Featured News

  • Still no plan to address climate change

    Still no plan to address climate change

    Earlier this year former Prime Minister Tony Abbott claimed that Australia “doesn’t get enough credit for the emissions reduction work that we have already done” (The Age, July 13). It’s unclear whether Abbott wanted credit for Australia being the highest emissions-per-capita country in the world, or for being the only […]

  • Britain: Corbyn elected Labour leader

    Britain: Corbyn elected Labour leader

    By Socialist Party (England & Wales) reporters This is a historic moment. Nothing will be the same again. For decades Westminster politics has meant nothing but right-wing, pro-big business politics. A handful of left Labour MPs like Jeremy Corbyn voted against austerity, war and the undermining of democracy but their […]

  • Refugee crisis: Defend the right to asylum

    Refugee crisis: Defend the right to asylum

    Millions upon millions displaced, forced to flee, living in appalling conditions, facing brutality from state forces and sectarian militias while putting their lives at risk as they seek safety; this is the reality of the wars that have followed years of foreign, imperialist intervention in the Middle East and defeats […]

  • Refugee detention centres are inhumane, but profitable

    Refugee detention centres are inhumane, but profitable

    The hypocrisy of our government The harrowing images of 3-year-old refugee Aylan Kurdi washed up on a Turkish beach have shaken the world. Alongside his father and brother, Aylan fled the northern Syrian city of Kobane attempting to find refuge in Europe. Aylan, his brother and his father are just […]

  • 7-Eleven half pay scam laid bare

    7-Eleven half pay scam laid bare

    In late August a joint Fairfax and Four Corners investigation shone a spotlight on one of Australia’s biggest corporate scandals. The convenience store giant 7-Eleven was exposed for being complicit in wage theft worth tens of millions of dollars. By Anthony Main The rort commonly known as the ‘half pay’ […]