The slow burning fuse
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Posted by Chuck0
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Liberty is essential for the full flowering of human intelligence, creativity, and dignity. To be dominated by another is to be denied the chance to think and act for oneself, which is the only way to grow and develop one's individuality. Domination also stifles innovation and personal... + continue reading

Monday, March 2, 2015
Posted by Anonymous
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During the Spring of 1998, I studied in Malta, a small, 246 sq. km limestone island south of Italy. Around 358,000 people live well compacted within the crowded streets of limestone buildings built on top of one another. Malta is a small place with what many Maltese people call a small mind.... + continue reading

Thursday, February 26, 2015
Posted by Chuck0
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One issue that remains unresolved within the anarchist movement revolves around the nature of anarchists themselves. If you've perused these pages, you by now know about social anarchism versus lifestyle anarchism as the most public schism among anarchists, with the latter deriding class... + continue reading

Thursday, February 19, 2015
Posted by Anonymous
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“Spring Rising” is four days of creative resistance; theater, teach-ins; rallies and marches marking the anniversary of the United States’ "shock and awe" attack on Iraq and its invasion and occupation in a completely illegitimate, immoral war. Together we will use this time to oppose the plans... + continue reading

Saturday, February 14, 2015
Posted by Chuck0
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Anarchists are part of the global conversation on what’s broken in the world, but when things really fall apart—like with the current Ebola outbreak—is the state the only answer? How might a stateless society respond to a challenge like this one? This article provides an anarchist response to... + continue reading

The slow burning fuse

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Featured Articles

Sunday, 15/02/15 - 0 comment(s)

As we go to press, the USA is making a serious effort to salvage the Oslo 'peace process', as a central part of their strategy to mobilise and impose a unity on the world bourgeoisie behind 'the war on terrorism'. This follows a year in which it allowed Israel and the Palestinians to sink into a one-sided, depressing and bloody conflict. The... + continue reading

Friday, 13/02/15 - 0 comment(s)

The real beginnings of the current rebellion can be found in 1492 and 1910, of course. Spain's conquest of what is now Latin America gave rise to the conditions under which most Native peoples in this hemisphere still struggle, and die. Emiliano Zapata offered a radical solution to those conditions: that Indigenous campesinos take back their... + continue reading

Friday, 13/02/15 - 0 comment(s)

Mollie Steimer died of a heart attack on July 23, 1980 at her home in Cuernavaca. Mexico. Mollie was 82 years old, and throughout her long life she was consumed with a passion to work for the good of the people. Born on November 21, 1897, in southwestern Russia, Mollie emigrated to the United States in 1913 with her family. She immediately went... + continue reading

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Saturday, 14/02/15 - 0 comment(s)
by Carwil Bjork-James with Chuck Munson November 29, 2015 Agency Anarchists are part of the global conversation on what’s broken in the world, but when things really fall apart—like... + continue reading

An Anarchist FAQ

The slow burning fuse
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Tuesday, 16/06/15 - 0 comment(s)

Liberty is essential for the full flowering of human intelligence, creativity, and dignity. To be dominated by another is to be denied the chance to think and act for oneself, which is the only... + continue reading

Infoshop Library

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Saturday, 15/08/15 - 0 comment(s)

Christian anarchists question the widespread belief that a socially contracted state provides the only guarantee of human freedom and security. For them, the state is a vicious system that... + continue reading


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Saturday, 01/08/15 - 0 comment(s)

The perspectives on this web-site may seem novel or eccentric to some readers. But they haven't emerged in a vacuum. The main theoretical influences on my politics are The Situationists, left-... + continue reading


Eric Trunk
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Tuesday, 06/01/15 - 0 comment(s)

Dear friends - our fundraiser on YouCaring was deleted; they don’t allow legal support fundraisers - so we created this one.

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Thursday, 19/02/15 - 0 comment(s)

“Spring Rising” is four days of creative resistance; theater, teach-ins; rallies and marches marking the anniversary of the United States’ "shock and awe" attack on Iraq and its invasion and... + continue reading