etc.? I’ll answer them — a little later, either here, or maybe as a separate post.

  36. lest we forget says:

    andy, thanks for the quick reply. i know it’s off track a bit, but talking about nazis hurts my head.

  37. @ndy says:

    My fellow Australians…
    February 11th, 2010 in Anarchism

  38. Fascist Troll says:

    The salient point of this case is that it proves, irrevocably, that “doing unto others as you would have them do unto you” is a weak excuse used by those who oppose the thought crime of raising a dissenting voice against the religion of egalitarianism and its dogma of White racial guilt…

    [Blah blah blah.]

  39. @ndy says:

    Dear Fascist Troll,

    You’ve cut and paste something from another blog, without attribution, and without relevance.

    You mob truly are too dumb to pound mud.

  40. DJ Kilo says:

    @ndy me being a Texan, i enjoy your little blog (Texans arent racist piles of shit… nor is the south… we take care of our own black or white [and Top Gear finds the one town fuck up in]) FUCK ALL OF YOU RACIST PIECES OF INBRED SHIT YOUR MOTHERS FUCK BLACK PEOPLE BECAUSE YOUR DAD CANT DELIVER THROUGH HIS TINY DICK… YOUR ALL FAILED ABORTIONS NOW GO GET SOME PUSSY THATS NOT YOUR MOMS OR SISTERS!!! IM WHITE AND HAVE SUSPENDED FROM 6 SCHOOLS FOR KICKING ASS OF PUSSY’S LIKE YOU… GO @ndy!!! I HATE RACISM.

  41. DJ Kilo says:

    fuck any skrewdriver fans too…the music is shit just like your lives…btw 6 skools, for boneheads, skinheads, nazi’s, neo-nazi’s and the rest of you cunts…you gotta use 2 hands to count that high. WE HAVE GAYS IN TEXAS THAT CAN KICK YOUR ASS’S!!! how pathetic is that, there was a kkk rally, i personally pissed on your flag and my black friend took a shit on it THEN wiped his ass with it…also the white women that live in Texas arent pure white unless they smoke meth and live in a trailer park

  42. DJ Kilo says:

    the usa has a black prisident and he has an islamic sounding name also JESUS WASNT white he was a JEW
    africa IS cradle of civalization…were all a little black…white isnt a race its a minority world wide…slaves are free and racists can go parade around in their bed sheets but if i get the chance i will kill you and i have already made friends with gangs so prison is a bad place to be if your racist and especially if im in the same cell…KILLING A RACIST MAKES YOU A HERO IN TEXAS PRISON

  43. DJ Kilo says:

    im glad Ian Stuart is dead, also proves that there IS a God

  44. lest we forget says:

    dear dj kilo,
    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha… stop it please… it’s hurting

  45. DWC says:

    What a suprise [sic] a bunch of antis coming up with a good little tale that the public unless they do their own research will simply swallow up the whole propaganda.
    Ian Stuart Donaldson was a White Hero and he will remain in our hearts and identity for all time.
    Hail Ian Stuart Donaldson! 14/88!

  46. garioch says:

    DWC you met him did you, you met fatty Ian while he was still waddling about?
    If you had I can be pretty sure of two things, he would still owe you money and you wouldn’t be calling the fat ill disciplined buffoon a hero. If that is as far up the scale you can go for your heroes then I can only be glad that you’ve set your standards so admirably low that one day (if you keep on eating) you’ll be able to be your own hero waddling about, borrowing money you never intend to pay back, working poorly at a minimum wage job and living in fear of almost everyone you ever went into business with.

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