volunteer around Australia and overseas and help protect the planet

Eco-shout is a catalyst to action for environmental and social justice.

Because we want to save forests not just hug trees, because we want to live in a community not a shopping spree, because we want the whole history - whose land are we walking on? - because we want to start here and now...

There are heaps of ways to change the world. Get informed, get some eco-ninja skills, find an active group in our directory, join in, volunteer, get a job that's good for people and the planet, get inspired. Check out all the grassroots events that are already happening around Australia:

Gasland Refugees: right or left it's all bad gas

By Peter Ralph

Monday 10 of August 2015

Author Peter Ralph who identifies as a political conservative would have laughed if you'd told him five years ago he'd end up writing an exposé on unconventional gas. Gasland Refugees is now hot off the press and Peter isn't at all amused by the damage being done in Queensland and New South Wales.

On the road with anti-nuclear activism – the Radioactive Exposure Tour

By Jemila Rushton

Monday 20 of April 2015

This June the Radioactive Exposure Tour will travel almost 5000 kilometres through three states exposing people to the reality of radioactive racism, the impacts of uranium mining, radioactive waste and nuclear expansion. Jemila Rushton reports on her first Rad Tour in 2014 and what's coming up this year.